Build Local Unit Test

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Build local unit tests

You can evaluate your app's logic using local unit tests when you need to run tests more quickly
and don't need the fidelity and confidence associated with running tests on a real device. With
this approach, you normally fulfill your dependency relationships using either Robolectric or a
mocking framework, such as Mockito. Usually, the types of dependencies associated with your
tests determine which tool you use:

 If you have dependencies on the Android framework, particularly those that create
complex interactions with the framework, it's better to include framework dependencies
using Robolectric.
 If your tests have minimal dependencies on the Android framework, or if the tests depend
only on your own objects, it's fine to include mock dependencies using a mocking
framework like Mockito.

1. Set up your testing environment

In your Android Studio project, you must store the source files for local unit tests at module-
name/src/test/java/. This directory already exists when you create a new project.

You also need to configure the testing dependencies for your project to use the standard APIs
provided by the JUnit 4 framework. If your test needs to interact with Android dependencies,
include Robolectric or the Mockito library to simplify your local unit tests.

In your app's top-level build.gradle file, specify the following libraries as dependencies:

dependencies {
    // Required -- JUnit 4 framework
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
    // Optional -- Robolectric environment
    testImplementation 'androidx.test:core:1.4.0'
    // Optional -- Mockito framework
    testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'

2. Create a local unit test class

Your local unit test class should be written as a JUnit 4 test class. JUnit is the most popular and
widely-used unit testing framework for Java. JUnit 4 allows you to write tests in a cleaner and
more flexible way than its predecessor versions because JUnit 4 doesn't require you to do the
 Extend the junit.framework.TestCase class.
 Prefix your test method name with the 'test' keyword.
 Use classes from the junit.framework or junit.extensions packages.

To create a basic JUnit 4 test class, create a class that contains one or more test methods. A test
method begins with the @Test annotation and contains the code to exercise and verify a single
functionality in the component that you want to test.

The following example shows how you might implement a local unit test class. The test method
emailValidator_CorrectEmailSimple_ReturnsTrue verifies that the isValidEmail()
method in the app under test returns the correct result.

import org.junit.Test

class EmailValidatorTest {
    fun emailValidator_CorrectEmailSimple_ReturnsTrue() {

To create readable tests that evaluate whether the components in your app return the expected
results, we recommend using the Truth library and classes from Android Assertions, as shown in
the preceding example. To learn more about the types of logic validation that Truth and Android
Assertions support, see the section describing how to create more readable assertions.

If you're more comfortable comparing expected and actual results using junit.Assert methods or
Hamcrest matchers (such as the is() and equalTo() methods), however, it's OK to use those
libraries instead.

Note: Hamcrest is still the preferred library to use when constructing matchers, such as for
Espresso's ViewMatcher class.

3. Include framework dependencies

If your tests interact with several Android framework dependencies, or interact with those
dependencies in a complex way, use the Robolectric artifacts that AndroidX Test provides.
Robolectric executes real Android framework code and fakes of native framework code on your
local JVM or on a real device.

The following example shows how you might create a unit test that uses Robolectric:


android {
    // ...
    testOptions {
        unitTests.includeAndroidResources = true


import android.content.Context
import org.junit.Test

private const val FAKE_STRING = "HELLO_WORLD"

class UnitTestSample {
    val context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<Context>()

    @Test fun readStringFromContext_LocalizedString() {

        // Given a Context object retrieved from Robolectric...
        val myObjectUnderTest = ClassUnderTest(context)

        // ...when the string is returned from the object under test...

        val result: String = myObjectUnderTest.getHelloWorldString()

        // ...then the result should be the expected one.


a. Include Android Builder classes

If you're creating local unit tests that you run in a Robolectric environment or on a real device,
you can use the builders that AndroidX Test provides for several common framework classes.
These builders allow you to create instances of the following classes without needing to use
mocks or reflection:

 ApplicationInfo
 PackageInfo
 MotionEvent
 MotionEvent.PointerCoords
 MotionEvent.PointerProperties

b. Use Parcelables utility class

In addition, the library provides a utility class for Parcelable objects. By providing a Creator
object, this class unmarshals the given Parcelable object, and then marshals a duplicate
Parcelable object.
Note: It's up to the method that calls Parcelables.forceParcel() to verify that the
unmarshal/remarshal operation has succeeded.

4. Include mock dependencies

By default, the Android Plug-in for Gradle executes your local unit tests against a modified
version of the android.jar library, which does not contain any actual code. Instead, method
calls to Android classes from your unit test throw an exception. This is to make sure you test
only your code and do not depend on any particular behavior of the Android platform (that you
have not explicitly built or mocked).

c. Mock Android dependencies

If you have minimal Android dependencies and need to test specific interactions between a
component and its dependency within your app, use a mocking framework to stub out external
dependencies in your code. That way, you can easily test that your component interacts with the
dependency in an expected way. By substituting Android dependencies with mock objects, you
can isolate your unit test from the rest of the Android system while verifying that the correct
methods in those dependencies are called. The Mockito mocking framework for Java (version
1.9.5 and higher) offers compatibility with Android unit testing. With Mockito, you can
configure mock objects to return some specific value when invoked.

To add a mock object to your local unit test using this framework, follow this programming

1. Include the Mockito library dependency in your build.gradle file, as described in Set
up your testing environment.
2. At the beginning of your unit test class definition, add the
@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) annotation. This annotation tells the Mockito
test runner to validate that your usage of the framework is correct and simplifies the
initialization of your mock objects.
3. To create a mock object for an Android dependency, add the @Mock annotation before the
field declaration.
4. To stub the behavior of the dependency, you can specify a condition and return value
when the condition is met by using the when() and thenReturn() methods.

The following example shows how you might create a unit test that uses a mock Context object.

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