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Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

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Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolics from pomegranate peels: T

Optimization, kinetics, and comparison with ultrasounds extraction

Kyriakos Kaderides, Lygeri Papaoikonomou, Melania Serafim, Athanasia M. Goula
Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University, 541 24, Thessaloniki, Greece


Keywords: Recently, there has been much interest in the phenolics of pomegranate peels, because of their health benefits,
Antioxidant activity such as antioxidant activity. Thus, the objective of this work is to optimize an efficient alternative and “green”
Microwave extraction technique for the extraction of phenolics from pomegranate peels. Microwave-assisted method was found to
Phenolics increase extraction yield, but mainly to shorten the treatment time by over 60 times compared to conventional
Pomegranate peel
extraction methods. The effects of solvent type, solvent/solid ratio, and microwave power on the yield of
Ultrasound extraction
phenolics extraction were studied. The optimum operating conditions were found to be: solvent type, 50%
aqueous ethanol; solvent/solid ratio, 60/1 mL/g; power, 600 W. The efficiency of the proposed extraction pro-
tocol was compared with that of the ultrasound-assisted extraction, another “green” extraction approach, studied
in our previous work. The microwaves method had a yield about 1.7 times higher obtained in a shorter process
time (4 min) in comparison to ultrasound-assisted extraction (10 min). These differences were attributed to the
intense cell destruction of microwave-treated plant material observed by SEM analysis. The obtained extract
presented a high antioxidant activity (radical scavenging activity of 94.91%), due to the high content of puni-
calagin (143.64 mg/g dry matter) measured by HPLC analysis, that was equivalent to that of the ultrasounds
extract (radical scavenging activity, 94.77%; punicalagin content, 138.8 mg/g dry matter).

1. Introduction (e.g., as ingredient in functional foods). For example, PPE afforded

enhanced antioxidant activity by inhibiting lipid oxidation in cooked
Pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L.) is composed of three parts: chicken patties [3], whereas Kanatt et al. [2] found that addition of PPE
the seeds, the juice, and the peels. Pomegranate peels constitute ap- to popular chicken meat products enhanced their shelf life by 2–3
proximately 40% of the whole fruit and are rich in phenolics com- weeks during chilled storage. Pomegranate peel extract at concentra-
pounds such as ellagitannins, punicalagin, and punicalin [1]. Pome- tions of 800–850 ppm in sunflower oil [4] and 200–1000 ppm in fish oil
granate peels have been traditionally valorized as animal feed and only [5] had stabilization efficiency comparable to conventional synthetic
small quantities are used in medicine. However, most of them are di- antioxidants, i.e. BHT at its legal limit, whereas Kumudavally et al. [6]
rectly disposed as waste. and Devatkal et al. [7] concluded that PPE significantly increases the
Several studies have reported the in vitro bioactivity of pome- stability of beef and goat meat products against lipid peroxidation.
granate peel extracts including antioxidant, antitumor, anti-in- According to Cam et al. [8], incorporation of pomegranate peel phe-
flammatory, and antiproliferative properties. Kanatt et al. [2] in- nolics into ice cream resulted in sharp improvements in antioxidant and
vestigated the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of pomegranate antidiabetic activities as well as the phenolic content of ice creams.
peel extract (PPE) and concluded that the efficacy of PPE in scavenging Addition of PPE to jams [9], juices and wines [10] increased their
hydroxyl and superoxide anion radical was very high. In addition, the phenolic, flavonoids, and thiol concentration with a significant im-
extract had good reducing power and iron chelation capacity and provement of the free radical scavenging and product stability features.
showed good antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Recently, Kaderides et al. [11] incorporated pomegranate peel extract
Bacillus cereus having minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.01%. in hazelnut paste and reported an inhibition of lipid oxidation with
Pseudomonas could be inhibited at a higher concentration of 0.1% while reduced formation of peroxides.
it was ineffective against Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium. Thus, PPE Pomegranate peel phenolics can be extracted with conventional
could potentially be included in several industries due to its versatility systems such as Soxhlet and maceration. Shortcomings of existing

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Goula).
Received 22 November 2018; Received in revised form 3 January 2019; Accepted 10 January 2019
Available online 24 January 2019
0255-2701/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

