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College of Engineering

Salahaddin University-Erbil
Academic Year 2019-2020


Prepared by: Rayan ismail hussen

Second class / Group B
Gas dynamic
Mechanical & mechatronic department

Aviation is the science of designing and making and flying air craft.
Flying, operating, or operation of aircraft. Industry that produces air craft.
Aviation provides the only rapid worldwide transportation network, which makes it
essential for global business.
It generates economic growth, creates jobs, and facilitates international trade and
Aviation has continued to expand. It has weathered crises and demonstrated long-
term resilience, becoming an indispensable means of transport.
Historically, air transport has doubled in size every fifteen years and has grown
faster than most other industries.
The availability of reliable air transport services provides people with access to
what they need: decent livelihoods , food , healthcare, education, safe
communities and spaces, etc.
Aviation is by far the world’s safest and most efficient mode of long-range mass
It provides the only possible means of transportation to provide health care to
many remote communities, and it is a fast and reliable way to deliver urgent
humanitarian aid during emergencies caused by natural disasters, famine and war.
Table of Contents
HUMAN FACTORS........................................................................................................................................2
What is "Human Factors"?......................................................................................................................2
Human Performance as Part of the Maintenance Engineering System.......................................................3
Civil and military aircraft..............................................................................................................................4
Civil aircraft..............................................................................................................................................4
Military aircraft........................................................................................................................................5
Military aircraft Civil aircraft...................................................................................................5
Aviation, the development and operation of heavier-than-air aircraft. The term
“civil aviation” refers to the air-transportation service provided to the public by
airlines, while “military aviation” refers to the development and use of military
aircraft. A brief treatment of aviation follows. For full treatment of military
aviation, see military aircraft. For civil aviation, see airplane: History of flight. The
first man-made objects to fly were balloons, which were pioneered in France by
the Montgolfier brothers in 1783. Some of the basic scientific principles of
heavier-than-air flight were laid down in England in the early 19th century by Sir
George Cayley. In the 1890s Otto Lilienthal of Germany became the first person to
make and fly successful gliders. The American brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright
were inspired by Lilienthal and by 1902 had developed a fully practical biplane
(double-winged) glider that could be controlled in every direction. Fitting a small
engine and two propellers to another biplane, the Wrights on Dec. 17, 1903, made
the world’s first successful man-carrying, engine-powered, heavier-than-air flight
at a site near Kitty Hawk, on the coast of North Carolina. The Wright brothers’
success soon inspired successful aircraft designs and flights by others, and World
War I (1914–18) further accelerated the expansion of aviation. Though initially
used for aerial reconnaissance, aircraft were soon fitted with machine guns to shoot
at other aircraft and with bombs to drop on ground targets; military aircraft with
these types of missions and armaments became known, respectively, as fighters
and bombers. By the 1920s the first small commercial airlines had begun to carry
mail, and the increased speed and range of aircraft made possible the first nonstop
flights over the world’s oceans, poles, and continents. In the 1930s more efficient
monoplane (single-wing) aircraft with an all-metal fuselage (body) and a
retractable undercarriage became standard. Aircraft played a vitally important role
in World War II (1939–45), developing in size, weight, speed, power, range, and
armament. The war marked the high point of piston-engine propeller craft while
also introducing the first aircraft with jet engines, which could fly at higher speeds.
Jet-engine craft became the norm for fighters in the late 1940s and proved their
superiority as commercial transports beginning in the ’50s. The high speeds and
low operating costs of jet airliners led to a massive expansion of commercial air
travel in the second half of the 20thcentery.

In the early days of powered flight, the design, construction, and control of aircraft
was the predominated focus. The main attributes of the first pilots were courage
and the mastery of a whole new set of skills in the struggle to control the new
flying machines. As the technical aspects of flight were overcome, the role of the
people associated with aircraft became more important. Pilots were supported
initially with mechanisms to help them stabilize the aircraft, and later with
automated systems to assist the crew with tasks such as navigation and
communication. With the introduction of these highly complex systems the
interface between the pilot and technician and the effects of one on the other
became very important. The study of human/machine interface is ergonomics and
the application of this science is Human Factors. The importance of human factors
to the aircraft maintenance technician, supervisors and managers is essential. This
is because human factors will affect everything they do in the course of their job in
one way or another. Human Factors covers a range of issues including perceptual,
physical and mental capabilities, the interaction and effects on individuals of their
job and working environments, the influence of equipment and system design on
human performance and finally the organizational characteristics which influence
safety related behavior at work.

What is "Human Factors"?

The term "human factors" is used in many different ways in the aviation industry.
Most people known it in the context of aircraft cockpit design and Crew Resource
Management (CRM). However, those activities are only a small part of Aviation
related human factors, as broadly speaking it covers all aspects of human
involvement in aviation. The use of the term "human factors" in aviation
maintenance engineering is new. Aircraft accidents such as that of the Aloha
aircraft in the USA in 1988 and the BAC 1-11 windscreen accident in the UK in
June 1990 focused attention on human factors. This does not mean that human
factors issues were not present before these dates or that human error did not
contribute to other incidents only that it took an accident to draw attention to
human factors problems and potential solutions.

