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BSN III (Fundamentals of Nursing)

Name ____________________
Date _____________________

Direction: Choose the correct letter that corresponds to your answer. Strictly no

1. Which of the following situations may cause droplet transmission of microorganism.

A. Facing a client who is coughing and sneezing within a distance of 3 feet.

B. Eating contaminated shell fish
C. Puncture from intravenous needle removed from a client with hepatitis B
D. Exposure to flood water

2. Which of the following is most effective practice by nurses and family, when caring for
a client with low resistance to infection due to cancer.

A. Allow two visitors only at a time

B. Wash hands frequently
C. wear masks in the client’s room
D. Meticulous cleaning of the client room

3. The primary reason why the faucet is considered as contaminated is:

A. It is located in unsterile area
B. Many people are using it
C. It is frequently used
D. It is opened by dirty hands

4. The nurse enters the room of the client on an airborne precautions due to
tuberculosis. Which of the following are appropriate actions by the nurse?

1. She wears the mask, covering the nose and mouth

2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves, after suctioning the
client’s secretions.
3. She removes gloves and mask before leaving the client’s room
4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in a trash can found in the client’s
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 1,2,3 D. 1,2,3 and 4

5. A 14-year old male is to be admitted to the unit due to high fever related to
influenza, With whom among the following clients should be placed together in the

A. The 12- year old male client who had undergone appendectomy
B. The 12 - year old female with flu
C. The 12 - year old boy with flu
D. The 12-year old boy with leukemia

6. After caring for a client with extensive body burns, the nurse performs which of the
following actions when removing protective wear?

A. Remove mask, gown, gloves, cap and shoe cover

B. Remove gloves , mask, gown, cap and shoe cover
C. Remove gown, mask, glove, cap and shoe cover
D. Remove cap and shoe cover, mask, gloves, gown

7. When discarding used needle and syringes, which of the following is appropriate
nursing action.

A. Remove needle from the syringe and discard them in separate container.
B. Recap needle, then discard the needle still attached to the syringe into a
C. Discard the uncapped needle and syringe into a container
D. Break the needle, then discard syringe into a container.

8. When pouring sterile solution , the nurse performs which of the following actions

A. Hold bottle 6 inches above receptacle on the sterile field

B. Remove cap of bottle and place it with the underside lid down in a flat surface
C. Return excess solution from sterile receptacle to the bottle.
D. Place the bottle of sterile solution within the sterile field.
9. The client verbalizes that he is very anxious that the diagnostic tests he had
undergone might reveal he has cancer. Which of the following is most appropriate
nursing intervention

A. Tell the client not to worry unnecessarily, until the results are in
B. Ask the client to express feelings and concerns with regards to outcome of the
C. Reassure the client that everything will be alright
D. Advise the client to divert his attention by watching television or reading

10. The main functions of the skin include:

A. Support, nourishment, and sensation

B. Protection, sensory perception ,and temperature regulation
C. Fluid transport, sensory perception and aging regulation
D. Protection, motor response, and filtration

11. The outermost later of the skin is the:

A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Hypodermis
D. Papillary dermis.

12.Which of the following integumentary system structures is considered an epidermal


A. Blood vessel
B. Nerve
C. Strarum Basale
D. Hair

13.Sebum is a mixture of:

A. Cellulose debris, fat, and keratin

B. Collagen and elastin
C. Watery fluid and sodium
D. Protein, water and electrolytes

14.The type of joint that permits free movement is classified as:

A. Synarthrosis
B. Cartilaginous
C. Diarthrosis
D. Fibrous
15. The components of the central nervous system include:

A. The spinal cord and cranial nerves

B. The brain and spinal cord
C. Spinal cord
D. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves

16. Pituitary hormones are controlled by the:

A. Pancreas

C.Thyroid gland

D.Parathyroid glands

17.The component of blood that triggers defense and immune responses is the:

B. Platelet


18. Blood cells form and develop in the:

A. Platelet
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. Bone marro

19. How many lobes does the right lung have?

A. Six
B. Two
C. Three
D. One

20.Which component of the GI system completes food digestion?

