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Article writing - लेख Pamphlet/brochure- प्रचार प त्रिका/ ववर णका

Speech writing- भाषण Guide lines- नदर्दे श प त्रिका

Interview- साक्षात्कार Report writing- रपोटर्ट लेखन

Letter writing -Formal and informal-पत्रि लेखन Proposal- प्रस्ताव लेखन

Diary writing- डायरी लेखन Opinion Column/ Editorial- वचार स्तंभ

Email writing- ईमेल लेखन Web Page- वेब पेज

Blog - चट्ठा Online Platform- ऑनलाइन मंच

Article writing- लेख लेखन

1. Title ( But it should be relevant to the topic, otherwise marks will be cut )
2. Writer‘s name ( below side )
3. Can write your own perspective.

Avoid - Date

Note- Article can be written in paragraphs or some points can also written in an
article if required strongly.
Difference between an article and an essay

What is an Article लेख What is an Essay- नबंध

An article is a piece of writing that is included with others An essay is a piece of writing that describes, analyzes
in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. and evaluates a certain topic or an issue.

the main aim of an article is to inform the readers about a An essay can be divided into various types such as narrative,
certain topic. Another common feature of articles is that they descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, expository, etc
usually follow a heading and sub-headings format;
Essays traditionally are subjective pieces of formal writing that
Articles can be entertaining, offers an analysis of a specific topic. In other words, an essay
writer studies, researches, and forms a factually-based opinion
on the topic in order to inform others about their ideas.
riting an article doesn't always require that an opinion to be
formed and expressed, and there's no requirement that an
analysis be offered about the information being presented.
Article Essay
An article is a piece of writing that can be found in magazines, An essay is a piece of writing that describes, analyzes and
encyclopedias, websites, newspapers or other publications; the evaluates a certain topic or an issue . It is a brief, concise form
content and the structure of an article may depend on the source ; the of writing that contains an introduction, a body that is comprised
main aim of an article is to inform the readers about a certain topic. of few support paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Speech writing- भाषण

1. Title
2. Address to the audience according to the question’s
requirement, own introduction
3. Interaction with audience in between the speech
4. Vote of Thank
5. ( If in between the speech, student doesn’t address the audience
then the format of speech is incomplete and marks can be cut.)
Interview- साक्षात्कार लेखन
1. Welcome, Brief introduction of the guest and purpose,
2. Questions and answers (5-6) ( starting questions can be
asked to have basic information to know more about the person
and other questions should be asked to fulfill your aim, questions
should be short in length, so the purpose of interview will be

3. For their future planning (if required)

Letter writing- Formal औपचा रक पत्रि लेखन
1. Sender’s and receiver’s address ( can be above or below-according
the requirement)
2. Date
3. Receiver’s name/designation and address
4. Subject
5. Three paragraphs-
● Brief introduction of your purpose in one or two lines
● Your message in formal language and in detail
● Conclusion and Thank you
Letter - Informal- अनौपचा रक पत्रि
1. Sender’s and reciever’s address ( can be above or below-according the
2. Date
3. Receiver’s name/relation
4. Greetings
5. Three paragraphs-
● Informal greetings
● Your message
● Conclusion and greetings

6. Your relation and name .

Diary writing- डायरी लेखन

1.Date 2. Time 3. Place 4. Dear Diary

5. End of the diary should be realistic

Note- writing should be emotional not as article writing. While

describing incidents focus on your feelings which should be written
rather than description of incident, make connection to the diary as
you are talking to a very close friend.

E -mail writing- इ- मेल लेखन

1. Email address of the receiver

2. Subject - It plays an important role so it should be brief and clear
3. Address the person according the relation or designation
4. Formal or informal writing
5. End- what do you expect from the reader ?
6. Your name Note - Don’t write too long passages in email. You can use points.
Icons will be made on paper ( send, attach file. Image )

Debate-वाद- ववाद प्र तयो गता

1. Title
2. Address to the audience according to the question’s
3. Your introduction and aim
4. Clarify your side to support
5. Write points only to support your side with examples
6. Related vocabulary, proper sentence structure,
Blog writing- चट्ठा/ब्लॉग लेखन

1.Home>>bloggar’s name>>topic>>date

घर>>एक रचनाकार>>( एक वद्याथर्थी,एक डॉक्टर , एक आहार वशेषज्ञ ) >>जंक फ़ूड और हमारा

स्वास्थ्य>>२५ माचर्ट २०१९

2. Topic in the centre

3. Body

4. End with taking views

5.Boxes will be made to take reactions

Brochure, Pamphlet -प्रचार प त्रिका

1. Introduction in brief - start with attractive heading to grab attention

2. Subheadings according to your requirements of your product details

( brochure can be made for any new product, new restaurant, new school, new
building etc. )

There should be all details to attract your customer

Guide lines - नदर्दे श प त्रिका /
Set of instructions-सूचना

1. Brief introduction 1. Clear and short title

2. Things to carry 2. Language according the reader
3. Thing to take care 3. Write instructions in order/sequence
4. All the points can be written which you 4. Simple and short sentences
think are important to inform 5. One information in one sentence
5. Contact no.( if needed) 6. Can specify with examples also.
6. End according the topic and sub topics
7. Simple language and short sentences Patwar pg. No. 19, 20
8. Present tense
9. End according the topic

Patwar pg. No. 16, 17

Aim-for taking the acceptance or permission from any
person to fulfill your task
१.write the name and designation of the person of the receiver

2. Sender’s name and designation

3. Topic in brief

4. Aim and objective in detail

5. Also can give the suggestions for your proposal

6. Brief about positive changes from your proposal in the end.( If required, cost can
also be mentioned)
Brochure- ववर णका
Aim- To give information in detail about any place,
product, programme or incident

1. Aim should be clear in the title

2. Information in detail about the objective
3. Divide this part in 3-4 paragraphs or sub titles
4. Then in second part -write the qualities of the product or detail information
about the place
5. Inform about place and contact no. time , email id
Opinion column- वचार स्तंभ
Keep word count in mind.
An opinion piece is an article, usually published Close strong. Make sure your final sentences
in a newspaper or magazine, that mainly reflects include specific actions the reader can take after
the author's opinion about a subject. Opinion finishing your article.
pieces are featured in many periodicals. example -
Check your facts. You should submit a short bio
about yourself that links you to the topic you are
writing about and builds your credibility.
It is important to acknowledge those that
argue against your opinion
Provide a solution to the problem.
Report writing- रपोटर्ट लेखन

1. Heading
2. Always written in past tense
3. Based on facts
4. Descriptive writing with facts according the sequence
5. Simple language
6. Divide in parts
7. In report writing keep questions in mind and write answers ( what, when,
why,where , how )
8. It should be in formal language

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