New Drug Innovation and Pharmaceutical Industry Structure: Trends in The Output of Pharmaceutical Firms

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Drug fnformnfionJourMl, Vol. 34. pp. 1169-1194.

2000 0092-861 5/2000

Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Copyright 0 2000 Drug Information Association Inc.


Director of Economic Analysis, Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development,
Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts

This study examines what is generally regarded to be the most important measure of
innovation in the pharmaceutical industry-the extent to which new drugs are developed
and marketed by pharmaceutical firms. Pharmaceutical industry output, as measured by
new chemical entity (NCE) approvals in the United States since the 1962 Amendments
to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, is examined at the firm level. This
long-term historical perspective permits us to observe the extent to which this industry has
been concentrated with respect to innovative output and how stable company leadership
positions have been over time. Databases containing detailed information on all NCEs
approved in the United States from 1963 to 1999 and on a large sample of investigational
NCEs taken into clinical testing since 1963 were utilized to examine productivity in
developing new products at the firm level according to the following stratifications:
period of approval, therapeutic class, whether the compounds were self-originated (ie,
developed by one firm) or acquired (eg, licensed), and Food and Drug Administration
ratings of therapeutic significance. The data indicate that innovation in the pharmaceuti-
cal industry is fairly widely dispersed and has become less concentrated over time.
Turnover in company rankings based on the number of new drug introductions is substan-
tial. Nonetheless, firms have differed in the productivity of their development programs
and some firms have consistently maintained high ranks for their level of innovative
output over a lengthy period.

Key Words: N C E ; Innovation; Therapeutic class; Output concentration; Success rate

INTRODUCTION yardsticks. A number of factors that contrib-

Ute to the productivity of the pharmaceutical
THE SUCCESS OF in the phma-
industry have already been quantified in the
ceutical industry may be measured by many
literature. For example, the costs, risks, and
length of the development process are impor-
Preliminary data from this study were presented at the tant considerations when assessing the vital-
DIA 35th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, June 28, ity of the industry and its prospects for future
1999. innovation. However, these factors have been
Reprint address: Joseph A. DiMasi, PhD, Director previously analyzed (1,2,3). Rates Of return
of Economic Analysis, Tufts Center for the Study of on new drug development for the industry
Drug Development,Tufts University, 192 South Street,
Suite 550, Boston, MA 021 11. E-mail: jdimasi@info as a whole have also been investigated (4). Furthermore, trends in the number of drugs

1170 Joseph A. DiMasi

entering clinical testing have been monitored on the determinants of innovation in the phar-
and analyzed in a series of reports by the maceutical industry in the modem era.
Tufts Center for,the Study of Drug Develop- General output statistics by company are
ment (CSDD) (5). However, central to both presented herein for the modem era of
the financial viability of pharmaceutical firms pharmaceutical development in the United
and to advances in public health are the num- States (post-1962 amendments). The extent
ber and quality of new drugs that are devel- to which firms have specialized in the mar-
oped and made available to patients. keting of drugs in various therapeutic classes
The number of new drugs approved in the is investigated, the degree to which some
United States each year is a statistic that is firms have focused on internal development
readily available, but to my knowledge no as opposed to licensing-in the innovations of
systematic analyses of the long-term patterns others, and metrics related to the quality of
of new drug approvals by firm have been output are considered. Measures of the de-
reported in the literature. This study fills that gree to which pharmaceutical output has
void by utilizing Tufts CSDD databases of been concentrated by firm and trends in con-
new drug approvals and of investigational centration are also analyzed. In addition, the
new drugs to examine the degree to which question of whether the R&D programs of
output in the industry is concentrated in a some firms have been notably more success-
small number of firms, if and how concentra- ful than others in getting new products to
tion levels have changed over time, the extent market is examined.
to which firms with relatively high output
levels in one period maintain leadership posi-
tions in later periods, and variability in the
success of firms in bringing drug candidates The Tufts CSDD Approved Drug Database
through clinical testing to regulatory ap- contains proprietary and nonproprietary in-
proval for marketing. formation on new drugs approved in the
The reasons that some firms have been United States since 1963. In the current
particularly successful in discovering and study, I focus specifically on new chemical
developing new drugs are complex and can entities. An NCE is defined as a new molecu-
include such factors as economies of scale lar compound not previously approved in the
in research and development (R&D) (6), United States. Excluded are new salts and
management practices (7), connectedness to esters of existing compounds, surgical and
scientific networks (8,9), and serendipity diagnostic materials, vaccines and other bio-
(10). Establishing the relative importance of logics, certain externally used compounds
these and other factors in explaining the data (such as disinfectants, antiperspirants, and
on firm output is beyond the scope of this sunscreens), and nutritional compounds
project. The results obtained from this study, (such as natural forms of vitamins and sweet-
however, are useful in that they provide a ening agents); this definition differs from that
comprehensive picture of how firms have of a new molecular entity (NME) as defined
fared in bringing new products to market in by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
the period following a major paradigmatic primarily in that it excludes diagnostic drugs.
shift in the way that pharmaceutical firms Along with other information, the database
conduct their business-the result of legisla- provides the name of the company that spon-
tion that directed regulatory authorities to sored the compound’s new drug application
require proof of efficacy before granting (NDA), the NDA approval date, the therapeu-
marketing approval for new drugs (ie, the tic class for the compound’s original ap-
1962 Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug proved indications, and the therapeutic rating
and Cosmetic Act of 1938). This work can, that the FDA assigned to the compound at
therefore, aid and encourage further research the time of approval.
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1171

The merger and acquisition history of they rely on licensing-in development proj-
firms that have obtained NDA approvals was ects, the results were also stratified according
determined from Tufts CSDD databases and to whether the compounds were self-origi-
public sources. The public information nated (developed entirely under the auspices
sources included PharmaProjects, the NDA of the sponsoring firm) or acquired (licensed-
Pipeline, the Medical & Healthcare Market- in or otherwise obtained). The source infor-
place Guide, and various industry trade pub- mation for NCEs was obtained from surveys
lications. of pharmaceutical firms and supplemented
The primary unit of analysis is the spon- where necessary by public sources.
soring company. Because nonproprietary Finally, proprietary data from the Tufts
data were used, it was not necessary to aggre- CSDD Investigational Drug Database were
gate our findings on approvals (ie, results used to determine clinical success rates by
can be shown at the firm level). Innovative firm for NCEs that had an investigational
output was measured as the number of NCEs new drug application (IND) first filed with
approved in the United States from 1963 to the FDA during the 1980s. A clinical success
1999. The data were analyzed for both the rate is defined as the probability that an NCE
entire study period and for subperiods. Re- with an IND filed will eventually obtain mar-
sults are presented both by company affilia- keting approval from the FDA. Clinical suc-
tions at the time of approval and by the cur- cess rates were estimated by firm and used
rent structure of affiliations. The output of to construct a technical productivity index,
joint ventures where two firms form and accounting for differences in therapeutic
share equal interest in a new company was class and compound source in the investiga-
attributed to the new company. Since firms tional drug portfolios of the analyzed firms.
differ in their therapeutic focus, analyses Where needed, the survey data were supple-
were conducted at the therapeutic class level. mented by public information on the current
To apply a quality filter, the data were status of drugs from PharmaProjects and the
also stratified by FDA-assigned therapeutic NDA Pipeline. Given that data for these esti-
rating. The FDA initiated its therapeutic rat- mations were collected primarily on a confi-
ing system in 1976 to prioritize its reviews, dential basis, individual firms will be identi-
but it also applied its system retroactively fied only by a code name. The objective of
back to 1963. We utilized these retroactive the analysis, then, is to examine whether,
ratings. Until 1992, the FDA used a three- and to what degree, scientific productivity
tiered therapeutic rating system; NMEs were (broadly construed) has varied across firms.
given a lA, lB, or 1C rating. The lA, lB,
and 1C ratings were assigned to drugs that
were thought to represent a significant gain RESULTS
over existing therapy, a moderate gain over Pharmaceutical Innovation in the
existing therapy, and little or no gain over Modern Era
existing therapy, respectively. This system
was compressed in late 1992 to a two-tiered The 1962 Amendments to the Federal Food,
scheme where NMEs were rated as either 1P Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 marked the
for priority review or 1 s for standard review. beginning of a new era of drug development
For purposes of analysis, we combined NCEs in the United States. The legislation changed
that had received a 1A or a 1B rating with the context within which firms in the pharma-
those that had received a 1P rating into a ceutical industry must compete. Premarket-
“priority-rated” group; we combined NCEs ing regulatory requirements increased as
that had received a 1C or 1 s rating into a firms were required to demonstrate the effi-
“standard-rated’ group. cacy of their new products, and a positive
Since firms differ in the extent to which review by the FDA of a marketing applica-
I172 Joseph A. DiMasi