conventional extraction technologies, like increased consumption of at 40 °C for 48 h and kept at −30 °C until use. The peels were ground in
energy, high extraction time, possible degradation of bioactive com- a laboratory mill (Type A10, Janke and Kunkel, IKA Labortechnik,
pounds, and high consumption of harmful chemicals, have forced the Germany) immediately prior to extraction. The particle size distribution
food and chemical industries to find new separation “green’’ techni- of the milled pomace was determined by a sieve shaker (Retax, Labor
ques, which typically use less solvent and energy, such as ultrasound- Siebmaschine, Type LS10, Nr 4082, Germany). The particle mean dia-
assisted extraction [11–14] and microwave-assisted extraction [15–17]. meter was about 0.1 mm.
Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) is one of the most employed
alternative extraction methods. Among the advantages reported for 2.3. Microwave-assisted extraction
MAE are its lower extraction times and solvent consumption. The
process acceleration and the high extraction yield may be the result of a Microwave-assisted extraction was performed with a Multiwave
synergistic combination of two transport phenomena: heat and mass closed microwave system (B30MC030A, AntonPaar, Graz, Austria),
gradients working in the same direction [18]. According to Zheng et al. equipped with standard configuration with rotor for 6 sample vessels
[19], MAE is characterized by disruption of cell structure caused by the type H (50 mL quartz tubes; operating pressure 75 bars). A sample of
penetrating volume heating from microwave irradiation. The diffusion powdered pomegranate peels was mixed with 20 mL solvent to produce
capacities of target components may be improved by the increment of different solvent/peel ratios. The extracts were collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3,
solvent temperature under microwave heating. So far, microwave 4, 5, 10, and 15 min. The resulting extracts were evaporated using a
treatment has been widely employed to extract phenolics from different rotary evaporator (Rotovapor R114, Waterbath B480, Büchi, Flawil,
plant materials including citrus peels [20], peanut skins [21], grape Switzerland). The variation of extraction yield during the extraction
seeds [22], tomatoes [23], blueberries [19], spent filter coffee [24], process was studied with various (i) microwave powers (P) (100, 173,
chokeberries [25], and walnut leaves [26]. 350, 527, and 600 W) and (ii) solvent/peels ratios (L/S) (10.0, 17.3,
Therefore, MAE is a potential method for the extraction of phenolics 35.0, 52.7, and 60.0 mL/g). A central composite design was applied to
from pomegranate peels. According to Zheng et al. [19], the optimi- determine the effects of the above parameters on extraction yield.
zation of extraction parameters is helpful to systematically understand Thirteen experimental runs were carried out and each one was con-
the interaction between independent factors and obtain the optimal ducted with five different solvents: water, 50 and 70% aqueous ethanol,
parameter combination for optimum extraction. In addition, the MAE and 50 and 70% aqueous methanol.
efficiency depends on several variables which may not be generalized Extraction yield, Y (%), was defined as the percent ratio of the total
for all plant materials due to the diverse nature of existing bioactive weight of gallic acid equivalents extracted to the dry peels sample
phytochemicals, being necessary to select and optimize the processing weight.
conditions as a function of the used matrix and taking into account the
desired responses [27]. To our best knowledge, as far as pomegranate
2.4. Determination of total phenolics content and antioxidant activity
peel is concerned, only Zheng et al. [16] and Huang et al. [17] em-
ployed MAE to extract phenolic compounds with water and flavonoids
The total phenolic content of extracts was determined according to
with aqueous ethanol, respectively.
the Folin-Ciocalteu method [29]. Briefly, 0.2 mL of the extract was
According to Shirsath et al. [28], mathematical modelling can help
added to a 25 mL volumetric flask and additional distilled water was
in the design, optimization, and control of the extraction process, as
added to make a final volume of 10 mL. A reagent blank was prepared
well as provide useful information for scale up of the equipment. The
using distilled water. Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent (0.5 mL) was
typical kinetic models of extraction include unsteady diffusion, Fick’s
added to the mixture and shaken vigorously. After 5 min, 5 mL of 5%
law of diffusion, film theory, and empirical models. However, no in-
Na2CO3 solution was added with mixing. The solution was immediately
formation is available for kinetic modeling of microwave-assisted ex-
diluted to 25 mL with distilled water, mixed thoroughly and then al-
traction of phenolics from pomegranate peels.
lowed to stand for 90 min. The absorbance was measured at 750 nm
Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop an efficient al-
versus the prepared blank. The total phenolic content of the sample was
ternative and “green” technique for the extraction of phenolics from
expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE) mg/mL.
pomegranate peels. The operating parameters are optimized and the
Antioxidant activity was determined using DPPH, which is a stable
mechanism of the enhanced extraction is discussed by observing cell
free radical and is widely used to assess the radical scavenging activity
destruction of plant material. The efficiency of the proposed extraction
of antioxidant components. This method is based on the reduction of
protocol is compared with that of another “green” extraction approach.
DPPH in methanol solution in the presence of a hydrogen donating
The content of the major phenolic compounds and the antioxidant ac-
antioxidant due to the formation of the non radical form DPPH-H [30].
tivity are also evaluated. In addition, a mathematical model to describe
The transformation results in a color change from purple to yellow,
the kinetic mechanisms of polyphenols extraction is developed,
which is measured spectrophotometrically at 517 nm. The reaction
whereas the dependence of the best descriptive model constants on
mixture (3.0 ml) consists of 1.0 ml of DPPH in methanol (0.3 mM),
extraction variables is expressed by an appropriate type of model. These
1.0 ml of extract, and 1.0 ml of methanol. The percentage of inhibition
results would offer scientific reference for promoting the valorization of
can be calculated using the Eq. (1).
pomegranate peels.
Inhibition (%) = ((A0–A1)/A0) × 100 (1)
2. Materials and methods
where A0 is the absorbance of the control and A1 is the absorbance of
2.1. Standards and reagents the sample.

HPLC-grade acetonitrile was from Fisher Scientific (Lisbon, 2.5. Analysis of phenolic compounds
Portugal). The phenolic compound standards were from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO, USA). All the other chemicals were of analytical grade. The samples were analyzed using a HPLC system equipped with two
Marathon IV pumps (Spark NL., The Netherlands), a Timberline TL-50
2.2. Pomegranate peels temperature controller (Indiana, U.S.A.), a UV–vis (UV 6000 LP de-
tector -Spectra SYSTEM, Finningan Mat, Thermo Separation Products,
Pomegranate peels as by-product of fruit juice industry were pro- San Jose, U.S.A) and a hypersil C18 reversed-phase column
vided from a local producer (Rodi Hellas, Greece). The peels were dried (250 × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm particle size). The mobile phase was a

