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Newton’s Laws of Motion




1. An object of 5 kg is far away from the surface of the earth and has an acceleration of 6 m/s2 towards the
center of earth. Find the force exerted by the object on the earth.

2. Three blocks A, B and C are placed one over the other as shown in figure. Draw the free body diagrams of
all the three blocks.


3. Suppose you are running fast in a field. When you suddenly find a snake in front of you, you stop quickly.
Which force is responsible for your deceleration ?

4. A block ‘A’ exerts a force on ‘B’ of magnitude 20 N. Calculate the magnitude of force exerted by ‘B’ on ‘A’.

5. Two forces of same magnitude act on an isolated body in opposite directions to keep it at equilibrium
position, is this true according to Newton’s third law ?

6. Draw F.B.D. of the sphere of mass M placed between a vertical wall and ground as shown in figure (All
surfaces are smooth).

7. A block of mass 1 kg placed on ground is pulled by a string by applying 10 N force : (g = 10 m/s 2 )

(i) Draw F.B.D. of block.

(ii) Give action–reaction pair involved in the above problem.

8. A boy is holding a bucket full of water through a light string. Mass of the bucket is M. Find :
(a) Tension in the string
(2) Force applied by boy on string

9. Draw the FBD for the following individual parts of the systems :
(Pulley are massless and friction less)

(a) (2) (c) (d)

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

(e) (f) (g)

(i) (j)


10. A block of mass ‘m’ is placed on ground and an additional force F = mg is applied on the block as shown in
figure. Calculate contact force between ground and block.

11. Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are placed on ground as shown in figure. Two forces of magnitude F act
on m1 and m2 in opposite directions.

(i) Draw F.B.D. of masses m1 and m2 .

(ii) Calculate the contact force between m1 and m2 .
(iii) What will be the value of normal force between m1 and m2 .
(iv) Calculate force exerted by ground surface on mass m1 and m2

12. A block of mass ‘m’ is placed on inclined plane as shown in figure. Now block is released from rest, calculate
normal reaction between block and inclined plane.


13. A sphere of mass ‘m’, radius ‘R’ placed between two vertical walls having separation ‘d’ which is slightly
greater than ‘2R’ :

(i) Calculate force exerted by walls on the sphere.

(ii) Calculate force exerted by ground surface on the sphere.

14. A sphere of mass M lies between two smooth incline as shown. Find the normal reaction at contact points A
and B.

2 1

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-145
Newton’s Laws of Motion
15. The 50 kg homogeneous smooth sphere rests on the 30º incline A and bears against the smooth vertical
wall B. Calculate the contact forces at A and B.

16. A spherical ball of mass m = 5 kg rests between two planes which make angles of 300 and 450 respectively
with the horizontal. The system is in equilibrium. Find the normal forces exerted on the ball by each of
the planes. (The planes are smooth.)



17. A string 1 is connected between surface and a block of mass 1 kg which is pulled by another string 2
by applying force F = 10 N as shown in figure. (g = 10 m/s 2 )

1 kg

(i) Calculate tension in string (1).

(ii) Calculate tension in string (2).

18. A one meter long massless string fixed with a wall is pulled horizontally by applying a force of magnitude
10 N. Calculate :
(a) the tension at a point 0.5m away from wall.
(2) the tension at a point 0.75 m away from wall.
(c) force exerted by string on the rigid support.

19. A block of mass 1 kg is suspended by a string of mass 1 kg, length 1m as shown in figure.
(g = 10 m/s2 ) Calculate :

(a) the tension in string at its lowest point.

(2) the tension in string at its mid–point.
(c) force exerted by support on string.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion
20. A block of mass 0.3 kg is suspended from the ceiling by a light string. A second block of mass 0.2 kg
is suspended from the first block through another string. Find the tensions in the two strings. Take g =
10 m/s2 .

21. Two unequal masses m1 and m2 are connected by a string going over a clamped light smooth pulley as
shown in figure m1 = 3 kg and m2 = 6 kg. The system is released from rest.



(a) Find the distance travelled by the first block in the first two seconds.
(2) Find the tension in the string.
(c) Find the force exerted by the clamp on the pulley. (g = 10 m/s 2 )

22. A mass M is held in place by an applied force F and a pulley system as shown in figure. The pulleys are
massless and frictionless.

(a) Draw a free body diagram for each pulley

(2) Find the tension in each section of rope T 1 , T 2 , T 3 , T 4 and T 5 .
(c) Find the magnitude of F.

23. The three blocks shown in figure move with constant velocities. Find the velocity of block A and B.
Given VP2 = 10 m/s  Vc = 2 m/s 

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Newton’s Laws of Motion
24. In the figure shown, blocks A and B move with velocities v 1 and v2 along horizontal direction.
Find the ratio of v .