tion under the new standards was required to 1969 and the 1970s, respectively. How-
before these products could be marketed. As ever, approvals per year increased 35% to
a result, the scope and expense of new drug 18.5 for the 1980s and an additional 48% to
development were substantially increased. 27.4 for the 1990s). The turnaround in output
Firms that were best equipped by structure, likely reflects adjustments on the part of
financial capability, and company culture to firms to both the new institutional rules and
adapt to the new environment would have an to new discovery opportunities arising from
advantage in the long run. research advances in biochemistry and enzy-
The pharmaceutical output of the drug in- mology in the mid-1970s and molecular biol-
dustry is varied, ranging from line extensions ogy in the 1980s and 1990s (9).
of existing products to new therapeutic com- Since the 1962 amendments, a number of
pounds; the output includes over-the-counter, pharmaceutical firms have merged or been
diagnostic, and veterinary drugs, as well as acquired. Several waves of merger and acqui-
human-use prescription drugs. In general, the sition activity among firms that have engaged
activity of the pharmaceutical industry that in new drug development were evident from
is most innovative and therapeutically signif- my examination of company histories. In
icant is the development of new human-use particular, activity was greatest in the early
therapeutic compounds. It is this type of out- 1970s, the late 1980s, and the mid to late
put that I focus on here. 1990s. The consolidation of firms makes any
From 1963 to 1999 pharmaceutical firms method of attributing output to companies
received marketing approval in the United problematic. However, for many purposes a
States for 691 NCEs. Following enactment categorization of output according to the
of the 1962 amendments, the number of NCE identity of the sponsoring parent company at
approvals declined substantially relative to the time that FDA approval was attained is
preamendment levels ( 11,12). During the a more informative approach than one that
postamendments era, the number of approv- uses current company structure. Classified in
als generally declined up to and including the this manner, 138 firms sponsored the 691
early 1970s, but increased from then onward NCEs approved from 1963 to 1999. The 39
(Figure 1). The upturn is notable during the firms that had obtained at least five approvals
1980s and 1990s (The number of NCE ap- are listed in Table 1.
provals were 13.6 and 13.7 per year for 1963 The data presented in Table 1 are un-



I . ..

0 " " " " " " " ' " " " " " ' ' - L L u

1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999

FIGURE 1. New chemical entity (NCE) approvals in the United States from 1963 to 1999.
The curve is a quadratic fit to the annual approval data. Source of data: Tufts CSDD
Approved Drug Database.
Trends in New Drug Innovution by Pharmaceutical Firms 1173

Firms with at Least Five New Chemical Entities (NCEs) Approved in the
United States from 1963 to 1999 (parent company at the time of approval)

Rank Company Number of NCEs Percent of all NCEsO

1 Merck 36 5.2
2 Johnson & Johnson 33 4.8
3 Lilly 31 4.5
3 Roche 31 4.5
5 Pfizer 27 3.9
6 American Home Products 25 3.6
7 Upjohn 22 3.2
8 Bristol-Myers 21 3.0
8 Schering-Plough 21 3.0
10 Warner-Lambett 19 2.7
11 Abbott 18 2.6
12 Wellcome 17 2.5
13 Sandoz 14 2.0
14 American Cyanamid 13 1.9
14 Bayer 13 1.9
14 Bristol-Myers Squibb 13 1.9
14 Hoechst 13 1.9
18 SmithKline Beckman 13 1.9
19 SmithKline Beecham 12 1.7
20 Ciba-Geigy 11 1.6
21 Akzo Nobel 10 1.4
21 Glaxo 10 1.4
21 Syntex 10 1.4
24 Nestle 9 1.3
24 Pharmacia & Upjohn 9 1.3
26 Glaxo Wellcome 8 1.2
26 Sterling 8 1.2
28 Boehringer lngelheim 7 I .o
28 Robins 7 1 .o
30 Astra 6 0.9
30 Dow 6 0.9
30 Squibb 6 0.9
30 Zeneca 6 0.9
34 Allergan 5 0.7
34 BASF 5 0.7
34 BOC Group 5 0.7
34 Dupont 5 0.7
34 ICI 5 0.7
34 Rhone-Poulenc Rorer 5 0.7
"In total, 691 NCEs, sponsored by 138 firms, were approved in the United States from 1963 to 1999.
Four firms had four approvals, 14 firms had three approvals, 18 firms had two approvals, and 62 firms
had one approval from 1963 to 1999.

weighted (by medical or commercial signifi- research organizations in that their current
cance) counts of the number of successful output count is unaffected by major acquisi-
innovations. The leading four firms (Merck, tions of or mergers with other companies
Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, and Roche) aver- during the study period. The other firms in
aged nearly one NCE approval per year, with the top 10 for which this is true are Pfizer
only five approvals in the aggregate separat- and Schering-Plough (As of this writing,
ing them. They can be said to represent a Pfizer had announced plans to acquire War-
first tier. The leading three firms had stable ner-Lambert.). The rest of the firms in the
1174 Joseph A. DiMasi

top 10 merged with, acquired, or were ac- study period. When using the current parent
quired by other firms that had obtained NCE as the basis for the approval count, the top
approvals prior to the merger or acquisition. 10 firms each have at least 32 NCE approvals
Thus, a ranking by the number of approvals (The count for Johnson & Johnson is lower
that is based on current industry structure by one in Table 2 than in Table 1 since one
can look quite different than the one shown of its NCEs was developed by a subsidiary,
in Table 1. Iolab, that was divested to Chiron in 1995.).
Table 2 provides such a ranking. It lists None of the firms have a large share of
firms ranked by the number of NCE approv- the total number of NCEs. The top 10 firms,
als (for firms with at least five approvals), when considering the parent at the time of
attributing to parent companies at the end of approval, have shares that range from 2.7%
1999 all of the past approvals of the compa- to 5.2%. When using the current parent as
nies that the firms had acquired. The acquisi- the basis for analysis, the shares of the top
tion of American Cyanamid and A.H. Robins 10 firms are still low and even more uniform,
by American Home Products, the merger of ranging only from 4.6% to 6.5%. We would
Bristol-Myers and Squibb, and the acquisi- expect some degree of correlation between
tion of Syntex by Roche lifts these firms to physical output measures and sales levels.
the top three positions in the ranking, with The innovation shares of the leading firms
an average of 1.1 approvals per year over the are in fact similar to reported recent market

Firms with at Least Five New Chemical Entities (NCEs) Approved in the
United States from 1963 to 1999 (current parent company)

Rank Company Number of NCEs Percent of all NCEs"