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

mixture of water/acetic acid (95:5) (A) and acetonitrile (B). Samples dCt
= KB⋅(Ceq − Ct )2
were analyzed using a gradient program developed by Kaderides et al. dt (6)
[31]. Analyses were conducted at constant temperature of 30 °C using a where KB is the second-order extraction rate constant (mL/mg min).
flow rate of 1 mL/min and a sample injection volume of 10 μL. Double The integrated rate law for a second-order extraction under the
online detection was carried with a diode array detector operating at boundary conditions t = 0 to t and Ct = 0 to Ct, can be written as an Eq.
254 and 280 nm as preferred wavelengths and the target phenolic (7):
compounds were identified according to their UV spectra and retention
time. For the quantitative analysis, a baseline to valley integration with KB⋅t⋅Ceq
Ct =
baseline projection mode was used to calculate peak areas and external 1 + KB⋅t⋅Ceq (7)
standards were used for quantification. The results were expressed in
mg per g of dry weight. where h is the initial extraction rate (mg/mL min) when t approaches 0:
h = KB⋅Ceq (8)
2.6. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM)

A Quanta-200 environmental scanning electron microscope system 2.8. Statistical analysis

(FEI Company, USA) was used to study the structural changes in po-
megranate peels texture after the extraction process. The samples were The parameters of the kinetic models were estimated by nonlinear
fixed on a specimen holder with an aluminum tape and sputtered with a regression. To evaluate the goodness of fit of each model, two criteria
thin layer of gold prior to examination under high vacuum condition at were used: the coefficient of determination, R2, which is the relative
an accelerating voltage of 15 kV at 2000× magnification level. variance explained by the model with respect to the total variance, and
the standard error of the estimate, SEE (Eq. (9)), which is a measure of
2.7. Kinetic models the accuracy of predictions.

∑ (Ct , exp − Ct , pred )2

In the present study, three different mathematical approaches were SEE =
N (9)
selected for the kinetic modelling of extraction of polyphenols, namely,
the Peleg’s model, the first-order kinetic model, and the second-order where Ct,exp is the experimental value of polyphenols concentration in
kinetic model. These three models were compared by fitting the ex- the extract at time t, Ct,pred is the predicted concentration, and N is the
perimental data obtained from extraction into each model. number of observations.
The effect of process variables on extraction yield and on kinetic
2.7.1. Peleg’s model parameters were analyzed using the statistical software MINITAB
Peleg’s equation [Eq. (2)] is a non-exponential empirical equation (Release 13.32). To identify the significance of the effects and inter-
proposed as [32]: actions between them, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. A
p value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
Ct = Regression analysis was used to fit full second order polynomials, re-
K1 + K2⋅t (2)
duced second order polynomials, and linear models to the data of each
where Ct is the concentration of polyphenols in the extract (mg/mL) at of the variables evaluated (response variables). F values for all reduced
time t (min), K1 is Peleg’s rate constant (min mL/mg), and K2 is Peleg’s and linear models with an R2 > 0.70 were calculated to determine if the
capacity constant (mL/mg). Peleg’s K1 parameter refers to extraction models could be used in place of full second order polynomials to
rate (B0, mg/min mL) at the very beginning (t = t0) according to Eq. predict the response of a variable to the independent variables.
1 3. Results and discussion
B0 =
K1 (3)
3.1. Effect of process variables on microwave-assisted extraction yield
Peleg’s capacity constant K2 refers to the maximum extraction yield,
that is, the equilibrium concentration of total extracted analyte when t The extraction yield was time-dependent and increased with ex-
→ ∞ (Ceq, mg/mL), as indicated in Eq. (4). tended irritation times from 0.5 to 4 min and then slightly decreased
1 (Fig. 1). Thus, the efficient extraction period for achieving maximum
Ceq = yield of pomegranate peel phenolics was about 4 min. According to
K2 (4)
Veggi, Martinez, and Meireles [18], the extraction process takes place
in three different steps: an equilibrium phase where the phenomena of
2.7.2. First-order kinetic model solubilization and partition intervene, in which the substrate is re-
According to Poojary and Passamonti [32], when we plot the con- moved from the outer surface of the particle at an approximately con-
centration of extracted polyphenols in the matrix against time, the stant velocity. Then, this stage is followed by an intermediary transition
curve which describes the extraction kinetics usually shows an ex- phase to diffusion, in which mass transfer by convection and diffusion
ponential decay. The most usual form of the first-order kinetic model is prevails. In the last phase, the extraction rate is low and the solute must
presented in Eq. (5). overcome the interactions that bind it to the matrix and diffuse into the
Ct = Ceq (1 − e−KA⋅ t ) extracting solvent. During microwave-assisted extraction of pome-
granate peel phenolics, the absorption of microwave energy in the ex-
where KA is the overall extraction rate constant (1/min). traction system promoted the thermal accumulation of the extraction
solution resulting in the dissolution of phenolics into the solution until
2.7.3. Second order kinetic model 4 min [34]. The same behavior was observed by Xie et al. [35] and Wu
The solid-liquid extraction process can be considered as the reverse et al. [36] for extraction of flavonoids from Cyclocarya paliurus Iljins-
of an adsorption operation, therefore the bases of the adsorption kinetic kaja leaves and phenolics from potatoes, respectively. Huang et al. [17]
equations can be applied to solid-liquid extraction and the second-order and Alara et al. [37] reported an initially increase in extraction yield
law was found to give the best fits for the extraction rate [33]. The with increasing irritation time reaching a maximum value, during ex-
general second-order model can be written as [13]: traction of phenolics from pomegranate peels and Vernonia amygdalina

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 1. Main effects plot illustrating the effect of extraction time (t, min), microwave power (P, W), and solvent-to-peels ratio (L/S, mL/g) on the extraction yield (Y,
mg GAE/g dry peel).