25. In the figure shown, the pulley is moving with velocity u. Calculate the velocity of the block attached
with string.

26. The velocity of end ‘A’ of rigid rod placed between two smooth vertical walls moves with velocity ‘u’
along vertical direction. Find out the velocity of end ‘B’ of that rod, rod always remains in contact with
the vertical wall and also find the velocity of centre of rod. also find equation of path of centre of rod.

27. f block A has a velocity of 0.6 m/s to the right, determine the velocity of block B.

28. Velocities of blocks A, B and pulley p2 are shown in figure. Find velocity of pulley p1 and block C.

10 m/s



B 10 m/s

20 m/s

29. Find the acceleration of A in term of b.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

30. A mass M is hung with a light inextensible string as shown in the figure. Find the tension of horizontal string.

30° B
A P T2



31. A particle of mass 100 gram moves on a straight line. The variation of speed with time is shown in
figure. Find the force acting on the particle at t = 1, 3 and 5 seconds.

32. A 3.0 kg mass is moving in a plane, with its x and y coordinates given by x = 5t 2 – 1 and y = 3t 3 + 2,
where x and y are in meters and t is in second. Find the magnitude of the net force acting on this mass
at t = 2 sec.

33. A constant force F = m1 g / 2 is applied on the block of mass m2 as shown in figure. The string and the
pulley are light and the surface of the table is smooth. Find the acceleration of m2 .

34. Two blocks of masses 6 kg and 4 kg connected by a rope of mass 2 kg are resting on frictionless floor as
shown in figure. If a constant force of 60 N is applied to 6 kg block , find the acceleration of the system and
tension in the rope at points A, B and C.
4kg 2kg
C B A P F = 60 N

35. A 2 kg toy car can move along an x axis. Graph shows force F x, acting on the car which begins at rest
at time t = 0. The velocity of the car at t = 10 s is :


4 8 9 10 11


Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-149
Newton’s Laws of Motion
36. Find out the acceleration of the block B in the following systems :

(a) (2)

37. A block of metal weighing 2 kg is resting on a frictionless plane. It is struck by a jet releasing water at a rate
of 1 kg/s and at a speed of 5 m/s. Calculate the initial acceleration of the block.

2kg a


38. A man of mass 60 kg is standing on a weighing machine placed in a lift moving with velocity ‘v’ and
acceleration ‘a’ as shown in figure. Calculate the reading of weighing machine in following situations :
(g = 10 m/s2)

(i) a = 0, v=0
(ii) a = 0, v = 2 m/s
(iii) a = 0, v = – 2m/s
(iv) a = 2m/s2, v=0
(v) a = – 2 m/s2 v=0
(vi) a = 2 m/s2, v = 2 m/s
(vii) a = 2 m/s2, v = – 2 m/s
(viii) a = – 2 m/s2 v = – 2 m/s

39. What will be the reading of spring balance in the figure shown in following situations. (g = 10 m/s2)

(i) a = 0, v=0
(ii) a = 0, v = 2 m/s
(iii) a = 0, v = – 2m/s
(iv) a = 2m/s2, v=0
(v) a = – 2 m/s2 v=0
(vi) a = 2 m/s2, v = 2 m/s
(vii) a = 2 m/s2, v = – 2 m/s
(vii) a = – 2 m/s2 v = – 2 m/s

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-150
Newton’s Laws of Motion
40. Three identical balls 1,2,3 are suspended on springs one below the other as shown in the figure. OA is a
weightless thread. The balls are in equilibrium

(a) If the thread is cut, the system starts falling. Find the acceleration of all the balls at the initial instant
(2) Find the initial accelerations of all the balls if we cut the spring BC, which is supporting ball 3, instead
of cutting the thread.


41. Man ‘A’ of mass 60 kg pushes the other man ‘B’ of mass 75 kg due to which man ‘B’ starts moving
with acceleration 3 m/s 2 . Calculate the acceleration of man ‘A’ at that instant.

42. Find the acceleration of the 6 Kg block in the figure. All the surfaces and pulleys are smooth. Also the strings
are inextensible and light. [Take g = 10 m/s2]

43. A painter of mass M stands on a platform of mass m and pulls himself up by two ropes which hang
over pulley as shown. He pulls each rope with the force F and moves upward with uniform acceleration
‘a’. Find ‘a’

44. An empty plastic box of mass m is found to accelerate up at the rate of g/6 when placed deep inside water. How
much mass of sand be filled in it so that it may accelerate down at the rate of g/6 ?

