Why Are You Applying For Financial Aid? (150 Words Minimum Required)

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Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

(150 words minimum required)

I'm a student from a small town in Bangladesh, my father and mother previously worked as factory
workers, where they recently lost their jobs amidst the downsizing of their factory. Before the
pandemic, I used to attend a government school, which I couldn't afford to continue after the
unemployment of my parents. Sometimes, my parents couldn't feed us due to the ongoing financial
crisis. That's why, I decided to do a part-time job aside from my studies, for which I found Digital
Marketing to be best. Browsing the internet, I learned about Digital Marketing, from childhood I used to
be creative and came up with different ideas, Digital Marketing seemed a very much Lucrative and
Creative field to me, where I could grow my career and have a positive impact on society. Recently I
came to know about Illinois University's Digital Marketing Specialization Course, which seemed pretty
much interesting to me, I wanted to enroll in the course, but unfortunately, I don't have sufficient
money to do so. That's why I'm applying for Financial Aid for my enrollment in the course.

How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words
minimum required)

If I could enroll and finish the course, I would be able to grow my career as a Digital Marketing
Professional, which could be a life-changing thing to me, I would be able to thus support my family and
continue my further education. My aim in life is to become an Entrepreneur, if I am given sufficient
opportunities, I could later grow not only as an individual but also as an Agency. Bangladesh is an
emerging Asian economy, but sadly the unemployment rate of my country is steadily rising due to the
pandemic, if I could enroll in the course, I wouldn't only be able to arrange my own employment, but
also grow as a Digital Agency owner and offer jobs to other people, who need it. In that way, I could
probably make a positive impact on society and further grow as a Digital Marketing Entrepreneur. My
career goal is to grow as a Digital Marketing Manager then being an Entrepreneur for the development
of the masses of my society.

If you answered no, please help us understand why.

Due to the pandemic, my parents have lost their job and our family has no other additional income
sources. Sometimes, my parents couldn't even feed us, they can't even pay their house rent. It has
actually become impossible for us to live a stable life. In this situation, they couldn't bear the cost nor
the low-interest loan for the course.

As the causes mentioned above, I couldn't even pay a low-interest loan, I would be very grateful if the
Coursera team could grant me full financial aid, as it would make the difference in my life.

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