1 American Home Products 45 6.5

2 Bristol-Myers Squibb 43 6.2
3 Roche 41 5.9
4 Aventis 38 5.5
4 Pharmacia & Upjohn 38 5.5
6 Merck 36 5.2
6 Novartis 36 5.2
8 Glaxo Wellcome 35 5.1
9 SmithKline Beecham 34 4.9
10 Johnson & Johnson 32 4.6
11 Lilly 31 4.5
12 Pfizer 27 3.9
13 Schering-Plough 21 3.0
13 Warner-Lambert 21 3.0
15 Abbott 18 2.6
15 Astrazeneca 18 2.6
17 Bayer 14 2.0
18 Akzo Nobel 10 1.4
19 Nestle 9 1.3
20 Allergan 8 1.2
20 BASF 8 1.2
20 Boehringer lngelheim 8 1.2
20 Dupont Merck 8 1.2
20 Monsanto 8 1.2
25 BOC Group 5 0.7
"In total, 691 NCEs, sponsored by 94 firms, were approved in the United States from 1963 to 1999.
One firm had four approvals, eight firms had three approvals, 12 firms had two approvals, and 47
companies had one approval from 1963 to 1999.
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1175

shares based on worldwide pharmaceutical along various dimensions is unclear at this

sales (There is reason to suspect that the mar- time. A survey of the parties most affected
ket shares of large firms would tend to be by the merger and acquisition activity-cus-
greater than their output shares. DiMasi et tomers, employees, and investors-revealed
al. (6) found a tendency for the commercial that the groups differed in their assessments
significance of NCE output to increase with of how successful individual mergers and ac-
firm size for a sample of fully integrated quisitions have been [14]. Detailed analysis,
pharmaceutical firms. However, other things and perhaps more time, are needed to fully
being equal, the market shares of innovator assess the impact of pharmaceutical industry
firms will tend to be lower than output shares consolidation.). Seven of the top 10 firms
because of generic competition.). For 1998, and 18 of the top 20 firms ranked by pharma-
the top 10 firms ranked by share of the world- ceutical market share are among the top 10
wide pharmaceutical market (Table 3) had and top 20 developers of NCEs, respectively.
sales shares that ranged from 2.9% for Lilly Similar results are obtained if the NCE rank-
to 5.1% for Merck (Although merged firms ing is made for more recent approvals (1982
have gained market share, the share of world- to 1999).
wide sales obtained by leading firms has re-
mained relatively stable. The combined
Interfirm Heterogeneity in the Nature of
worldwide market share of the top 30 firms
Pharmaceutical Innovation
has varied between 52% and 57% over the
last decade [ 131. Whether the recent spate of The aggregate data on NCE output are infor-
mergers and acquisitions has been successful mative, but they can mask important differ-

Worldwide Pharmaceutical Sales by Company"
Rank Company Sales ($ million)

1 Merck 15,296.5
2 Aventisb 13,608.1
3 Glaxo Wellcome 13,230.5
4 Astrazenecab 12,754.0
5 Bristol-Myers Squibb 12,573.0
6 Pfizer 12,230.0
7 Novartis 1 1 , I 74.8
8 Roche 9,921.5
9 American Home Products 8,901.8
10 Lilly 8,590.4
11 Johnson & Johnson 8,562.0
12 SmithKline Beecham 7,701.6
13 Schering-Plough 6,695.0
14 Pharmacia & Upjohn 6,127.0
15 Warner Lambert 5,604.0
16 Abbott 5,602.0
17 Sanofi-Synthelabob 4,832.7
18 Bayer 4,823.7
19 Takeda 4,567.8
20 Boehringer lngelheim 4,487.3
"Source: Scrip's 1999 Phar'maCeUtiCal Company League Tables,
Surrey: PJB 1999.
bHoechstand Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Astra and Zeneca, and Sanofi
and Synthelabo merged during 1999. Sales during 1999 for each of
the firms in a merger were combined for the table.
1176 Joseph A. DiMasi

ences across firms in the extent to which they experienced substantial growth in relative
have diversified their innovative efforts, in output; 23.7% of the NCE approvals from
the degree to which they have been self-suffi- 1982 to 1999 were in the cardiovascular area.
cient in innovation, and in the quality of their From chemical and pharmacological
innovation. Although the causes and implica- perspectives, the types of compounds devel-
tions of such differences are difficult to fullyoped in a therapeutic class do, however,
establish we can, at least as a first step, exam-
change over time. For example, in cardiovas-
ine the available data to determine if firms cular drug development, approvals of drugs
do indeed differ in these dimensions. within major pharmacologic classes pro-
ceeded (with considerable overlap) from diu-
Therapeutic Focus. The demand for pharma- retics to beta-blockers, followed by calcium
ceutical products depends on the uses to channel blockers, ACE-inhibitors, and
which drugs are put. Drugs in different thera- HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Antiinfec-
peutic classes generally are not substitutable tive development has progressed with the
in consumption. Even drugs within the same marketing of successive generations of anti-
general class are not necessarily interchange- biotics and, with the advent of the AIDS
able. The relevant markets are, therefore, de- crisis, a heightened interest in recent years
termined by the diseases or conditions that in the development of antiviral drugs. Even
the drugs are used to treat. While output and though the modes of action for various com-
market shares can appear quite low when pound types within a therapeutic class can
considering pharmaceutical products as a differ substantially, many of them share com-
whole, they may be much higher for markets mon indications.
defined in therapeutically meaningful ways. 1 examined how NCE output is distributed
Consequently, many firms may choose to fo- across firms for the five largest therapeutic
cus their efforts on developing competencies classes (Table 4). In three of these five classes
in specific therapeutic areas. Prior success in the leading firm has been much more prolific
particular fields and program-specific exper- than any of its competitors. For antineoplas-
tise resident at the firm because of historical tic NCEs, Bristol-Myers has far outpaced
reasons can also result in trends in innovation other firms, with more than twice as many
at the firm level that are at least partially approvals as its nearest competitor. The Bris-
dependent on the paths that individual firms tol-Myers advantage is more than three-fold
have followed, whereby some firms may when one adds the four approvals of the
achieve dominant positions in developing merged firm, Bristol-Myers Squibb. Merck
drugs in one or several therapeutic catego- and Johnson & Johnson obtained approxi-
ries. mately twice as many NCE approvals as their
It is important, therefore, to examine how nearest competitors in the cardiovascular and
new drug innovation is distributed across analgesic/anesthetic classes, respectively.
firms at the therapeutic class level. Over the The advantages that the premier innovator
post- 1962 amendments period, nearly half in a therapeutic area has over competitors
(43.4%) of NCE output has been in two ther- need not persist over time. To compete more
apeutic areas: antiinfective and cardiovascu- effectively in a given therapeutic area, firms
lar (Figure 2). Advances in biomedical sci- that lag the leader can build stronger pro-
ence from the late 1970s onward conceivably grams through expansion and by strength-
could have resulted in a wave of pharmaceu- ening their internal capabilities. It is also
tical innovation that was associated with ma- possible to acquire capabilities and diminish
jor shifts in therapeutic focus. However, the competitive advantages in therapeutic areas
distribution across the eight therapeutic through mergers and acquisitions. Thus, Ta-
classes for the 1980s and 1990s is very simi- ble 5 demonstrates that the output advantages
lar to that for the whole period. The one that the leaders in the analgesidanesthetic
exception is the cardiovascular class, which and cardiovascular areas have over other
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1177

Antiinfective 23.4%

Central Nervous System





Percent of NCE Approvals

FIGURE 2. New chemical entity (NCE) approvals In the United States from 1963 to 1999
by therapeutic category. Source of data: Tufts CSDD Approved Drug Database.

firms are greatly diminished when approvals originated. The proportion of NCE approvals
are allocated to the current parent. Addition- that were self-originated has declined over
ally, on either a parent company at the time time, decreasing from 71.6% for NCEs ap-
of approval or on a current parent basis, the proved from 1963 to 1969 to 60.9% for NCEs
leading firms in all therapeutic categories had approved in the 1990s. Most of the decline
relatively small shares of all innovative out- occurred shortly after the 1960s.
put in the category (Shares of drugs used Eight of the top 11 firms ranked by the
for specific indications would necessarily be number of self-originated NCE approvals
higher than shares of drugs in the broader (Table 6) were in the top 10 for the total
class.). NCE count (Table 1). As a group, the top
firms in terms of the number of self-origi-
In-house versus Acquired Innovation. Quan- nated NCE approvals are more reliant on in-
tifying the number of NCEs that individual ternal development than is the industry as a
firms have sponsored for approval does not, whole. The share of approvals that were for
in and of itself, indicate whether the sponsor- self-originated NCEs ranged from 57.9% for
ing firms were completely, or even largely, Warner-Lambert to 100% for Hoechst. The
responsible for the development of the drugs. self-originated share for the group of 11 firms
A substantial number of new drugs approved is 72.7%.
in the United States have been licensed-in or The degree to which innovator firms mar-
otherwise acquired by the sponsoring firms. keted their own products varied somewhat
Firms may differ in their strategic approaches across the major therapeutic categories. The
to licensing and, therefore, in the extent to percent of self-originated NCEs varied from
which they engage in this activity or in their 55% for gastrointestinal NCEs to 75% for
decisions about when in the development respiratory NCEs. Firms that were dominant
process they tend to acquire compounds. within a therapeutic class in terms of total
Therefore, the amount of development that NCE approvals also tended to have a rela-
the sponsoring firms conduct on these com- tively large number of the self-originated
pounds is quite variable. One way to gauge approvals in the class. For example, in the
the degree to which firms have relied on and cardiovascular class Merck had 11 self-origi-
have been productive at discovering and de- nated approvals compared to five for the next
veloping their own drugs is to analyze drug highest competitor. A notable exception is
approvals by origin. the antineoplastic class, since many oncology
Of the 691 NCEs approved in the United drugs have been initially identified and de-
States from 1963 to 1999, 61.8% were self- veloped by the National Cancer Institute.
Leading Firms in the Number of United States New Chemical Entity (NCE) Approvals from 1963 to 1999
by Therapeutic Category (parent company at the time of approval)

