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MCQ Family - LLB

BA-llb (Savitribai Phule Pune University)

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1. Old sources of Hindu Law are

a. Customs, Digest and Commentaries
b. Smritis
c. Shrutis
d. All the above

2. A person shall be a Hindu by religion

a. If both his parents are Hindus
b. If one of his parent is a Hindu & has been brought up as a Hindu
c. Either a or b
d. Only a and not b

3. Under Section 3 of Hindu Marriage Act, a rule can be a custom or usage

a. If is certain and not unreasonable
b. If it is not certain but reasonable
c. If it is neither certain nor reasonable
d. If it is either certain or reasonable

4. A person may be a Hindu by

a. Birth
b. Conversion
c. Both a and b
d. Only a

5. Under the Mitakshara system, the right in family property is acquired by birth.
The statement is
a. True
b. False
c. Either a or b
d. None

6. Each son acquires at his birth an equal interest with his father in all ancestral
property held by the father under which school?
a. Mitakshara
b. Dayabhaga
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

13. The widow shall not have the rights in the share of property because of the
exclusion by the right of survivorship under
a. Mitakshara law
b. Dayabhaga law
c. Both
d. None of the above

14. Muslim personal law governs

a. Religious matters
b. Personal matters
c. Both
d. None

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15. Which of the following are not the traditional sources of Muslim law?
a. Quran
b. Qiyas
c. Judicial precedents
d. None of the above

16. The four schools of thought were founded during the reign of ………..?
a. Abbasids
b. Mughals
c. Fatimids
d. None of these

17. Which of the following is no longer an important source of muslim law?

a. Sunnah
b. Ijmaa
c. Customs and usages
d. Legislation

18. There are ___ major schools of Sunnis in India?

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

19. Sunnis and Shias split due to a

a. Disagreement about the chapters of the Quran
b. Disagreement about what kind of clothing women should wear
c. Difference in opinion over who should lead the Muslim community
following Muhammad’s death
d. Difference of opinion about where the early Muslim community should
make its home

20. The chapters of the Qur’an are known as

a. Surahs
b. Sunnahs
c. Shariah
d. Sufis

21. Sunnah and Ahadis is supplementary to the provisions of …………..?

a. Surahs
b. Sufis
c. Quran
d. Ijma

22. What are those actions which were done in Prophet’s presence by his disciples
without his disapproval?
a. Sunnat-ul-fail
b. Sunnat-ul-qaul
c. Sunnat-ul-tuqrir
d. None of the above

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23. Which source of muslim law was originated in the absence of Sunnah?
a. Qiyas
b. Ijma
c. Quran
d. Opinion of Muslim jurists

24. Which among the following do not apply to the persons of Muslim religion?
a. The Mussalman Wakf Validating Act, 1913
b. The Shariat Act, 1937
c. The code of Criminal Procedure
d. None of the above

25. The founder of which sect expounded the principle that a rule of law based on
analogy could be set aside at the option of judge on a liberal construction?
a. Sunni
b. Maliki
c. Hanabali
d. Hanafi

26. Qiyas means …………..

a. Deduction
b. Translation
c. Interpretation
d. All of the above

27. Ijma is considered only if ………….

a. There is unanimity
b. There is no unanimity
c. There is a dissent of small minority
d. None of the above

28. Mohammedan law applies to ……………?

a. all persons who are Muslims by birth
b. all persons who are Muslims by conversion
c. all persons who are Muslims either by birth or by conversion
d. all persons who are Muslims by birth only and not to Muslims by

29. When one of the parties to marriage is of unsound mind, the marriage is
a. Valid
b. Voidable
c. Void
d. Void-ab-initio

30. “Muslim law cannot be misused by a Hindu and the Hindu marriage does not
automatically get dissolved by apostasy.” This was observed in which case?
a. Shahbano Begum case
b. Adhav v. Adhav
c. John Vallamottam v. Union of India
d. Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India

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31. Maintenance under Section 125 of Cr.P.C. cannot be provided to Hindu wife is
marriage is
a. Void-ab-initio
b. Valid
c. Voidable
d. None

32. Sapinda relationship is traced towards

a. Ascent
b. Descent
c. Both
d. None

33. Marriage under Hindu law is

a. Sacrament
b. Contract
c. None
d. Both

34. Marriage in Hindu law would be ……………….. in the absence of religious

a. Ineffective
b. Valid
c. Voidable
d. Depends on the discretion of the competent court

