Answers For m6 Maxima and Minima

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Bicol University Graduate School

Master of Arts in Mathematics Education

Analysis for Teachers

Module 6 – Maxima and Minima

Exercises 6.2

3. A closed rectangular box whose base is twice as long as it is wide has a volume of 36,000 cm 3. The
material for the top costs 10 centavos per sq. cm; that for the sides and bottom costs 5 centavos per
sq. cm. find the dimensions that will make the cost of making the box a minimum.

Let and be the length, width and height of the rectangular box, respectively.

Hence, but (given), thus:

let be the cost of making the box with respect to it’s width.

But , and
, thus:

Let , solve for .

Therefore, the dimension is .

To check if it’s the minimum:

is the minimum.

JEPHTHAH M. OROBIA |Module 6 – Maxima Minima |Page 1 of 5

JEPHTHAH M. OROBIA |Module 6 – Maxima Minima |Page 2 of 5

4. A mango-grower observes that if 25 mango trees are planted per hectare, the yield is 450 mangoes
per tree and that the yield per tree decreases by 10 for each additional tree per hectare. How many
trees should be planted per hectare to obtain the maximum crop?

Let be the number of tress planted and be the number of mangoes per tree, thus:

Let be the total number of mangoes obtain, therefore:


Let , solve for .

To check if it’s the maximum:

is the maximum.

5. Buses are to be chartered for an excursion. The bus company charges P20.00 per ticket if not more
than 200 passengers go with the trip. However, the company agrees to reduce the price of every
ticket P0.05 for each passenger in excess of 200 passengers. What number of passengers will
produce the maximum gross income?

Let be the number passengers and be the price of the ticket per passenger, thus:

Let be the gross income of the bus, therefore:


Let , solve for .

To check if it’s the maximum:

is the maximum

6. A closed right circular cylindrical tank is to have a capacity of 120 m3. Find the dimensions of the
tank that will require the least amount of material in making it.

Let and be the radius of the base and the height of the tank, respectively. Thus:
JEPHTHAH M. OROBIA |Module 6 – Maxima Minima |Page 3 of 5

The amount of materials needed in making the tank will vary from its Surface Area .

Let , solve for :

To check if it’s the minimum:

is the minimum.

7. A building with rectangular base is to be constructed on a lot in the form of a right triangle with legs
18 m and 24 m. If the building has one side along the hypotenuse of the triangle. Find the
dimensions of the base of the building for maximum floor area.

Let and be the vertices of the lot whereas is the hypotenuse, and
by PT:

Let and be the vertices of the base of the building whereas is along the hypotenuse
as shown on the right.

Let the area of the base be and

, thus:

Consider and .

Consider and .
JEPHTHAH M. OROBIA |Module 6 – Maxima Minima |Page 4 of 5

Now consider :

Substitute to the function :

Let , solve for w:

Therefore, the dimension is

To check if it’s the maximum:

8. A sheet of cardboard 3 ft. by 4 ft. will be made into a box by cutting equal-sized squares from each
corner and folding up the four edges. What will be the dimensions of the box with largest volume?

Let be the length of the side of the cut-out squares.

Hence, , and be the length, width and height of the box as shown on the right.

Let be the volume with respect to . Thus:

Let , solve for :

JEPHTHAH M. OROBIA |Module 6 – Maxima Minima |Page 5 of 5

Use 2nd degree derivative of to test which will give the maximum of :

If :

If :


Therefore, the dimension is

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