A Trader S Astrological Almanac 2014 - Galactic Investor (Pdfdrive)

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2nd Quarter Issue



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JEANNE LONG is an international lecturer, instructor and consultant on Tim Bost is the author of Mercury, Money and the Markets; How
market patterns and timing. She has over 30 years experience in astrological To Find The Money In Your Horoscope; the Basic Stock Market Astrology
research and spent over 20 years as a trader. Jeanne is a pioneer in Course, and Gann Secrets Revealed: Beyond Symbolism in Financial
astronomical trading techniques. Her three publications: The yearly Trader's Astrology. For more information on his publications and personal services,
Astrological Almanac, The Universal Clock and Basic Astrotech are sold call him at 941-544-5475, email him at tim@timbost.com,
worldwide. The best seller, The Universal Clock, has been computerized in a or visit www.financialcyclesweekly.com
Windows program developed by traders for traders called the Galactic
Trader™. For the first time, planetary tools became easily accessible to
traders. This software is now installed in banks in Europe and Asia. Jeanne IRMA SCHOGT from Amsterdam, The Netherlands is financial astrologer and
currently resides in Florida. pas24@aug.com market analyst, certified by Dutch AVN and ISAR (Ethics). With her business
company Schogt Market Timing she is Netherlands representative of
Raymond Merriman's work since 2002. In 2007 she founded the Worldwide
GRACE K. MORRIS, M.A. (APAI, ISAR C.A.P., CA-NCGR, PMAFA), professional Platform for Financial Astrology. Ms. Schogt produces a monthly market
astrologer, timing trends specialist, president of Astro Economics, Inc. newsletter, Market Timing Digest, accessible via internet, which forecasts
publishes two newsletters, the Astro Economics ® Stock Market Newsletter Stocks, Gold, and Euro/dollar and which incorporates input from 12 top-rated
and The Right Time; sponsors the World Conferences of Astro Economics; financial astrologers. She employs her newsletter’s methodologies to openly
and is a co-founder of the Apollon Group. Her newest book is How to Choose trade her accounts, quite successfully outperforming the market in 2010,
Stocks to Outperform the Market 2014. She has appeared on CNN Headline 2011, 2012. As a former foreign exchange dealer who studied astrology she
and Business News, CBS-TV, CNBC, and ABC-TV. Featured in articles in speaks both the financial as well as the astrological language. She is a
Forbes, her work in financial astrology was recently recognized in The frequently invited guest at the Finance Television studios in Amsterdam,
Financial Times. lectures internationally and regularly conducts workshops on Financial
Morris helps businesses worldwide to become more profitable Astrology. You can reach Irma at ++31-294-415-917, info@markettiming.nl
using company profiles, stock surveys, timing new products, new www.markettiming.nl
incorporations, IPOs and first trade dates as well as long-term planning.
Grace K. Morris, M.A.
Astro Economics, Inc. BARRY ROSEN is a financial analyst and has been studying Indian
1415 W. 22 St. Tower Floor philosophy (Vedic Science) for forty years and Indian astrology for the
Oak Brook, IL 60523 www.astroeconomics.com past 28 years. He began applying it to the financial markets in 1987.
www.businesstimingtrends.com His newsletter, Fortucast, began in August 1987 by focusing on stocks
and is currently in its twentieth-sixth year, having evolved into a daily
and hourly advisory service covering over 20 commodities and 15
RAYMOND A. MERRIMAN is President of the Merriman Market Analyst, Inc. major ETF’s. For more information contact FORTUCAST MARKET TIMING
He is a registered CTA (Commodities Trading Advisor), internationally known at www.fortucast.com or email support@fortucast.com or call 928-284-
market timer, and editor of the MMA Cycles Report, a market advisory letter 5740, ext. 1. Toll free in the US: 1-800-788-2796. Trials available. Also
used by banks, financial institutions, and individual traders throughout the visit his Facebook Site: Financial Astrology by Barry Rosen. He also has a
world since 1982. He is the author of several books in both the field of home study course available.
financial market timing and astrology, including: The Gold Book: Geocosmic
Correlations To Gold Price Cycles (1982); The Sun, The Moon, and the Silver
Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader (1992); Merriman on Market Cycles: The FRANCES RACKOW is graduate of Noel Tyl’sMasterLevel Astrological
Basics (1994); Basic Principle of Geocosmic Studies For Financial Market Certification Program, and currently an Apprentice in Ray Merriman’s Market
Timing (1995); The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing Volumes 1-4. Timing Academy. Fran has also studied with Joyce Wehrman, David Railey
Additionally he has written the Annual Forecasts Book every year since 1976. and Lee Lehman, earning certificates in Horary and Mundane astrology. Fran
Raymond is also the developer of the FAR (Financial Astrological has been a speaker at UAC, ISAR, NORWAC and SOTA Conferences.
Research) For Galactic Trader, and the SOS (Stock Optimizing Selector) Fran has passed Level III of the NCGR exam (1996), as well as the
software programs, which enable traders to identify potential turning points licensing exam for the City of Atlanta (1994.) Fran has held offices in the
in various stocks and/or financial futures markets. He may be reached at Metro Atlanta Astrological Society (1994 – 2001), and served on the Board of
MMA, P.O. Box 250012, West Bloomfield, MI 48325 (USA). 800-MMA-3349, Directors for Kepler College (2004-2007.) Fran is a Certified Public
(248)-626-3034. Accountant and has worked as the Controller of a telecom company from
e-mail: mmacycles@msn.com www.mmacycles.com 1989 – 2002. Since then, she has focused on learning more about both
astrology and trading.