A. Stomach
B. Gallbladder
C. Small intestine
D. Large intestine
21. Which hormone decreases the blood glucose level?

A. Epinephrine
B. Cortisol.
C. Insulin
D. -Glycogen

22. Which vitamin is involved in prothrombin synthesis and other blood –clotting

A. Vit. K
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin B12
D. Vitamin B6

23. Spermatogenesis is the :

A. Growth and development of sperm into primary spermatocytes

B. Division of spermatocytes
C. Passage of sperm into the epididymis
D. Entire process of sperm formation

25. Four hormones involved in the menstrual cycle are:

A. LH, Progesterone, estrogen, ,testosterone

B. Estrogen, ,FSH, ,LH, androgens -
C. Estrogen, ,progesterone, LH,FSh
D. Gonadotropin,, estrogen,, progesterone,, testosterone

26. Progressive enlargement of the cervical os during labor is called:

A. Dilation
B. Effacement
C. Lactation
D. All of the above

27. The initial breast milk that’s yellow in color is called:

a. Foremilk
b. Hindmilk
c. Colostrum
d. Prolactin
28. The purpose of the endocrine system is to:

A. Deliver nutrients to the body cells

B. Regulate and integrate the body’s metabolic activities
C. Eliminate waste products from the body
D. Control the body’s temperature and produce blood cells

29. The nurse questions a doctors order of Morphine sulfate 50 mg, IM for a client with
pancreatitis. Which role best fit that statement?

A. Change agent
B. Client advocate
C. Case manager
D. Collaborator

30. During a patient's first visit at the clinic, a complete client history is taken. The
nurse does this in order to assess for potential:

A ) risks to the fetus.

B ) size of the fetus.
C ) fetal development.
D ) fetal presentation.

31. They put girls clothes on male infants to drive evil forces away
A. Chinese
B. Egyptian
C. Indian
D. Babylonian

32. The following are characteristics of basic human needs except:

A. Priorities are uniform to all individuals
B. Needs may be met in different ways
C. Needs are interrelated
D Needs may be deferred.

33. Who among the following clients should be attended to first by the nurse?
A. The client with cough
B. The client with pain on the chest
C. The client with fever due to infection
D. The client who is for discharge

34. Health promotion activities are directed to achieve the following:

1. Increasing level of wellness
2. Improving quality of life
3.Relying on health care personnel to maintain health
4. Promoting healthful lifestyle.
A. 1,2,4 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,2,3 D. 1,3,4

Column A -. Levels of Prevention

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary

Matching type

Column B - Behavior

35. Teaching a client with hypertension on preparing

low-sodium, low-fat, low cholesterol diet

36. Performing monthly breast self – examination

Among women, 20 years old and above

37. Daily walking exercise among workers

38. Teaching a post-stroke client on checking the

temperature of water for bathing

39. Complying with recommended Immunizations on time

40. Having annual rectal examination for males, over

40 years of age

41. Taking Ferrous sulfate for anemia

42. Eating well-balanced diet

Matching Type

Column A Column B

43. Prevent spilling of fluids in the sterile A. Microorganism can be transmitted

Field through air current

44. Check integrity of sterile packages B. Moisture causes contamination

before use

45. Always face sterile field C. Objects that are out of vision
Maybe inadvertently contaminated

46. Discard opened unused sterile D. Packages that are torn, punctured
articles like gauze, or moist are considered unsterile
cotton balls, after the procedure

47. Do not sneeze, cough or talk excessively E. Once wrapper of sterile object
over the sterile field is removed, the object is considered
contaminated by air

48. When a terminally ill patient assumes artificial cheerfulness and refuses to belive
that loss is happening, what stage of grieving is he in?

a. Bargaining
b. Acceptance
c. Denial
d. Depression

49. It is the stiffening of the body that occurs about 2-4 hours after death.

A. livor mortis
B. Rigor Mortis
C. Algor Mortis

50. Which of the following is appropriate nursing intervention for a client who is grieving
over the death of her husband
A. Advise her not to cry because it would do no good for her
B. Encourage her to accept new love object to replace lost person
C. Provide opportunity to the person to tell their story
D. Discourage expression of difficult feelings such as anger and sadness
51.The purpose of assessment is to
a. Establish a database concerning the client.
b. Teach the client about his or her health.
c. Implement nursing care.
d. Delegate nursing responsibility.