35. What are the grounds of divorce in Hindu law?

a. Conversion
b. Desertion
c. Unsoundness of mind
d. All the above

36. Divorce on the ground of virulent and incurable form of leprosy comes under
………………. Theory
a. Breakdown
b. Guilt
c. Fault liability
d. Mutual consent

37. Marriage within prohibited relationships is void in every community among

a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. None of the above

38. Desertion for a period of ……………….. will result into repudiation of marriage
a. 1 year
b. 2 year
c. 6 months
d. No time limit is prescribed

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39. The concept with respect to presumed death of a spouse is provided under
Section …………….. of Hindu Marriage Act
a. 5
b. 7
c. 13
d. 13A

40. Who can seek repudiation of marriage if marriage was solemnized before 15
years of age?
a. Wife
b. Husband
c. Both
d. None

41. What makes Hindu marriage Voidable?

a. Marriage has been consummated owing to the impotence of
b. Bigamy
c. Parties are within prohibited degrees of relationships
d. All the above

42. Degrees of prohibited relationships include?

a. Relationship by half or uterine blood as well as by full blood
b. Illegitimate blood relationships as well as legitimate
c. Relationship by adoption as well as by blood
d. All the above

43. Mitakshara coparcenary consists of

a. Father plus three generations
b. Father plus three male lineal descendants
c. Father plus sons and daughters
d. Father and sons only

44. Desertion is a
a. Total repudiation of obligation of marriage
b. Partial repudiation of the obligation of marriage
c. Both a and b
d. None

45. Which of the following is provided in the Section 7 of the Hindu Marriage Act,
a. Registration
b. Ceremonies of a Hindu marriage
c. Adoption of child
d. All the above

46. The provisions for mutual consent under Hindu marriage is provided under
a. Section 13
b. Section 13 B
c. Section 14
d. Section 15

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47. Can an unmarried Hindu Girl of 25 years adopt a boy of 10 years under the
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act?
a. if the adoption is by a female and the person to be adopted is a male,
the adoptive mother should be at least twenty-five years older than the
person to be adopted
b. if the adoption is by a female and the person to be adopted is a male,
the adoptive mother should be at least twenty-one years older than the
person to be adopted
c. if the adoption is by a female and the person to be adopted is a male,
the adoptive mother should be at least twenty years older than the
person to be adopted
d. if the adoption is by a female and the person to be adopted is a male,
the adoptive mother should be at least twenty three years older than
the person to be adopted

48. Which is the most important consideration in the appointment of a guardian

by the court?
a. Character and capacity of the guardian
b. Personal law of the child
c. Wishes of the deceased parents
d. Welfare of the child

49. Marriage of a Muslim man with his niece is

a. Void
b. Irregular
c. Valid
d. Muta

50. Muta marriage are considered to be illicit by

a. Sunni
b. Ismailis’s
c. Zaydis
d. Arabic school

51. One-fifth rule in respect of granting alimony was incorporated

a. Indian divorce Act
b. Special marriage Act
c. Hindu marriage Act
d. None of the above

52. Desertion may come to an end by

a. Resumption of cohabitation
b. By filing for divorce
c. By filing maintenance
d. By filing for judicial separation

53. As per Section 17-B of Family Courts Act, court may issue commission to
a. Examine any person
b. Make a local investigation
c. Inspect any property or document
d. All the above

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54. An unmarried female can adopt according to Hindu Adoption and

Maintenance Act
a. True
b. False
c. Partly
d. None of the above

55. Doctrine of ‘factum valet’ in the context of ceremonies of marriage cures

a. Non-observance of necessary ceremonies
b. Non-observance of essential ceremonies
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

56. Shia law does not recognize ……………… marriage

a. Sahih
b. Batil
c. Muta
d. Fasid

57. In talaq-i-Tafweez, husband can delegate authority to take divorce to

a. Only wife
b. Wife or wife’s relatives
c. His own relatives
d. Any person

58. In which case it was held by the Supreme Court that the husband must have a
reasonable cause for taking talaq and he must attempt reconciliation with
wife before taking talaq.
a. Shamim Ara v. State of UP
b. Zohra Khatoon v. Mohd Jane Alam
c. Ali Mohd. V. Hazara Bai
d. Sikandar Ara v.Hussain Ara

59. Which of the following modes of filiation is not recognized by Muslim Law
a. Acknowledgement of paternity
b. Natural foliation
c. Paternity by adoption
d. Both b and c