TIM BOST has gained international recognition as a leading authority on the

correlation between planetary patterns and price movements in the equities JIM COLOMBO earned his B.A. in Fine and Applied Arts - Art History from
markets since 1988. An experienced trader and market analyst, he is also the Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois in 1977.
editor and publisher of FinancialCyclesWeekly, an email market letter that The Keys to the Vault, Jim’s first novel was published in January of
has been cited in Barron's, the Chicago Tribune, Bridge News, and a variety of 2009. He is hard at work on a second novel with the heroine Caroline Baker
other national and regional business publications. caught up in another dangerous adventure.
In addition to his trading, writing and publishing work, Tim Jim has been studying the natural cycles of nature for over 30
conducts research into astrologically-based trading systems and counsels years, and has a keen interest on how they can be applied to the stock,
individual and corporate clients throughout the world. Along with frequent commodity and forex markets . www.jamescolombo.com
contributions t o A Traders Astrological Almanac, he has written astrology
columns and articles for a variety of publications including TraderPlanet.com,
TradersWorld, Focus, Natural Awakenings, In Paradise Magazine, the Gann JEFFREY SPRINGER is a practicing astrologer working with full-life
Plan Trading Letter, the Independent Observer, Practical Spiritual Astrology, experiences, located in Norwood, NJ. He completed a Master’s Certification
and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. in Astrology in August 2002. He obtained a Master’s degree in Psychology
In 2000, Tim Bost published a forecast that correctly predicted the from The New School for Social Research – Graduate Faculty in 1979. He can
exact date that September which marked the end of a historic rally in stocks be reached at jeff@Stock-Compass.com.
and the beginning of major bear market. His prediction earned a headline in
Barron's and brought him much attention throughout the financial world.
By Raymond Merriman

We knew it would be different, unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetime. In this regard, the
Cardinal Climax of 2008-2015 has not been a disappointment. However, in terms of the “Hope and Change”
promised by world leaders at the time, well… let’s just say they did deliver on the “change” part. The “hope’
part is further away now than it was at the start of the Cardinal Climax for most people on this planet. In fact,
when this began in 2008, our annual Forecast Book suggested that it would be as if the collective was entering
a modern-day version of the “Twilight Zone.” Our understanding of reality would enter a new dimension of
time and space.