45. Find the acceleration of rod A and wedge B in the arrangement shown
in figure if the mass of rod equal that of the wedge and the friction
between all contact surfaces is negligible. Take angle of wedge as 37 o.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

46. Three monkeys A, B and C with masses of 10 , 15 & 8 Kg respectively are

climbing up & down the rope suspended from D . At the instant represented,
A is descending the rope with an acceleration of 2 m/s2 & C is pulling himself
up with an acceleration of 1.5 m/s2 . Monkey B is climbing up with a
constant speed of 0.8 m/s . Calculate the tension T in the rope at D.
( g = 10 m/s2 )

47. An object of mass 2 kg moving with constant velocity 10 î m/s is seen in a frame moving with constant
velocity 10 î m/s. What will be the value of ‘pseudo force’ acting on object in this frame.

48. An object of mass 2 kg is placed at rest in a frame (S1) moving with velocity 10 î  5 ĵ m/s and having
acceleration 5 î  10 ĵ m/s2 . This object is also seen by an observer standing in a frame (S2) moving with

velocity 5 î  10 ĵ m/s.
(i) Calculate ‘Pseudo force’ acting on object. Which frame is responsible for this force.
(ii) Calculate net force acting on object with respect to S2 frame.
(iii) Calculate net force acting on object with respect to S1 frame.

49. In the adjoining figure, a wedge is fixed to an elevator moving upwards

with an acceleration ‘a’. A block of mass ‘m’ is placed over the wedge.
Find the acceleration of the block with respect to wedge. Neglect friction. m



1. Let E,G and N represents the magnitude of electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear forces between
two protons at a given separation (1 fermi) . Then
(A) N < E < G (2) E > N > G (C) G > N > E (D) N > E > G

2. Which of the following option is incorrect for Action and reaction pair
(A) act on two different objects (2) have equal magnitude
(C) have opposite directions (D) have same directions

3. Which figure represents the correct F.B.D. of rod of mass m as shown in figure :

(A) (2) (C) (D) None of these

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-152
Newton’s Laws of Motion
4. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. One has mass m and the other 2m. A force F is
applied on 2m as shown in the figure. Now the same force F is applied from the right on m. In the two
cases respectively, the ratio of force of contact between the two blocks will be :

(A) same (2) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 3

5. Two forces of 6N and 3N are acting on the two blocks of 2kg and 1kg kept on frictionless floor. What
is the force exerted on 2kg block by 1kg block ?
2kg 1kg 3N

(A) 1N (2) 2N (C) 4N (D) 5N

6. A constant force F is applied in horizontal direction as shown. Contact force between M and m is N
and between m and M’ is N’ then

(A) N = N’ (2) N > N’ (C) N’ > N (D) cannot be determined

7. A mass M is suspended by a rope from a rigid support at A as shown in figure. Another rope is tied at the end
B, and it is pulled horizontally with a force F. If the rope AB makes an angle  with the vertical in equilibrium,then
the tension in the string AB is :
 B

(A) F sin  (2) F/sin  (C) F cos  (D) F/cos 

8. Two persons are holding a light rope tightly at its ends so that it is horizontal. A 15 kg weight is attached to the
rope at the mid point which now no longer remains horizontal. The minimum tension required to completely
straighten the rope is :
(A) 15 kg (2) kg
(C) 5 kg (D) nfinitely large (or not possible)

9. n the system shown in the figure, the acceleration of the 1 kg mass and the tension in the string connecting
between A and B is :

3kg C
B 3kg

A 1kg

g 8g g g g 6 g
(A) downwards , (2) upwards, (C) downwards , g (D) upwards , g
4 7 4 7 7 7 2

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-153
Newton’s Laws of Motion
10. A body of mass 8 kg is hanging from another body of mass 12 kg.The combination is being pulled by a string
with an acceleration of 2.2 m s–2. The tension T1 and T2 will be respectively : (use g = 9.8m/s2)

(A) 200 N, 80 N (2) 220 N, 90 N (C) 240 N, 96 N (D) 260 N, 96 N

11. A particle of small mass m is joined to a very heavy body by a light string passing over a light pulley.
Both bodies are free to move. The total downward force on the pulley due to string is nearly
(A) mg (2) 2 mg
(C) 4 mg (D) can not be determined

12. A block is dragged on smooth plane with the help of a rope which moves with velocity v. The horizontal
velocity of the block is :


v v
(A) v (2) (C) v sin  (D)
sin  cos 

13. Two masses are connected by a string which passes over a pulley accelerating upward at a rate A as
shown. If a 1 and a 2 be the acceleration of bodies 1 and 2 respectively then :

a1  a 2 a1  a 2
(A) A = a 1 – a 2 (2) A = a 1 + a 2 (C) A = (D) A = .
2 2

14. In the arrangement shown in fig. the ends P and Q of an unstretchable string move downwards with uniform
speed U. Pulleys A and B are fixed. Mass M moves upwards with a speed.