60. Acknowledgment of paternity cannot be made in respect of offsprings of

a. Incest
b. Adultery
c. Fornication
d. All the above

61. Talaq which cannot be revoked after pronouncement is called

a. Talaq-ul bain
b. Talaq-I-Tufweez
c. Talaq-ul-Biddat
d. Talaq Hasan

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62. Under Muslim law, the only natural guardian is

a. Father
b. Mother
c. Grand-father
d. Any close relative

63. The renunciation of Islam by a married muslim women of her conversion to a

faith other then Islam
a. Shall not by itself dissolve marriage
b. Shall by itself dissolve marriage
c. Depends on discretion of court
d. None of the above

64. Illegitimate Muslim child is kept in the custody pof

a. Mother
b. Paternal grandmother
c. Both father and mother
d. Neither father nor mother

65. Which one of the following is not a condition with regard to the persons who
may be adopted, under Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956?
a. He or she must be a Hindu
b. He or she have not been already adopted
c. He or she must consent to adoption
d. He or she has not completed the age of 15 years, unless there is a

66. Under Hindu law, which of the following is not entitled to adopt?
a. An unmarried person
b. Husband with the consent of wife
c. Wife who is divorced
d. Husband without the consent of wife

67. A girl or boy of 15years of age may be validly taken into adoption
a. By operation of law
b. By contract between the parties
c. By consent of the child
d. If the custom or usage applicable to the parties permit
68. Muslim Marriage without the presence of witness is
a. Void
b. Voidable
c. Irregular
d. Void-ab-initio

69. Capacity of parties for marriage under Muslim law means

a. When parties attain 18 years of age
b. When parties attain 15 years of age
c. When boy attains 18 years and girls attains 15 years of age
d. When parties attain puberty

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70. Presence of Absolute impediments under Muslim law makes the marriage
a. Void
b. Irregular
c. Voidable
d. Valid

71. Unlawful conjunction makes the Muslim marriage

a. Batil
b. Fasid
c. Sahih
d. None of the above

72. The prompt dower has to be given

a. Before consummation
b. After consummation
c. Before or after consummation
d. After a time fixed during the marriage

73. Talaq-Hasan becomes ……………… after 3 pronouncements

a. Revocable
b. Irrevocable
c. Invalid
d. None of the above

74. In which of the following divorces, husband can delegate his power on a
person whom he appoints as a representative or delegate and through him he
gives divorce?
a. Talaq-Ul-Sunnat
b. Talaq-Hasan
c. Talaq-Tafweez
d. Talaq-ul-Biddat

75. Divorce by mutual consent under Muslim law means

a. Khula
b. Mubarat
c. Ila
d. None of the above

76. When muslim husband charges his wife falsely for adultery, it means
a. Ila
b. Lian
c. Zihar
d. Khula

77. The Ashirwad ceremony during marriage is performed under ………………. Law?
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Parsi
d. None of the above

78. Under Parsi marriage, the child born out of invalid marriage is
a. Legitimate
b. Illegitimate
c. Depends on court’s discretion
d. Both b and c
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79. Under Parsi law, polygamous marriage is

a. Valid
b. Voidable
c. Prohibited
d. None of the above

80. Section ………… of Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act provides that register of
marriage shall be open for inspection
a. 5
b. 6
c. 17
d. 8

81. Section …………… of theParsi Marriage and Divorce Act provides for grounds of
a. 17
b. 8
c. 32
d. 6

82. A Parsi spouse can sue for divorce on the ground that the defendant has been
unable to be cured of unsound mind
a. for a period of 2 years or more immediately before the filing of the suit
b. for a period of 4 years or more immediately before the filing of the suit
c. for a period of 2 years or more immediately after the filing of the suit
d. for a period of 6 months or more immediately before the filing of the
suit .

83. The limitation period for filing a divorce on the grounds of venereal disease
and grievous hurt under Parsi law is
a. 6 months
b. 2 years
c. No time limit is prescribed
d. None of the above

84. Under parsi law, Either spouse can file a suit for divorce, if a decree for
restitution of conjugal rights has been passed and there has been no
resumption of cohabitation
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. 3 years

85. Which section of Parsi Marriage and divorce Act provides for judicial
a. 32
b. 32A
c. 32B
d. 34

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86. Under Parsi law, court may grant Alimony Pendente Lite to
a. Wife
b. Husband
c. Both
d. None of the above

87. The power to alter the jurisdiction of Parsi District Matrimonial Court is
exercised by
a. State government
b. Central government
c. High court of the respective state
d. District Magistrate

88. The provision regarding essential criterias for solemnization of marriage under
Christian Marriage Act is provided under Section …………..?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 10
d. 12