AnalgesiclAnesthetic Antiinfective Antineoplastic Cardiovascular Central Nervous System

Company" NCEs Comanyb NCEs Company' NCEs Companyd NCEs Company" NCEs

Johnson & Johnson 9 Lilly 13 Bristol-Myers 9 Merck 14 American Home 7

Merck 5 Pfizer 11 Roche 4 AmericanHome 7 Roche 7
American Home 4 Roche 9 Pharmacia & Upjohn 3 Pfizer 6 Abbott 5
Akzo Nobel 4 Bristol-Myers 8 Upjohn 3 Lilly 5 Lilly 5
BOC Group 4 Johnson & Johnson 8 Wellcome 3 Abbott 4 Pfizer 5
Abbott 3 Bayer 6 Boehringer 4 Warner-Lambert 5
Astra 3 Merck Sandoz 4 Johnson & Johnson 4
Dupont 3 Schering-Plough Upjohn 4 Sandoz 4
Glaxo 3 Warner-Lambert Ciba-Geigy 3
Nestle 3 Wellcome Merck 3
Schering-Plough 3 American Cyanamid A.H. Robins 3
Syntex 3 Bristol-Myers Squibb Wellcome 3
Glaxo Wellcome
"Eleven companies had two approvals and 19 companies had one approval.
bFivecompanies had four approvals, five companies had three approvals, four companies had two approvals, and 26 companies had one approval.
"Twenty-four companies had one approval.
?en companies had three approvals, 11 companies had two approvals, and 36 companies had one approval.
'Nine companies had two approvals and 20 companies had one approval. ?
Leading Firms in the Number of United States New Chemical Entity (NCE) Approvals from 1963 to 1999
by Therapeutic Category (current parent company)

AnalgesidAnesthetic Antiinfective Antineoplastic Cardiovascular Central Nervous


Company" NCEs Comanyb NCEs Company' NCEs Companyd NCEs Company" NCEs

Johnson & Johnson 8 Bristol-Myers Squibb 15 Bristol-Myers Squibb 13 Merck 14 American Home 12
Glaxo Wellcome 7 Glaxo Wellcome 14 Pharmacia & Upjohn 9 American Home 12 Aventis 8
American Home 6 Liily 13 AstraZeneca 4 Aventis 8 Novartis 8
AstraZeneca 5 Roche 12 Roche 4 Novartis 8 Roche 7
Merck 5 SmithKline Beecham 12 Aventis 3 Pharmacia & Upjohn 8 Abbott 5
Roche 5 Pfizer 11 Glaxo Wellcome 3 Pfizer 6 Liily 5
Akzo Nobel 4 American Home 10 Novartis 3 SmithKline Beecham 6 Pfizer 5
BOC Group 4 Johnson & Johnson BASF 5 Warner-Lambert 5
Aventis Bristol-Myers Squibb 5 Glaxo Wellcome 4
Pharmacia & Upjohn Lilly 5 Johnson & Johnson 4
Warner-Lambert Roche 5 SmithKline Beecham 4
Merck Abbott 4
Schering-Plough Boehringer 4
"Nine companies had three approvals, three companies had two approvals, and nine companies had one approval.
Three companies had three approvals, four companies had two approvals, and 11 companies had one approval.
'Seven companies had two approvals, and 13 companies had one approval.
"Three companies had three approvals, nine companies had two approvals, and 20 companies had one approval.
"Three companies had three approvals, three companies had two approvals, and 14 companies had one approval.
1180 Joseph A. DiMasi

While Bristol-Myers Squibb had substan- tionship between the number and the propor-
tially more approvals in this class than did tion of approvals with a priority rating that
any other firm, all of its antineoplastic ap- a firm receives is much weaker. For the firms
provals were acquired. in Table 6 ranked by number of NCEs with
a priority rating, the share of their approvals
Quality of Innovation. The data on NCE ap- that had received a priority rating is only
provals presented thus far have not been ad- slightly higher than for the industry as a
justed for or categorized by quality. One whole (55.0% compared to 49.1%). How-
measure of the medical significance of the ever, the averages do not reveal the substan-
output of pharmaceutical company R&D tial variability that existed among firms in
programs is the therapeutic rating assigned their propensity to produce products with
by the FDA to NMEs approved in the United high therapeutic ratings. For the firms listed
States. The FDA makes these assignments in Table 6, the share of approvals with a
for the purpose of prioritizing its reviews. priority rating ranged from 37.0% for Pfizer
Although the ultimate medical significance to 88.2% for Wellcome.
of some drugs is unknown at the time of Although the hypothesis that research pro-
approval since some new uses are not discov- grams that produce proportionately more ap-
ered or established until the drugs are used provals with priority ratings tend to be more
in everyday medical practice or until postap- profitable is plausible, further analysis would
proval clinical testing is conducted, there is be required to establish this for particular
likely a strong positive correlation between firms for at least four reasons. First, while
the FDA ratings and medical significance (A medically significant products are often com-
number of other measures of the medical, mercially significant, this is not always the
scientific, and commercial significance of case. For example, FDA-assigned therapeu-
new drugs have been used in studies of the tic ratings tend to be higher for orphan drugs
drug development and approval processes. than for other drugs (16,17) (Under the US
For example, aside from FDA therapeutic Orphan Drug Act (Public Law No. 97-414,
ratings, Dranove and Meltzer [15] examine 96 Stat 2049 [1983]) as amended, an orphan
measures based on the number of citations drug is one that targets a disease or condition
to a drug in medical textbooks, in medical that affects less than 200000 people in the
journals, and in subsequent patent applica- United States, or one for which the manufac-
tions. They also examine the number of ma- turer can demonstrate that there is no reason-
jor markets in which a drug is introduced able expectation that development and mar-
and the drug’s United States sales, but these keting costs can be recouped from sales in
measures correlate more with a drug’s com- the United States.). The sales of the vast ma-
mercial significance than with its medical jority of orphan drugs are relatively small
significance.). (1 6). Secondly, DiMasi et al. (1) found that
Our data suggest a positive correlation be- clinical development costs tend to be higher
tween a firm’s total number of NCE approv- for drugs that had received higher FDA thera-
als and the number of the firm’s NCE approv- peutic ratings. Third, most investigational
als that received a priority rating. Nine of the drugs fail in testing and firms can differ in
top 11 firms ranked by approval of NCEs their approval success rates (6). Thus, other
with priority ratings (Table 6) are also among things being equal, some firms may get their
the top 10 firms ranked by total NCE approv- drugs on the market at a higher R&D cost
als (Table 1). (Therapeutic ratings were not per approval (6). Fourth, firms that license-
available for three NCEs approved in the in drugs that receive high therapeutic ratings
1960s. Lilly, Bristol-Myers, and Schering- will have to share some of the returns with
Plough each sponsored one of the three. The the originators.
Lilly NCE was self-originated, while the The extent to which firms have either
other two NCEs were acquired.). The rela- fully or partially developed NCEs that have
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1181

Leading Firms in the Number of United States New Chemical Entity (NCE)
Approvals from 1963 to 1999 by Source and by Medical Significance
(parent company at the time of approval)

