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3D porosity prediction from seismic inversion

and neural networks

Article in Computers & Geosciences · August 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2010.08.001 · Source: DBLP


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2 authors:

Emilson Pereira Leite Alexandre campane Vidal

University of Campinas University of Campinas


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Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180

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3D porosity prediction from seismic inversion and neural networks

Emilson Pereira Leite n, Alexandre Campane Vidal
~ Pandiá Calógeras, 51 CEP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Department of Geology and Natural Resources, Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas, Joao

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, we address the problem of transforming seismic reflection data into an intrinsic rock
Received 10 March 2010 property model. Specifically, we present an application of a methodology that allows interpreters to
Received in revised form obtain effective porosity 3D maps from post-stack 3D seismic amplitude data, using measured density
19 August 2010
and sonic well log data as constraints. In this methodology, a 3D acoustic impedance model is calculated
Accepted 31 August 2010
Available online 20 November 2010
from seismic reflection amplitudes by applying an L1-norm sparse-spike inversion algorithm in the time
domain, followed by a recursive inversion performed in the frequency domain. A 3D low-frequency
Keywords: impedance model is estimated by kriging interpolation of impedance values calculated from well log data.
Reservoir characterization This low-frequency model is added to the inversion result which otherwise provides only a relative
Seismic inversion
numerical scale. To convert acoustic impedance into a single reservoir property, a feed-forward Neural
Feed-forward neural network
Network (NN) is trained, validated and tested using gamma-ray and acoustic impedance values observed
at the well log positions as input and effective porosity values as target. The trained NN is then applied for
the whole reservoir volume in order to obtain a 3D effective porosity model. While the particular
conclusions drawn from the results obtained in this work cannot be generalized, such results suggest that
this workflow can be applied successfully as an aid in reservoir characterization, especially when there is a
strong non-linear relationship between effective porosity and acoustic impedance.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The seismic inversion method that is presented in this work is

classified as a deterministic inversion method (Russell, 1988).
During the last decades, several methods for mapping acoustic Although many recent papers have demonstrated some advantages
impedance from post-stack seismic amplitude data were devel- of geostatistical methods over deterministic methods (Francis,
oped and tested with the aim of providing additional information 2005; Robinson, 2001), the latter can still provide geologically
for detailed reservoir characterization. Nowadays, most of the plausible acoustic impedance models at a much lower computa-
research efforts in this field are focused in the inversion and tional cost. The first deterministic inversion methods for acoustic
interpretation of variations of seismic reflection amplitude with impedance mapping were developed in the late 70 s and became to
change in distance between source and receiver (amplitude vs. known generally as recursive inversion (Lavergne and Willm, 1977;
offset) from pre-stack data. However, post-stack data obtained Lindseth, 1979). The basic premise of those and of all methods that
from recorded P-waves are still widely used because of their ready were subsequently developed in the 1980s is the local validity of
availability and low time-consuming processing. Because wells in a the 1-D convolutional model. During the 1980s, sparse-spike
reservoir field are often spaced at hundreds or even thousands of inversion methods were developed consisting of some techniques
meters, the ultimate goal of a seismic inversion procedure in the that make use of an additional premise that the reflections occur as
context of reservoir characterization is to provide models not only sparsely distributed spikes within a layered Earth (Oldenburg et al.,
of acoustic impedance but also of other relevant physical proper- 1983; Russell, 1988). In this case the reflectivity function is
ties, such as effective porosity and water saturation, for the inter- mathematically represented as the product of the reflection
well regions. Such quantitative interpretations may sometimes coefficients and a Dirac delta function shifted by the two-way
require the use of other seismic attributes additionally to the travel time to each layer. Two well known methods that fall in this
traditional seismic reflection amplitudes (Rijks and Jauffred, 1991; category are the L1-norm sparse-spike inversion (Sacchi and
Lefeuvre et al., 1995; Russell, 2004; Sancevero et al., 2005; Ulrych, 1996), which is applied in the methodology described in
Soubotcheva, 2006). this work, and the maximum likelihood inversion (Hampson and
Russell, 1985).
Prediction of reservoir properties from acoustic impedance can
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 55 19 35214697; fax: + 55 19 32891097. also be thought as a kind of inversion and traditionally have been
E-mail addresses:, (E.P. Leite). addressed through the application of multivariate statistics and,

