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Explain the term of social media marketing and how do you select the
appropriate social media channel to reach your target customer to achieve
your target cells explain with your example 

Social media marketing, or SMM, is a form of internet marketing that involves creating and
sharing content on social media networks toisIfis achieve your marketing and branding goals.
Posting text and image updates, videos, and other material that encourages audience
interaction, as well as paid social media advertising, are all examples of social media marketing.
This book was intended to provide you an overview of social media marketing as well as some
basic social media marketing ideas and training to help you enhance your company's social

 It is important to use platforms that are commonly used by customers so that you can
reach out to your target audience at a more effective rate.
 Nothing can be better than these social media networks where most users spend a
larger chunk of their time during the entire day and night.
 Being a business on social media networks, you might want to make the most out of
these consumers' habits, which can help you create some major leads.
 These social media channels help you attract the right customers with the right
information at the right time and help you showcase your product or brand to potential
customers at the right times. 
 This is how the mechanism of such social media websites works.
 It gives you a chance to make the most out of your social media marketing strategies. 

A social media target audience is a group of people that you've identified that you want to
appeal to. This can be based on demographics such as age, job title, income level,
education, location, or behavior. Your social media target audience consists of the people
who are most likely to be interested in your product. Creating a social media marketing
strategy these days is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and
create content that suits their interests. Data can be used to target the right audience by
making informed decisions about social media marketing strategies.
2. Briefly explain what does it mean of strategic implementation and strategic
evolution how do you measure the performance and impacts of strategic
marketing describe with the example and figure.
Strategic implementation 
Strategy Implementation refers to the execution of the plans and methods, so on
accomplish the long-term goals of the organization. It converts the opted strategy into the
moves and actions of the organization to realize the objectives.
Simply put, strategy implementation is that the technique through which the firm develops
utilizes, and integrates its structure, culture, resources, people, and system to follow the
strategies to possess the sting over other competitors within the market.
Strategy Implementation is that the fourth stage of the Strategic Management Process, the
opposite three being a determination of strategic mission, vision and objectives,
environmental and organizational analysis, and formulating the strategy. 
It is followed by Strategic Evaluation and Control.
The most important functions of strategic management. it's a procedure that puts plans and
methods into action to succeed in desired goals. it's important for a variety of reasons.
These reasons are as follows:
Achievement of objectives: Strategy implementation is vital for the achievement of
organizational objectives. Mere crafting a technique isn't sufficient for achieving
organizational objectives; it must be implemented properly.
Utilization of cash and effort: For the formulation of strategies, a big amount of cash and
energy are invested. With the implementation functions, this investment is justified.
Evaluation of the strategy: Whether the formulated strategy is acceptable or not, are often
judged only by its implementation. It the objectives are achieved properly then it are often
said that the strategy formulation task has been done correctly.
Identification of loopholes: It helps identify the loopholes in strategy formulation. Only the
right implementation of strategy can make sure the correct identification of mistakes and
Taking corrective measures: Implementation of strategy guides the strategic manager to
initiate corrective measures.
Measuring manager’s efficiency: Good strategy and good strategy implementation and
execution are the foremost trustworthy signs of excellent management. So, strategy
implementation helps measure management’s efficiency in a corporation.
Increasing competitive capabilities: Good strategy plays a crucial role in increasing the
competitive capabilities of a corporation. this will be ensured only by the effective
implementation of a technique.
So, there are various reasons that strategy implementation is vital
strategic evaluation control and performance

is the process of determining the effectiveness of a given strategy in achieving the

organizational objectives and taking corrective action wherever required. Anyway,
the steps within the strategic evaluation and control process are shown by the
subsequent figure:

Determine what to measure:

Managers got to specify what implementation process and results are going to be
monitored and evaluated. Measurement must be found for all important areas, no
matter difficulty. It’s complicated, but you want to prioritize what to manage because
you can't observe and assess every minute factor which may impact your strategy.
The strategists must mention the degree of tolerance limits between which the
variance between actual and standard performance could also be accepted.

Establish a typical performance:

Standards are detailed expressions of strategic objectives. Standards should be set
not just for output but also for intermediate stages. If appropriate means are
available for measuring the performance and if the standards are set within the right
manner, strategy evaluation becomes easier. Setting control standards, which may
be quantitative or qualitative, helps, determine how you'll measure your goals and
appraise improvement. The measurement must be done at the proper time else
evaluation won't meet its purpose.

Measure Actual Performance:

Once standards are set, the subsequent step is to live your performance.
Measurement helps compare actual performance with standards. Measurement
must be made at predetermined times. Measurement can then be addressed in
monthly or quarterly review meetings. For measuring the performance, financial
statements like – record, profit, and loss accounts must be prepared on an annual

Compare actual performance with the standard:

If actual performance results are within the specified tolerance range, the
measurement process should be stopped here. Competitive benchmarking can
assist you to determine if any gaps between targets and actuals are normal for the
industry, or are signs of an indoor problem. The organization can use both
quantitative and qualitative criteria for a comprehensive assessment of performance.
It helps to seek out deviations.

Take corrective action:

Once you’ve determined why performance deviated from standards, you’ll decide
what to try to do about it. If actual performance results fall outside the specified
tolerance range then, actions must be taken to correct the deviation. If the
strategists discover that the organizational potential doesn't match with the
performance requirements, then the standards must be lowered. counting on the
explanation for each deviation, you’ll either plan to take action to correct
performance, revise the quality, or take no action. If the performance is consistently
but the specified performance, the strategists must carry the in-depth analysis of the
factors liable for such performance

So, these are the varied steps of strategic evaluation and control. It determines
whether the performance standards are acceptable or not. If it's not acceptable then
corrective action steps could also be taken.