Self-Originated" Priority-Ratedb Priority-Rated

Company NCEs Company NCEs Company NCEs

Merck 28 Merck 25 Merck 20

Johnson & Johnson 25 Roche 22 Roche 14
Liily 25 Johnson & Johnson 17 Johnson & Johnson 13
Pfizer 21 Wellcome 15 Lilly 11
Roche 20 Lilly 12 Wellcome 10
Hoechst 13 Upjohn 12 Upjohn 8
Upjohn 13 Bristol-Myers 10 Pfizer 7
Sandoz 12 Pfizer 10 Warner-Lambert 7
Schering-Plough 12 Schering-Plough 9 Boehringer- 5
Wellcome 12 Warner-Lambert 9 Hoechst 5
Warner-Lambert 11 SmithKline Beckman 8 Sandoz 5

aDevelopedentirely under the auspices of the company.

bCompounds that received a 1A. 1B, or 1P therapeutic significance rating by the Food and Drug
Administration at the time of marketing approval.

received priority ratings can also be mea- basis, these firms retain high ranks along
sured with our data (Table 6). Although the these dimensions (Table 7).
order is slightly different, the six leading
firms in terms of the number of self-origi-
Concentration of Pharmaceutical Output
nated NCE approvals with priority ratings
are also the six firms with the most approvals The industrial organization literature is re-
of drugs with priority ratings. The firms that plete with studies that utilize measures of the
developed the most self-originated NCEs degree to which markets are dominated by
with priority ratings tended to have a higher relatively few firms. These measures are of-
than average propensity to originate those of ten used to describe and analyze industry
their approved NCEs that receive a priority structure, with putative implications for eco-
rating; while 60% of all NCEs with a priority nomic efficiency in these markets. Industry
rating were self-originated, the share for the concentration measures are usually defined
11 leading firms was 70% (Among these in terms of sales, but employment and asset-
leading firms, the share of priority-rated based measures have also been used (See
NCEs that were self-originated varied from Scherer and Ross [ 181 for a good discussion
65% for Roche to 100% for Boehringer In- of the use and limitations of concentration
gelheim, Hoechst, and Sandoz.). measures. Grabowski and Vernon [19] re-
The data in Table 6 also suggest that some view a number of studies that have used con-
firms that have refrained from engaging in centration measures in analyses of the com-
major merger and acquisition activity have petitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry.).
fared well in terms of in-house R&D and in The most commonly used measures are the
bringing medically significant products concentration ratio (especially, the four-firm
to market. Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, and and eight-firm ratios) and the Hefindahl-
Merck all fit this characterization. Even when Hirschman index (HHI) (A concentration ra-
the data are analyzed on a current parent tio is the aggregate share of the market held
1182 Joseph A. DiMasi

Leading Firms in the Number of United States New Chemical Entity (NCE)
Approvals from 1963 to 1999 by Source and by Medical Significance
(current parent company)
Self-Originateda Priority-Ratedb Priority-Rated

Company NCEs Company NCEs Company NCEs

~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Merck 28 Roche 26 Merck 20

Roche 28 Glaxo Wellcome 25 Roche 17
Novartis 26 Merck 25 Glaxo Wellcome 15
Aventis 25 Pharmacia & Upjohn 21 Aventis 14
Lilly 25 Aventis 19 Pharmacia & Upjohn 14
Pharmacia & Upjohn 25 Bristol-Myers Squibb 18 Johnson & Johnsonc 12
SmithKline Beecham 25 Novartis 17 Lilly 11
Johnson & Johnsonc 24 Johnson & JohnsonC 16 Novartis 11
Glaxo Wellcome 23 SmithKline Beecham 16 SmithKline Beecham 11
ffizer 21 American Home 13 ffizer 7
Bristol-Myers Squibb 20 Lilly 12 Warner-Lambert 7

"Developed entirely under the auspices of the company.

bCompounds that received a 1A, 1B, or 1P therapeutic significance rating by the Food and Drug
Administration at the time of marketing approval.
'Johnson & Johnson has one fewer approval in each category than when considered on a parent
company at the time of approval basis since it divested a subsidiary that had sponsored and retained
ownership of one approved NCE.

by a given number of the leading firms in an sibly applied to data from a single year, using
industry. Thus, the four-firm sales concentra- the NCE output from any one year to com-
tion ratio is the percent of industry sales pute a concentration measure makes little
earned by the four firms with the highest sense. The development process is lengthy
sales. The Herfindahl-Hirschman index (20) and variable. Most firms engaged in new
is an alternative summary measure that ac- drug development will not have an NCE ap-
counts for the sales shares of all of the firms proved every year. Grouping of years is,
in the industry. It is defined as H H I = therefore, appropriate and necessary. Con-
Zy=,= Sz, where S, is firm i's share of industry centration measures of any type for a given
sales and N is the number of firms in the year or period are only rough static indicators
industry. Higher values indicate greater con- of industry structure. In theory, some indus-
centration. Typically, the percentage shares tries with relatively high measured concen-
are multiplied by 100 so that the index can tration may be quite competitive and some
assume values up to 10000 [the case of a with relatively low measured concentration
pure monopolist]. The index decreases with may exhibit oligopolistic behavior (18). In-
more firms in the industry and increases with stitutional knowledge of the industry and of
greater inequality in firm shares for a given the nature of competition in that industry is
number of firms.). The data on NCE approv- often a prerequisite to understanding the
als can be used to provide measures of indus- structure, behavior, and performance of the
try concentration in innovation. The concen- industry. However, measurement of the de-
tration measures that have been applied to gree of concentration in an industry at differ-
sales are applicable, without change in for- ent points in time will often serve as an accu-
mat, to innovative output. rate indicator of a trend in concentration (The
While concentration measures based on explanation for a change and the economic
company sales can, in most instances, be sen- significance of a change in concentration can
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1183

vary from case to case. A concentration or ratios for other industries. (The Census Bu-
deconcentration trend might, for example, re- reau has published four-firm sales concentra-
flect changes in regulatory policy, shifts in tion ratios for 456 four-digit S.I.C. industries
demand, or the emergence of new technolo- for 1992 [21]. The ratio for the pharmaceuti-
gies that are initiated by new entrants or that cal preparations industry is 26% for 1992;
some existing firms are better suited to adopt examination of the Census data shows that
than are others.). 69.3% of the four-digit industries had a
The four-firm and eight-firm innovation higher concentration ratio. For 1992,43% of
concentration ratios in Figure 3 are very simi- the industries had a four-firm concentration
lar to reported sales concentration ratios for ratio of at least 40%. Similarly, Scherer and
the pharmaceutical industry. The United Ross [ 181report that 44% of 448 manufactur-
States Census Bureau has published four- ing industries with four-digit S.I.C. codes had
firm sales concentration ratios for pharma- four-firm concentration ratios of 40% or
ceutical preparations (Standard Industrial higher for 1982. Some scholars interpret ra-
Classification [ S.I.C.] 2834) that vary from tios this high, when the market is appropri-
22% to 28% between 1947 and 1992; the ately measured, to be an indication of the
eight-firm sales concentration ratios vary existence of market power. For example,
from 36% to 45% (21) (The Census Bureau Scherer and Ross [18, p. 821 state, “When
has published manufacturing industry con- the leading four firms control 40 percent or
centration ratios for 1947, for years between more of the market, oligopolistic behavior
1947 and 1977 at irregular intervals, and at becomes likely.”).
five-year increments thereafter. Grabowski The output concentration ratios indicate a
and Vernon 1221 have reported concentration modest deconcentration trend for the 1980s
ratios for US ethical drug sales to retail stores and 1990s relative to the 1960s and the 1970s
and hospitals for every year from 1958 to (Figure 3). The HHI values also suggest a
1973. The ratios are generally within the deconcentration trend, albeit one that is more
range of Census values.). The pharmaceuti- clearly continuous across periods (The HHI
cal industry concentration ratios are moder- values for NCE approvals are 407, 385, 324,
ate in comparison to the sales concentration and 223 for 1963 to 1969, 1970 to 1979,

88 “ 30
1963-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999
Period of Approval
04-Firm Ratio (parent at approval) n 4-Finn Ratio (current parent)
&Firm Ratio (parent at approval) W &Firm Ratio (current parent)

FIGURE 3. Concentration of output In the pharmaceutical industry. Share of total

United States new chemical entity (NCE) approvals by the leading four and eight firms
in number of approvals for the period. Source of data: Tufts CSDD Approved Drug
1184 Joseph A. DiMasi