0098-3004/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180 1175

more recently, Neural Network (NN) methods. The main advan- valid for most of the practical cases where rj rj0:3j (Oldenburg
tages of NN methods over most traditional statistical methods can et al., 1983; Berteussen and Ursin, 1983).
be summarized as follows: (i) the ability to extract nonlinear In practice, the AI values at the positions of each seismic sample
relationships between the input data and the target values; (ii) less can be extracted from a 3D model covering the entire seismic
sensitivity to the presence of noise in the data; and (iii) there is no volume, calculated through ordinary kriging of the kwon AI values
need to known the underlying statistical distribution of the input at the well log positions. For a properly usage of the recursive
data. NN methods have been successfully applied in a wide variety inversion, the seismic traces should be deconvolved into reflectiv-
of applications in reservoir characterization such as porosity and ity series as suggested by Eq. (6). To accomplish this, we apply a
permeability prediction from seismic and well-log data or seismic constrained sparse-spike optimization procedure that minimizes
facies/attributes classification (Leiphart and Hart, 2001; Hampson the objective function
et al., 2001; Walls et al., 2002; Pramanik et al., 2004; Calderon,
1 1 2
2007). In general, these papers compare performances of NN JðrÞ ¼ a jrj jþ : ðsWrÞ: ð7Þ
models with traditional regression methods, demonstrating that j¼1
2 s
the former can provide higher correlation coefficient between
using the conjugate-gradient algorithm (Shewchuk, 1994). The first
actual and predicted reservoir property values and minimize the
term in Eq. (7) is provided in order to allow minimization of the L1-
problem of sparse well coverage.
norm of the reflectivities, where a controls the sparsity of the
solution. With the second term, the algorithm also minimizes
the difference between the synthetic seismic traces (Wr) and the
2. Methodology
observed traces (s). W is a wavelet coefficient matrix and s is the
standard deviation of the seismic data noise. Other optimization
2.1. Seismic inversion
algorithms can also be used to minimize Eq. (7), such as Iterative
Reweighted Least Squares (Björck, 1996) or soft-tresholding algo-
The basic premises behind all seismic inversion methods in the rithms (Loubes and De Geer, 2002).
context of this work are as follows: (i) the Earth can be represented It is important to point out that this constrained sparse-spike
locally by a stack of plane and parallel layers with constant physical inversion will provide an impedance model that does not display
properties; (ii) the seismic trace s(t) can be represented by the the actual reflection series but displays only the largest reflectors
convolution of the reflectivity coefficient series r(t) with a band- (Oldenburg et al., 1983). In other words, this means that small
limited wavelet w(t) and the addition of a random noise n(t): wavelength features in the log impedance curve will not be
sðtÞ ¼ rðtÞwðtÞ þnðtÞ: ð1Þ recovered by the inversion and, therefore, the interpreter has to
be cautious while analyzing the inversion results.
For zero incident angles, r(t) is directly related to the contrast in After estimating r from the seismic amplitudes, then it is
the acoustic impedance (AI) of superposed layers through the inverted into AI according to the following sequential steps
expression (Ferguson and Margrave, 1996):
IAj þ 1 IAj
rj ¼ , ð2Þ
IAj þ 1 þIAj (1) compute the linear trend of a spatial correspondent AI vector
and subtract it, obtaining a residual AIres vector;
where rj is the reflection coefficient at the jth interface of a set of N (2) compute the Fourier spectra of AIres;
superposed layers, and IA ¼ rv where r e v are the density and (3) apply Eq. (6) to the reflectivity series, obtaining a relative AIrel
P-wave velocity, respectively. Under these conditions and assum- vector;
ing that multiple reflections were eliminated from the seismic data, (4) compute the Fourier spectra of AIrel;
the AI value of each layer can be calculated from the knowledge of (5) determine a scalar a to match the mean power of AIrel and AIres;
the AI value of the layer above, through a recursive equation (6) multiply the spectra of AIrel by a;
1þ rj (7) low-pass filter AIres and add to the result of step (6);
IAj þ 1 ¼ IAj , ð3Þ
1rj (8) inverse Fourier transform the result of step (7); and
(9) add the low-frequency trend from step (1) to the result of
which in turn can be generalized to provide the AI value of an step (8).
arbitrary M layer by
YM   It is of course possible to include an extra constraint on
1þ rj
IAM ¼ IA1 : ð4Þ impedances directly in Eq. (7). However, by the approach described
in this paper it is possible to keep control of the frequency contents
The natural logarithm is applied to both sides of Eq. (4) in order involved and the frequency cut-offs to properly add the trend in
to obtain a linear approximation: acoustic impedance.
" # Due to the sparse distribution of wells, the low-frequency trend
r3 r5 of step (1) was extracted from spatial correspondent AI traces
lnðIAM Þ ¼ lnðIA1 Þ þ 2 ri þ i þ i þ    , ð5Þ
3 5 estimated by kriging. A low cut-off for coupling the low frequency
trend and a high cut-off were defined by finding where the energy
from which we can discard the high-order terms leading to the content of the original seismic traces approaches to zero in the
expression amplitude spectrum. This characterizes the band-limited nature of
M the seismic data.
AIM ¼ AI1 expð2 rj Þ: ð6Þ
2.2. Porosity prediction using Neural Networks
Eq. (6) is a practical formula used in recursive inversion for
transformation of reflectivity into impedance. AI1 is the known The procedure outlined here can be applied to reservoirs that do
acoustic impedance in the top layer and AIM is that of the Mth layer. not show a linear relationship between AI and the reservoir property
rj is the reflection coefficient of the jth layer. This approximation is that needs to be mapped. For the particular example shown in this
1176 E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180

