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ENG 105 Research Paper

Importance of having healthy and disciplined lifestyle

amongst NSU students

Tahania Afrin Chowdhury


Shafayet Nazam Rasul (Snm)

North South University



Introduction and Background………………………………………………………….4

Research Questions……………………………………………………………….......7


Research Methodology…………………………………………………………..……13 

Data Presentation and Analysis………………………………………………………15

Summary of Research Findings………………………………………………………16


Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………..18

A good lifestyle means an overall disciplined life that helps people physically and

mentally both ways. A good lifestyle does not mean only eating, exercising, or sleeping instead

of doing everything in a perfect manner and limit. My research will help us to know how

students think of the importance of having a healthy life. Most of the students think it is

important but they don't follow any disciplined lifestyle. My hypothesis is somewhat correct that

only eating, sleeping or exercising is not a solution to have a healthy or disciplined lifestyle. On

the other side, only working out and going to the gym with bad habits is also not a solution to

have a healthy life. These shortcuts are not for long-term results. For my research, I expect to

find how many students follow any routine, how they maintain their daily lives, how they would

overcome any health issue, etc.  

Introduction and Background

A healthy and disciplined lifestyle not only improves our immunity system and keeps us

physically strong but also helps us to improve our mental health as well. A healthy and

disciplined lifestyle is not a choice but it is necessary for people of all ages, gender. Keeping

your life healthy and disciplined does not impact you negatively but it surely does impact you

positively even in a little amount. For having a healthy life, people do not need to eat expensive

foods, sleeping or resting all day or working out daily. People often misunderstood that, healthy

and disciplined lifestyle is expensive and hard work. They should lead a healthy lifestyle

according to their age, gender, and individual ability. They just need to know what is best for

them, what things their body needs, what routine is required for them according to their

preference, age, gender etc. They do not need to follow any strict routine to have a healthy life.

According to Waehner (2021), the trick to having a healthy life is just making some small

changes like taking more steps each day, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of

water, or saying no to that second helping of buttery mashed potatoes. 

A healthy and disciplined lifestyle means doing everything in a perfect manner and

within reasonable limits. A healthy and disciplined lifestyle helps people do everything in

moderate amounts and not in excess. Like eating 30days healthy in a month or sleeping 15hours

in a day or exercising 7day in a week is not necessary. A healthy lifestyle is possible when a

person has a disciplined routine. People who are self-disciplined and keep their routine in

balance can give better effort to their health, work or career. Self-discipline helps people to

monitor and control their own behaviors, anger, not cop-out by blaming others or expecting from

destiny (Dr Sabharwal, 2020).  

If only eating, sleeping or exercising is the solution to having a healthy and disciplined

life, the world would be so much easier. But following a healthy lifestyle is not that much harder

as well. People can start following a healthy and disciplined life by taking some small steps like

quitting bad habits and practicing good habits. Every part of our body, including our immunity

system, functions better when it is protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by

healthy living strategies (Harvard medical school, 2021). 

Communication and interacting with people or with close ones is another important thing

in a disciplined lifestyle. It boosts their mental health and it is necessary to communicate with

others. Spending time with family, socializing, hangouts with friends, talking to them etc. helps a

person to improve their mental health. According to numerous scientific researches, socializing

with people helps to stave off loneliness, boosts confidence and self-esteem and improves the

quality of life. That is why these things should be in a regular disciplined routine. According to

Dr Parikh (2018), In the midst of the youth's hectic schedules and priorities, a regular routine is

usually neglected and this ends up having adverse impacts on both their physical and mental

health in the long-term, influencing their personal, social, academic as well as occupational

Research Questions

Being a self-caring and health-conscious person, I am curious about how people think of the

importance of a healthy and disciplined lifestyle and routines, how much they are concerned

about their health and life, what things they would do to have a disciplined life, how they think


I am curious to know what should look like an ideal lifestyle according to the students of

NSU. Do they think an ideal disciplined routine varies according to people's age, gender?  These

answers were found throughout a survey where some students of NSU support or agree with my

statement and some of them did not agree.

I also surveyed whether they have any bad habits or not. If the response is yes then what kind of

bad habits do they have? Do they want to quit those bad habits or not? How do they think about

the fact that for a healthy lifestyle, bad habits should be evacuated? Do they support this

statement or not?

How often do they eat healthily and exercise, how do they think about the fact that

excessively exercising, eating or sleeping would be bad for health, what factors should be

considered for having a healthy life other than just eating, sleeping and exercising?