In retrospect, it may be more accurate to say that instead of entering “The Twilight Zone,” we have
morphed from a people who were initially excited about the prospect of “Hope and Change,” to a population
undergoing mass weariness. We are more like a world of zombies today, who seem to have lost control of our
destinies or even the privacy of our personal lives. It is all under the watchful eyes of Big Brother, Big Business,
and banks “Too Big to Fail.” It all feels so impersonal, so removed, despite our leaders’ promises that our well-
being is all that matters, and that is why we should elect them (assuming we have the choice to do so, and the
right to vote).

Today’s big businesses and banks promote the never-ending advertisements that “… we are all in this
together, and together – as a community - we can make it happen.” But, what exactly can we make happen –
together or individually - that is not subject to approval by the ever-expanding governments and their
regulators of the world? As the Marx brothers once said, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your own

We are zombies and 2008-2015 is our generation’s version of “The Twilight Zone.”

Fortunately, the real-life movie that we are collectively living in is coming to an end. And this begs the
question: what have we learned – and yet to learn – from these “Seven Years of Tribulation?” After all, as
students of the cosmic sciences, we know that nothing is purely negative or without purpose. Within every
experience is, at least, a lesson to be learned from which we can grow and evolve – assuming we see the
lesson, understand its purpose, and choose to apply the knowledge that is gained from the experience. If we
can do that collectively (and we can), then we are about to enter an entirely new dimension of time and space
– and collective growth both psychologically and economically – that indeed does offer great hope for
humanity after our descent into this abyss of confusion and disillusionment.

The personal and collective life experiences of 2008-2015 are unlike anything we ever encountered in
several generations. We all went through it, and it is not quite over. No one was spared from personal loss in
love, money, work, and/or health. No nation was spared from the threat of natural or man-induced disasters,
violence, bankruptcy or the grab for personal power from its political leaders. Yet it did not destroy our spirit.
To the contrary, it has awakened an even stronger quest for the basic rights that all people on this planet
deserve, that all souls long for. And that collective longing is to be connected with one another, to be free
from loneliness and irrelevance, and to have the freedom to experience meaning in life on one’s own terms as
long as it does not harm others, without interference or impediment by outside impersonal forces.

Sometimes it takes the threat of losing those basic liberties to realize just how important they are.
Sometimes it takes a Cardinal Climax – a rare and powerful cosmic configuration – to drive these points home
and awaken us. And for this awakening – which is surely one of the most positive possible results of the
Cardinal Climax – we can be grateful.


To understand this unique period of time that we live, it will be useful to first review the Cardinal Climax.
We will do this by once again defining what it is, how we have experienced it so far, what we have learned
from it, and what our prospects are for the future as a result of it.

The Cardinal Climax is an unusual time in history when nearly all of the planets in the solar system (except
Neptune) spend a considerable amount of time in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Most
notably, three of the four slowest moving planets in our solar system - Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto - are each in
cardinal signs, and/or forming hard aspects to one another, between January 2008 and March 2015 (7 years, 2
months). Mars and Jupiter (the next furthest out planets) are also involved at critical points in this period,
particularly in the summer of 2010 and then again in April 2014.

The last Cardinal Climax occurred in 1927-1934. Before that, it was 1843-1851 and 1761-1770. As written
in the Forecast 2012 Book, “Each involved Saturn, Uranus and Pluto transiting through cardinal signs, making
hard aspects to one another… Each of these periods corresponded with severe economic downturns and debt

Historically, these have not been “enjoyable” periods for most of humanity. They were periods of
increasing frustration and loss of trust with world leaders, which were followed by economic downturns and
then wars. Yet these “dark days” led to a collective awakening, a time of invention, great economic growth,
and powerful social transformation. It was as if the universe exerted a cosmic balancing mechanism, where
periods of anxiety and despair were followed by prosperity and collective renewal.


The Cardinal Climax of 2008-2015 can be divided into two parts and two peaks. The first part took
place in 2008-2011. The geocosmic peak was in the summer of 2010. The second part occurs in 2012-2015,
and will peak August 2013 through April 2014.The periods of the twin peaks refer to the times that the most
significant geocosmic patterns unfolded, which will be described shortly.

Start of Cardinal Climax, January 26, 2008, as Pluto entered Capricorn,

shortly after Venus did the same on January 24, 2008.