work, we carried out a NN analysis in order to search for a Filho (2009) presented a more detailed description of the NN
relationship between effective porosity (Phie) and other well logs method that was also applied in this work.
such as density (RHOB), gamma-ray (GR), and the sonic log (DT). The As an input for designing a NN model, a sample set obtained from
employed NN is a three-layer feed-forward system where the the well logs is split into training, validation and test subsets. The
information propagates only in one direction, from the first to the training process is carried out until at least one of the following
third layer. The first layer contains the input values extracted from conditions is met: (i) a minimization of a MSE goal is achieved; (ii)
the well logs. The second (hidden) layer consists of an activation occurrence of three consecutive non-improvements in the MSE for
function associated with a set of neurons. These neurons are the validation subset (early-stopping); or (iii) a maximum number of
represented by weights that are iteratively updated during the iterations are completed. The test subset is used only to estimate the
training stage using a gradient descent algorithm. The third layer prediction power of the NN by performing a blind test and it is not
outputs the results that are compared with the actual target values at used for building the NN model. The overall workflow of the
the end of each training iteration (or epoch) so as to check the mean- methodology is shown in Fig. 2.
squared error (MSE) between them.
A hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function (Demuth et al., 2008) is
employed as a transfer function in both the second and the third
layer. For most practical situations there is no deterministic way to 3. Results and discussion
choose the best number of neurons to be used in the second layer
and a trial and error approach has to be applied. Leite and Souza We carried out a depth-to-time conversion to make the vertical
scale of the well log AI data match the vertical scale of the seismic
data so as to allow an adequate correlation. This conversion was
done using the sonic log and the initial two-way travel time (TWT)
for the first log sample that provided the highest correlation
coefficient (R) between the synthetic and observed trace. This is
commonly known as a seismic-well tie. The synthetic traces were
calculated using the convolutional model given by Eq. (1). This
requires knowledge of the wavelet representing the seismic pulse.
Thus we performed a deterministic wavelet extraction by writing
Eq. (1) as a linear system and solving for w(t) (Broadhead, 2008).
There are two crucial factors in this procedure that may lead
to poor wavelet estimation—incorrect depth-to-time conversion
and incorrect size of the wavelet. In this work, we control the
errors in the former by changing the initial TWT and checking the
value of R. In our tests, by comparing synthetic with observed
traces, we verified that the size of the wavelet should be less than or
equal to 1/5 times the length of the reflection coefficient series, so
as to provide the best fits. A common wavelet length was then
determined to be 60 ms for the particular case of this work.
Seismic-well ties were conducted by adjusting five traces around
Fig. 1. 3D seismic data and spatial location of wells. Size of 3D matrix is each well and retaining the local mean wavelet. Then, a global
301  61  375. In-lines and cross-lines are spaced at about 13 and 27 m, respec- mean wavelet was calculated and used for inversion of the traces
tively. Time interval is equal to 4 ms. away from the wells.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of proposed methodology.

