Credo Sine Nomine

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Credo Sine Nomine Jean de Ockeghem (Franco-Flemish; c.1410-1497) I believe in one God, SSS AA Cre-do in u-num De-um, The Father almighty, Pa - - - - - - trem om — - —- - - - - mibpo - — — maker of heaven and earth, fa - cté - rem cée - li -tén - - - tem, = etérem: coe - li. =po - tén - — fa-cté F remcée = li et___térrae, =tén- — tem, fa— — ctérem and of all things visible and invisible. 9 bf-li - jum 6m-ni-um. = "si-bf = lidumém = = -" -|= nium ee - = - ii ettér—rae, et in - vi - ---- - si- 2 Sep2009 Page 2 And in one Lord Jesus Chrigt, the = 4 | ees b = =< 5 -"mi - pum Jé-sum___ | sS=— se we = q § -bi - li - um” [Et in @ — num (hé-minum_______ JésumChri-stum, ian | yi ae 2 —- oe S=bF = fi — um. Et in Gnum. Dé — = mi-num JésumChri-stum, only—begotten Son of God. rolls 19 Ga? = ——— = A eum Dé = = — i u- - ni-gé- - ni -/tum. f + Ss a - 4 Christum, Fi - - li - - jum Dé ~ u t = SSS =| YR = = 5 = i-um pé-7 w-ni-gé — = = = = ni — — tum — = a a Page 3 ia of God, light of 26 7. ess es Ars! Dé - jumde. Dé-o_} + li - mende_, os =———i Dé - jum__de Dé - = Ta. = * - la Dé-um de Dé - very God of very God. ie bé = mi-]ne, Déum vé = rum. dé - um vé-|rum. =men_____de i-mirne___, Dé-um_vé = rum de__De = — = Begotten, not made, being of one substance with 34 31 Gé — nitum,non|fa - ctum_,con - [substanti-a - lem [Pé-tri (Gon ~ substan ti-d - Gé-ni —|tumnon fa - ctum, _|consubstanti — 4 — fa — ctum =o véro. Gé = - = - ni-tum_, non. Page 4 the Father, by whom all things were made. Who 35. 38, ctasunt. = lemPa - tri, quem 6 -|mni - a é-ctasunt___, lem Pa - tri, [per per. quem 6 - - — mnia factasunt Qui for us men, and for our sgivation, Qui—pré = pter [nos hémines let prdpterné — fiansa-ld — tem de— Qui__ pré - |pter. 4 pré-pterné - - nos. hé-mines. & Qui néstram pré - pter et propter, pré- pter noshé — mines__ et propter néstram_ sa-It-tem. came down from heaven. 43. =scén - - - - - - - (dit Z 7 -stram sa-Ii - tem de -|scén - dit de cée == = tem de-scén |- dit de cde - - - -| le-scén-dit de cde — - lis, de-scén-dit de coe lis. Page 5 And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin 4 = =_—— = ee Et_— lincarndtus|est_ deSpij- ri-tuSén} — cto ex Ei in — carndtusest_ deSpf - ri-tuSén - = cto ex Mari-a__ Mary, and was made man. 53 Vir- -gi- - — - - ne a hé = - — — mo He was crucified also for us e- 66. Page 6 under Pontius Pilate, he gpuffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to_the ca 8 = cin — dum =sur— -—|ré — — ait J -sur-ré t — = xit tér Page 7 Scriptures. And he — 94 seri - pté/- - - endit in Et a~scénditin ascended into heaven, he sits at the right hand of the Father. And 95 Fi 101 =_- jdetad déx —|te — ram == detaddéx —|te - ram. = = detaddéx - te — ram he shall come again with glory, 102 oo 109 f = tedrumven 4 = td —[rus. cum |[gl6-ri — ti - — jrusest. Page 8 the quick whose kingdom 118 mor + — tu — jos_—_, |cd-ius and the dead, 117, shall have igni_non 125 é-rit = .(ed-ius jré — — gni cd — = ius ré-gni non & And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, 126 133 Spi - + ritum Sénctum, [Et in Spiri —|tum San - |ctum, Démitnum_—_, Fit ff — - nis. Et inSpiritum sén - -ctum, D6 — — — Page 9 and giver of life, who proceeds from the 140 -- vif --fi et_vi - - ca -| - ntem, 6 ~ que— D6 = mi — num, et vi = “ntem, quiexPa — tre Fi-li ' = ntem, (quiex Patre|— Fi = 1i=6- — que, -mi-num, et vi — vi — fi — cd-ntem, quiexPa - treFi-li- 6 — quepro- Father and the Son. Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped y 141 : oo ¢ 14 = 2 SS Sa a4 i Qui—cumPa|- treetFi /- li - -Jo sf ]- = mul ES = a w pro — cé St - - |mut a - oS ==) ojae = 4 Y pro -— — \cé-dit. QuicumPdé - |tre et ‘simul a-do-lré — tur : ty ees et ait SS Ee : <== c6=dit. Qui cumPé ~ treetFi - li-o a — dord-tur and glorified, who spoke by the 154 148 = do-ré — - tur_etconigio -" = ri > — — fi-d-tur. , qui = dor - tur let conglo|- - ri - | fies — tur, qui lo et_____|con-glo = |ri - fi-ca [= - tur. qui flo- ca — et conglo — rifi-cd — tur——__,qui_ lo- c= tus est__ Page 10 prophets. And one holy 135 ae lo- cd — [tus est. per |prophé ad — — |nam. est per |prophé phétas. ‘sénctam —— per. pro - phé— — tas___ Et. @ — namsdnc-tam catholic and apostolic Church. I 163, 169 ‘sdnc-tamca |- — théli-cam. et a — po-|stélicam |Ec — clé | Ec-clé + - si — jam. ‘a-postGi — lcm Eoclé Ecclé = = - — ca - théli-cam___ et. a — po — stélicam. acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. (Con~ff — |te-or- ‘num bap-tisma__— jin remissi — lbap-tis - |ma in remisi-6 - lnempec -|ca - té- Page 11 7 And I look for the resurrection of the dead. 1 - rum_|_.Etex - \spéci re — surrec|~ ti-6 - |oemmor-tuj6 © = - * ae , 6 — nem [Et ex - spécto_[re-surecti Imor-tu — |= 6 = = And the life of the world to come. Page 12 Amen. == = = = men, Source: Johannes Ockeghem: Collected Works, edited by Dragan Plamenac, second volume, second edition, American Musicological Society, 1947 & 1966. Text underlay and musica ficta here’ are by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. Alterations: We have exchanged the time values of the alto and tenor "C" in measure 184,

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