(A) 2 U cos  (2) U cos  (C) 2 U/cos  (D) U/cos 

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

15. A system is shown in the figure. A man standing on the block is pulling
the rope. Velocity of the point of string in contact with the hand of the
man is 2 m/s downwards. The velocity of the block will be: [ assume that
the block does not rotate ]
(A) 3 m/s (2) 2 m/s

(C) 1/2 m/s (D) 1 m/s

16. A rod AB is shown in figure. End A of the rod is fixed on the

ground. Block is moving with velocity 3 m/s towards right.
The velocity of end B of rod when rod makes an angle of 60º
with the ground is:
(A) 3 m/s (2) 2 m/s

(C) 2 3 m/s (D) 3 m/s

17. System is shown in figure and wedge is moving towards left with
speed 2 m/s. Then velocity of the block B will be:
(A) 3 m/s (2) 1 m/s
(C) 2 m/s (D) 0 m/s

18. In the figure shown the velocity of lift is 2 m/s while string is winding
on the motor shaft with velocity 2 m/s and block A is moving
downwards with a velocity of 2 m/s, then find out the velocity of
block B.
(A) 2 m/s  (2) 2 m/s 
(C) 4 m/s  (D) 8 m/s 

19. Two beads A and B move along a semicircular wire frame as shown in figure.
The beads are connected by an inelastic string which always remains tight. At an
instant the speed of A is u, BAC = 45° and BOC = 75°, whereO is
the centre of the semicircular arc. The speed of bead B at that instant is
(A) 2u (2) u

u 2
(C) (D) u
2 2 3
20. A particle is moving with a constant speed along a straight line path. A force is not required to :
(A) increase its speed (2) decrease its momentum
(C) change the direction (D) keep it moving with uniform velocity

21. When a constant force is applied to a body, it moves with uniform :

(A) acceleration (2) velocity (C) speed (D) momentum

22. An object will continue accelerating until :

(A) resultant force on it begins to decrease
(2) its velocity changes direction
(C) the resultant force on it is zero
(D) the resultant force is at right angles to its direction of motion

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-155
Newton’s Laws of Motion
23. n which of the following cases the net force is not zero ?
(A) A kite skillfully held stationary in the sky
(2) A ball freely falling from a height
(C) An aeroplane rising upwards at an angle of 45º with the horizontal with a constant speed
(D) A cork lying on the surface of water

24. Two masses M1 and M2 are attached to the ends of a light string which passes over a massless pulley
attached to the top of a double inclined smooth plane of angles of inclination  and . If M2 > M1 and  >
 then the acceleration of block M2 down the inclined will be :

 fixed 

M 2g  sin  M1g  sin  

(A) M  M (2) M  M
1 2 1 2

 M 2 sin  – M1 sin  
(C)  M1  M 2
g (D) zero
 
25. The pulley arrangements shown in figure are identical, the mass of the rope being negligible. In case I, the
mass m is lifted by attaching a mass 2m to the other end of the rope. In case II, the mass m is lifted by pulling
the other end of the rope with a constant downward force F = 2mg, where g is acceleration due to gravity.
The acceleration of mass in case I is :

(A) zero (2) more than that in case II

(C) less than that in case II (D) equal to that in case II

26. A force produces an acceleration of 4 ms–2 in a body of mass m1 and the same force produces an acceleration
of 6 ms–2 in another body of mass m2. If the same force is applied to (m1 + m2), then the acceleration will be:
(A) 10 ms–2 (2) 2 ms–2 (C) 2.4 ms–2 (D) 5.4 ms–2

27. A body of mass M is acted upon by a force F and the acceleration produced is a. If three coplaner forces
each equal to F and inclined to each other at 120º act on the same body and no other forces are acting. The
acceleration produced will be:
(A) 2a (2) a/ 3 (C) 3a (D) zero
3 th
28. A fireman wants to slide down a rope. The rope can bear a tension of of the weight of the man. With
what minimum acceleration should the fireman slide down :
g g g g
(A) (2) (C) (D)
3 6 4 2

29. A force F  6iˆ  8 ˆj  10 kˆ newton produces acceleration 1 m/s2 in a body. The mass of the body is (in kg)
(A) 6 ˆi  8 ˆj  10 kˆ kg (2) 10 2 kg (C) 100 kg (D) 10 kg

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Newton’s Laws of Motion
30. A body is moving with a speed of 1 m/s and a constant force F is needed to stop it in a distance x. If the
speed of the body is 3 m/s the force needed to stop it in the same distance x will be
(A) 1.5 F (2) 3F (C) 6 F (D) 9F

31. Two blocks, each having mass M, rest on frictionless surfaces as shown in the figure. If the pulleys are
light and frictionless, and M on the incline is allowed to move down, then the tension in the string will

 fixed M

2 3 Mg sin 
(A) Mg sin  (2) Mg sin  (C) (D) 2 Mg sin 
3 2 2
32. n the given figure, what is the reading of the spring balance ?

