CSE - KOE 076 - Q3 - SS - 13december 2021 - Devendra Kumar

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(Session: 2021-22)
B.Tech. VII Sem. [CSE 71-74]
Duration: 01 Hour Maximum Marks: 30

Concept of undivided society as continuity and expansion: The
feelings of being related to every human being leads to our
participation in an undivided society. By living in relationship in
the family, we get the occasion to gain the assurance that the
other person is an aid to me and not a hindrance.
The family is a laboratory of sorts, in which we live our
understanding and relationship.
With the understanding of values in human relationship, we are
A1 5
able to recognize the connectedness with every individual correctly
and fulfill it. On getting assured, it becomes easy to see that
society is an extension of family and that it is possible to live
in harmony with every human being- thus laying the foundation for
an undivided society.
Then we will try to provide justice to everyone by full filling
the universal requirements and removing the conflicts between them
by mutual concerns.
Role of Law, ethics and morality in social: Law controls human
action of citizen with putting sanction on it. Because some acts of
person may be illegal although it may not be immoral so some acts
has to be control by state only. Law is an enactment made by the
It is backed by physical coercion. Its breach is punishable by
the courts. It represents the will of the state and realizes its
purpose. Laws reflect the political, social and economic
A2 relationships in the society. It determines rights and duties of 5
the citizens towards one another and towards the state.
It protects the private and public right of citizen by putting
sanction on it. It is through law that the government fulfills its
promises to the people. It reflects the sociological need of
society. The concept of law is emerged from moral philosophy.
Law and morality are intimately related to each other. Laws are
generally based on the moral principles of society. Both regulate
the conduct of the individual in society.

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KOE-076_Er Devendra Kumar
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The interrelationship between human education and human society:
Education is a sub-system of the society. It is related to other
sub-systems. Various institutions or sub-systems are a social
system because they are interrelated. Education as a sub-system
performs certain functions for the society as whole. There are also
functional relations between education and other sub-systems. For
example, Education trains the individuals in skills that are
A1 5
required by economy. Similarly education is conditioned by the
economic institutions.
The effectiveness of organised activities of a society depends on
the interaction and inters relationships of these institutions
which constitute the whole. The functional view of education tends
to focus on the positive contributions made by education to the
maintenance of social system.
Human order contributes to the fulfillment of human goal: First
dimension Education-Sanskar leads to right understanding and right
feeling which is the first goal and to reach to every individual.
Second dimension health-self-regulation leads to health of the
Body. It helps us in identifying the correct requirements of human
body which forms the basis of prosperity. This indirectly ensures
co existence with natural as well.
A2 Third dimension Production-Work leads to prosperity. If production 5
is done in the manner which is cyclic and mutually enriching, it
will contribute to the mutual fulfillment with rest of nature.
Forth dimension Justice-Prevention leads to fearlessness and Co-
existence. It ensures the mutual happiness or justice. Then there
is a trust in the society.
Fifth dimension Exchange-storage leads to the feeling of mutual
fulfillment, rather than feeling of exploitation.
A1 Goals of present-day society with respect to human goals: In the 5
current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and
prosperity by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical
facilities. This is an attempt to achieve happiness through
pleasant sensory interactions. The physical facilities are not seen
in terms of fulfilling bodily needs but as a means of maximizing

This has resulted in wrong assessment of wants for physical

facilities as being unlimited. But this pursuit is self-defeating.
Neither can we hope to achieve continuous happiness through sensory
interactions nor can we have prosperity, as it amounts to trying to
fulfill unlimited wants through limited resources. This effort is
engendering problems at all the levels. It is becoming anti-
ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival
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KOE-076_Er Devendra Kumar
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itself. Some of the consequences of such a trend are growing
incidences of terrorism and naxalism, rising communalism, spreading
casteism, racial and ethnic struggle, wars between nations,
attempts of genocide, fear of nuclear and genetic warfare, etc.
Profession in a human society: Profession is the participation of
human being in one or more of the dimensions of the society. We may
choose our participation where we have developed competence and
A2 interest. With the feeling the of purpose and relatedness, our 5
professions will be interrelated and in a manner that everyone is
able to participate meaningfully, i.e. For mutual fulfillment. It
includes teachers, doctors, and farmers and so on.

Participation in society: Individual participation in society can

be in one or more dimensions of the human order i.e. In education-
sanskar, health-self-regulation, production-work, justice-
A1 5
preservation and exchange-storage. In this way society with
happiness in every individual, prosperity in every family,
fearlessness in the society and co-existence in nature/existence is
Three aspects of preservation : Three aspects of preservation are

1. Enrichment

2. Protection

3. Right utilization

Enrichment means increase in quantity and quality of physical

facility.Prosperity in human being is ensured along with enrichment
A2 5
of rest of nature.

Protection means ensuring the value of a physical facility for an

extended period of time. Protection would include maintenance of
the physical order, mineral availability, consistency of seasons

Right utilization is its use for the purpose of the larger order.
For example right utilization of food grain is its use for
nurturing the body, not letting it spoil.
A1 Important issues to be addressed in the dimension of production : 5
Two important issues to be addressed in the dimension of production
1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?

