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Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)

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Olive Publication(Awjf cvewj‡Kkb)
Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)

6 no Question Gi Answer wU GKUz †PK Kiæb,

†KD †KD Answer Option B e‡jb

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Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)
01. Such an -------------- act of hostility can lead to war. Bangladesh Bank (AD)-2001

a) overt b) isolated
c) erratic d) occasional
Hostility-(n)– ˆewiZv/ kÎæZv; Overt-(adj)– cÖZ¨ÿ/ cÖKvk¨;
Isolated-(adj)– c„_K/ wew”Qbœ; Erratic-(adj)–AwbwðZ/ AwbqwgZ;
Occasional-(adj)– wbqwgZ bq/ gv‡S gv‡S N‡U ev †`Lv hvq Ggb/ AvKw¯§K| Ans. A
ev‡K¨i A_©t cÖKv‡k¨ GB ai‡bi kÎæZv hy‡×i w`‡K †V‡j w`‡Z cv‡i|
Synonym of Overt: Obvious, Evident, Explicit, Plain, Unconcealed.
Synonym of Hostility: Enmity, Aggression, Antagonism, Resentment.
Mnemonic: †mŠw` Avi‡e Overt (cÖKv‡k¨) g„Zy¨`Ð Kvh©Ki Kiv nq|
Sentence: He shows no overt signs of his unhappiness.

02. Her --------- should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her,
she has always been willing to assist those who are in need.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2005

a) intemperance b) intolerance
c) apprehension d) frugality
Miserliness-(n)– K…cYZv/ e¨qKzÉZv; Confuse-(vt)– ¸wj‡q †djv/ wek„•Ljv Kiv/ cv_©K¨ bv †evSv;
Intemperance-(n)– Amshg/ AwgZvPvi/ cvbvmw³; Intolerance-(n)– AmwnòyZv;
Apprehension-(n)– Dcjwä/ †PZbv/ †eva/ Avk¼v; Frugality-(n)– wgZe¨wqZv| Ans. D
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi (frugality) wgZe¨wqZv‡K K…cYZvi mv‡_ ¸wj‡q †djv DwPZ bq; Avwg Zv‡K hZ`~i
Rvwb, hviv `wi`ª †m me©`v Zv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z B”QzK|
Synonym of Frugality: Parsimony, Prudence, Economy, Penny-pinching.

Mnemonic: Zv‡K miser(K…cY) ejv hv‡ebv KviY †m ey‡S LiP K‡i; ZvB Zv‡K frugal(wgZe¨wq) ej|
Sentence: We had very little money left, so we ate frugally in cheap cafés and bars.

03. Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inheritated diseases, action
most strongly against the several diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that
are --------- would be expected to be very------, but surprisingly, they are not.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2005

a) lethal, rare b) untreated, dangerous

c) unusual, refractory d) new, perplexing
Lethal-(adj)– gvivZ¥K/ cÖvYNvZx; Rare-(adj)– `yj©f/ A¯^vfvweK/ AmvaviY;
Untreated-(adj)–wPwKrmvwenxb; Dangerous-(adj)– wec¾bK/ wecrmsKyj;
Unusual-(adj)– A¯^vfvweK/ A™¢~Z/ jÿYxq; Refractory-(adj)–GK¸u‡q/Aeva¨/ek gv‡bbv Ggb;
New-(n)– bZyb; Perplexing-(adj)– nZeyw×Ki| Ans. D
Synonym of Perplexing: Puzzling, Impenetrable, Mystifying.
Olive Publication(Awjf cvewj‡Kkb)
Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)
04. For centuries animals have been used as -------- for people in experiments to asses
the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later are used in humans.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2005

a) examples b) surrogates
c) companions d) benefactors
Examples-(n)– D`vniY/ `„óvšÍ; Surrogates-(n)– cÖwZwbwa;
Companions-(n)– mnPi/ m½x; Benefactors-(n)– RbwnZKvix/ `vZv| Ans. D
ev‡K¨i A_©t kZvãxi cÖvwY¸‡jv eZ©gv‡b gvby‡li M‡elYvi Kv‡R e¨eüZ n‡”Q hvi cÖfve gvby‡li wPwKrmv
Ges Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMxi †ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ n‡”Q|
Synonym of Benefactor: Supporter, Sponsor, Patron, Backer.