1kg 1kg

(A) 10 N (2) 20 N (C) 5 N (D) zero

33. Two blocks of masses M1 and M2 are connected to each other through a light spring as shown in figure. If
we push mass M1 with force F and cause acceleration a1 in right direction. What will be the magnitude of
acceleration in M2?
M1 M2
(A) F/M2 (2) F/(M1 + M2 ) (C) a 1 (D) (F – M1 a 1 )/M2
34. A massless spring balance is attached to 2 kg trolley and is used to pull the trolley along a flat surface
as shown in the fig. The reading on the spring balance remains at 10 kg during the motion. The
acceleration of the trolley is (Use g = 9.8 ms –2 )


• •
–2 –2
(A) 4.9 ms (2) 9.8 ms (C) 49 ms–2 (D) 98 ms–2

35. The ratio of the weight of a man in a stationary lift & when it is moving downward with uniform
acceleration 'a' is 3 : 2 . The value of 'a' is : (g = acceleration. due to gravity)
(A) (3/2) g (2) g (C) (2/3) g (D) g/3


36. Two masses of 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are connected by a massless spring as shown in figure. A
force of 200 N acts on the 20 kg mass at the instant when the 10 kg mass has an acceleration of
12 ms–2 towards right, the acceleration of the 20 kg mass is :
10kg 20kg
200 N

(A) 2 ms–2 (2) 4ms–2 (C) 10ms–2 (D) 20ms–2

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) - 226016 – Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 JEE-157
Newton’s Laws of Motion

37. In the arrangement shown in the figure all surfaces are frictionless,
pulley and string are light. The masses of the block are m1 = 20 kg
and m2 = 30 kg. The accelerations of masses m1 and m2 will be if
F = 180 N is applied according to figure.
2 2
(A) a m  9m / s , a m  0
1 2
(2) a m  9m / s , a m2  9 m/s2

(C) a m1  0 , a m2  9 m / s 2 (D) None of these

38. Three masses of 1 kg , 6 kg and 3 kg are connected to each other with

threads and are placed on table as shown in figure. What is the
accel eration with which the system is moving ? Take g = 10m s –2 .

(A) Zero (2) 1 m s–2 (C) 2 m s–2 (D) 3 m s–2

39. Figure shows a wedge of mass 2kg resting on a frictionless floor
A block of mass 1 kg is kept on the wedge and the wedge is given
an acceleration of 5 m/sec2 towards right. Then :
(A) block will remain stationary w.r.t. wedge
(2) the block will have an acceleration of 1 m/sec 2 w.r.t. the wedge
(C) normal reaction on the block is 11 N
(D) net force acting on the wedge is 2 N

40. A trolley of mass 8 kg is standing on a frictionless surface inside which an object of mass 2 kg is
suspended. A constant force F starts acting on the trolley as a result of which the string stood at an
angle of 370 from the vertical (bob at rest relative to trolley) Then :

F 37°

2kg 8kg

(A) acceleration of the trolley is 40/3 m/sec2. (2) force applied is 60 N

(C) force applied is 75 N (D) tension in the string is 30 N

41. A triangular block of mass M rests on a smooth surface as shown

in figure. A cubical block of mass m rests on the inclined surface.
If all surfaces are frictionless, the force that must be applied to
M so as to keep m stationary relative to M is :
(A) Mg tan 30° (2) mg tan 30°
(C) (M+m)g tan 30° (D) (M+m)g cos 30°

42. A block of mass m resting on a wedge of angle  as shown in the figure. The wedge is given an
acceleration a towards left. What is the minimum A
value of a due to external agent so that the mass m falls freely ? m
(A) g (2) g cos  a
(C) g cot  (D) g tan 
 C
43. An object kept on a smooth inclined plane of inclination  with horizontal can be kept stationary
relative to the incline by giving a horizontal acceleration to the inclined plane, equal to :
(A) g sin  (2) g cos  (C) g tan  (D) none of these.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion