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property
- until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
- Thomas Jefferson, third president of the USA.

The Cardinal Climax began the last week of January 2008 when both Pluto and Venus ingressed into
Capricorn, a cardinal sign. That very week, a major banking crisis erupted in Europe, when it was discovered
that rogue trader Jerome Kerviel of SocieteGenerale Bank of France had lost €4.9 billion through unauthorized
trading that involved nearly €50 billion of the banks funds (which it did not have). This coincided with Europe’s
further revelation that many of its banks were more exposed to the USA sub-prime bank derivatives than
originally believed, and they were suffering huge losses as a result. Suddenly there was a worldwide banking
crisis and the Federal Reserve Board – the USA’s central bank – took its first giant step in bringing short-term
interest rates sharply lower to stem the escalating financial panic. Stock markets around the world were in
free fall, but the dramatic measures initiated by the Fed stopped the bleeding – for a while.

However, a new hemorrhaging was just about to begin due to the dramatic lowering of interest rates: the
wreckage of the savings class, the primary core of the middle class and retired workers who were on the verge
of seeing everything they were taught about the value of savings - and investment in real estate - turned on its
head. Like the credit ratings of so many countries, their lifestyle was about to be downgraded, from
“satisfactory” to “survival mode.” They would no longer be able to accrue interest from their savings account,
where the yield on CD’s and money markets and bank savings went from 5% in 2007 to zero in 2008. Many
would have to start depleting their capital (savings) in order to get by. In addition, the homes they owned –
their primary investment – would fall into negative equity.

In the fall of 2008, the first major aspect between the dominant planets of the Cardinal Climax (Saturn,
Uranus, and Pluto) unfolded. Saturn made its first of five opposition aspects to Uranus on Election Day (USA),
November 4. Just prior to that, a full moon in mid-September fell on the approaching Saturn-Uranus
opposition. The financial crisis struck the USA in full force on that day, September 15, 2008. One of the world’s
largest investment banks - Lehman Brothers - went bankrupt.

Other troubled banks almost went under, but the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Treasury
Department negotiated deals to save them. However, Lehman Brothers, a former competitor of the U.S.
Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen when he headed Goldman Sachs, could not (or would not) be saved, and the
worldwide Financial Panic of 2008 erupted. It was the worst Financial Panic since the Great Depression, which
just happened to be the last time a Cardinal Climax occurred. No one saw it coming – except Financial
Astrologers. Readers of this annual Forecast Book, for example, were apprised of this cycle every year since
1994 – that an economic and banking crisis could erupt, starting in 2008. Those forecasts were based on the
history of the Cardinal Climax.

In the midst of the Financial Panic of late 2008, a young, charismatic African-American - and markedly
inexperienced Senator from Illinois - ran on the slogan of “Hope and Change,” and was elected President of
the United States. It was an historic upset and milestone in American politics. Americans were unhappy with
the dysfunction and disunity of its government and were ripe for a change that promised to reform this
alarming state of affairs. Barack Obama became the face of the Cardinal Climax, the “Seven Years of
Tribulation.” In Barack Obama, the hopes of a new political unity and financial reconstruction, both in the USA
and the world, were placed - or misplaced, depending on how one views the events and decisions that

It was in the summer of 2010 that the first astrological peak of the Cardinal Climax took place as Jupiter
and Uranus moved from Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac in late May
through early June. This was followed by Mars and Saturn ingressing into Libra in late July, and all four forming
a powerful T-square to Pluto, July 28-August 6, 2010.
Events would now occur, and decisions would be made that would radically change how central banks,
world economies, and world governments would operate. The first alarm bell sounded in April-June 2010
when Greece’s debt was downgraded to junk status. The Euro currency immediately plunged. This coincided
with the British Petroleum Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which threatened to become the world’s worst
ecological man-made disaster. However, it also served as an opportunistic event for the rollout of a slew of
new USA government regulations and the hiring of new government regulators. Big Business, along with banks
“Too Big to Fail,” were clearly becoming enemies of the White House, if not the people too. They had to be
controlled. They were referred to as “Fat Cats” by the USA leadership, which began an ardent campaign to
exploit that idea of “haves” and “have nots” for politically divisive advantages.