05. Neither the ideas of philosophers nor the practices of ordinary people can, by
themselves, ________ reality what in facts changes reality and landless revolution
is the _________ of the two. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2007

a) constitute, divergence b) affect, aim

c) transform, interplay d) alter, intervention
Constitute-(vt)– ¯’vcb Kiv/(†Kv‡bv KwgwU BZ¨vw`‡K) AvBbMZ ÿgZv cÖ`vb Kiv;
Divergence-(n)– †K›`ª n‡Z AcmiY; Affect-(vt)– cÖfvweZ Kiv/ ÿwZMÖ¯Í Kiv;
Aim-(vt,vi)– ZvK/ wbkvbv Kiv/ jÿ¨; Transform-(vt)– iƒcvšÍwiZ Kiv;
Interplay-(n)– `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¯Íyi cvi¯úwiK wµqv/ A‡b¨vb¨wµqv;
Alter-(vt,vi)– cwieZ©b Kiv ev cwiewZ©Z nIqv; Intervention-(n)– n¯Í‡ÿc/ AšÍewZ©Zv/ e¨eavb| Ans. C
Synonym of Transform: Change, Convert, Alter, Renovate.
ev‡K¨i A_©t bv `vk©wb‡Ki fvebv, bv mvaviY †jv‡Ki Af¨vm ev¯ÍeZv‡K e`‡j w`‡Z cv‡i, wb‡Riv, hv wKbv
ev¯ÍeZv I f~wgnxb RvMiY GK Ac‡ii cwic~iK|
e¨vL¨v: ideas of philosophers ev practices of ordinary people †KDB Reality †K -------
K‡iwb, eis reality †K change K‡i‡Q Ges wecøe m„wó K‡i‡Q Zv n‡jv G `yB‡q| in fact Gi c‡i
change kãwU g~jZ Blank †K e¨vL¨v Ki‡Q| ZvB cÖ_g Blank G change RvZxq kã n‡e|

06. Employees had become so injured to the caprices of top management’s personnel
policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wide dress code with
_________ . Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2007

a) Astonishment b) Impassivity
c) Confusion d) Resentment
Injured -(adj)– ÿz×/ e¨w_Z/ ÿzb;œ Caprice-(n)– †LqvjLywk/ †gRvRgwR©;
Astonishment-(n)– we¯§q/ Avðh©; Impassivity-(n)– wbwe©KviZ¡;
Confusion-(n)– wek„•Ljv/ †Mvjgvj/ weåvwšÍ; Resentment-(n)– Amš‘wó/ weiw³| Ans. D
ev‡K¨i A_©t †Kv¤úvwbi DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Lvg‡Lqvwj‡Z Kg©xiv GZB ÿz×/ e¨w_Z †h, Zviv bZzb †Wªm
†Kv‡Wi †NvlYv‡K weiw³f‡i wb‡q‡Q|
Synonym of Resentment: Hatred, Bitterness, Antipathy, offense, anger.

