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SUBMITTED BY: Tenzin Tsering (12002983)

Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab.
- “Yoga is not a work-out; it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual
practice, to make us teachable, to open our hearts, and focus our awareness
so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”
— Rolf Gates
Typically, human being, in its whole life works to accumulate materialistic gains,
satisfying one’s own greed only in order to attain happiness but still ending up
experiencing sorrow. And in middle of hustle and bustle of the modern life, our
emotional stability declines day by day, leading to stressful, unhealthy and unstable

Although we human acquire hi-tech medical facilities and many medical expertise
yet people continue to suffer from mental health. And that our busy life makes us go
through anxiety, stress, low energy level or even in some cases through depression to
balance our work and personal life. Our focus and concentration get bombarded by
our modern lifestyle in form of cell phones, laptops, TVs and social media. But
thankfully yoga comes to the rescue as it can bring our awareness to the present
moment and help us to stay focused and improve our concentration. Not only that it
benefits us for several aspects of wellness, including stress management,
mental/emotional health, promoting healthy eating/activity habits, sleep, balance etc.

The combination of mental and physical exercise is the main reason that I started
doing yoga. And as a beginner It’s important to have a knowledge about its
advantages and disadvantages before doing any pose but I was initially only aware
about the advantage and not the disadvantages. So not long after I started taking up
the yoga classes, I started experiencing pain in my right foot angle and still I continue
doing yoga thinking it will help me eventually to heal it up. Then past few days after
which my angle started swelling and it worsen.
I did some research then only to find out that I have been missing some
important instruction before doing all the yoga things.
1.Before doing any exercises or pose in yoga it is important to do a pre warmup,
simply for preparing the body to perform physical activity efficiently and preventing
the risk of injury.
2.It is necessary to learn or practice to do the poses correctly and one shouldn’t be
overdoing it (beyond your body limit)
Yoga education as we know could help to equip oneself with basic knowledge about
one’s personality, to learn to handle oneself well in all life situations, to learn
techniques of gaining good health, to develop a mind capable of knowing the real
from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with equanimity. Yoga helps in self
discipline and self-control, leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration
and higher level of consciousness, if done correctly.
“The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the
mind and body” – Natalie Nevins, DO
For me the sole purpose or the objective to achieved was:
✓ To work on a good health
✓ To practise mental hygiene
✓ To possess emotional stability
✓ To integrate moral values
✓ To attain higher level of consciousness
As of in such a covid period, by doing yoga our physical benefits as well as mentally
too and one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps manage stress, which is
known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. I even recommend it to my
mom as they say regular yoga practise creates mental clarity and calmness; increases
body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind and sharpens
❖ SECTION 1: Classic Yoga Poses for Beginner
As beginner there many different poses simply for a beginner like mountain pose,
downward facing dog, warrior pose, tree pose, bridge post etc. and all poses hold a
different benefit, some poses open your shoulder, lengthens your spine, and
stretches your hamstrings, some improve concentration and your ability to balance
by strengthening the arches of the feet and the outer hips.

❖ SECTION 2: Sore Neck and Shoulders

Usually shoulder and neck pain results from the injury to the soft tissues in the
upper region of the body. Which can result from whiplash, inflammation etc and
they are many causes of shoulder and neck pain that can affect your body. But they
are certain yoga positions that focus on this area.

- Ear to shoulder/neck roll

- Seated Forward Bend
- Cross Body Shoulder stretch and etc.
❖ SECTION 3: Lower Back Strength

Cat-Cow pose

This gentle, accessible backbend stretches and mobilizes the spine. It also stretches
your torso, shoulders, and neck.

Downward-Facing Dog

This traditional forward bend can be restful and rejuvenating. Practicing this pose
can help relieve back pain and sciatica. It helps to workout imbalances in the body
and improves strength.

