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1. Define product architecture.

A product can be thought of in both functional and physical terms. The functional elements of a product
are the individual operations and transformations that contribute to the overall performance of the

2. List the steps involved in product architecture.






Flexibility in use


3. Define product variety.

Variety refers to the range of product models the firm can produce within a particular time period in response to
market demand. Products built around modular product architectures can be more easily varied without adding
tremendous complexity to the manufacturing system.

4. Differentiate add-on and upgrade.

Add-on upgrade
Many products are sold by a manufacturer as a As technological capabilities or user needs
basic unit, to which the user adds components, evolve, some products can accommodate this
often produced by third parties, as needed. evolution through upgrades

5. List the types of modularity.

Slot modular architecture
Bus modular architecture
Sectional modular architecture

6. Define Component Standardization.

Component standardization is the use of the same component or chunk in multiple products.If a chunk implements
only one or a few widely useful functional elements, then the chunk can be standardized and used in several
different products

7. Differentiate adaptation and consumption

adaption consumption
Some long-lived products may be used in several Some products consume materials, which can
different use environments,requiring adaptation. then be easily replenished

8. Write about Integral Architectures.
The opposite of a modular architecture is an integral architecture
*Functional element of the product is implemented using more than one chunk
*A single chunk implements many functional elements

9. Define Concept Screening.

Screening is a quick, approximate evaluation aimed at producing a few viable alternatives.

10)List the six step process for both concept scoring and concept selection.

1. Prepare the selection matrix

2. Rate the concepts.

3. Rank the concepts.

4. Combine and improve the concepts.

5. Select one or more concepts.

6. Reflect on the results and the process

11)Define concept selection.

Concept scoring is used when increased resolution will better differentiate among competing concepts. In this stage,
the team weighs the relative importance of the selection criteria and focuses on more refined comparisons with
respect to each criterion

12)Define Concept Scoring

Concept scoring is used when increased resolution will better differentiate among competing concepts. In this stage,
the team weighs the relative importance of the selection criteria and focuses on more refined comparisons with
respect to each criterion.

13)Define Multivoting.

Each member of the team votes for several concepts. The concept with the most votes is selected.

14) Why effective group discussion is important?

A structured method results in a readily understood archive of the rationale behind concept decisions. This record is
useful for assimilating new team members and for quickly assessing the impact of changes in the customer needs or
in the available alternatives

12 Marks

Describe the benefits of structured method. page (127)

Enumerate the six step process which leads the team through concept selection activity. Page (126 to

Describe the Implications of the architecture. Page (162 to 165)

Compare the slot modular architecture, bus modular architecture, section Modular architecture.

Describe in detail about Delayed Differentiation. Page (117 to 173)

Describe the cluster elements of the schematic layout with example. page(167 to 168)

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