I also wanted to know how they think about the fact that a healthy life can impact

people's mental health as well, how a healthy life can be beneficial for a peaceful life etc. will

also be answered in my research paper. In the survey, most people agree with the fact that a

routine for disciplined life can vary according to people's age.  They also support the fact that
doing anything excessively (eating, sleeping, exercising, working, playing) can bring a negative

impact on health.

My research has also shown the approximate percentage of students who are concerned

about their health. Some students think only going to the gym and losing weight is a solution to

have a healthy lifestyle- why do they think this way? Not eating can be an ideal diet- is this

statement valuable? All these responses will be shown by graphs and charts in my research



I believe that NSU students are still somewhat aware of the importance of having a

healthy lifestyle but they are not maintaining any specific routine on a regular basis as it is very

difficult for them to maintain a perfectly disciplined lifestyle. I also think most NSU students are

very much concerned about their weight, skin and body as most students prefer going to the gym

only, as a result, they think they don't need any specific routine to have a healthy lifestyle. 

Students are more irregular in daily life, they don't have any specific sleeping schedule, waking

at night is a very common thing amongst students, as a result, their whole routine is affected like

they cannot eat breakfast, lunch on time. This could be a reason for their mental health damage

and they could suffer from depression, anxiety, fear etc. In the case of having bad habits like

smoking cigarettes, sleeping late at night etc. male students are more than females. This could be

a reason that male students are suffering from depression more than females’ students.
Research Methodology

A survey questionnaire containing an assortment of questions related to the research

paper topic. For my primary research, I conducted an online survey on google forms where

students from NSU, different genders and different age groups answer the questions. The sample

size consists of 30 students. In the survey, 55 were female and 45% were male and they are all

students from the department of health and science of NSU. Their age is from 23-30years mostly

and everyone gave their opinion from their perspective but most of their thoughts were similar. 

For my secondary research, I used online sources of different articles and journals to find out the

importance of a healthy and disciplined lifestyle and what a standard lifestyle should look like

and what things doctors suggest to have a healthy lifestyle.

Data Presentation and Analysis

I conducted a survey with multiple questionnaires and options among an equal number of

male and female correspondents, I found out that people are aware of having a healthy and

disciplined life but they are not following any proper routine or rules for having a healthy life.

The percentage of males and females was 55% and 45% respectively. They are mostly 3rd (35%)

and 4th year (30%) students of the health and science department of NSU. They are mostly 23 to

30 years old. 

Figure 1: Chart showing to the respondents answer to “how often they eat healthily”

The pie chart has shown that 48.48% of students said they eat healthy every day, 43.17%

said they rarely eat healthy foods and 4.45% and 3.90% said they eat healthy foods once a week

and month respectively. As we can see, a large portion of students said they eat healthy every

day and a second large portion said they rarely eat healthily. People who are conscious about

their health or going to the gym are surely in a routine and they need to eat healthy every day.
The 48.48% of students are surely following a diet chart maintained by a physiologist or gym

instructor. 43.17% do not bother to have a healthy and disciplined life as they believe it is too

much and requires lots of effort. But the other ones who eat healthy foods once a week or month,

it does not even have an impact on their health. So basically, it doesn't really matter if they eat

healthily or not in a week or a month. 

Figure 2: Chart showing to the respondents answer to “what lifestyle they would choose”

The bar chart above shows the percentage of responses to the question, what kind of

lifestyle they would choose for themselves. 53.4% of students chose 'you only live once’, 38.9%

said they would focus on their body, weight, and height. Only 4% said they would prefer to eat

healthily and 3.7% chose an ideal lifestyle where there's no fast food, coke etc. The large number

of students who chose 'you only live once' prefer enjoying their life by eating fast foods and

sleeping all day rather than maintaining any diet chart and die. Only 3.7%, which is the smallest

number of students, chose an ideal lifestyle where they prefer to follow a healthy and disciplined
routine. On the other hand, 38.9% who choose to focus on their body, weight, height only,

probably are the ones who prefer to go to the gym but have unhealthy habits.

Figure 3: Chart showing to the respondents to support the following statement or not.

The pie chart above shows that the percentage for the statement of 'excessively exercising

could bring a bad outcome instead of doing good for health'. The majority of students, 48%

strongly agreed, 36% were just agreed, 10% were neutral and almost 6% disagreed with this

statement. There was an open-ended question related to this which was according to their

response, why do they think this? 48% and 36% of students who support this statement strongly

or just agree think that the human body is like a machine, everything is in a balance in the human

body. Excessively working out could bring imbalance to their body like blood cells, heartbeat

etc. On the other hand, students who disagree with that statement think it's okay if a person is

working out excessively as long as he or she takes the protein as needed.