1. A spring balance is attached to the ceiling of a lift. A man hangs his bag on the spring and the spring reads
49 N, When the lift is stationary. If the lift moves downward with an acceleration of 5 m/s2 , the reading of the
spring balance will be : [AIEEE-2003]
(1) 24 N (2) 74 N (3) 15 N (4) 49 N

2. A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m. If a force P is applied
at the free end of the rope, the force exerted by the rope on the block is : [AIEEE-2003]
Pm Pm PM
(1) (2) (3) P (4)
Mm Mm Mm

3. A light spring balance hangs from the hook of the other light spring balance and a block of mass M kg hangs
from the former one. Then the true statement about the scale reading is : [AIEEE-2003]
(1) Both the scale read M kg each
(2) The scale of the lower one reads M kg and of the upper one zero
(3) The reading of the two scales can be anything but the sum of the reading will be M kg
(4) Both the scales read M/2 kg

4. Two masses m1 = 5 kg and m2 = 4.8 kg tied to a string are hanging over a light frictionless pulley. What is the
acceleration of the masses when system is free to move ? (g = 9.8 m/s2 ) [AIEEE-2004]

(1) 0.2 m/s2 (2) 9.8 m/s2 (3) 5 m/s2 (4) 4.8 m/s2
5. A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of inclination . The incline is given an
acceleration a to keep the block stationary. The a is equal to [AIEEE-2005]
(1) g (2) g tan  (3) g/tan (4) g cosec 

6. A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by applying a constant force by hand. If the hand moves
0.2 m while applying the force and the ball goes upto 2m height further, find the magnitude of the force.
Consider g = 10 m/s2. [AIEEE-2006]
(1) 20 N (2) 22 N (3) 4 N (4) 16 N

7. A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a string (massless). The blocks are kept on
a smooth horizontal plane. Initially the blocks are at rest. Then a constant force F starts acting on the block
of mass M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m [AIEEE-2007]
mF (M  m) F mF MF
(1) (2) (3) (m  M) (4) (m  M)
m m

8. Two fixed frictionless inclined planes making an angle 30º and 60º with the vertical are shown in the figure.
Two blocks A and B are placed on the two planes. What is the relative vertical acceleration of A with respect
to B ? [AIEEE-2010]

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

(1) 4.9 ms–2 in horizontal direction (2) 9.8 ms–2 in vertical direction
(3) Zero (4) 4.9 ms–2 in vertical direction
9. If a spring of stiffness 'k' is cut into two parts 'A' and 'B' of length A : B = 2 : 3, then the stiffness of spring
'A' is given by : [AIEEE 2011]
3k 2k 5k
(1) (2) (3) k (4) .
5 5 2
10. A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time t = 0. It is subjected to a force F(t) = F0e–bt in the
x direction. Its speed v(t) is depicted by which of the following curves ? [AIEEE 2012 ]

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


1. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of negligible mass for the system to remain
in equilibrium, the angle  should be [JEE 2002 ]

m m

(A) 0º (2) 30º (C) 45º (D) 60º

2. System shown in figure is in equilibrium and at rest. The spring and string are massless Now the string
is cut. The acceleration of mass 2m and m just after the string is cut will be : [JEE 2006 ]
(A) g/2 upwards , g downwards (2) g upwards, g/ 2 downwards
(C) g upwards , 2g downwards (D) 2g upwards , g downwards

3. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on
a frictionless horizontal surface with the string held tight so that each mass is at a distance ‘a’ from the centre
P (as shown in the figure). Now, the mid-point of the string is pulled vertically upwards with a small but
constant force F. As a result, the particles move towards each other on the surface. The magnitude of
acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2x, is: [JEE 2007]

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

m P m

a a

F a F x F x F a2  x2
(A) 2m 2 (2) 2m 2 (C) (D)
a  x2 a  x2 2m a 2m x

4. A piece of wire is bent in the shape of a parabola y = kx2 (y-axis vertical) with a bead of mass m on it. The
bead can slide on the wire without friction. It stays at the lowest point of the parabola when the wire is at
rest. The wire is now accelerated parallel to the x-axis with a constant acceleration a. The distance of the
new equilibrium position of the bead, where the bead can stay at rest with respect to the wire, from the y-axis
is [JEE 2009]
a a 2a a
(A) gk (2) 2gk (C) gk (D) 4gk


1. When a horse pulls a cart , the force needed to move the horse in forward direction is the force exerted by
(1) the cart on the horse (2) the ground on the horse
(3) the ground on the cart (4) the horse on the ground

2. A person standing on the floor of an elevator drops a coin. The coin reaches the floor of the elevator in time
t1 when elevator is stationary and in time t2 if it is moving uniformly. Then
(1) t1= t2
(2) t1 > t2
(3) t1 > t2
(4) t1 < t2 or t1 > t2 depending upon that elevator is moving upwards or downwards

3. A heavy block kept on a frictionless surface and being pulled by two ropes of equal mass m as shown in
figure. At t = 0, the force on the left rope is withdrawn but the force on the right end continues to act. Let F1
and F2 be the magnitudes of the forces by the right rope and the left rope on the block respectively.