leaves. However, in all these studies the excessive time exposure in the methyl radical present in methanol, resulting in a lower solvation of
microwave field decreased the extraction yield due to a possible de- antioxidant molecules [39]. However, in the case of microwave ex-
gradation of phenolic compounds [37]. traction, the loss tangent is the ratio of the dielectric loss to the di-
The most important factor that affects MAE is solvent selection that electric constant, a dielectric parameter which can be used as an index
depends on the solubility of the compounds of interest, solvent pene- of the efficiency with which electromagnetic radiation is converted to
tration and its interaction with the sample matrix and its dielectric heat [40]. The loss tangent of ethanol and methanol at 2.45 GHz and
constant, and the mass transfer kinetics of the process [18]. In this 30 °C is 0.898 and 0.522, respectively [41], and of water at 2.45 GHz
work, the ability of different solvents in extracting phenolic compounds and 25 °C is 0.123 [42]. This means that water is considered a medium
from pomegranate peels was compared. Fig. 2 is the main effects plot microwave absorber, methanol is a good absorber, while ethanol is
for solvent type, which was found to have a significant effect considered a strong microwave absorber. Hence, ethanol has higher
(p < 0.05) on total phenolic yield. Extraction yield increased in the ability than methanol to absorb microwaves and convert them to heat,
following order of solvents: 70% methanol < 50% methanol < promoting both the rapid rupture of the plant material and the in-
water < 70% ethanol < 50% ethanol. creased diffusion of the targeted compounds [40].
Ethanol-water mixtures seem to be the most suitable solvents for the In addition, it was found that a binary solvent is more efficient for
extraction. Kaderides, Goula, and Adamopoloulos [11] reported that extraction of phenolics than a mono-solvent one [43]. Addition of water
the extraction yield increases with an increase in solvent polarity and a to a solvent usually creates a more polar medium, which facilitates the
decrease in viscosity and the higher the molecular weight of the solvent, extraction of polyphenols as suggested by Spigno et al. [44]. By in-
the lower the polarity, which allows other substances of about the same creasing the proportion of water, the polarity of solvent also increases
molecular weight to be easily extracted. This can be correlated to “like and the system is able to extract phenolic substances from both ends of
dissolve like” or “polarity versus polarity” principle. Ethanol, methanol, the polarity (highest polarity substances and low polarity substances),
and water have a relative polarity of 0.654, 0.762, and 1.0, respectively as well as those of moderate polarity. Several researchers reported that
[38]. Methanol is considered more efficient solvent for extraction of an increase of ethanol concentration in a binary ethanol-water solvent
antioxidant compounds than ethanol even if their polarities are similar. results in the addition of the polarity molecular to close that in phenolic
This may be due to the low solvation provided by ethanol, probably compounds. Thus, the phenolics solubility may be improved with the
because of the presence of the ethyl radical that is longer than the ethanol concentration based on the “polarity versus polarity” principle.
Zheng et al. [19] explained that ethanol plays a major role to rupture
the hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic bonds existing between pheno-
lics–proteins and phenolics–cellulose in the water–ethanol system.
However, in the present work, 50% ethanol was found more efficient
than 70% ethanol. This finding may be associated to the fact that both
the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor of water are higher than
those of ethanol and under the same irradiated intensity of microwave
output power, water may absorb more thermal energy than ethanol to
drive target component to diffuse [19]. A similar trend was reported by
Zheng et al. [19], who concluded that the more appropriate ethanol
concentration for microwave-assisted extraction of anthocyanin from
blueberry is around 60%, and Taha et al. [45], who studied the effect of
ethanol concentration (ranged from 50 to 80%) on the total content of
phenolic compounds in sunflower meal extracts, found that 60%
ethanol was the most efficient.
Figs. 1 and 3 presents the effects of microwave power (P) and sol-
Fig. 2. Main effect of solvent type on the extraction yield (Y, mg GAE/g dry vent/peel ratio (L/S) on extraction yield. As the liquid-to-solid ratio
peel) obtained at 4 min.