Olive Publication(Awjf cvewj‡Kkb)

Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)
07. There is something _____ about the way the building of monasteries proliferated
in eighteenth century, Bavaria, while in the rest of the Westren world religious
ardor was _________ and church building was consequently declining.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2007

a) enigmatic, coalescing b) destructive, changing

c) immutable, dissipating d) incongruous, diminishing
Monastery-(n)– AvkÖg/ AvLov/ gV; Ardor-(n)– Dò Av‡eM/ AvKzjZv/ Drmvn;
Enigmatic-(adj)– `y‡e©va¨/ cÖ‡nwjKvgq/ weåvwšÍKi/ †nuqvwjc~Y©; Coalescing-(vi)– mg‡eZ nIqv;
Destructive-(adj)– aŸsmvZ¥K/ aŸsmKi; Changing-(adj)– cwieZ©b n‡”Q Ggb;
Immutable-(adj)– Awewµq/ AcwieZ©bxq; Dissipating-(vi)– Qovb/ AcPq Kiv;
Incongruous-(adj)– †eLvàv/ AmsMZ; Diminishing-(n)– Kgv/ Kg‡Q Ggb| Ans. D
Synonym of Incongruous: Incompatible, Absurd, Inappropriate, Odd.
e¨vL¨v: Sentence-Gi cÖ_g Clause-wU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q AvVvi kZ‡K eªvwfwiqv‡Z AvkÖ‡gi msL¨v †e‡o‡Q|
Gevi While w`‡q Gi Dëv K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| cwðgv `ywbqvi †hLv‡b Pv‡P©i msL¨v KgwQj| †h‡nZz NUbv
`ywU wecixZ, ZvB d) Gi Incongruous (Am½wZc~Y©) kãwU em‡e cÖ_g k~Y¨¯’v‡b| Avi Pv‡P© ag©xq
Abyf~wZI KgwQj| GRb¨ Diminishing n‡e|

08. No one can _____ that he is clever. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Assistant Officer (G-3)-2008

a) defy b) admire
c) deny d) denounce
Defy-(vt)– cÖKv‡k¨ we‡ivwaZv Kiv/ ¯úa©v †`Lv‡bv/ Agvb¨ Kiv;
Admire-(vt)– gy» `„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv/ kÖ×v‡eva Kiv/ cQ›` Kiv;
Deny-(vt)– mZ¨ e‡j ¯^xKvi bv Kiv/ A¯^xKvi Kiv;
Denounce-(vt)– (KvD‡K) Rbmg‡ÿ Awfhy³ Kiv/ dvwm‡q †`Iqv | Ans. C
Synonym of Deny: Disagree with, Contradict, Reject, Refute.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GwU †KD A¯^xKvi Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv †h †m PvjvK|

09. The significance of the Magna Carta lies not in its ____ provisions, but in its
broader impact : it made the king subject to the law. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2010

a) specific b) revolutionary
c) implicit d) controversial
Specific-(adj)– wek` I ¯úóiƒ‡c wbw`©ó/ mywbw`©ó/ mvaviY bq; Revolutionary-(n)– ‰ecøweK/ wecøex;
Implicit-(adj)– Bkviv-Bw½‡Z cÖKvwkZ/ wbwnZ/ AweZwK©Z/ Amskq;
Controversial-(adj)– weZwK©Z/ weZK© Zzj‡Z cv‡i Ggb| Ans. B
Synonym of Revolutionary: World-shattering, Radical, Innovative.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Magna Carta(g¨vMbv KvU©v) Gi ¸iæZ¡ ˆecøweK AvB‡bi avivi g‡a¨B mxgve× wQj bv wKšÍy Gi
¸iæZ¡ n‡”Q Gi gva¨‡g m¤ªvU‡K AvB‡bi AvIZvq wb‡q Avmv m¤¢e n‡q‡Q|
Olive Publication(Awjf cvewj‡Kkb)
Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)
10. This poetry is not______; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience
than is poetry with strictly regional themes. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2010

