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gen attra CRTs WT ue fen erent sftrerh SeNTars ToG See) wear ofan | 1 ae one a afta serrees wert) 2aere oye afta /afta, afta (gh) ereavs rer) qraamay terqe fears 08 aA, 2020 fren: aitei9 S ae Ss Poa tq foes cored at man aries Ss way F) HeTEG / RRTET outer fawan sata @earat & A arated (Lockdown) @ War Te (Unlock-1) ey Pete pe sae we eee GB wo ore #2eT1—40-30/2020-DM-1 (A) PRATH 30 Fe 2020 8 see ey Pate oar FEMN-230USDMA-792-42020) FRATH 31 FE 2020 HT Mena ae ET TR qr ean af Peron ee fa ort w er ga ke - 4A) Containment Zone & Buffer Zone 1 Seafarer Rrenfterh & ger aera Board atfs-19 B AH F ame we meters ata a Prater fits orm * Te Tea wT aa Go gudee sven ow fig B yeu ada a rah) frenitent ga wen 8 fy Fer-s & yeu wear fraoreast oF ae | 2 jaf Sronfrerh @ gre uensravraen wT fan orien cen ga erat Aye saree, wet eT wren & fie Fea) w eyes wrath a are) (By Inter - State & Intra - State Movement of People 30 wae Some a sere ae owe aft B awa wea—aaa wy fete are gene erdfatit (Sop for Interstate & Intrastate Movement of Stranded Persons; SOP for Interstate Movement of Stranded Persons by Trains, SOP for Movement of Passengers by Trains and SOP for Passengers of Domestic Flights) @ Shae eur fre forget aft qaratine at gy erdart A ore) Scanned with CamScanner au 32 33 All inbound persans from other states, irrespective of the mode of travel shall cnamdatorily register themselves on the web portal (https | dsclserv ices in/uttarakhand-migrant-registration php) All inbound persons from other states. irrespective of the mode of travel, shall mandatorily download and update theArogya Setu mobile application All inbound persons from high load Covide19 infected eit lowed as Annexures!) irrespective of the mode of travel, shall underge a period of 7 days in institutional quarantine and subsequently 14 days in home quarantine However, such individuals shall have the option of choosing from a government institutional quarantine facility (nen-payment hasis) or ® paid quarantine facility (payment to be made by the quarantined individual) However only for exceptional and compelling reasons, such as cases of pregnancy, death in family, serious illness, senior citizen abowe 65 years of age and parent(s) accompanied by children below 10 years or any other personal distress as assessed by the Stale Nodal Officers District Nodal Officers in co-ordination with Health Authorities, home quarantine may be permitied for 14 days to all asymptomatic passengers, subject to compliance of all norms of social distancing and safety (as per MoHFW, MIIA and state govt. guidelines) All asymptomatic persons travelling to high load Covid-19 infected cities (for exceptional and compelling reasons such as cases of pregnancy, death in family, serious illness oF any other personal distress, as assessed by the Distnct Nodal Officers in co-ordination with Health Authority) shall on return, be home quarantined for 14 days and shall follow all norms of social distancing and safety (as per MelFW, MHA and state gevemiment’s guidelines) However, all such asymptomatic persons, travelling by flight and transitioning through high load Covid-19 infected cities (where the origin is not from a high load Covid-19 infected Cities, as per the Annexure-1) shall have to undergo a period of 14 days home quarantine All inbound asymptomatic persons authorized by government agency management of industrial, commercial, service sector establishment located in Uttarakhand for the purpose of business, technical expertise for industries or other similar purposes, irrespective of the mode of travel. shall ensure movement ditectly to the quarantine centres designated for them by the coneemed establishments. They shall, however, be allowed to move to their place of work. and it shall be the responsibility of the concemed establishment to ensure that all norms of safety and social: distancing. as per MoHFW and MHA guidelines, are strictly complied with. There shall be no restriction of the quarantine period of 14 days for all such asymptomatic persons and they shall be permitted to travel back to their place of origin, after completion of work, Scanned with CamScanner 34 35 36 a7 * All asymptomatic workers and employees shall be allowed to commute to their Workplace on a daily basis, both from within and outside the state on the basis of the authorisation letter’ certificate iasued by the management of the Industries establishment located in Uttarakhand and it shall be the responsibility of the concerned industries’ establishments to ensure that all norms of safety and social distancing. as per MollFW and MHA guidelines, are strictly complied with. There shall he no restriction of the