First peak of the Capricorn Climax, summer 2010

The USA (and other nations of the world) was already in an era of political and social division, unlike
anything experienced in many generations, under the previous administration of George W. Bush. But this
would not be reformed to a period of political unity and “bridging the gap between the aisles,” as promised in
the election season of 2008. The Cardinal Climax suddenly propelled divisions to a new height, and in
response, two new political movements began in the USA that would heighten the division: the “Tea Party”
and the “Occupy Wall Street.” The former succeeded in overturning the House of Representatives from
Democratic to Republican control in the largest shift of that part of Congress in over 60 years. The sweeping
midterm election victory by the Republicans in 2010, with the support of the new Tea Party, took away the
control of all three branches of government by the Democrats.
Yet, neither the Greek bailout nor that monumental shift of government control in the USA would turn
out to be the most significant events related to the first peak of the Cardinal Climax, the center of which was
July 26-August 6, 2010. That was when the Federal Reserve Board initiated its first QE – Quantitative Easing –
program. It would intervene in financial markets with huge monthly purchases of USA Treasury and mortgage-
backed securities in order to drive long-term interest rates to historic lows. Such unorthodox and never-tried-
before policy to control prices is within the purview of Pluto in Capricorn. Other nations would soon follow
that lead, and a currency war, or race to have the world’s cheapest (and most competitive) currency, was on.
Pluto, along with Venus, rules currencies, and remember: the Cardinal Climax began when both Venus and
Pluto entered Capricorn in the last week of January 2008. In the summer of 2010, it would reach its first
geocosmic peak as five powerful planets not only entered the early degrees of cardinal signs together, but
they also formed a grand square with the Sun-Pluto opposition in 0-1 degrees of Capricorn-Cancer in the
Federal Reserve Board chart (created December 23, 1913). This suggested that the Federal Reserve Board was
going to be audited and stripped of its powers, per an act posed by Congressman Ron Paul and approved by
the House of Representatives, or given new and greater powers than ever before. It would be the latter, and
the world would learn a lesson about real power. Real power is in the hands of those who control the purse –
those who create the money. The Federal Reserve set about to create $3 trillion of new money out of thin air,
used to buy USA debt – a debt the USA taxpayers would have to pay back to the Federal Reserve, with
interest, over time.

Federal Reserve Board, created December 23, 1913, 6:02 PM, Washington D.C., according to the December 24, 1913
edition of the New York Times, submitted by Mundane Astrologer Matt Carnicelli. Note the Sun-Pluto opposition, 0-1 degree
of Cancer-Capricorn.
The idea was that this first QE program would rescue the failing USA housing market, where many
homeowners watched in alarm as equity in their homes fell into a negative value. They were “underwater,”
which meant they owed more to the banks than their homes were worth, due to declining home values during
the Financial Panic of 2008. Another purpose was to drive investors away from extremely low yielding
Treasury bonds and notes into the more risky area of stocks, thus driving up stock values, and with it,
individuals’ net worth who owned stocks. Since a large number of Americans owned stocks, it worked. Stock
prices began to soar, and by 2013, they were making new all-time highs, up triple digits percentage-wise from
the lows of late 2008, early 2009.

The first peak of the Cardinal Climax was not limited to the USA banking and political upheavals, however,
or even the Euro debt crisis signified by the Greek bailout. That was all Pluto activity, for Pluto rules debt,
deficits, defaults, bailouts, and taxes. And, as can be seen in the charts shown earlier, Pluto in Capricorn was
right in the midpoint area of area of the potent T-square involving the oppositions of Mars-Saturn in Libra to
Jupiter-Uranus in Aries. But, Pluto also rules “power grabs.” There was to be another dynamic exploding onto
the world stage in late 2010 through the spring of 2011. It was the sudden mass uprisings in the Middle East.
Individuals and groups demanded freedom and independence from tyrannical leaders who were subsuming
more and more control over their lives. This quest for independence and freedom from tyranny was reflected
in the Jupiter-Uranus passage through Aries. This became the “Arab Spring,” and it coincided with the
overthrow and/or demise of very entrenched leaders from Egypt to Libya. It transformed the balance of power
in that region. Iran became the dominant political power in the Middle East, and it was on course to develop
nuclear weapons, despite economic sanctions against it by much of the world.