(1) F1 = F2 = F for t < 0 (2) F1 = F2 = F + mg for t < 0

(3) F1 = F, F2 = F for t > 0 (4) F1 < F, F2 = F for t > 0

4. In the figure shown the blocks A & C are pulled down with constant velocities u .Acceleration of
block B is :

u2 u2 u2
(1) tan2  sec  (2) tan3  (3) sec2  tan  (4) zero
b b b

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

5. System is shown in the figure and man is pulling the rope from both sides with constant speed ' u'. Then the
speed of the block will be (M moves Vertical):

3u 3u u
(1) (2) (3) (4) none of these
4 2 4

6. In the figure shown, find out the value of  at this instant [ assume string to be tight ]

3 4 3
(1) tan1 (2) tan1 (3) tan1 (4) none of these
4 3 8
7. In the system shown in figure mA = 4m, mB = 3m and mC = 8m. Friction is absent everywhere. String is light
and inextensible. If the system is released from rest find the acceleration of block B

g g g g
(1) (leftward) (2) (leftward) (3) (rightward) (4) (rightward)
8 2 6 4
8. System is shown in the figure. Assume that cylinder remains in contact with the two wedges. The
velocity of cylinder is -

u 13 u
(1) 19  4 3 m/s (2) m/s (3) 3 u m/s (4) 7 u m/s
2 2
9. A body of mass 32 kg is suspended by a spring balance from the roof of a vertically operating lift and
going downward from rest. At the instants the lift has covered 20 m and 50 m, the spring balance showed 30
kg & 36 kg respectively. The velocity of the lift is:
(1) decreasing at 20 m & increasing at 50 m
(2) increasing at 20 m & decreasing at 50 m
(3) continuously decreasing at a constant rate throughout the journey
(4) continuously increasing at constant rate throughout the journey
(E) remaining constant throughout the journey.

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

10. A force of magnitude F 1 acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from rest to a velocity v. The force F 1
is then replaced by another force of magnitude F 2 which decelerates it to rest.
(1) F 1 must be the equal to F 2
(2) F 1 may be equal to F 2
(3) F 1 must be unequal to F 2
(4) None of these

11. In an imaginary atmosphere, the air exerts a small force F on any particle in the direction of the particle’s
motion. A particle of mass m projected upward takes a time t1 in reaching the maximum height and t2 in the
return journey to the original point. Then
(1) t1 < t2
(2) t1 > t2
(3) t1 = t2
(4) the relation between t1 and t2 depends on the mass of the particle.

12. A free 238U nucleus kept in a train emits an alpha particle. When the train is stationary, a nucleus decays and
the distance between a particle and the recoiling nucleus becomes x at time t after the decay. If the decay
takes place while the train is moving at a uniform velocity v, the distance between the alpha particle and the
recoiling nucleus at a time t after the decay as ,measured by the passenger is
(1) x + vt
(2) x –vt
(3) x
(4) depends on the direction of the train

13. Three rigid rods are joined to form an equilateral triangle ABC of side 1m. Three particles carrying charges
20  C each are attached to the vertices of the triangle. The whole system is at rest in an inertial frame. The
resultant force on the charged particle at A has the magnitude.
(1) zero (2) 3.6 N (3) 3.6 3 N (4) 7.2 N

14. The value of angle  such that the acceleration of A is g/6 downward along the incline plane.
(All surfaces are smooth)

(1)  = 30° (2)  = 60° (3)  = 45° (4)  = 53°

15. A cylinder rests in a supporting carriage as shown. The side AB of carriage makes an angle 30o with the
horizontal and side BC is vertical. The carriage lies on a fixed horizontal surface and is being pulled towards
left with an horizontal acceleration 'a'. The magnitude of normal reactions exerted by sides AB and BC of
carriage on the cylinder be NAB and NBC respectively. Neglect friction everywhere. Then as the magnitude
of acceleration 'a ' of the carriage is increased, pick up the correct statement:

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Newton’s Laws of Motion
(1) NAB increases and NBC decreases. (2) Both NAB and NBC increase.
(3) NAB remains constant and NBC increases. (4) NAB increases and NBC remains constant.

