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Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of women inability to

have full access to their constitutional rights on their educational growth and

development in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area of Imo state. However, the

study has other specific purposes which include the following:

1. To ascertain the extent to which Nigerian women enjoy their constitutional

rights as enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria.

2. To x-ray the extent which women’s constitutional rights are violated in


3. To examine the impact of the violation of women’s constitutional rights as it

pertains to the educational development of the girl child in Nigeria.

4. To suggest measures that can be taken to ensure that Nigeria women enjoy

their constitutional rights in an attempt to promote girld child educational


Research Questions

1. To what extent do Nigerian women enjoy their constitutional rights as

enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria?

2. To what extent are women’s constitutional rights are violated in Nigeria?

3. What are the impact of the violation of women’s constitutional rights as it

pertains to the educational development of the girl child in Nigeria?

4. What measures can be taken to ensure that Nigeria women enjoy their

constitutional rights in an attempt to promote girld child educational


Research Question One: To what extent do Nigerian women enjoy their

constitutional rights as enshrined in the constitution of Federal Republic of

S/N Items SA A D SD
1 Recognition of the right to land, housing
and property as endorsed in Article 16[2]
[d]of the constitution is been enjoyed by
Nigerian Women
2 Article 11 of the constitution which states
that women shall have equal rights as men
with respect to employment opportunities,
choice of professions, promotion and
remuneration is been enjoyed by Nigerian
3 The full and equal participation of women
in political, civil, economic, social and
cultural life, at the national, regional and
international levels is been enjoyed by
Nigerian Women
4 The eradication of all forms of
discrimination on grounds of sex is been
enjoyed by Nigerian Women

Research Question Two: To what extent are women’s constitutional rights

violated in Nigeria?

S/N Items SA A D SD
5 Domestic violence such as physical
assaults of women by their husbands
makes women to enjoy their
constitutional rights
6 Sexual assault, harassments and
intimidation most times violate
women’s constitutional rights.
7 Female child labour-hawking violate
women’s constitutional rights.
8 Female genital mutilation is a major
violation to women’s constitutional
9 Forced marriage is a violation to
women’s constitutional rights.
10 Discriminating and denial of women’s
right to succession and family
inheritance is a violation to women’s
constitutional rights.
11 Cultural humiliation to widows at the
death of their husbands is a violation to
women’s constitutional rights.

Research Question Three: What are the impact of the violation of women’s
constitutional rights as it pertains to the educational development of the girl
child in Nigeria?
S/N Items SA A D SD
12 Early marriage robs a girl of her
childhood-time necessary to develop
physically, emotionally,
psychologically and educationally
13 Cultural discrimination of succession
right of female children can thwart their
educational attainment
14 Large family sizes makes parents decide
who goes to school and who stays at
home and in many cases the girls are left
behind to carry out domestic chores; the
boys are better prized and they carry the
family name

Research Question Four: What measures can be taken to ensure that Nigeria
women enjoy their constitutional rights in an attempt to promote girld child
educational development?

S/N Items SA A D SD
15 Laws, positive policies and efforts should be
made to empower women economically,
socially and politically
16 All cultural and traditional practices that are
inimical to the cause of women should be
17 The outcome of the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW) should be
18 Access to basic education as fundamental to
women’s effective participation in national
development should be provided

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