52. Which of the following rights has been added to the traditional five rights of
medication administration:
a.Right documentation.
b.Right route.
c.Right medication.
d.Right time.

53. Assessment data must be descriptive, concise, and complete. An assessment

should not include
a.Inferences or interpretative statements that are unsupported with data.
b.A detailed physical examination.
c.The use of interpersonal and cognitive skills.
d.Subjective data from the client.

54. Data collection includes the gathering of subjective and objective data from or about
a client. Subjective data are
a.Observations made by the data collector.
b.Ancillary reports from other services.
c.Client’s perceptions about their health problems.
d.Obtained from the physician history and physical form.

55. One of the most important skills needed to obtain accurate information from your
client is (are)
a.Teaching and assessment.
b.Cognitive and teaching.
c. Good communication and critical thinking.
d. Psychomotor.

56. The first step in establishing the database is to collect subjective information by
interviewing the client. An interview is
a. An organized conversation with the client.
b. Implementation of physician orders.
c. Determining specific nursing actions.
e. Delegating personal responsible for care.
57.An interview with a client includes three phases, similar to those of a therapeutic
relationship. These phases include
a.Orientation, working and termination.
b.Orientation, assessment, and delegation.
c.Planning, evaluation, and assessment.
d.Trust, planning, and honesty.

58.A nursing diagnosis is

a.A clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual
and potential health problems or life processes.
b.The identification of a disease condition based on a specific evaluation of
physical signs, symptoms, the client’s medical history, and the results of
diagnostic tests and procedures.
c.The diagnosis and treatment of human response to health and illness.
d.The advancement of the development, testing, and refinement of a common
nursing language.

59. A standing order is a:

a.protocol followed during care of client with select clinical conditions
b.physician order documented on each client’s chart
c.preprinted document directing the conduct of client care in certain settings
d.document written and signed by an advanced practice nurse

60. The nurse is having difficulty reading a physician’s order for a medication. The
nurse knows the physicians is very busy and does not like to be called. The nurse
a.Call a pharmacist to interpret the order.
b. Call the physician to have the order clarified.
c. Consult the unit manager to help interpret the order.
d. Ask the unit secretary to interpret the physician’s handwriting.

61.The evaluation process, which determines the effectiveness of nursing care,

includes five elements; these are:
a.Implementing, evaluating, documenting, revising and continuing
b.Planning, diagnosing, interpreting, evaluating and revising
c.Identifying, collecting, interpreting, documenting, and terminating, continuing
or revising the care plan.
d.Assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating.

62. Expected outcomes are the expected measurable results of the:

a.Physician’s orders
b.Goal-oriented nursing process
c.Nurse-initiated goals
d.Need for additional health care personnel
63.The vital functions necessary for survival, which includes heart rate, blood
pressure, and respiration, are controlled by the:
a.Medulla oblongata.
b. spine
c.Pituitary gland.
64. The first technique the nurse employs when conducting a client’s physical
examination is:

65. To correctly palpate the client’s skin for temperature, the nurse will use the:
a.Base of the hands.
b.Fingertips of the hands.
c.Dorsal surface of the hands.
d.Palmar surface of the hands

66. When inspecting the adult client’s thorax, the nurse observes for:
a.Presence of fremitus.
b.Presence of breath sounds.
c.Movement of the diaphragm.
d.Symmetry of chest excursion.

67. If the infectious disease can be transmitted directly from one person to another, it is
a.communicable disease. c. portal of exit from the reservoir.
b.portal of entry to a host. d. susceptible host.

68. The most effective way to break the chain of infection is by:
a.Wearing gloves.
b.Hand hygiene.
c.Placing clients in isolation.
d.Providing private rooms for clients.

69. After coming in contact with infected clients, and after handling contaminated
equipment or organic material, visitors are encouraged to:
a.Perform hand hygiene before eating or handling food.
b.Leave the facility to prevent contamination of others.
c.Wear gloves before eating or handling food.
d.Use a private room to talk with family members.
70. A gown should be worn when:
a.The client’s hygiene is poor.
b. The client has AIDS or hepatitis.
c. The nurse is assisting with medication administration.
d.Blood or body fluids may get on the nurse’s clothing from a task the nurse plans to


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