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Name Trias lMahmudiono,S.KM, MPH (Nubition)

NIP 1323051,60
Structural Position Secretaryof Nutrition and Health Deparhent
Place/ Dateof Birth Blitar, 24thof.March 1.981
Marital Status Married
Address Griyo PabeanII Blok C-2, Sedafi- Sidoarjo,Jatim
Phone (031)5964[808
Mobile 085&5589657
Fax (031)5954809
Blog http:/ /
Website www. gizikesmas.multiply. com

2006- 2007 Master of PubIc Health in the Field of Community

Nutrition, Australian Centre of Intemational,
Tropical Health and Nutrition (ACITHN) School
of Popul,ation Health, the University of
Queensland- Australia
$99 -m03 Bachelorof Public Health, School of Public Health
Airlangga University, Surabaya- Lrdonesia
December2003- Now
Lecturer, Researcherand Public Health Nutritionist at Nutrition
and Health Department, School of Public Health,
|anuary2008- Now
Secretaryof Nukition and Health Department, Schoolof Public
Public Health, Airlangga University

CopingMechanismof UnsecuredHouseholdin ]ombangDistrict CaseStudy
in Kedungdowo Village
World Food Programmes (WFP) Nutrition Rehabilitation Program (NRP)
Follow Up Survey in Madura, Lombok and West
The Effect of Nicotine Patch Promotion toward Heavy Smoker's Knowledge
and Attitude to Quit Smoking
Correlation of 12.5% and ?5% Acid Treatnnent with Lead and Protein
Concentration in Shell (Biaalaia)
Factors Related to the Decline Coverage of Posyandu in Rural and Urban
L:rdonesiaand the Improvement of Child Health
Outcome (MasterThesis)
Health Analysis and Critical Control Point 6HACC$ of Surabaya's
Traditional Food (Semanggi)
Factors Related to TB Infection and Lifestyle of Street Children in Insani
Foundation Shelter,Surabaya
Factors Related to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever among Elementary School
Type I, II and III in the Area of PacarkelingPublic
Health Cenhe
FactorsRelatedto the Ability to Pay (AT") and Willingness to Pay (WTP) of
National Health Insurance with the amount of

Nutrition Assistance of Undernourished Children in Surabaya, Held by
SurabayaDistrict Health Office
Training of StudentLeadershipand Management,Held by StudentExecutive
Board, School of Public Health Airlangga
Nutrition Training, Held by World Vision IndonesiaADP West Sumba
BeverageEducation,Held by CocaCola CompanySurabaya
Nutritional Assessmentfor ElementaryStudent of A1 Islam Full day School
Surabaya, Held by School of Public Health,
Airlangga University
Food Safetyof Skeet Vendor in Surabaya,Held by Schoolof Public Health,
Airlangga University
Urban Nutrition Assistance,Held by World Vision IndonesiaADP Surabaya
Modified Formula for Supplementary Food for Elementary Children in the
Form of "Nagasai" Cake

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