Figure 4: Chart showing to the respondents to support the following statement or not.

The bar chart above shows the percentage for the statement ‘a healthy and disciplined

lifestyle can reduce depression, anxiety and fear.’ The majority of the respondents, consisting of

33.2%, stood in the neutral position. 30% of the respondents chose ‘Agree’ and 29% chose

‘Strongly Agree’. They agree with this statement because they believe that an unhealthy

lifestyle can have an adverse effect on mental wellbeing and this has been backed by multiple

scientific types of research. A small fraction of the respondents, 4.6% and 3.1% chose ‘Disagree’

and ‘Strongly Disagree’ as they believe that depression, anxiety and fears can be caused by

other factors such as trauma, toxic living environments and mental health issues caused due to

the side effects of medications for other health-related issues. This is why they fail to see a

correlation between a healthy and disciplined lifestyle and mental wellbeing.

Figure 5: Chart showing to the respondents to support the following statement or not.

The pie chart above shows the percentage for the statement ‘there are more things to

consider than eating healthy, sleeping and working out to have a disciplined and healthy

lifestyle.’ The majority of the respondents, 37.90%, opted for ‘Strongly Agree’. 35% of the

respondents chose the ‘Neutral’ option and this option has a similar share of the votes as the

‘Strongly Agree’ option. 22% choose ‘Agree’. A tiny fraction of the respondents chose the

options ‘Disagree’ and ‘Strongly Disagree’ which had votes of 3.50% and 1% respectively.

There was an open-ended question which was related to this statement that what things do they

think should be considered to have a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. The majority claimed that

spending time with family, hangouts with friends, taking breaks from everything including a

healthy routine once a month could be considered to have a healthy life cycle. 
Summary of Research Findings

As per my research, I came to know that students are somewhat aware of having a

healthy and disciplined lifestyle but they don't follow any specific routine. In my research, the

male correspondence was more than the female ones. Males are more interested in working out

or going to the gym where females are more interested in having a healthy lifestyle naturally. On

the other hand, in the case of bad habits, the male percentage was higher than the female ones. 

From my survey, I can say that my first hypothesis is true in some sense like students are

surely concerned about having a healthy and disciplined lifestyle but they are not following any

routine on a regular basis as it's very difficult for them to maintain a perfectly disciplined routine.

From my survey, I find some responses of students who claim that they want to be in a

disciplined routine but it's quite impossible for them to maintain a routine after having an

exhausting day. 

My second hypothesis is also true that some of the students are more aware of their body,

weight, height and looks and they think maintaining body weight, height is enough for having a

healthy lifestyle. Maybe they just want to show off their outside look. From my survey, I find

students who are interested in working out and going to the gym but do not want to quit bad


A healthy and disciplined life means a disciplined lifestyle with an ideal routine of what

things people need to do in a day which helps them to improve physically and mentally. This is

the only way people can follow to keep their body and mind cheerful instead of eating

unhealthily and having bad habits and later on suffering from different diseases physically and

mentally. People with disciplined lifestyles surely live better lives than the ones who are not that

concerned about their health and do not follow any healthy routine. To have a healthy life, a

person should not be so disciplined rather just do simple things like eating from time to time in a

minimal amount, keeping the body weight in a limit, sleeping 6-8hours, exercising 30minutes

regularly, working, interacting with people, giving yourself time etc. by taking care of your

health with healthy and nourishing foods, regular exercise, enough sleep will not reduce people’s

diseases but it will surely do some impacts on their lives.

As for the suggestions and recommendations, I wished the research could have been done

in a more thorough manner. The number of sample sizes and respondents were not that much and

the demographic was severely limited. I feel like it would be interesting to see how people in

other age groups perceive having a healthy and disciplined lifestyle.

Work Cited

Waehner, P. (2021, June 27). How to live a healthier life. Very well fit. Retrieved from

Dr Sabharwal, S. (2020, August 28). Matters of the Mind: Self-discipline is a necessary tool to

overcome crisis. The Indian Express. Retrieved from


How to boost your immunity system(2021, February 15). Healthy ways to strengthen your

immune system. Harvard medical publishing. Retrieved from

Dr Parikh, S. (2018, August 18). A disciplined, healthy lifestyle is beneficial in maintaining

mental health. Business Standard. Retrieved from


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