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Learning evidence 4.

Making my mind Form & Video

Slide Presentation
Create a Word document and include the following information: the
selected dilemma, as per Step 1; the link to the filled-in format, as per
Step 2; and the link to the video where the slide show is performed, as
per Step 4. The document should also include a cover page with the
name of the student, the course, etc. Send your document via the
"cargar tarea" button.

Step 1: Each student must select one of the following

Dilemma C

The human talent manager of a technology company urgently needs to

hire a Python developer with knowledge of mobile device
programming. After a strict selection process, she has two options. The
first is an empirical developer, who has learned several programming
languages, including Python, and mobile device programming. The
other option is an engineer who has extensive experience with Python,
but little knowledge of mobile device programming.

Step 2: Based on the selected dilemma, each student must complete

the following format, through which he or she performs the dilemma
analysis and applies a decision making model. You must download the
form and fill it out. Then you should upload it to any cloud storage
service and get the link to share. You must ensure that the file is Public
or Unlisted, because private files cannot be opened.
LEARNING EVIDENCE 4 – I made a decision
Dilemma C

Importance level
unimportant trivial important very important urgent
Uncertainty level completely completely
very uncertain uncertain sure
The best that could happen: added value in the company, to achieve the objectives
proposed in the work team.

The worst that could happen: the objectives are not met and the project is completed
without the goals proposed by management

What my intuition says: hire the Pros and cons

empiricist because the learning curve will + rapid progress on projects
be shorter and the project is urgently
needed. - share knowledge
+ autodidact
if we hire the professional, the learning
curve is very long while he obtains the - inaccurate
skills +

Conclusion based on my intuition: I Rational conclusion: offer opportunities to

consider an empirical person to be more people who, through their efforts, want to
intelligent than a professional, the overcome their limits
empirical person is very disciplined and
demands himself and has no limits to his
Decision: The job was won by the empiricist, his responsibility, discipline and passion to
get ahead convinced us.

Steps to follow: talk to the empiricist and give him the good news, a follow-up will be
carried out in these months.
Step 3: Each student is required to create a slide show presenting all
the information provided in the format of Step 2.
Link slide:

Step 4 : By using the online application Screencast-o-matic (Enlaces a

un sitio externo.), each student must record himself/herself (webcam)
while performing the slide show (screen) orally. Both the presentation
and the student must be seen. Please get the sharing link from the

Link Screencast:

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