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KOE-076_Er Devendra Kumar
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Answer of first issue is that we have to produce physical facility
required for nurturing production and right utilization of the
Answer of second issue is that production process must be cyclic
and people friendly.
Pollution and resource depletion are both the direct outcomes:
Resource depletion is the symptom of using a natural resource at a
rate which is greater than the rate at which it is produced in
nature. For example, if we use petroleum at a rate greater than the
A2 rate at which it is produced in nature, there will be a shortage of 5
Pollution indicates that we are producing something which does not
return to the cycle in nature or it is produced at a rate that is
faster than the rate at which it can return to the cycle in nature.
Meant by harmony: Harmony is the process by which the composition of
A3(a individual sounds, or superposition of sounds, is analysed by
) hearing. Usually, this means simultaneously occurring frequencies,
pitches (tones, notes), or chords.
Base of relationship: The concept of interpersonal relationship
involves social associations, connections, or affiliations between 1
) two or more people.
Understand by society: A society is a group of individuals involved
A3(c in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing
) the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same
political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
Four desirable goals : The four puruṣārthas are Dharma
A3(d (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values),
) Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation,
spiritual values)
Major outcomes of human education and sanskar:
1) People's Education Program.
2) Education-Sanskar Program. 1
3) Undivided Family and Universal Human Order Program.

A4 Human relationships:
Justice is the recognition of values (the 5
definite feelings) in relationship, their fulfilment, the right
evaluation of the fulfillment resulting in mutual happiness.
Justice concerns itself with the proper ordering of things and
people within a society. There are four elements: Recognition of
values, fulfilment, evaluation and mutual happiness ensured. When
all the four areensured, justice is ensured. Mutual fulfilment is
the hallmark of justice. And justice is essential in all
relationships. Justice starts from family and slowly expands to the
world family. The child gets the understanding of justice in the
family. With this understanding, he goes out in the society and
interacts with people. If the understanding of justice is ensured
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in the family, there will be justice in all the interactions we
have in the world at large.

If we do not understand the values in relationships, we are

governed by our petty prejudices and conditionings. We may treat
people as high or low based on their body (particular caste, or sex
or race or tribe), on the basis of wealth one possesses or the
belief systems that one follows. All this is source of injustice
and leads to fragmented society while our natural acceptance is for
an undivided society and universal human order. Having explored the
harmony in the human beings, we are able to explore the harmony in
the family. This enables us to understand the harmony at the level
of society and nature/existence. And this is the way; the harmony
in our living grows. We slowly get the competence to live in
harmony with all human beings.
A5 Meaning of respect: Respect means accepting individuality and doing 5
right evaluation (to be evaluated as I am). Our basis for respect
today is largely quite Contrary to our discussion above.
Disrespect others due to lack of right understanding of this feeling :
Instead of respect being a basis of Similarity or one of right
evaluation, we have made it into something on the basis of which we
differentiate i.e. by respecting you mean you are doing something
special, because you are special or have something special or are
in some special position. Thus, all of us are running around
seeking respect from one another by trying to become something
special. Today, we are differentiating in the name of respect. We
either differentiate people on the basis of their body, on the
basis of their wealth and possessions or on the basis of their
beliefs. There is no notion of respect in terms of right
evaluation. Thus, there is no real feeling of relationship, only
one of differentiation. On the basis of body Ø Sex/gender: We
ignore the fact that being male or female is an attribute of the
body, and not an attribute at the level of ‘I’. And differentiate
in giving respect on the basis of gender called male and females.
In many countries, people even prefer a male child to a female
child, and in some other societies, the other way round. Ø Race: If
the person is of the same race as oneself, then we treat them
differently. For example, we differentiate on the basis of skin
Color – white, brown, black etc. or on the basis of whether the
person is of Aryan race, Mongolian race etc. or on the basis of
caste. Again here, we don’t do the evaluation on the basis of ‘I’,
but on the basis of the body Ø Age: We have notions such as ‘one
must respect elders’. There is no such notion as respect
youngsters. Here, we see that we are again evaluating at the level
of the body – age is related to the body, and not to ‘I’. Ø
Physical strength: If someone is stronger, we again treat him/her
differently. This is again at the
Level of the body. In fact, we think that we are respecting the
other while it is fear; the fear that if we do not treat them like
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this, we will be harmed. On the basis of physical facilities Ø
Wealth: We differentiate people because some have wealth than
Others. What we term as a “rich person” gets idolized. We don’t
even bother to find out whether such people are feeling prosperous,
or if they just have wealth. This way, we are over-evaluating
physical facilities first, which are just meant to fulfill the
needs of the body, and then on this basis, we are wrongly
identifying our Relationship.
Post: We try to respect on the basis of a person’s position.
Mean by comprehensive human goal :
1.When one does not have the right understanding, one remains
disturbed and also acts in a manner so as to create disharmony with
other human being as well as with rest of nature.
2. Prosperity in the family means that the family is able to
its needs and is able to produce/ achieve more than its
3. Trust in society means every member of society feels related to
everyone else and therefore there is trust and fearlessness.
4. Co-existence in nature means there is a relationship and
complementarily among all the entities in nature including human
Abhaya means fearlessness; it is a permanent state where there is
no question of ever experiencing any fear. A person with abhaya is
continuously aware if his own reality; for him to become subject to
A6 5
fear would be impossible. We should not consider this quality of
abhaya as just the absence of fear. The fearlessness
in the society begins from the individual. We need to ensure right
Understanding in the individual as the foundation of harmony in the
society. With right understanding, the need for physical facilities
in the family can be ascertained. By assessing our needs correctly
and by producing more than required the family can be prosperous.
Assurance of right understanding in the individuals and prosperity
in the families, understanding of human relationships leads to
harmony and trust (fearlessness) in the society. When every
individual is
able to live harmoniously in relationship, and the needs of all the
families are ensured, fearlessness (mutual trust) in society will
naturally follow. Thus the state of absence of fear at society
level will only be achieved when we have right understanding at
individual level and prosperity at the level of family.

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KOE-076_Er Devendra Kumar
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