1980 to 1989, and 1990 to 1999, respectively. peutic classes are, as expected, higher than
The trends for either concentration ratios or for all NCE approvals. The measures are not,
HHI values are the same whether approvals however, markedly higher for the larger ther-
are attributed to the parent companies at the apeutic classes, and the classes generally ex-
time of approval or to the current parents. An hibit a downward trend in concentration, as
ideal measure of output concentration should was noted for all NCE approvals. For exam-
yield values between those given by the two ple, the four-firm concentration ratio for car-
approaches, but measurement on a parent at diovascular NCEs fell from 61.6% for the
the time of approval basis should be closer to 1960s to 23.3% for the 1990s (The cardiovas-
the ideal. When grouped on a current parent cular NCE four-firm concentration ratios
basis, some approvals would be attributed to NCEs were 44.5 and 27.7 for the 1970s and
firms that merged decades after the approvals the 1980s, respectively. Similarly, the cardio-
were obtained.). In contrast, neither the sales vascular NCE HHI values were 1243, 864,
concentration ratios nor the sales HHI values 412, and 328 for the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s,
exhibit a trend (The US Census Bureau [21] and 1990s, respectively.). However, the pe-
has published sales HHT values [for the 50 riod during which notable deconcentration
largest firms in an industry] beginning with is first manifested varied by therapeutic
the 1982 Census of Manufacturers. The index class. While innovation in the cardiovascular
values for pharmaceutical preparations are area experienced substantial deconcentration
318,273, and 341 for 1982, 1987, and 1992, throughout the study period, it was not until
respectively.) However, given lengthy prod- the 1990s that this occurred for antineoplas-
uct lifecycles in this industry, (For their tic NCEs (The four-firm concentration ratios
estimations of rates of return for NCE devel- for antiinfective, antineoplastic, and central
opment, Grabowski and Vernon [ 4 ] use a nervous system NCEs for the 1990s were
20-year product lifecycle.) concentration 32.8%, 28.3%, and 25.7%, respectively. The
trends in sales may lag concentration trends four-firm concentration ratio for analgesic/
in new product introductions. anesthetic NCEs fell modestly from 41.6%
for the 1960s to 32.4% for the 1990s. The
Therapeutic Class Concentration. One may patterns of change over time by therapeutic
argue that concentration measures that are class are identical if the data are grouped by
based on shares of the sales of all pharmaceu- current parent.).
tical products or on shares of all NCE approv- As noted above, the breadth of the market
als are seriously biased downward, since eco- definition on which concentration in innova-
nomically meaningful markets are more tion is best measured depends on substitution
appropriately defined at narrow therapeutic possibilities in production. If leading firms
class, or even at specific indication, levels. can conduct successful R&D in a number of
Given that drugs have disparate uses, this therapeutic programs, then substantial dy-
argument is generally valid for the demand namic competition can exist in therapeutic
side of the market. However, the scope of markets even if static concentration measures
the relevant market is appropriately defined suggest a relatively high degree of market
only when substitution possibilities on both power. Evidence of a market presence in a
the production and consumption sides of the variety of therapeutic areas would suggest
market have been considered (23). If firms this kind of substitutability (Several studies
can allocate resources to new therapeutic have found that major pharmaceutical firms
programs or expand existing programs in a in the 1960s and early 1970s were well diver-
relatively short period without substantial re- sified across therapeutic categories in terms
training or new hiring, then concentration in of patents, sales, and worldwide NCE intro-
innovation can be measured appropriately at ductions [24,25].). Although the data on NCE
a fairly broad level. approvals do not directly measure the degree
Concentration measures applied to thera- of research effort across therapeutic catego-
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1185

ries, they can be used to examine the degree Products, and Wellcome (These data need to
to which different firms have been successful be interpreted with some care. In the case of
in reaching the market in a variety of thera- Merck the number of categories in which
peutic areas. Table 8 indicates the number approvals were obtained increased and
of NCE approvals that leading firms have nearly all classes were covered. The rela-
had in eight major therapeutic categories tively low diversification index value is due
since 1982. Of the 16 firms, one had approv- to a high concentration of approvals in one
als in all eight categories, one had approvals category [cardiovascular]. The disparity be-
in seven categories, eight had approvals in tween diversification as measured by the
six categories, and four had approvals in number of categories and as measured by the
five categories. Excluding the catch-all index is the result of a particularly successful
“other” category, the mean number of catego- program in one area. See Galambos and Stur-
ries with approvals for these firms is 5.6 (me- chi0 [27] and Vagelos [28] for discussions
dian = 6). of the history of Merck’s development of
The data in Table 8 suggest a substantial cardiovascular drugs.).
amount of diversification across therapeutic The data in Table 9 indicate a general
categories by leading firms. However, the increase in diversification over time. Eleven
number of categories in which a firm has of the 15 firms had a higher diversification
obtained approvals does not necessarily indi- index value for the later period. Similarly,
cate how concentrated its output is in those 12 of the firms had approvals in more thera;
categories. For example, 4 1% of Merck’s ap- peutic categories in 1982 to 1999 than in
provals are in the cardiovascular class and 1963 to 1980, while none had approvals in
50% of Bayer’s approvals are in antiinfec- fewer categories. The mean diversification
tives. The degree to which company approv- index value increased from 3.5 1 (median =
als are diversified across categories can be 3.27) for 1963 to 1980 to 4.68 (median=
measured by a “numbers equivalent index” 4.64) for 1982 to 1999. The number of cate-
(Ravenschraft and Scherer [26] uses a variant gories per firm increased from 4.7 for 1963 to
of the Herfhdahl-Hirschman index to mea- 1980 to 6.3 for 1982 to 1999. The increased
sure the diversification of companies across diversification in approvals is likely associ-
different lines of business. The index is de- ated with greater diversification in discovery
fined as llXIF,;, where Fvis the share of com- programs (although we lack the data to dem-
pany i’s sales that arise from the company’s onstrate the relationship). If this is so, then
j’th line of business. In the context herein, the increased output of the pharmaceutical
sales is replaced by number of NCE approv- industry over time may be partially explained
als and line of business is replaced by thera- by knowledge spillovers across categories.
peutic category. If the company has approv- Henderson and Cockburn (29) have, for ex-
als in only one category, then the index value ample, found support for the hypothesis that
will be one. The index cannot exceed the the productivity of drug discovery research
number of categories in which the firm has (with output measured by counts of impor-
approvals. The index will be higher the more tant patents) can be substantially enhanced
equal are the firm’s shares [ie, the more di- by the existence of such externalities (both
versified are the firm’s approvals].). Table 9 within the firm and across firms).
presents diversification index values for 15
of the 16 firms listed in Table 8 for 1963 to Firm Turnover. Product innovation is the pri-
1980 and 1982 to 1999 (with the “other” mary mechanism by which dynamic compe-
category included as a separate class). By tition in the pharmaceutical industry is exhib-
this measure, for 1982 to 1999 the most di- ited. New drugs typically supplant old ones
versified firms were Johnson & Johnson, in medical use. Substantial returns can be
Hoechst, and Schering-Plough. The least di- earned on new products, and, by Schumpet-
versified firms were Bayer, American Home erian logic (30), these potential returns

United States New Chemical Entity (NCE) Approvals from 1982 to 1999 by Therapeutic Category (parent company at the time of approval)

Analgesic/ Anti- Anti- Cardio- Nervous Gastro- Respir-
Company Anesthetic infective neoplastic vascular System Endocrine intestinal atory Other Total

Merck 3 4 0 9 0 2 2 1 1 22
Johnson 8 Johnson 5 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 21
Roche 1 6 1 2 3 0 1 0 3 17
Pfizer 1 6 0 4 2 1 0 2 0 16
American Home
Productsa 4 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 13
Squibbb 1 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 13
Lilly 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 0 0 13
Abbott 3 3 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 12
Beecham' 1 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 12
Wellcorned 2 4 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 11
Bayer 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 10
Glaxod 3 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 10
Hoechst 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 10
Pharmacia 8
Upjohn' 0 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 9
Schering-Plough 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 9
Warner-Lambert 0 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 9
~ ~~ ~

'Prior to their acquisition by American Home Products, American Cyanamid had four approvals in three of eight categories and A.H. Robins had one approval.
bPriorto their merger in 1989, Bristol-Myers had six approvals in four of eight categories and Squibb had one approval. L
'Prior to their merger, SmithKline Beckman had five approvals in three of eight categories (and one approval in the "other" category) and Beecham had two approvals 2
in one category. Sterling, which was acquired by SmithKline Beecham in 1994. had four approvals in three categories prior to the acquisition during the 1982 to 1999
period. ?
'%'elcome was acquired by Glaxo in 1995.
"Prior to their merger in 1995, Pharmacia had two approvals in two of eight categories, and Upjohn had six approvals in five categories.