Human Performance as Part of the Maintenance Engineering System

Just as mechanical components used in aircraft maintenance engineering have

limitations, technicians themselves have capabilities and limitations that must be
considered when looking at the maintenance engineering "system." For instance,
rivets used to attach aluminum skin to a fuselage can withstand forces that act to
pull them apart. These rivets will eventually fail if enough force is applied to them.
The precise range of human capabilities and limitations are not as well-defined as
the performance range of mechanical or electrical components but the same
principles apply in that human performance is likely to degrade and eventually
"fail" under certain conditions (e.g. stress).
Mechanical components in aircraft can, on occasion, suffer catastrophic failures.
Humans can also fail to function properly in certain situations. Physically, humans
become fatigued, are affected by the cold, can break bones in workplace accidents,
etc. Mentally, humans can make errors, have limited perceptual powers, can
exhibit poor judgement due to lack of skills and knowledge, etc. In addition, unlike
mechanical components, human performance is also affected by social and
emotional factors.
Therefore failure by aircraft maintenance technicians can be a detriment to aircraft
safety. The Aircraft Maintenance Technician is the central part of the aircraft
maintenance system. It is therefore very useful to have an understanding of how
various parts of the body and mental processes function and how performance
limitations can influence their effectiveness at work.

Civil and military aircraft

Civil aircraft
All nonmilitary planes are civil aircraft. These include private and business planes
and commercial airliners. Private aircraft are personal planes used for enjoyment
flying, often single-engine monoplanes with nonretractable landing gear. They can
be very sophisticated, however, and may include such variants as: “warbirds,” ex-
military planes flown for reasons of nostalgia, ranging from primary trainers to
large bombers; “homebuilts,” aircraft built from scratch or from kits by the owner
and ranging from simple adaptations of Piper Cubs to high-speed, streamlined
four-passenger transports; antiques and classics, restored older aircraft flown, like
the warbirds, for reasons of affection and nostalgia; and aerobatic planes, designed
to be highly maneuverable and to perform in air shows. Business aircraft are used
to generate revenues for their owners and include everything from small single-
engine aircraft used for pilot training or to transport small packages over short
distances to four-engine executive jets that can span continents and oceans.
Business planes are used by salespeople, prospectors, farmers, doctors,
missionaries, and many others. Their primary purpose is to make the best use of
top executives’ time by freeing them from airline schedules and airport operations.
They also serve as an executive perquisite and as a sophisticated inducement for
potential customers. Other business aircraft include those used for agricultural
operations, traffic reporting, forest-fire fighting, medical evacuation, pipeline
surveillance, freight hauling, and many other applications. One unfortunate but
rapidly expanding segment of the business aircraft population is that which
employs aircraft illegally for transporting narcotics and other illicit drugs. A wide
variety of similar aircraft are used for specialized purposes, like the investigation
of thunderstorms, hurricane tracking, aerodynamic research and development,
engine testing, high-altitude surveillance, advertising, and police work.
Commercial airliners are used to haul passengers and freight on a scheduled basis
between selected airports. They range in size from single-engine freight carriers to
the Boeing 747 and in speed from below 200 miles per hour to supersonic, in the
case of the Anglo-French Concorde, which was in service from 1976 to 2003.

Military aircraft
Military aircraft, any type of aircraft that has been adapted for military use.
Aircraft have been a fundamental part of military power since the mid-20th
century. Generally speaking, all military aircraft fall into one of the following
categories: fighters, which secure control of essential airspaces by driving off or
destroying enemy aircraft; bombers, which are larger, heavier, and less-
maneuverable craft designed to attack surface targets with bombs or missiles;
ground-support, or attack, aircraft, which operate at lower altitudes than bombers
and air-superiority fighters and attack tanks, troop formations, and other ground
targets; transport and cargo planes, big-bodied craft with large amounts of interior
space for carrying weapons, equipment, supplies, and troops over moderate or long
distances; helicopters, which are rotary-winged aircraft used for ground support,
for transporting assault troops, and for short-distance transport and surveillance;
and unmanned aerial vehicles, which are remotely controlled or autonomously
guided aircraft that carry sensors, target designators, electronic transmitters, and
even offensive weapons.

Military aircraft Civil aircraft


The aviation industry has a way of changing in the matter of seconds, Predicting
What the future of the industry holds is extremely difficult.
Aircraft manufacturers as we know them today trying to make the aviation industry
and aircraft more sustainable and continue making these aircraft which are fuel-
Aviation field center members are peering into the future every day and coming up
with concepts that they believe will be on the next generation of aircraft, because it
takes years to plan and develop these concepts the hardware and theories that are
being tested today will be key components that enable the next generation of
aircraft to take flight.


1. Wiener, Earl L., and David C. Nagel, eds. Human factors in aviation. Gulf
Professional Publishing, 1988.

2. Crane, Dale. Aviation Maintenance Technician Series. Aviation Supplies &

Academics, 1996.

3. Forsyth, Peter. "Martin Kunz memorial lecture. Tourism benefits and

aviation policy." Journal of Air Transport Management 12, no. 1 (2006): 3-

4. Mondey, David. The International encyclopedia of aviation. Crescent, 1988.

5. Frenken, K., & Leydesdorff, L. (2000). Scaling trajectories in civil aircraft

(1913–1997). Research Policy, 29(3), 331-348.

6. Paul, Donald, et al. "Evolution of US military aircraft structures

technology." Journal of aircraft 39.1 (2002): 18-29.

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