Cobra Pose

This pose stretches your abdomen, chest, and shoulders. Practising this strengthens
your spine and may soothe sciatica. It also helps to relieve stress and fatigue that can
accompany back pain

❖ SECTION 4: Animal and Warriors

photo: me doing warrior1 pose

benefit: this pose stretches your chest,

lungs, shoulders, neck, belly and groin. It also
strengthens your shoulders, arms, and back
muscles, as well as your calves, ankles and
❖ SECTION 5: Neck Pain

Though neck pain is extremely common and may be caused by different factors.
These include poor posture, or the habit of holding your head in one position
(during sleep also). But there’s always a solution and some of these poses might help

- Standing forward bend pose

- Warrior 2 pose
- Extended triangle pose
- Cat cow pose
- Thread the needle pose and etc

❖ SECTION 6: Building towards wheel pose

To do this you need flexibility and strength in the wrists, arms, chest, shoulders,
hips, abdomen and quadriceps. Wheel pose requires openness for the proper
rotation in our shoulders. So, its important to do warmup and practise consistently.

- Low lunge quadricep stretch

- Bridge pose
- Cobra pose
- Camel pose
- Bow pose
- Dolphin pose, etc

❖ SECTION 7: Rest Day – Yin Yoga – Hip opening

The yin yoga practice is both gentle and powerful. It is a very slow paced style of
yoga. Its benefits lie in depth rather than breadth. Each pose is held for a long
period of time, letting the yogi breath into the muscles and go much deeper, both
physically and emotionally.

Benefit: - Yin yoga is a gentle and calming practice that is particularly effective at
lowering stress and anxiety. Physically, it promotes flexibility and mobility in the
body. Due to the nature of holding poses for long periods of time, yin yoga targets
the connective tissues in the body such as fascia.

Hip Opening (poses that can help for hip opening)

- Wide knee child’s pose - Yogi Squat pose

- Happy baby pose - Bound apple pose, etc.
❖ SECTION 8: Building your crow pose

To get into the full expression of crow, you will need some upper body strength.
Luckily, there are so many yoga poses to help you out in that area. Crow pose is just
as much about the core as it is about the arms. Engaging this area helps to steady and
support your body. To prep your core, try practising Boat and plank pose as much
as possible.

Mastering crow pose can take time but it is totally attainable and a gateway to all the
other arm balancing poses. Working on your strength a little bit every day will have
incredible benefits.

❖ SECTION 9: Mountain Poses


- prepares the body for all other

standing poses
- Helps identify imbalances in the
- Improve posture
❖ SECTION 10: Forwards and Backward

Incorporating Forward bends into your yoga practice, time out or stretch breaks will
help to relax your body and mind. It will help to calm your central nervous system,
slow your heart rate and free the mind. Stabilising, balancing and help to releasee
stress and tension.

Backbends help to unleash your energy, get your circulation pumping and release
toxins. They help to give you a much-needed boost by awakening the body and
clearing the mind. They open the lungs, deepen the breath and lift the heart.

❖ SECTION 11: Balance and twist

The easiest way to improve in strength and balance is by using twist yoga poses.
Twists build flexibility in the lumbar region of the spine which why this yoga
sequence uses twist poses at both the intermediate and advanced levels.
In US alone 15 million people are believed to be practising yoga today and a great
many of them are doing so with the encouragement of a doctor or therapist to
improve their overall health. Research studies have shown that yoga can be
beneficial for people with many specific health problems, including cardiovascular
disease, cancer, arthritis, eating disorders, and chronic pain. Yoga has been known to
reduce stress, increase strength and flexibility, and improve concentration and

While practically practising and doing the yoga pose, it really helps me concentrate
and focus better, mentally ready and healthy. Physically fit and relaxed, I even
happen to sleep better. Starting the day with more energy and brighter mood, less
stress and also improves my flexibility. It gives a healthy lifestyle, a peace of mind in
stressful situation.
Yoga is an ancient mind and body practice that originated in India. It involves
movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical
well-being. It is now a popular form of exercise around world, where the first form of
yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word “Yoga” is
derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning “to join”, “ to yoke” or “to unite”.

Yoga is not merely a form of exercise for the body. It is an ancient wisdom – for a
healthier, happier, and more peaceful way of living – which ultimately leads to union
with the self. The ancient sages, through inquiry about life, were able to reach a state
of consciousness in which the secrets of healthier, happier, and meaningful living
were revealed to them. Eventually it spread out around the world and are popular
today in the generation where mental health has become priority. It help benefits
people in so many different way but to attain such many benefits one must practise
consistently, carefully and positively.


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