Company Diversification of United States New Chemical Entity (NCE) Approvals by $
Therapeutic Category (parent company at the time of approval)"
1963-1 980 1982-1 999
Number of Number of Diversification Number of Number of Diversification 2
Company Approvals Categories Index Approvals Categories Index 2.
Merck 13 6 4.83 22 7 4.17 5
Johnson & Johnson 11 5 3.90 21 9 6.78 'tr
Roche 12 7 5.14 17 7 4.74
Pfizer 10 4 2.78 16 6 4.13
American Home Products 12 5 3.60 13 5 3.60 n
Lilly 17 6 2.60 13 7 5.12 E,
Abbott 6 3 2.57 11 6 5.14 E
Bristol-Myers Squibbb 21 6 3.27 20 6 4.35 3
SmithKline Beechamb 13 7 5.45 21 8' 4.64
Wellcome 6 3 3.00 11 5 3.90 s
Bayer 2 2 2.00 10 3 2.63
Hoechst 2 2 2.00 10 7 6.25
Pharmacia & Upjohnb 15 5 4.67 21 7 5.09
Schering-Plough 10 5 3.57 9 6 5.40
Warner-Lambert 9 4 3.24 9 5 4.26
The firms listed are 15 of 16 firms with the most NCE approvals from 1982 to 1999. Glaxo is not included here since it had no U.S.
NCE approvals during 1963 to 1980.
'Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pharmacia & Upjohn, and SmithKline Beecham were among the top 16 firms with approvals during 1982 to
1999, but they did not exist as the merged firms that they currently are in the earlier period. To provide a meaningful comparison over
time, the figures listed for these three firms for both periods are computed on a current parent basis.
The data include three approvals during 1982 to 1999 that were sponsored by the Allergan subsidiary of SmithKline Beckman. Allergan
was divested when SmithKline Beckman and Beecham merged.
1188 Joseph A. DiMnsi

should induce firms to conduct R&D on new 41 of them had their first ever NCE approval
drugs. Although not a necessary condition, in this period (It should be noted that one of
this hypothesis can be supported by evidence these 41 firms had acquired a firm that had
of turnover in company rankings and shares had two approvals in an earlier period prior
of innovative output (See Cocks [24] for evi- to acquisition and that two other firms were
dence of market share turnover for leading joint ventures of firms that have had NCE
pharmaceutical firms in the 1960s and early approvals. We should also stress that the de-
1970s.). Table 10 lists the 13 firms that concentration and new entry noted is for de-
ranked in the top 10 of NCE approvals for velopment of traditional chemical [small
1963 to 1969, and traces their changes in molecule] compounds. The biotechnology
rank and share over time. The data indicate industry grew exponentially during the 1980s
substantial turnover. Only five of the 13 firms and 1990s, with the creation of hundreds of
had a top 10 ranking in the 1990s. Only four start-up firms and a number of biotechnology
of the firms (Johnson & Johnson, Merck, [large molecule] drugs reaching the market-
Pfizer, and Roche) maintained a top 10 rank- place. It is also the case, however, that the
ing in all periods. While the average rank of biotechnology revolution has had some im-
the 13 firms was 5.6 for the 1960s, the aver- pact on traditional drug development, as
age ranks for the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s some of the new technologies have been used
were 10.2, 10.6, and 15.4, respectively. Simi- to help identify targets for small molecule
larly, the average output share for these firms drugs.).
was 4.8% in the 1960s, but 3.4%, 3.6%, and
2.3% for the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, re-
spectively (These results are likely partly due Interfirm Variation in the
to the general deconcentration trend noted Productivity of Development
above, but they are also due to the changes
in rank for these particular firms.). These A fuller understanding of differential firm
results suggest both that a firm’s success in performance should be aided by data on the
developing new drugs in one period is no success of firms’ development programs. I
guarantor of its future success, and that some used data from a Tufts CSDD database on
firms have been able to maintain relatively the development history of investigational
high levels of innovation over long periods. drugs, supplemented by data found in Phar-
Further evidence of the dynamic nature maprojects Plus (CD-ROM version 2.1) and
of competition in the pharmaceutical indus- the NDA Pipeline, to examine clinical suc-
try can be ascertained from examining the cess rates for NCEs that had an IND first
full distribution of approvals by firm. The filed during the 1980s.The Tufts CSDD data-
frequency distributions of firms by number base provides information on all investiga-
of NCE approvals for three 10-year periods tional NCEs taken into clinical testing by a
are shown in Figure 4. Increasing technologi- large sample of firms. The clinical develop-
cal opportunities have not only been fol- ment process is variable and very lengthy for
lowed by increasing numbers of new drug some drugs. Thus, a number of compounds
approvals, but the evidence suggests that ad- that first entered United States clinical testing
vances in biomedical science have fostered during the 1980s have neither received FDA
deconcentration in new drug development approval nor had research abandoned. The
among existing firms and stimulated new en- PharmaProjects database and the NDA Pipe-
try. The number of firms with NCE approvals line were used to determine the current status
increased 84% from 1970-1979 to 1990- (through December 1999) of the NCEs with
1999. The growth in the number of firms 1980 to 1989 IND filings in the Tufts CSDD
with approvals was driven by firms with only database that were listed as still active as of
one approval in the period. Of the 50 firms the last Tufts CSDD survey. The dataset used
that had one approval during 1990 to 1999, for analysis contains 762 NCEs, 21 of which
Variation in Company Rank and Share of New Chemical Entities (NCEs) by Period of $
United States Marketing Approval (parent company at time of approval) 9
1963-1 969 1970-1979 1980-1 989 1990-1999 3
Share of Share of Share of Share of sg.
Company Rank NCEs(%) Rank NCEs(%) Rank NCEs(%) Rank NCEs(%)

American Home Products 1 8.4 11 2.9 9 3.2 11 2.6 s

Lilly 1 8.4 4 5.8 3 5.4 17 1.8
Merck 3 7.4 5 4.4 1 5.9 2 4.4
Schering-Plough 4 5.3 11 2.9 5 4.9 23 1 .I
Wellcome a 4 5.3 - 0.0 9 3.2 14 2.2
American Cyanamidb 6 4.2 13 2.2 16 2.2 32 0.7
Pfizer 6 4.2 5 3.6 7 3.8 5 4.0 E
Abbott 8 3.2 13 2.2 21 1.6 6 3.3 3
Johnson & Johnson 8 3.2 5 4.4 1 5.9 1 4.7 2
A.H. Robins' 8 3.2 20 1.5 23 1 .I - 0.0
Roche 8 3.2 3 6.6 3 5.4 6 3.3
Searled 8 3.2 30 0.7 34 0.5 23 1.1
Upjohn' 8 3.2 2 7.3 6 4.3 45 0.4
"Wellcome was acquired by Glaxo in 1995.
bAmericanCyanamid was acquired by American Home Products in 1994.
'AH. Robins was acquired by American Home Products in 1989.
%earle was acquired by Monsanto in 1985. Monsanto had no prior NCE approvals. Subsequent NCE approvals have been attributed to
eUpjohn and Pharmacia merged to form Pharmacia & Upjohn in 1995. During the 1990s. Upjohn obtained one approval, Pharmacia
obtained two approvals, and Pharmacia & Upjohn obtained nine approvals. The total of twelve approvals represents 4.4% of all NCE
approvals during the 1990s.
1190 Joseph A. DiMasi

5 20

1 2 3-4 5-9 1o+
Number of NCE Approvals
( 01970-1979 0 1980-1989 W 1990-19991

FIGURE 4. Distribution of United States new chemical entity (NCE) approvals across
firms (parent company at the time of approval) by period of approval.

