AICTE Rules On Activity Points

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CHAPTER - 6 AICTE ACTIVITY POINT PROGRAMME ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR EARNING 4 YEARS DEGREE PROGRAMME ‘Apt om ehncalknaledge an sls 1 be sutcestl as prtesserl, ude shoul have excel sot ‘ss, leadership quale ad team spt. They tou have entrepreneurial apaliies an societal cmmiert. a ‘oreo match hese mtfarosrequremers, AICTE ha created aunque mechanism of awarding mini 00 Petty Pits ver and above the srademie grees, Every regular student, oi adit tothe 4 years Depo programme i requ to ear 100 Aci Pit in addon oe raged cade grades, fr geting # Years degree pram, Students eteng 4 years Doras rogranme vough lal erty re required to earn 75 Act Po, nadlon to the acasami grades, fr (eng 4 years’ dere gram. Silay, Dama students ae required to eam 75 Activity Points during 3 years of er epoma pogranee [NCTE recommends 308-400 hours Act Programme for each dees sud for Community service and aiee cies, Slr, 200-250 hous shoul be deve by Doma suet or Community sevice and alled actos 48a adionalroqiament or noncredtprogranme Here, 4045 hours are ecuvalent o| week ‘These ates wil be coordinated by NSSINCO(Spars SAGY Coornaar of TPO cf he Inst, The student wit be provide a cerfical rom the conered coor and nstttonal Head Every student require prepara fle containg documentary prot of aces, done by hin ha This le Wi be dl vii by he concerned eauator as ited Tate, The suort shoul ear test 100 acy Beit blr she apes for his/her Fal xamatons, Te ponts sides have eared wi be refed on {hestufen’stanscipt However ee wi be nether grades] mars for hese pons nx wil hee be ay fet on SPYCPICGPA ee A propose under the AICTE Rural nensip Progam a student completes ay log etm goa! dung his care programe, wil be courted as nership Acbiy and cred requirement fr the intrashipi ud Hower ony sor frm itrvenons under te programme ae atompig it wil be courted towards AICTE Actuty Pot Progra requis. Folawingsuppesie actwties 2s Long Tem Goals maybe cared ot by stunts nam 1. Prepare an ira plan to rete cl ob opportunities. Prepare an implemen plan tomproveeduston quit in igs, Pepa an actionable DPR for Doubling the age Ico Developing Susinble Water Management system Prepare and grove apan to improve halt paramters of wages Dovlping ant mlementing of Low Cost Satan faites. Prepare and irglement plano promote Lact Tourism trough nova Approaches, InplomentDeveog Tecnology solutions which wlimprovequaltyo i. Prepare and element souton or energy conservation, —————————————————— oe TE AICTE INTERNSHIP POLICY: GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES 10, Prepare and iment plano Sk viage you and prove moyen. "1.Deslop laze techiques fr Reduction in constucton Gos 12,Prepare and impbmant lan of sustainabe rot of age '8.Seing of formation imparting ci fo worn ang to cetrbton in soil and economic sss 14. Developing and managing Etc garbage disposal system, 15.Corrtuon to avy natal lel nav of Goverment ond. Fore. nd Sil na Swath ‘Bharat temstipete Te student may chose any activites 2 perth kg in oder to ear th ACT Actty pits. These acttes ca be sre ver eye, pa conveienceof ie stuce. The Minn ois requed 8s per enya ot any sunt represen abe 3 ‘Tale 3. Tho acu Point equramen for Deore! Diploma/ Ll a saris ca cre ei Son) Boy de Tle 4: AICTE Atty Font Programme (Atty Summary Sheet) |e mle =| Sle | fea _| 215 Sate = || | akc fee a ‘oan | sooo | ess = ‘Be ies |‘ | ime || aid oe | are ieee | ee ‘oo is] eee = aoe ips | eaten SS [| SF | veers, ra| ye | see | ‘ro | | eect |

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