16. A cuboidal car of height 3 m is slipping on a smooth inclined plane. A bolt relesed from the roof of car
from centre of roof (P) then distance from centre of roof where bolt hits the floor with respect to car is:

(1) 5 m (2) 4 m (3) 3m (4) None of these

17. A hinged construction consists of three rhombus with the ratio of sides (5 : 3 : 2). Vertex A3 moves in the
horizontal direction with velocity V. Velocity of A2 will be :

A1 A2 A3

(1) 2.5 V (2) 1.5V (3) (2/3)V (4) 0.8V

18. Five persons A, B, C, D & E are pulling a cart of mass 100 kg on a smooth surface and cart is moving with
acceleration 3 m/s2 in east direction. When person 'A' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 1m/s2 in the
west direction. When only person 'B' stops pulling, it moves with acceleration 24 m/s2 in the north direction.
The magnitude of acceleration of the cart when only A & B pull the cart keeping their directions same as the
old directions, is :
(1) 26 m/s2 (2) 3 71 m/s2 (3) 25 m/s2 (4) 30 m/s2

19. A monkey is sitting on the pan of a spring balance which is placed on an elevator. The maximum reading of
the spring balance will be when :
(1) the elevator is stationary
(2) the string of the elevator breaks and it drops freely towards the earth
(3) the elevator is accelerated downwards
(4) the elevator is accelerated upwards.
20. A pulley is attached to the ceiling of a lift moving upwards. Two particles are attached to the two ends
of a string passing over the pulley. The masses of the particles are in the ratio 2 : 1. If the acceleration
of the particles is g/2, then the acceleration of the lift will be
g g g
(1) g (2) (3) (4)
2 3 4
21. Two blocks A and B of masses m & 2m respectively are held at rest such that the spring is in natural
length. What is the acceleration of both the blocks just after release?

m A B 2m

g g
(1) g  , g  (2) ,  (3) 0, 0 (4) g  , 0
3 3

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Newton’s Laws of Motion
22. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulley is smooth and massless and all the strings are light. Let F1 be
the force exerted on the pulley in case (i) and F2 the force in case (ii). Then

(i) (ii)

4m 4m
2m m

(1) F1 > F2 (2) F1 < F2 (3) F1 = F2 (4) F1 = 2F2

23. In the figure, the blocks A, B and C of mass m, each have accelerations a 1, a2 and a 3 respectively.
F1 and F 2 are external forces of magnitudes 2mg and mg respectively.

m m m

(1) a 1 = a 2 = a 3 (2) a 1>a 3 >a 2 (3) a 1=a 2, a2 >a 3 (4) a 1>a 2, a2 =a 3

24. In the arrangement shown in figure m1 = 1kg, m2 = 2kg. Pulleys are massless and strings are light. For
what value of M the mass m1 moves with constant velocity ( Neglect friction)



(1) 6 kg (2) 4 kg (3) 8 kg (4) 10 kg

25. A trolley is being pulled up an incline plane by a man sitting on it (as

shown in figure). He applies a force of 250 N. If the combined mass
of the man and trolley is 100 kg, the acceleration of the trolley will be
[sin15° = 0.26]
(1) 2.4 m/s2 (2) 9.4 m/s2 15°

(3) 6.9 m/s2 (4) 4.9 m/s2

26. A man thinks about 4 arrangements as shown to raise two small bricks each having mass m. Which of the
arrangement would take minimum time?

(1) (2) (3) F (4)

m m m
m m m m m

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Newton’s Laws of Motion

27. In the arrangement shown in figure neglect the masses of the pulley and string and also
friction. The accelerations of blocks A and B are
(1) g, g/2
(2) g/2, g
(3) 3g/2, 3g/4 m1 A

(4) g, g B m2

28. A block is placed on an inclined plane moving towards right horizontally with an acceleration a0 = g. The
length of the plane AC = 1m. Friction is absent everywhere. The time taken by the block to reach from
C to A is



( g = 10 m/s2)
(1) 1.2 s (2) 0.74 s (3) 2.56 s (4) 0.42 s

29. In the arrangement shown in figure pulley A and B are massless and the
thread is inextensible. Mass of pulley C is equal to m. If friction in all the B
pulleys is negligible, then
(1) tension in thread is equal to 1/2 mg A

(2) acceleration of pulley C is equal to g/2 (downward)

(3) acceleration of pulley A is equal to g/2 (upward)
(4) acceleration of pulley A is equal to 2g (upward)

30. A block is placed on a rough horizontal plane. A time dependent horizontal force F = kt acts on the block.
Here k is a positive constant. Acceleration–time graph of the block is

a a a a

(1) (2) (3) (4)

t t t t

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