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

nutrient content of the extracted compounds. However, at power lower

than 173 W, a decrease of extraction yield was observed with increasing
the power. According to Maran et al. [49], this effect may be due to the
fact that high irradiation power offered redundant energy to the solvent
and material drastically disturbing molecular interactions.
According to the ANOVA analysis of the optimization study, the
liquid/solid ratio and its square, both with a probability value of 0.001,
influenced most significantly the extraction yield. The regression
coefficients were calculated and the data was fitted to a second-order
polynomial equation. The response extraction yield (Y) can be ex-
pressed in terms of the regression Eq. (10):
Y = 140.62 − 0.008⋅P + 0.996⋅L/ S + 0.002⋅(L/ S )2 (10)
The coefficient of determination, R , was 0.912, indicating that 91.2%
of the total variability in the response could be explained by the specific
Fig. 3. Contour plots illustrating the effect of microwave power (P, W) and model, whereas an adjusted R2 value of 0.891 revealed that there was a
solvent-to-peels ratio (L/S, mL/g) on the extraction yield (Y, mg GAE/g dry good agreement between experimental and predicted values of ex-
peel) obtained at 4 min using 50% aqueous ethanol. traction yield. The model F-value was 3.15, corresponding to a p-value
of less than 0.05, which, along with the p-value for lack of fit (0.188),
increases from 10.0/1 to 52.7/1 mL/g, the extraction yield is sig- indicated that the model fits the experimental data accurately.
nificantly enhanced. In general, a higher ratio of solvent to raw material The desirability profile for optimum yield indicated that the max-
results in a larger concentration gradient during the diffusion from the imum desirability level of 1.0 (on a scale of 0–1) can be achieved with a
solid into the solution and a higher extraction yield. In addition, the microwave power of 600 W, a solvent/solid ratio of 60/1 mL/g, and
increase of solvent/solid ratio leads to excessive swelling of the plant 50% aqueous ethanol as solvent at an extraction time of 4 min. Under
material increasing the contact surface area between the material and these optimized conditions, the predicted value for extraction yield was
the solvent [34]. However, with further increase in liquid/solid ratio, a 202.8 mg GAE/g dry peels, whereas the observed experimental value
decrease in yield was observed. Shirsath et al. [28], who studied the was found 199.4 mg GAE/g dry peel. A similar value was reported by
extraction of curcumin from Curcuma amada, concluded that if the so- Zheng et al. [16], who found the optimum extraction yield of total
lution is very dilute, an increased quantity of solvent would not lead to phenolics from pomegranate peel at 214.5 mg GAE/g dry peel.
a sufficient increase in the concentration gradient and the increase in
extraction yield would be limited. A large solvent volume would de- 3.2. Microwave-assisted extraction kinetics
crease the microwave adsorption of material, since more energy is
needed to be absorbed by the solvent [17]. According to Alara et al. Different kinetic models were employed to fit with experimental
[37], a very high solvent/solid ratio may result to insufficient energy in data. The highest values of R2 and lowest values of SEE were chosen for
facilitating the cell wall breakage for effective leaching out of the goodness of fit. Table 1 presents the R2 and SEE values for the kinetic
phenolic compounds. A similar observation was reported by Galan et al. models. Among these, the Peleg’s model fits the best with experimental
[40] and Huang et al. [17], who found the maximum extraction yield of values showing the highest average values of R2 (0.924–0.991) and the
phenolics from Citrus sinensis peels and pomegranate peels at a liquid/ lowest average values of SEE (0.889–1.322). The applicability of Peleg’s
solid ratio of 30/1 and 40/1 mL/g, respectively. Also, using a large equation on food materials has been demonstrated extensively [32].
amount of solvent is not considered to be cost-effective due to high The kinetic parameters of the Peleg’s model at different extraction
operating cost of solvents and energy consumption required during the conditions are presented in Fig. 4. It should be noted that a lower K1
subsequent separation [28]. However, Zheng et al. [16] reported that value in Eq. (2) implies a faster rate of the process, whilst the lower K2
the effect of liquid/solid ratio on recovery of phenolics from pome- value indicates maximum yield [50]. According to Ji et al. [51], the
granate peels was not significant. Thus, the optimum value of solvent/ extraction rate is controlled not only by mass transfer resistance in the
solid ratio is specific to the system under investigation and needs to be liquid film around solute particles, but also by intra-particle diffusion;
established experimentally. hence when the mass transfer resistance in the liquid film is reduced,
As far as the effect of microwave power (P) is concerned, the ex- the extraction rate is controlled only by intra-particle diffusion. As it
traction yield generally increased with increasing the power from 173 can be seen, the kinetic parameters generally increased with an increase
to 600 W, whereas an opposite trend was observed when power in- in liquid-to-solid ratio. Higher liquid to solid ratio ensures homogenous
creased from 100 to 173 W. It must be underlined that the extraction mixing and allows penetration of solvent into deep interior parts [52].
temperature, which increases with microwave power, could not be However, the capacity and the rate decreased with an increase in L/S.
adjusted in the microwave system used in the present work. The first This effect may be attributed to the fact that for microwave irradiation
effect may be attributed to the fact that increasing the microwave the temperature rise is higher at lower solvent-to-feed ratio owing to
power, more electromagnetic energy was transferred on the molecules the lower volume of solvent [53]. As far as microwave power is con-
by ionic conduction and dipole rotations resulting in rapidly heating of cerned, power provides localized heating in the sample, which acts as a
the extraction system [46]. At higher temperatures, the solubility and driving force for MAE to destroy the plant matrix so that the solute can
diffusion coefficients of the phenolic compounds to be extracted in- diffuse out and dissolve in the solvent, thus increasing the rate constant.
crease and the viscosity of the solvent decreases, thus facilitating its However, for high solvent-to-solid ratios, rapid rupture of the cell wall
passage through the solid substrate mass. Moreover, the microwave can take place at a higher temperature when using higher power, and as
irradiation accelerates cell rupture by sudden internal pressure increase a result impurities can also be leached out into the solvent together with
inside the cells of plant sample, which promotes the destruction of the desired solute [18]. Thus, the constant K1 presents a maximum at a
sample surface and in turns the exudation of phenolic compounds microwave power around 400 W. As it can be seen in Fig. 4, the ex-
within the plant cells into the surrounding solvent [47]. According to traction capacity slightly decreased with an increase in P. This finding
Liew et al. [48], some researchers prefer the approach of low micro- may be associated with a possible degradation of thermally sensitive
wave power with longer extraction time as high power may reduce compounds at high microwave powers.
purity. However, this approach may cause overheating and reduce the Fig. 5 presents the comparison of predicted and experimental values

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

Table 1
Statistical parameters of the kinetic models for microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenols from pomegranate peels using 50% aqueous ethanol.
A/A Microwave power (P, W) Solvent/peel ratio (L/S, mL/g) Kinetic model