a) familiar b) provincial
c) technical d) democratic
Familiar-(adj)– †Kv‡bv wKQz m¤ú‡K© fv‡jv Ávb Av‡Q Ggb/ wKQzi m‡½ mycwiwPZ;
Provincial-(adj)– cÖv‡`wkK/ AvÂwjK; Technical-(adj)– cÖhyw³MZ/ cÖv‡qvwMK †KŠkjmsµvšÍ;
Democratic-(adj)– MYZvwš¿K| Ans. B
Synonym of Provincial: Regional, Unsophisticated, Local, Outmoded.
ev‡K¨i A_©t GB KweZv AvÂwjK/ cÖv‡`wkK KweZv bq; Gi Av‡e`b n‡”Q AvšÍR©vwZK †kÖvZv‡`i Rb¨ hw`I
GB KweZvi Av‡jvP¨ welq AvÂwjK|
11. Experienced employers recognize that business students who can ____ different
points of view are ultimately more effectively as managers than are the brilliant
and original students who _____dogmatically to their own formulations.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (PO)-2010
a) Discredit ----- revert b) Assimilate ----- adhere
c) Impose --- refer d) Advocate ----- relate
Discredit(n)– Am¤§vb; Revert-(vi) – (Av‡Mi Ae¯’vq, wel‡q) cÖZ¨veZ©b Kiv;
Assimilate-(vt,vi) – (fve wPšÍv BZ¨vw`)AvZ¥¯’ Kiv;
Adhere-(vi)– `„pfv‡e †j‡M _vKv/ †mu‡U _vKv/ wek¦¯Í, AbyMZ, AwePj _vKv;
Impose- (vt,vi) – (Ki `vwqZ¡ BZ¨vw`) Av‡ivc Kiv/ Pvcv‡bv;
Refer- (vt,vi) – e¨e¯’v MÖnY ev wm×v‡šÍi Rb¨ (†diZ) cvVv‡bv/ wb‡q hvIqv/ Ac©Y Kiv;
Advocate- (n)– mg_©K/ cÖe³v/ (AvBb.) DwKj; (vt) – mg_©b Kiv;
Relate- (vt, vi) – (Mí BZ¨vw`) ejv/ m¤úwK©Z Kiv)/ (Z_¨, AwfÁZv BZ¨vw`i) eY©bv †`Iqv| Ans. B
Synonym of Dogmatic: Strict, Inflexible, Rigid, Doctrinaire, Unbending.
ev‡K¨i A_©t AwfÁ gvwjKiv g‡b K‡ib †h, e¨emvq QvÎiv hviv wewfbœ ai‡bi wel‡q AvZ¥¯’ K‡i Zviv †h
mKj †gavex QvÎ ïay Zv‡`i †gŠwjK welq¸‡jvi mv‡_ †j‡M _v‡K Zv‡`i †P‡q `ÿ e¨e¯’vcK|
12. The co-ordinator has no choice but to _________ because the committee has vote’s
to _____ his veto. Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MT)-2011

a) object, dominate b) abdicate, overrule

c) refrain, exceed d) compromise, override
Object-(n)– e¯‘/ D‡Ïk¨; Dominate-(vt, vi)– KZ…©Z¡ Kiv/ kvmb Kiv/ AvwacZ¨ Kiv;
Abdicate-(vt, vi)– †Q‡o †`Iqv/ `vwe Z¨vM Kiv; Overrule-(vt)–(D”PZi KZ©„‡Z¡i e‡j) evwZj ev LvwiR Kiv;
Refrain-(vt)– weiZ _vKv/ wbi¯Í nIqv; Exceed-(vt)– KvD‡K AwZµg Kiv/ Qvwo‡q hvIqv;
Compromise-(vt)– Av‡cv‡m gxgvsmv Kiv;
Override-(vt) – (A‡b¨i AwfgZ, wm×všÍ, B”Qv, AwaKvi BZ¨vw`) c``wjZ Kiv ev AMÖvn¨ Kiv| Ans. B
Synonym of Abdicate: Resign, Relinquish, Give up, Abandon.
Synonym of Overrule: Refuse, Rule Against, Override, Take precedence, Override.
ev‡K¨i A_©t mgš^qK (coordinator)-Gi c`Z¨vM Qvov Avi †Kvb Dcvq _vKj bv KviY KwgwU Zvi †fv‡Ui
ÿgZv‡K evwZj K‡i‡Q|
Olive Publication(Awjf cvewj‡Kkb)
Ruhul Amin (Shawpnil)
13. His ________ the students was complemented with plenty of ________.
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MT)-2011