quarantine period of 14 days for all such asymptomatic persons All inbound persons, not from such high laid Covid-19 infected cities, shall anily be home quarantined for |4 days If some individuals have already completed a perwd exceeding 7 days in cility and are asymptomatic. they shall be irrespective of the period im institutianal quarantine The Disirtet Nodal Officers shall subsequently ensure home quarantine of 14 days * In cases where results of the samples ef asymploiiatic persons in institutional quarantine are still awaited, they shall be discharged tre the quarantine facility an completion of 10 days. But close monitoring of their health condition for the subsequent period of 14 days during home quarantine shall be done through the teams identified by District Magistrates + Prior to the discharge of stich persons from quarantin shall subn a selGdcelaration form undertaking strict adherence te health protocols and state guidelines. Details of such discharged persons shall be shared with the sutellite control room on a daily basis. However, in case of inter-state and intra-state movement for official Purposes, Ministers of Government of India, Ministers of Government of Unarakhand, Chief Justice and the Judges of the High Court of Naimital, all Judges and judicial officers of district and subordinate judiciary of the state, MPs and MLAs of Utarakhand, all officers of Gol, State Government, PSUs, Central GovermmentSute Government organizations shall be exempted from being quarantined, However, such individuals shall ensure compliance of all norms of safety and social distancing, as per guidelines of MoHFW and MIA. Inter- district movements within the stute: No permit/permisssion shall be required for inter-district movement with in the state However, all such petsons shall mandatorily register themseves on the web portal, prior to their movement ‘Those residing in Dehradun: https: ‘ php Scanned with CamScanner Those residing in any of the other districts; hitps: /policecitizenportal uk gow ine pass All such persons, irrespective of the mode of travel, shall be exempted trom being quarantined 2K All non-essential activities and movement of people would be prohibited across the State between 7 PM to 7 AM. (C) Quarantine arrany ents for Armed Forces and CPME 4. The Army, Aur ¢, Navy and other Paramilitary forees shall make their own arrangements for institutional quarantining of their officers, personnel and family methbers inbound from high load COVID-19 infected cities districts for 7 days followed by home quarantine of 14 days Their quarantine facilities shall meet the standards of MoHFW The quarntine arrangements yo made shall be duly intimated to the State Government) District Nodal Officer on a regular basis (D) Protection of Vulnerable Persons 5 sea urea aa mafia a went aye saree ore aT Sareea rm 40-40/2020-DM-4 (Ay FRAT 30 ME, 2oz0 A fy eteT—7 @& separa arctan aft craft ery fy eae a arpeU sr Ay mage walter an ayer fa ont a are é) wera—1 a sepa anh wari ge efts—19 Beaman at Prater five oT ey amitaré) af cant | (E) Wee HR ae Ha HEAT 40-03 / 2020-1 M-I(A) fears a0 HY, go20 cen waren ye uftare we Hare, Te eran o@ ftm—-fri ween No. 28015 /19/ 2020-1MR (I*.) feafei a qa, 2020 8 ure fee Prey woo a ary oa A oem om GARETT Hotels B&H Homestay and hospitality services, Restaurants, Shopping Malls, Religious places’ places of worship #1 Grea were ray ae) weer urfteryy oa Tey area 281 / USDMA—792(2020) Para o7 apt, 2020 MY yee. wert wer | ot at ara audrey aerer orev ga Prete oh are are ape HaTSTO, Ie BBR a STEM AVI 40-30/2020-DM-1 (A) Fara 30 HE. 2020 are Prt ften—Prtet an argnf @ arqurert arearen orn faite we a ao ) ape afta / ear eoretenn xfer Scanned with CamScanner Annexure — 1 Top 31 Districts Based on Number of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Date: #" June, 2020 SNo State List Proposed for Uttarakhand 11 Maharashtra Marmbai — All destncts 2_(Delhi All Districts of Delhi | 3 Tamil Nada Chennai 4 Gujarat JAbrveebd 5S Mahareshtra Prhane | 6 Maharashtra Pune | 7 Madhya Pradesh Bodore | [8 West Bengal ‘Kolkata | (9 Rajasthan Jaipur | 10 Petangana Hyderabad (LE Gujarat |_12_Mahanaytira (1 Rajasthan | Mauthya Pradesh Bhopal | is {Tamil Nada Chengalpatiu ie Maryane ‘Gurugram 17 Mahaneshira (Nashik 18 Maharushira Raigad | 19 Maharashtra Palghat 20 West Bengal Howrah 21 [Uttar fPradest (Agra 22 Uttar Pradesty Gautam Buddha Nagar | | 2) Lita Prades Mectut 24 Uitar Pradesh 25. [Uttar Prades Kanpur Nagar | Untar Pradesh ‘Saharanpur 27 Uttar Pridesty (Musvatarnagor (28 Uttar Prades Mutadtoadt 29 Uitar Pradesty Rampur MY _Uttar Pradesty Barcilley Mi (Uttar Pradesh [Piibnit Scanned with CamScanner

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