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Y11 MYP Film Elective

Criterion A Task 4
Understanding Wong Kar Wai

Name _______________________ Due Date ________________________

Task Description
Choose one of the following activities to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Wong Kar
Wai’s cinematic style:

1) Create a poster flow chart analyzing one of Wong Kar Wai’s films;
2) Write a letter to Wong Kar Wai telling him what you like or don’t like about one of his films;
3) Research Wong Kar Wai’s use of locations. Search for 10 locations you could potentially use for a
Wong Kar Wai –style film. Document your research using photographs or film.
4) Research Wong Kar Wai’s use of music. Write a song that could be used in a Wong Kar Wai film
and present this to the class explaining your creative decisions.

Criterion A : Knowledge and Understanding (Maximum 8)

You are expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the Wong Kar Wai themes and characteristics studied. You will
be assessed on whether you can show :
- Knowledge and understanding of how to research and analyze the work of a film practitioner.
- Knowledge and understanding of how to use film language to communicate meaning.
- Knowledge and understanding of Wong Kar Wai’s cinematic style
- Understanding of how to present information clearly in a variety of ways
- Use of subject specific terminology
LOA Task Specific Descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below
- A poorly presented piece of work.
- Shows limited understanding of how to research and analyze
- Shows limited or no understanding of how to use film language to communicate meaning
- Shows limited or no understanding of Wong Kar Wai’s cinematic style
- Shows limited understanding of how to present ideas clearly in a variety of ways
- Shows limited use subject specific terminology
- An inadequate piece of work.
- Shows moderate understanding of how to research and analyze
- Shows moderate understanding of how to use film language to communicate meaning
- Shows moderate understanding of Wong Kar Wai’s cinematic style
- Shows moderate understanding of how to present ideas clearly in a variety of ways
- Shows moderate use subject specific terminology
- A good piece of work.
- Shows good understanding of how to research and analyze
- Shows good understanding of how to use film language to communicate meaning
- Shows good understanding of Wong Kar Wai’s cinematic style
- Shows good understanding of how to present ideas clearly in a variety of ways
- Shows good use subject specific terminology
- An excellent piece of work.
- Shows excellent understanding of how to research and analyze
- Shows excellent understanding of how to use film language to communicate meaning
- Shows excellent understanding of Wong Kar Wai’s cinematic style
- Shows excellent understanding of how to present ideas clearly in a variety of ways
- Shows excellent use subject specific terminology
Student Grade & Comments: Teacher Grade & Comments:

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