(2.8%) were still active through December where u is the time from IND filing to either
1999. abandonment of development or to market-
Table 11 shows the current clinical suc- ing approval. The regression results can be
cess rates for the 15 firms in the Tufts CSDD used to predict the proportion of active NCEs
investigational database that had at least 20 that will eventually obtain approval (See Di-
NCEs with INDs first filed during the 1980s Masi [3] for a discussion of a two-stage pro-
(These firms accounted for 637 of the 762 cess for estimating clinical success rates
NCEs in the Tufts CSDD database with INDs when a significant number of compounds are
first filed during the 1980s. The number of still in active testing. The first stage involves
NCEs for the firms varied from 24 to 64.The estimating a survival curve, while the second
firms tended to be highly diversified across stage involves estimating the conditional
therapeutic categories. The average number probability of approval. With so few com-
of therapeutic categories covered by a firm's pounds in the sample analyzed here still ac-
investigational NCEs was 8.13, with a diver- tive, employing the first stage makes little
sification index value of 5.71. The firms are difference to the results. The probit equation
coded by letter since most of the data used was estimated separately for self-originated
were obtained on a proprietary basis.). In NCEs and for acquired NCEs, and the results
aggregate, the current success rate for these were highly significant. Going a step further
firms is 20.4%. The individual firms to date and estimating separate equations for each
have differed substantially in their perfor- therapeutic category in each of these two
mance with regard to taking drug candidates groups may give poorer results, as the data
through development to marketing approval. for the equations will be much sparser and
As noted, some of the compounds in the differences in the conditional probability of
sample are active and potentially can be ap- approval at long times from the start of clini-
proved for marketing. I used the following cal testing [as opposed to differences in over-
probit specification to model the conditional all success rates, which are cumulations of
probability of approval at a given number of differences in survival rates and conditional
years from IND filing: approval probabilities over time] are likely
to be small across categories.). The outcomes
are shown in the column of predicted final
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1191

Technical and Commercial Productivity for Leading Pharmaceutical Firms
Current Final Technical Mean
Success Success Produc- Clinical Commercial
Com- Rate” Rateb tivity Com- Time Productivity
PanY (“w (“w Index’ pany (years)d Index”
A 41.9 49.3 2.07 C 4.18 2.16
B 43.9 43.9 1.76 D 3.52 1.51
C 41.7 41.7 1.75 6 4.34 1.31
D 31.7 31.7 1.42 A 6.01 1 .I2
E 18.6 23.3 1.02 H 4.00 1.08
F 21.4 21.4 0.90 E 5.52 1.05
G 20.0 22.0 0.85 M 4.86 0.96
H 15.2 16.7 0.83 F 4.64 0.91
I 17.8 19.9 0.80 L 5.46 0.86
J 15.1 16.3 0.72 G 4.32 0.77
K 13.2 13.2 0.63 J 4.36 0.76
L 10.9 13.4 0.62 I 4.25 0.69
M 11.5 13.9 0.53 N 4.40 0.61
N 11.9 11.9 0.48 K 4.69 0.60
0 8.0 8.0 0.33 0 4.01 0.47
“Percent of NCEs with INDs first filed during 1980 to 1989 that have been approved by the FDA
through December 1999.
bPercentof NCEs with INDs first filed during 1980 to 1989 that are predicted to ultimately be approved
by the FDA. Predictions for NCEs that were still active as of the end of 1999 are estimated from a
probit regression.
“Ratio of the predicted final success rate for a company to the success rate the company would, given
the make-up of its portfolio of investigational NCEs by therapeutic class and compound source, be
expected to have if it were as technically successful as the industry as a whole.
“Mean time from first IND filing to either a decision to abandon development or to NDA submission.
“Ratio of 1998 company pharmaceutical sales per NCE-year (product of the number of NCEs with an
IND first filed during 1980 to 1989 and mean clinical time) to 1998 industry pharmaceutical sales per

success rates in Table 11. As with current erage success rate indicates what the firm’s
success rates, the variability in predicted suc- success rate could be expected to be if the
cess rates is quite high. firm performed in all categories and by
Differences in clinical success can reflect source as did the industry as a whole. Divid-
either heterogenous firm capabilities and per- ing the firm’s predicted final success rate by
formance in drug discovery or the efficiency this weighted average success rate yields the
of clinical development programs. DiMasi technical productivity index values in Table
(3) found that clinical success rates can also 11. By this measure, only five of the 15 firms
vary by source (self-originated or acquired) were above-average performers, and vari-
and by therapeutic class. To control for dif- ability was very high with performance rang-
ferences in the make-up of development por- ing from 67% below average to 107% above
folios by source and therapeutic class, I con- average.
structed for each firm a weighted average It is also possible to construct a rough
success rate that uses estimates of success measure of commercial productivity for these
rates by source and therapeutic class for the companies. By the late 1990s, the sales of
industry (ie, all firms in the database) as most pharmaceutical firms should be heavily
weights applied to each firm’s portfolio of dependent on drugs that began clinical test-
drug candidates. The resulting weighted av- ing during the 1980s. Data on pharmaceutical
1192 Joseph A. DiMasi

sales are available for 1998. The productivity edge spillovers can potentially impact all
of new drug development, though, is depen- firms. A comprehensive explanation of how
dent on costs as well as returns. The number innovation in this industry has proceeded
of NCEs with INDs filed and the time spent should, however, also include firm-specific
in clinical testing can be used to proxy for factors, such as individual organizational
clinical development effort. The measure structures and how effectively a firm reacts
used here is NCE-years (that is, the product to changes in its environment. Research on
of the number of NCEs with INDs filed and the nature of pharmaceutical innovation is,
the mean time that the NCEs spent in clinical therefore, best conducted with knowledge of
testing). Productivity can then be measured how innovative individual firms have been
as pharmaceutical sales per NCE-year. A over a lengthy period. This study has pro-
commercial productivity index was defined vided such information for the most signifi-
as the ratio of pharmaceutical sales per NCE- cant type of pharmaceutical innovation-the
year for a given firm to industry aggregate development and marketing of NCEs.
pharmaceutical sales per NCE-year. The in- Since the 1962 amendments to the Fed-
dustry values were estimated from data on eral, Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938,
all firms in the dataset. Thus, the commercial innovation, as measured by NCE approvals,
productivity index is a measure of how far initially declined but later increased. Much
above or below average a firm’s commercial of the increase in new product introductions
performance has been (The measure is a first likely is linked to advances in biomedical
approximation to a true index of commercial research, although some portion of it may
productivity. Ideally, one would want to be attributable to knowledge spillovers. Our
know the actual R&D costs for all of the evidence on NCE approvals indicates that
firms’ investigational NCEs for the period this type of innovation is fairly widely dis-
analyzed, the actual returns of the firms’ persed across firms, and has become more
NCEs that made it to the marketplace over so over time. Substantial turnover in rank
their entire lifecycles, and the production, among the leading firms producing new
distribution, and promotion costs of these ap- drugs is also evident from the data. Nonethe-
proved NCEs.). less, some firms have been more consistent
Relative to technical productivity, the re- in maintaining relatively high rates of new
sults in Table 11 show somewhat less, but product introductions than have others. Fur-
still high, variability in commercial produc- thermore, the evidence on the development
tivity. Six of the 15 firms had above average experience of investigational drugs indicates
commercial productivity, with the results that firms have differed substantially in their
ranging from 53% below average to 116% approval success rates for compounds that
above average. With the exception of a few advance to clinical testing. The data also sug-
firms, the technical productivity and the com- gest that firms have varied notably in the
mercial productivity index values are close commercial success that they have achieved
to one another. Even with the exceptions in- relative to their development efforts.
cluded, the two indices are correlated at a If one assumes that the observed interfirm
statistically significant level (Pearson corre- differences in innovation rates and drug de-
lation coefficient = 0.760, p = 0.001). velopment performance are not random, then
the data strongly indicate a need to under-
stand in some detail how different firms have
structured their R&D programs historically
Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and how they have adjusted to changes in
can be affected by numerous factors, some economic conditions, regulatory policy, and
of which, such as regulation, trends in R&D scientific progress. In that regard, historical
costs, scientific opportunities, and knowl- accounts of developments in the industry that
Trends in New Drug Innovation by Pharmaceutical Firms 1193

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