E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180 1177

An example of this procedure for Well 2 can be visualized shown. Fig. 4 shows the spectral content of the reflectivity,
in Fig. 3, where the acoustic impedance log, the estimated the wavelet, the synthetic traces and the observed traces. The
reflectivity, the synthetic traces and the observed traces are spectral content is similar for the other four wells in the area and

Fig. 3. Example of seismic-well tie for Well 2: (a) impedance log converted to two-way time and resampled to interval of 4 ms; (b) reflectivity obtained after deterministic
wavelet extraction; (c) synthetic traces computed through convolution of reflectivity with wavelet and (d) observed traces.

Fig. 4. Normalized amplitude spectrum of (a) reflectivity, (b) wavelet, (c) synthetic traces and (d) observed traces near Well 2.
1178 E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180

low and high cut-offs were defined, after some tests, as 5 and 60 Hz, In real applications it is commonly difficult to estimate the
respectively. standard error of the noise in the seismic data (s in Eq. (7)). A
The reservoir top and base were estimated from well log reasonable assumption is that it corresponds to some percentage of
markers allowing the definition of minimum and maximum time the peak amplitude of the traces. We used a value of 5% in this work.
values, thus establishing the vertical boundaries of the seismic 3D
grid shown in the subsequent figures. The lateral boundaries were
defined so as to embrace wells that were previously found to have
some oil or gas content in the field. Fig. 5 shows the AI low-
frequency model obtained by kriging the AI well logs at the wells
depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 7. Correlation coefficient between observed seismic traces and synthetic traces
Fig. 5. AI low-frequency model obtained by kriging of AI well logs. obtained from inverted models around Well 2.

Fig. 6. AI log profile (red curves) vs. inverted AI profiles (blue curves) for Well 2 as a varies from 0.02 to 0.035. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180 1179

The parameter a has to be estimated empirically. We performed smooth, it lacks too much vertical detail and it gives a low R. A value
tests by varying a from 0.01 to 1.0 in steps of 0.005 and comparing of a ¼0.025 was considered to be adequate because the inverted
the inversion results with the log profile, as well as checking the curve follows the main trends that appear in the log profile while
value of R between synthetic and observed traces around the wells. R is sufficiently large. When a is smaller than 0.025, overfitting
Four results for Well 2 considering a particular range of a, where the seems to occur. The behavior of the inverted curve does not change
transition of the behavior of the inversion solution is quite notice- significantly outside of the range 0.02 r a r0.035.
able, are presented in Figs. 6 and 7. For a ¼0.035 the solution is very The 3D AI inverted model is shown in Fig. 8. A synthetic seismic
model calculated from this inverted model is highly correlated with
the observed seismic data (average R is equal to 0.92). While the
range of AI values is about the same, the inverted model is enriched
in details and can be used for posterior prediction of the reservoir
In this work we have found that a feed-forward NN can
successfully predict Phie from the joint use of GR and AI logs.
A sample set consisting of 32 log values was extracted from the well
logs for training (60%), validation (20%) and test (20%) of the NN.
The small amount of log values is due to the depth-to-time
conversion, which unavoidably reduces the vertical resolution of
the original well log data. The training must be performed in the
time scale instead of the depth scale to allow posterior prediction in
the entire seismic volume using the inverted AI model as input,
which in turn can only be obtained in the time scale.
In spite of this, the NN models were able to map the test samples
into Phie within an acceptable level of accuracy (R¼0.84). This was
checked by an iterative cross-validation scheme where the samples
Fig. 8. AI obtained through proposed inversion methodology. Color bar is in m/s 
that compose the three subsets were randomly interchanged and a
g/cm3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is new NN model was obtained at each iteration. The graphs in Fig. 9
referred to the web version of this article.) show the results for the NN model that provided the highest overall

Fig. 9. NN training, validation and test. R is correlation coefficient between outputs and actual target Phie values. All values were normalized into range [  1,1].
1180 E.P. Leite, A.C. Vidal / Computers & Geosciences 37 (2011) 1174–1180

smooth in the vertical direction due to the low vertical resolution of

the seismic data in comparison to the well log data. As a further
step, it would be necessary to test the reservoir performance when
the effective porosity model is used for fluid-flow modeling. The
implementation of the inversion algorithm is straightforward and
Matlabs source codes are available from the authors upon request.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Petrobras – Petróleo Bra-

sileiro SA – for the financial support of this research and for the
development of the project in reservoir characterization.


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