The transformation in banking, monetary policy, and the escalation of spending as a fiscal policy driving
up sovereign debt around the world, combined with power grabs by authoritarian leaders whose populations
rebelled against such measures, set the stage for the second phase of the Cardinal Climax.


“When thestory blew up again, last week, they said ‘Benghazi happened a long time ago.’ Jay Carney,
the White House press secretary, really said that… Think of that. They can’t give answers when the story is
fresh because it just happened, they are looking into it. Eight months later they don’t have anything to say
because it all happened so long ago. Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think
you can get away, forever, with that.”
- Peggy Noonan, “The Inconvenient Truth About Benghazi,” Wall Street Journal, May 11-12, 2013.

The first phase of the Cardinal Climax was about economic shock brought on by the overextension of
credit – too much spending, not enough revenue. The response by banking and government leaders was to
address the spending part of the crisis. With Saturn moving through Virgo and Libra, the proposed mantra for
solving the financial crisis was “austerity.” Cut back on spending and reduce the debt by showing fiscal
discipline. However, that didn’t win elections, nor did it increase employment. People wanted jobs. They
needed income. And the post-2008 recovery was woefully weak throughout the world, but especially in
Europe and America where it was much weaker than the aftermath of any recession in the past 60 years.
Politicians learned quickly that they could more
easily maintain their positions of power – keep their
jobs, be re-elected – if they instead swung 180° to
the position of economic stimulus, or “increased
spending,” as a policy to deal with the debt.
Increased spending would create jobs, which in turn
would increase revenues by putting more people
back to work, who would then pay more taxes. It
might have worked, except the heads of many
governments, including the USA and France,
decided that even more revenues could be raised by
also increasing taxes, especially on the wealthy,
which included mostly people who weren’t that
wealthy. In the United States, this prospect, along
with the complexities of Obama Care that changed
the concept of “full time employment,” resulted in
small businesses deciding to hold back on hiring.
Many decided to hire mostly part time workers,
which was now defined as anything less than 30 –
not 40 – hours of work per week because that
would avoid penalties for noncompliance of the
mandate required for employees to cover health
care costs of their full time employees, now defined
as 30 hours/week. Growth stalled, and more people
than ever did not even try to find a job.
Unemployment in the USA is still a historically high
7.3% as of this writing, but the real percent of
people not working who could be working is closer
to 15%. The labor force’s participation rate was 63.2
percent in September 2013, its lowest level in thirty-
five years.

Now the second half of the Cardinal Climax is

underway, 2012-2015. The period is anchored in the
seven passage series of a waxing square aspect –
the first quarter cycle phase – between Uranus and
Pluto, which started June 24, 2012 and will be
completed March 17, 2015. This is the longest
lasting aspect series of our lifetime, and it is
arguably the most potent one based on the
principles of modern, mundane and financial
astrology. In this author’s opinion, no other
astrological signature is as hard-hitting and relentless as a hard aspect involving Uranus and Pluto, especially
when Saturn or Mars are also involved.

The time band of 2012-2015 is compounded further by the transit of Saturn in Scorpio (October 5, 2012-
September 18, 2015), and transiting Neptune in 3-6° Pisces, forming a challenging T-square to USA President
Barack Obama’s natal Moon (3° Gemini) and Pluto (6° Virgo), from March 2013 through February 2015. These
factors will be addressed later in this Forecast Book. For now, we will focus on the implications of Uranus in
Aries, forming seven exact squares to Pluto in Capricorn. The peak of this signature – and hence the second
peak of the Cardinal Climax – will be in force August 2013 through April 2014. That is when Jupiter will be in
Cancer, forming a T-square to Uranus and Pluto. This signature has been described as an indicator of financial
crises (particularly Jupiter in hard aspect to Uranus), in various works by Andre Barbault, renowned Mundane
Astrologer from Paris, France. The peak of this period will be April 20-22, 2014, when Mars joins the
threesome, and all are in 13 degrees of cardinal signs, forming a grand square that brings in the USA’s natal
Sun-Saturn square at 13-14° of Cancer-Libra. This is the stuff from which deep and dark conspiracy theories
will be constructed, for Pluto in Capricorn can be deep, dark, and full of behind-the-scenes decisions by people
in power - leaders in business, banking, and government who want to know what you are doing, but don’t
want you to know what they are doing. But, the secrets come out, for Pluto not only hides, it also reveals. And
heads will roll. Just ask the NSA, IRS, and those who work for other agencies yet to be uncovered.