89. Section ………… of Christian Marriage Act provides for the presence of two
witnesses for solemnization of marriage.
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 25

90. Certificate shall be void under Christian marriage Act if marriage is not
solemnized within ……….. of the date of issuance of the certificate.
a. 1 month
b. 2 months
c. 6 months
d. No time period is prescribed

91. Which provision of Indian Divorce Act provides for the grounds of divorce?
a. Section 9
b. Section 10
c. Section 11
d. Section 12

92. Under Indian Divorce Act, petition for divorce by mutual consent can be filed if
spouses are living separately for ………………
a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 2 years
d. 18 months

93. Petition for nullity of marriage under Indian Divorce Act can be filed under
Section …………….?
a. 10 A
b. 10
c. 18
d. 22

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94. Under Indian Divorce Act, decree of nullity may be passed on the grounds that
I. That the respondent was impotent at the time of the marriage and at the
time of institution of the suit.
II. That the parties are within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity or
III. That either party was a lunatic or an idiot at the time of the marriage.
a. Only I is correct
b. Only II and III are correct
c. Only III is correct
d. All are correct

95. Under Special Marriage Act, the parties to the marriage are required to give
notice to the marriage officer under
a. Section 4
b. Section 5
c. Section 6
d. Section 7

96. Decision of District court regarding objection to marriage under Special

Marriage Act is final as per the provisions of Section ……………..?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

97. Marriage officer under Special Marriage Act shall have the powers of
a. Civil court
b. Criminal court
c. Non-judicial powers
d. Quasi-judicial powers

98. For solemnization of marriage under Special Marriage Act, how many
witnesses shall be present?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 1

99. Provisions regarding restitution of conjugal rights under Special Marriage Act
are provided in Section
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 27
100. Impotency of respondent under Special Marriage Act shall make the
marriage …………. if petition is presented by the either party
a. Void
b. Invalid
c. Voidable
d. No effect on the marital status

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101. Any marriage solemnized under Special Marriage Act shall be ………….. and
may be annulled by a decree of nullity, if the respondent was at the time of
the marriage pregnant by some person other than the petitioner
a. Void
b. Voidable
c. Valid
d. Invalid

102. Special Marriage Act provides grounds for divorce under Section …………
a. 15
b. 22
c. 24
d. 27

103. Foreign Marriage Act provides essential conditions for a valid marriage under
a. Section 4
b. Section 5
c. Section 6
d. Section 7

104. Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act provides for the maintenance to wife
under Section……………
a. 16
b. 18
c. 20
d. 24

105. If wife ceases to be a Hindu, she can claim separate residence and
a. True
b. False
c. Depends on the discretion of a court
d. None of the above

106. Maintenance can be provided to widowed daughter-in-law from

a. Father-in-law’s personal property
b. Father-in-law’s ancestral property
c. Neither
d. Both

107. Section 20 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act provides for the
maintenance to
a. Only legitimate children
b. Only illegitimate children
c. Both legitimate and illegitimate minor children
d. Both legitimate and illegitimate minor or major children

108. Provision regarding amount of maintenance under Hindu Adoption and

Maintenance Act is laid down under Sectiuon
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 25
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109. Section 24 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act can be invoked in case of
a. Nullity of marriage
b. Restitution of conjugal rights
c. Petition for Alimony
d. All the above

110. Section 25 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act provides for

a. Permanent Alimony
b. Alimony pendente Lite
c. Both
d. Neither

Answer Key

1. d 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a
6.b 7. c 8.a 9. c 10. a
11.d 12. d 13.b 14.c 15.d
16. d 17. c 18.c 19. c 20.a
21.c 22. c 23. b 24. d 25. d
26. c 27.a 28. c 29. b 30.d
31. a 32.a 33.a 34. a 35.d
36.c 37.c 38. b 39. c 40. a
41.a 42.a 43.b 44.a 45.b
46.b 47. b 48.d 49. c 50.a
51.a 52.a 53.d 54.a 55.a
56.d 57.d 58.a 59.c 60.d
61.c 62.a 63.b 64.a 65.c .
66.d 67.d 68.c 69.d 70.a
71.b 72.c 73.b 74.c 75.b
76.b 77. c 78.a 79.c 80.d .
81.c 82.a 83.b 84.b 85.d
86.c 87.a 88.b 89.d 90.b
91.b 92.c 93.c 94.d 95.b
96.d 97.a 98.b 99.a 100.a
101.b 102.d 103.a 104.b 105.b
106.a 107.c 108.b 109.d 110.a

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