Peleg’s model First-order kinetic model Second-order kinetic model


1 350 10.0 0.972 1.322 0.971 1.361 0.965 1.481

2 527 17.3 0.991 0.498 0.987 0.606 0.973 0.885
3 173 17.3 0.965 0.839 0.958 0.919 0.911 1.347
4 100 35.0 0.964 0.478 0.935 0.640 0.907 0.769
5 600 35.0 0.976 0.468 0.974 0.486 0.938 0.744
6 350 35.0 0.978 0.401 0.952 0.584 0.941 0.650
7 350 35.0 0.972 0.442 0.938 0.651 0.908 0.795
8 350 35.0 0.982 0.376 0.952 0.623 0.922 0.793
9 350 60.0 0.930 0.539 0.962 0.399 0.509 1.431
10 350 35.0 0.953 0.630 0.920 0.818 0.912 0.861
11 527 52.7 0.977 0.289 0.978 0.286 0.948 0.433
12 350 35.0 0.979 0.438 0.953 0.653 0.893 0.983
13 173 52.7 0.924 0.523 0.882 0.652 0.832 0.777
Average 0.966 0.557 0.951 0.668 0.889 0.919

Fig. 5. Experimental and predicted by the Peleg’s model values of polyphenols

concentration in the extract (C, mg/mL) at a microwave power of 350 W, a
solvent-to-peels ratio of 35.0/1 mL/g, and 50% aqueous ethanol as solvent.
Prediction Band is the region where 95% of the experimental data points are
expected to be and Confidence Band is the region where 95% of the regression
lines are expected to be.

Qu et al. [54], who studied the extraction of antioxidants from

pomegranate marc, fitted the relationships between kinetic parameters
and processing factors (particle size, water/sample ratio, and tem-
perature) by linear, power or second-order polynomial functions.
However, they developed a different model for each factor. In this
work, multiple regression analysis was used to develop equations pre-
dicting the effect of all extraction factors simultaneously. The effect of
Fig. 4. Contour plots illustrating the effect of microwave power (P, W) and extraction variables on Peleg’s model constants can be expressed by
solvent-to-peels ratio (L/S, mL/g) on the kinetic parameters of the Peleg’s Eqs. (11) and (12).
model (K1 in min mL/mg and K2 in mL/mg).
K1 (×10−3) = 4.006 + 0.445⋅P − 5.469⋅L/ S + 0.153⋅L/ S 2
of polyphenols concentration in the extract for the Peleg’s model at a − 0.003⋅P⋅L/ S (R20.911) (11)
microwave power of 350 W, a liquid-to-solid ratio of 35.0/1 mL/g, and
50% aqueous ethanol as solvent. The figure presents also the confidence K2 (×10−3) = 42.467 + 0.166⋅P − 3.641⋅L/ S + 0.018⋅L/ S 2
(CB) and prediction (PB) bands for the polyphenols concentration at the + 0.001⋅P⋅L/ S (R2 = 0.962) (12)
solvent phase against time. It is noted that similar trends were observed
for all experiments. The PB is the region where 95% of the experimental Substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eq. (2), a kinetic model for
data points are expected to be and it is observed that all obtained ob- predicting polyphenols extraction from pomegranate peel can be ob-
servations fall within. Likewise, the CB is the region where 95% of the tained. Even though the empirical models (11)–(12) cannot account for
regression lines are expected to be. the phenomena governing extraction processes, they could be used to
determine the effects of microwave power and liquid-to-solid ratio on

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 6. HPLC chromatogram of pomegranate peel extract at the optimum conditions of microwave- and ultrasound-assisted extraction (254 nm).

the phenolics extraction yield [33]. been achieved with regard to the quantification of phenolic compounds
in pomegranate peel extracts using HPLC; furthermore, it is difficult to
compare results from different studies since different extraction
3.3. HPLC analysis methods were used. In the present work, punicalagin was determined as
predominant in the extract at the optimum conditions of microwave-
Polyphenol qualitative and quantitative determination of pome- assisted extraction (Fig. 6). This observation is similar to that reported
granate peel extract was performed by HPLC analysis. The identified by other researchers. Aqil et al. [55] and Gullon et al. [56] reported that
phenolic components were quantified with respect to reference sub- punicalagin is the main bioactive compound present in pomegranate
stances to compare the content of the major individual phenolic com- peel. Similarly, Yan et al. [57] found that among the phenolic
ponents in pomegranate peel extract. Generally, limited research has