a) stern attitude towards, love b) stern, nastiness

c) of, sternness d) malice, affection
Love-(n)– Av`i-hZœ/ †¯œn-ggZv/ †cÖg/ fv‡jvevmv; Stern-(adj)– K‡Vvi/ Abgbxq I AvbyMZ¨cÖZ¨vkx;
Nastiness-(n)– K`h©Zv; Sternness-(n)– `„pZv/ K‡VviZv;
Malice-(n)– Aïf Kvgbv/ we‡Øl; Affection-(n)– †¯œn/ ggZ¡/ †cÖg| Ans. A
Synonym of Stern: Firm, Strict, Demanding, Unsympathetic, Harsh, Severe.
Synonym of Malice: Hatred, Malevolence, Cruelty, Mischievousness.

Mnemonic: Kv‡iv Rb¨ Malice (Aïf Kvgbv) Kvg¨ bq|

ev‡K¨i A_©t Qv·`i cÖwZ Zvi K‡Vvi AvPiY (Stern attitude) fvjevmvi (Love) Øviv cywl‡q hvq|

14. ______ she has a silly and ______ sense of humor. Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MT)-2011

a) In spite of his young age, mature b) Though it was youth, trivial

c) Despite her age, adolescent d) Despite her age, youthful
e) None of these
Mature-(vt, vi)– cwic° nIqv ev Kiv/ c~Y©KvjcÖvß nIqv; - (adj)– c~Y©KvjcÖvß/ mZK©/ c~bv© ½;
Trivial-(adj)– bMb¨/ Zz”Q/ MZvbyMwZK/ mvgvb¨/ AwKwÂrKi;
Adolescent-(adj)– behyeK/ behyeZx; Youthful-(adj)– ZviæY¨/ †hŠeb| Ans. D
Synonym of Adolescent: Youth, Juvenile, Young person, Teenager, Minor.
ev‡K¨i A_©t Zvi eqm nIqv (Age) m‡Ë¡I (Despite) Zvi g‡a¨ wkïmyjf (Silly) Ges Zviæ‡Y¨i (Youthful)
`xwß i‡q‡Q|

15. The advertised property, which ________ vast and unspoiled stretches, will
undoubtedly _____ potential buyers. Bank Asia Ltd. (MTO)-2011

a) abuts ------- interfere with b) overlooks ------ infuriate

c) spans --------- appeal to d) erodes ------- inspire
e) precludes -------- assemble
Abuts-(vi)– cÖvšÍ/ mgmxgvhy³ nIqv; Overlooks-(vt)– D‡cÿv Kiv/ `„wó‡Z bv cov;
Infuriate-(vt)– †µv‡a wÿß nIqv; Spans-(n)–ga¨eZ©x mgq; Erodes-(vt)–ÿq Kiv;
Inspire-(vt)– DØy× Kiv/ AbycvÖ wYZ Kiv; Precludes-(vt)–evav †`Iqv/ cÖwZ‡iva Kiv;
Assemble-(vt,vi)– mgvMZ/ mg‡eZ nIqv/ wgwjZ nIqv| Ans. B
Synonym of Abut: Adjoin, Be adjacent to, Touch, Be next to.
Synonym of Interfere: Hamper, Hinder, Obstruct, Impede, Meddle, Get in the way.
ev‡K¨i A_©t weÁwßi †h m¤úwˇZ eo Ges Kjylgy³ `vM †Lqvj Kiv nqwb, Zv ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB m¤¢ve¨
†µZv‡`i D‡ËwRZ ivL‡e|
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