3. What are the terms of digital marketing and how does the digital
marketing policy is capable to create new customers in the modern
market explain in detail with an example 

Digital marketing is that the use of the web, mobile devices, social media,
search engines, and other channels to achieve consumers. Some marketing
experts consider digital marketing to be a completely new endeavor that
needs a brand new way of approaching customers and new ways of
understanding how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.

To start with, it’s important to emphasize that a customer-centric approach

works best with long-term strategies. Many companies still concentrate on
short-term gains and take a look at desperately to usher in as many results in
the sales funnel within the shortest possible period of your time. In other
words, they’re still strictly sales-oriented.

Many predict that the marketers who begin to deploy AI will see outsized
benefits—in fact, so great that inbound marketing without some kind of AI
won’t make economic sense. 

Contextual marketing offers customers  several benefits and attract

It doesn’t require an enormous investment. you simply have to collect the
correct data in an exceedingly CRM tool.
Targeted traffic 
By that specialize in specific behavior and demographics, you'll be able to
target your prospects right when they’re near to make an acquisition decision.
Enhanced customer experience
Because contextual marketing is very personalized, the marketing message
that gets sent to consumers is correctly timed and strategically positioned
versus bombarding them with marketing messages they don’t want.
Increased customer engagement 
Not only does one get to put your brand ahead of consumers, but your right-
time messages encourage active participation together with your brand.

Non-disruptive to consumers 
With just the right timing, your marketing doesn’t look like ads. It appears as a
solution to consumers’ problems.
Greater sales and revenue — Because your marketing is extremely targeted,
conversion rates are going to be higher and sales will increase.

4. Define the concept of strategic planning.

Discuss the strategic marketing planning process and what do you
understand about strategic formulation explain in detail with an

Planning is expounded in the long run. A planning process involves different degrees of
futurity. Some parts of the organization require planning for several years into the longer
term while others require planning over a brief period only. for example, the cost is
expounded to a long-term period while a allow a year is of short-term nature. the
previous is named strategic planning or long-range planning. ‘Strategic planning is also
defined because the process of determining the objectives of the organization and
therefore the resources to be wont to attain these objectives, as also the policies to
control the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of those resources.

Examples of strategic planning in a company are—diversification of business into new

lines, the planned rate in sales, variety of products to be offered, etc. Strategic planning
encompasses all the functional areas of business and is affected within the present and
long-term framework of economic, technological, social, and political factors. It also
involves the analysis of varied environmental factors—particularly concerning how a
company relates to its environment. 

The steps of the look process that use for each business with minor changes per
the conditions:

1. Developing the action plan

 Setting up the goals and vision

 Setting up the mission statement
 Objectives of the firm

The first and foremost step towards making a product successful is to create a careful
observation of the target of the firm. Hence the primary stage of the look process of
promoting is to line the goal which you prefer to accomplish. One should bear in mind
your final goal, the vision of the corporate regarding the merchandise depicts what the
corporate is for and where they require to succeed.

2. Monitor your current position

 Through marketing audit and monitoring

The second step entails the observation of this situation. this can be a subset of long-
termisIfis and strategic planning processes to look at this situation, the resources
company holds depict the direction during which the corporate is moving.

Draw the layout of the resources; assess the additionally to assessing the inner and
external factors. Identify the danger and favors that go with introducing the
merchandise. Review the market, target the suitable one and divide it into different
segments through resources so that you'll be able to penetrate the merchandise within
the market more clearly.

Conduct a SWOT analysis of the business which involves different internal and external
facets involved. Through this, you'll be able to analyze and improve the present
situation. Design the inner view of the firm which can define that you simply understand
the necessity of your customer; you recognize whom you're targeting.

Perform research to grasp your competitor and understand the very fact that which
needs of the buyer are necessary to be fulfilled, what depreciation is connected thereto,
and the way many needs will change with time.

While implementing the look process you have got to watch this situation to think about
certain external facets that are directly linked to the interior possibilities and
performance of the firm. Such external facets are directly connected to the interior
facets and also the level of the business which are legal aspects, political scenarios,
and competition within the market while we are moving, economy, culture, and various

3. Developing a technique for Marketing

 Marketing Mix
 Designing objectives and strategy for marketing
 Vehicles and sources of communication

Observe the choice strategies and processes for marketing available. This involves
making the marketing strategies and objectives to realize the objective of the firm. This
involves observing the marketing tactics which fit the most effective for the promotion of
the business. This step is going to be useful in choosing varied strategies that will help
approach, the target market.

This will facilitate in guiding you towards the segment of the market in which you've got
selected to succeed. this can also guide you to how you'll reach the required market by
selecting the foremost appropriate form of communication means and way of positioning
your product.

Hence through properly involving the marketing efforts of all the known marketers like
Kotler, Porter, Ansoff one can design one market report within which they need to
monitor how they're going to introduce the merchandise and therefore the vehicle they'll
be utilizing.

With the assistance of the components of the marketing mix, one can design the
marketing strategy to realize a successful competitive advantage. counting on the core
competencies of the corporate one decides there has to be the first-mover advantage or
incorporate any strategy and the way you'll implement your marketing efforts to focus on
the specified customer.

4. Employing, executing, and evaluating the design process

 Make the budget

 Define the resources and implement
 Analyzing and overviewing

This is the milestone of each planning process which involves operational level
activities. In this, you may allocate the resources, design the take into account
implementation of the discussed processes, and style some action plans. One needs to
monitor the method consistently and observe the plan supported by the opinion and
feedback of the customer. Hence make an everyday review of the promotional plan.

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