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

compounds of pomegranate peel, punicalagin present as a mixture of 60 and 240 min, respectively. Cam and Hisil [1] reported a maximum
two reversible anomers (a and b) was the dominant one, accounting for yield of 264 mg tannic acid equivalents/g dry matter at 15 min with the
more than 90% of the phenolics in all of the tested cultivars (range, pressurized water extraction method. Mushtaq et al. [71] proposed an
17.8–114.5 mg/g). The alpha and beta forms of pomegranate punica- enzyme-assisted supercritical fluid extraction of phenolics form pome-
lagin are polyphenolic hydrolysable tannins and isomers of 2,3-(S)- granate peels with an optimum yield of 301.53 mg GAE/g extract at
hexahydroxydiphenoyl-4,6-(S,S)-gallagyl- D-glucose [58]. 85 min.
Punicalagin content (a + b) of the pomegranate peel extract at the As far as new separation “green’’ techniques are concerned, ultra-
optimum conditions of microwave-assisted extraction was determined sound- and microwave-assisted extraction are energy-saving technolo-
as 143.64 mg/g on dry matter basis. This punicalagin content is higher gies that are increasingly employed in the extraction of natural products
than the values reported by Lu et al. [59] (39.8–121.5 mg/g dry weight) as alternatives to traditional techniques of extraction. Pan et al. [13]
for pomegranate peel extracts obtained by UAE for 30 min in 40% reported extraction yields, under the optimum conditions of ultrasound
aqueous ethanol. Gullon et al. [56] applying ultrasound-assisted ex- extraction of phenolics from pomegranate peel with water, of 14.8 and
traction with 50% aqueous ethanol determined a lower punicalagin 14.5% at extraction times of 6 and 8 min for continuous UAE and pulse
content of 16.67 mg/g dry weight. On the contrary, Kharchoufi et al. UAE, respectively. Tabaraki et al. [14] achieved an optimum yield of
[60] using the normal stirring method, reported much higher values of 91.98 mg GAE/g dry peels using 70% ethanol–water mixture as solvent
punicalagin, respectively 193.78 mg/g for a methanolic extract and and extraction time of 30 min. In our previous work, Kaderides et al.
245.47 mg/g for an aqueous one. Such variations could be due to the [11] studied the effects of various parameters on ultrasound-assisted
extraction conditions and solvents used and probably also to the extraction yield of pomegranate peel phenolics and found the optimum
variability associated with the difference in the stage of maturity of conditions to be: solvent type, water; extraction time, 10 min; tem-
cultivars and geographical area of origin [60]. According to Saad et al. perature, 34.7 °C; solvent/solid ratio, 32.2/1; amplitude level, 39.8%;
[61], total polyphenol levels increase at the early stage of growth in pulse duration/pulse interval ratio, 1.2/1. Under these optimized con-
peel, but thereafter generally decrease during maturation. ditions, the experimental value of extraction yield was 119.82 mg GAE/
Yan et al. [57] found an ellagic acid content of 0.39–3.04 mg/g in g dry peels at an extraction time of 10 min. The obtained UAE extract
pomegranate peel extract and similarly, Seeram et al. [62] reported that was analysed in the present work for polyphenol qualitative and
pomegranate peel contains major ellagitannins, such as punicalagin quantitative determination, antioxidant activity, and surface mor-
(80–85% w/w) and ellagic acid (1.3% w/w). Zhou et al. [63] and Cam phology.
and Hisil [1] identified ellagic acid and the other ellagic acid deriva- The microwave-assisted extraction method that was used in the
tives, which were not determined in the present study. This may be present work provided higher extraction efficiencies in comparison to
attributed to the smaller solubility of ellagic acid in aqueous ethanol ultrasound-assisted extraction (Table 2). The MAE of pomegranate peel
compared to methanol, which was used as an extraction solvent in the phenolics had a maximum yield of 199.4 mg GAE/g dry peel at an ex-
aforementioned studies. Panichayupakarananta et al. [64] investigated traction time of 4 min A similar trend was observed by Ince et al. [72]
the influence of different methanol concentrations on the content of during the extraction of phenolic compounds from nettle by micro-
ellagic acid in pomegranate peel extracts and concluded that 90% v/v waves (24.64 mg GAE/g dry material) and ultrasounds (23.86 mg GAE/
methanol gave significantly higher content of ellagic acid compared to g dry material). The solvent accessibility to the pomegranate peels must
other analyzed methanol percentages, whereas Rodrigues et al. [65] have been enhanced due to the action of microwaves, disrupting the
also showed that during UAE of jabuticaba tree, the best results for peels matrix and allowing the penetration of solvent. Generally, ultra-
ellagic acid were achieved at high ethanol concentration and high ex- sound waves and the cavitation effect they produce can alter biological
traction time. In addition, Elfalleh et al. [66] reported a gallic acid materials, facilitating the release of extractable compounds and en-
content varied from 1.09 to 1.31 mg/g in six varieties of Tunisian po- hancing mass transport by disrupting cell walls, whereas the effec-
megranate peel after methanol extraction overnight. Generally, al- tiveness of microwaves is attributed to its localized heating which in-
though the existence of gallic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, p- creases the internal pressure of the cells and consequently ruptures
coumaric acid, catechin, quercetin, and rutin in pomegranate peels them. Heat and mass transfer occur in the same direction from inside to
were reported in the literature, these polyphenols were not identified in outside in MAE, accelerating the solubilisation of solutes. Meanwhile
the present work. Gullon et al. [56] reported that the type and con- the heat that transferred from the outside to the inside of samples in the
centration of bioactive compounds in pomegranate peel extract depend ultrasounds method prolongs the extraction period needed for the so-
on several factors, such as cultivar analyzed, soil factors, environmental lutes to diffuse out and become solubilised in the solvent.
conditions, maturity stages and so on. According to Bruni [67], the The raw material (RM) and the treated by MAE and UAE peels at the
proclivity to hydrolysis and in particular the different solubility in optimum conditions were examined by scanning electron microscopy
water of some ellagitannins according to their molecular weight, are (SEM) and their micrographs are shown in Fig. 7. The surface of the
factors that must be taken into account when comparing phytochemical peels sample before extraction was densely packed, whereas extraction
profiles of pomegranate peels in the literature. Generally, a number of produced structural changes in all samples. After UAE, no significant
researchers have concluded that the solvent used, the extraction changes could be found for the surfaces of samples except for few
method, and the duration of the process may severely affect both the creases and ruptures, which may be due to the cavitation effects of
amount of phenolics and their relative ratios. ultrasounds [73]. On the contrary, in the case of MAE, the sudden
thermal stresses and the high localized pressures affect the cell structure
3.4. Comparison between microwave- and ultrasound-assisted extraction of the cell causing intense creases and ruptures. Dahmoune et al. [74]
confirmed in their work on the microwave extraction of polyphenolic
Several researchers extracted phenolic compounds of pomegranate compounds from medicinal plants that the electromagnetic waves
peel using different extraction methods (Soxhlet, normal stirring, caused cell damage and rupture due to sudden temperature rise during
pressurized water extraction, supercritical fluid extraction) [11] and microwave irradiation. Alara et al. [37] also reported that microwave
reported much longer extraction times (up to 60 times) to achieve irradiation plays an important role in vegetal cell wall breakage and
lower, similar or slightly higher extraction yields. Negi et al. [68] ex- this phenomenon might be due to the rotation of liquids and the mo-
tracted phenolics from pomegranate peels using the Soxhlet method lecular movement associated with a permanent dipole, resulting in
with water for 4 h and reported a yield of 4.8%. Pan et al. [69] and rapid heating of the solvent. This structural change allows easy entry of
Wang et al. [70] used the normal stirring method with water and the solvent into cellular channels with high extraction efficiency.
achieved a total phenolic yield of 119 and 82.6 mg GAE/g dry matter at In addition, the lower total phenolics content obtained by the