The second peak of the Cardinal Climax, April 22, 2014

The best Market Timers of 2013
The year 2013 was one of the best ever for stock markets of the world. In 2013, global equity markets reached
peak after peak. Starting from the seven best buying opportunities of the year, the Dow Jones Industrial
Average rallied more than 6 percent each time to the next top. Those were enjoyable rides for traders and
investors! Those seven tops were followed by corrections of 2-3+ percent until the next buying opportunity
was reached. All in all, 2013 contained 16 excellent trading opportunities.

Of course, information like this is most advantageous to anyone when it is known beforehand. To achieve this,
with the reversal dates that are being brought out by Financial Astrologers traders can define where reversals
are most likely to occur.

It is as simple as that. Traders can use this market timing information alongside their favorite technical studies
to not just know where (in which price area), but also when a trend change is most likely. When entering a
time band defined by a tight orb that allows up to three days to be qualified as a “turn dates,” the chances of a
trade being profitable are greater. Market-timers specialize in this analysis, providing this needed and hard-
to-find advantage for traders. Knowing when to trade can make a huge positive difference for traders.

Market Timing Digest analyzes the subscription reports of 12 well-known Financial Astrologers, each month.
At the end of the year, MTD announces those who made the most consistently correct calls, via the criteria set
forth here. MTD is proud to present its list of “Best Market Timers for 2013.”

The best Market Timers of 2013:

First place, golden medal is for: Raymond Merriman of the Merriman Market Analyst, Inc in Farmington Hills,
MI. Ray won convincingly by mentioning all 15 reversal dates that MTD published in 2013.

Second place, Silver is for: Robin Handler of Handler & Associates, Inc in Neenah, WI. Robin mentioned 12 out
of 15 reversal dates in MTD.

Third place, bronze medals go to: Ted Phillips, Jr. of Astro Advisory Services, Inc in Malibu, CA, Norm Winski of
Astro Trend in Naples, FL and Daniel Ciuntuc of Dharmik Market Timing in Iasi, Romania and London, UK.

See the chart here>>

Worldwide platform for Financial Astrology

Market Timing Digest is an overview of famous newsletters from the world’s top financial astrologers and provides a clear monthly
summary of the median forecast for the coming month, for stock markets worldwide, the price of gold and the greatest currency
market in the world - the Euro/Dollar.

The worldwide platform for Financial Astrology is a unique collaboration initiated by former currency trader Irma Schogt. Covering a
wide range of financial markets, from food to fuel, from lumber to metals and other potential growers for a balanced portfolio.

With weekly updates, all per e-mail. Rates are $399 per year, $133 for 3 months. For ordering information, contact
info@markettiming.nl or go to www.markettiming.nl, or call ++31- (0)294-415-917.

Irma Schogt of Amsterdam has come out with a new service that will be of interest to traders and students of financial market timing. Who is Irma
Schogt? Well, she was a currency trader for ABN AMRO Bank before starting her studies in Financial Market Timing with me about 10 years ago. As
she translated the MMA reports into Dutch and became proficient in my methodology, she opened up her own market advisory company, called
Schogt Market Timing. And now she provides this excellent Market Timing Digest that shares the highlights of several financial astrologers, plus her
own excellent analysis of many markets. This digest makes for excellent reading, packed full of insightful trading ideas. I highly recommend it,
especially for those who are interested in applying Financial Astrology to today’s markets. - Raymond Merriman

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