Eng Report

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The purpose of this report is to present social conditions in my country, Romania. The following
subjects that I will discuss in this report are unemployment, equal opportunities, and attitudes
towards animals.


Romania's unemployment increased to 5.6 percent in January 2021 from 5.2 percent in
December 2020. This was the highest jobless rate since last June. Meanwhile, the jobless rate for
both men (5.7 percent vs 5.3 percent in December) and women (5.5 percent vs 5.0 percent)
increased. Furthermore, in Europe the average unemployment rate is 7.3 stated by Eurostat, the
statistical office of the European Union, these figures were published in January 2021. Therefore
the unemployment rate in Romania is lower than Europe`s average, however, the rural side and
certain parts of the country are underdeveloped, poverty being one of the main problems.

Equal opportunities

Romania ranks last in the EU on equality between men and women. Only a small percentage of
the parliament is made out of women. Only 53 of the 383 deputies and 12 out of the 167 senators
were women as of September 1, 2015. When it comes to job recruitment, the attitude towards
men is different towards women, the main differences are the salary, promotion, and professional

Attitudes toward animals

Romania is one of the countries, according to studies, where the population of stray animals in
urban areas is continuously growing. There were a lot of incidents when people got hurt because
of this situation. The attitude towards animals is often influenced by culture, in general
Romanians are tolerant towards stray dogs, most community dogs are deliberately fed by
compassionate people or kept as guard dogs for businesses. However, most people lack the
money and education to care for dogs responsibly.


In conclusion, Romania is a country in which there`s a lot of room for improvement, and I think
that in the nearest future it will reach closer to European standards.

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