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

ultrasound-assisted method could be attributed to a possible degrada-

tion of the extract due to the generation of hydroxyl radicals by acoustic
Antioxidant activity (radical scavenging cavitation during ultrasounds treatment in water [75]. Vinatoru et al.
[76] reported that the presence of water vapor in the bubbles leads to a
homolytic splitting of the water molecules generating reactive HO and
hydrogen atoms during its collapse. The radicals formed then undergo
reactions to produce H2O2 and other active oxidising agents resulting in
possible phenolics degradation.
Punicalagin was found to be the major polyphenol in the optimized
pomegranate peel extract for both MAE and UAE, with a content of
143.64 and 138.8 mg/g dry matter, respectively (Fig. 6). Various po-
activity, %)

tential biological and pharmacological activities, including anti-bac-

terial, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, hepato-
protective, and anti-genotoxic properties, have been attributed to the
presence of punicalagin, mostly due to its high antioxidant activity
Punicalagin content (mg/g dry matter)

[56]. Gil et al. [77] determined the antioxidant activity of individual


phenolic groups in pomegranate juice by the DPPH method and found

that punicalagin had about 1.5-, 6.5-, and 20-times higher antioxidant
activity than those of hydrolyzable tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic

acids, respectively, due to the presence of 16 phenolic hydroxyls per

molecule in its structure. According to Gil et al. [77], among the po-
Extract properties

megranate ellagitannins, punicalagin, which is the largest polyphenol,

having a molecular weight of greater than 1000, is reported to be re-
sponsible for more than half the potent antioxidant activity of the juice.


Moreover, Scalbert et al. [78] reported that phenolic compounds such

as caffeic acid can easily be absorbed through the gut barrier, however
large molecular weight compounds like punicalagin and proanthocya-
Extraction yield (mg GAE/g dry

nidins are very poorly absorbed. These findings are the most convincing
evidence that the antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel is mainly
related to the high contents of punicalagin in the extract. However,
there is a need for in depth study of quantitative aspect, due to possible
toxicity of this compound in large amounts of consumption.
Recent studies showed the antioxidant properties of different po-
Comparison between microwave- and ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolics from pomegranate peels.

megranate peel extracts. Singh et al. [79] reported that a methanol


extract of pomegranate peels showed 81% antioxidant activity at

50 ppm using the DPPH model system. In this work, the radical
Temperature (oC)

scavenging activity of the optimized pomegranate peel extracts for MAE

and UAE was 94.91 and 94.77%, respectively. The slightly lower ac-
tivity of the UAE extract may be associated with the lower punicalagin
content and the solvent used (water instead of aqueous ethanol). Negi

et al. [68], who studied the antioxidant and antimutagenic activities of

various pomegranate peel extracts, mentioned that all the extracts
Solvent/peels (mL/g)

showed an increase in antioxidant capacity with an increase in phe-

nolics concentration and the water extract showed less antioxidant
capacity at all the concentrations.
Solvent/peels (mL/g)


4. Conclusions

Increased concern over the safety of synthetic antioxidants has led

to an increased interest in exploration of effective and economical

natural antioxidants. Pomegranate peel could be a good commercial

Amplitude (W)

source of phenolic compounds that can be separated and concentrated

Power (W)

through different extraction processes. The extract can be used as a

substitute of synthetic antioxidants for food products. In this work, a

method for pomegranate peels application in food industries based on


the microwave-assisted extraction of phenolics compounds was opti-

Time (min)

Time (min)

mized. Only 4 min in aqueous ethanol (a green environmental solvent)

Ultrasound-assisted extraction
Microwave-assisted extraction
Optimum extraction conditions

are needed to recover polyphenols from pomegranate peel with a high


yield (199.4 mg GAE/g dry peel), whereas conventional extraction

50% aqueous ethanol 4

procedures need much longer extraction times (up to 60 times). In

addition, microwaves lead to a higher extraction yield obtained in a
shorter process time (4 min) in comparison to another “green” extrac-
tion approach, the ultrasound-assisted method (119.82 mg GAE/g dry


peel in 10 min). This difference is attributed to the intense cell de-

Table 2


struction of plant material observed by SEM analysis. The obtained

extract is characterized by a great antioxidant activity (radical

K. Kaderides et al. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 137 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 7. SEM images (×2000) of raw pomegranate peels before extraction (RM) and peels after microwave-assisted (MAE) and ultrasound-assisted (UAE) extraction at
the optimum conditions.

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