Yale Approach: The Policy Science Perspective

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 Other factors:
o Need for peaceful procedures of competition without
 Liberty is a blessing without which life is a misery, but liberty compromising basic principle
should not be made to prevail over authority because the society o Consistent abuse and disregard of human rights and
will fall into anarchy. freedoms

 Neither should authority be made to prevail over liberty because it ** all these factors lend stark reality to the proposition that mankind must
would then result to slavery. now learn to order their relationship very well or face destruction.

 Alternative solutions to the problem of easing world tensions,

depend on a movement away from the value-free approaches of  ARNOLD TOYNBEE: believes that these factors are relevant and
legal positivism and legal realism. According to them, this material to a fresh concept of law as a means of social control.
approaches are unequal to the vast changes occurring in the world
today threatening the dislocation of human values.  Yale approach launched with a jurisprudence called “policy
 Policy science approach: it can be simply expressed by the
affirmation that we simply cannot afford to have war.

 This calls for a fresh perspective of law and its role in the
realization of the title and interest of mankind in peace, order and

 Three factors that emphasizes the urgency of a new approach to

the development of a legal system based on a scientifically
grounded jurisprudence capable of evaluating existing as well as
future legal norms

o Fission of the atomic nucleus

o Shift of the political focus of the world from Europe
towards Asia and the East
o Inescapable connection between national and international
problems and the equally unavoidable fact that these
problems have taken on the character of an ideological
conflict or struggle between communism and democracy.

57. POLICY SCIENCE the rules of positive law, whether subnational, national or
international, it must take into account the social values.
 Any guideline, strategy, or program concerning the creation,
clarification and realization of values.
 Advocates a particular methodology in the creation, clarification o Policy science jurisprudence is a reaction to sparse
and implementation of the values and goals of society by the conception of the law as a mere body of technical
process of observation and evaluation of social experiences of the doctrines or simply a set of judicial precedents.
people in the solution of particular policy issues and problems,
whether in the public or private sector. o For policy science school this is unacceptable because it
deprives the law of its rightful role in eliminating tensions
gripping of the world.

58. POLICY SCIENCE JURISPRUDENCE Identifiable confusions:

 Inability of policy makers to come to grips with the
 This means that law, as an instrument of social ordering, can be simple but basic social values for the attainment of peace
oriented to the systematic study of the formation, clarification and and security.
realization of policy to achieve the goals of society. (due to oversight of the profound changes that have
rocked social institutions and processes)
 Emphasis in the legal order should be placed on the fuller and
systematic consideration of the ends of the law.  Failure of many universities and colleges to awaken
students to the importance of education and training in the
 Goal values indicates what the society seeks to achieve for itself social values.
through its major structures and instruments of authority. (law should be considered as an instrument for the
complete achievement of [social value] that constitute the
 GV are translated by means of policy guidelines. professed ends a [democratic] policy.

 Observation of post policy science jurisprudence: o Universities and law schools are the traditional training
o Any philosophy or concept of law would be inadequate, grounds of policy planners, policy makers and
in the face of ever-changing socio-economic conditions, if government officials.
it does not or fails to take into account the goal values and
policy guidelines to which society is committed. o The appropriate time for the training in the policy oriented
approach is during the legal education of the students by
awakening in them the reality that the law is a great deal
more than just rules, precedents, or common sense merely
 The policy science school also underscores that if legal philosophy
that come into play only in the court room and in the law
is to succeed in providing norms for the criticism or evaluation of

B. MOVEMENT AWAY FROM ONTOLOGICAL o PSJ believes that this these theories of law are incapable
JURISPRUDENCE of solving the needs and the requirements of the present-
o Legal positivists and realists believes in the supremacy of day ordering of the society.
law without regard to its goodness or badness does not
find acceptance in the jurisprudence of policy science. o Alternative methods are as important as principal
solutions. Therefore, the quest for universal peace and
o Lasswell and McDougal point out that the law is not security, which humanity seeks for its own sake, the PSJ
entirely based on what the courts will do or likely do in posits the view that something more than the positivists
fact. and realist theories of the nature of the law is necessary.

o PSJ feels that the legal realism of Holmes and Gray that C. EMPHASIS ON THE RIGHTS OF MAN
there is yet no law until the courts have pronounced it puts o Emphasizes the rights and freedoms of man, namely right
a limit on the legal ordering of society to just one to:
institution, the courts.  Life
 Liberty
o This, for PSJ is destructive of the grand divisions or  Equality
branches of governmental powers (separation of powers)  Property
and built in system of checks and balances.  Education
 Free exercise of the spirit and mind
Critique of Lasswell and McDougal would also fall the  Security
philosophy of legal positivism undergirding the positivist  Pursuit to happiness
perspective of law.
o It is stated that one of the factors that calls for policy
 LEGAL POSITIVISM: this leads to strict uniformity oriented approach is the consistent abuse of human rights.
and regimentation of the legal order
o PSA to the solution of the problem of peace and security,
 PSJ: for PSJ these connections or notions of the nature utilizes the STOIC FORMULA.
and function of law are “myopic concerns which fail to
focus upon newer and in many instances, more effective o Stoic religious rationalism: there is only impersonal
forms of organizations or alternative methods of relationship between man and his creator
formulating and implementing public policy.
This means that without something more, onto logical o Christianity: there is purely personal or directly spiritual
jurisprudence of the kind subscribed by Holmes & Gray connection between man and God, teaching the infinite
(LR) and Austin (LP) would be unequal to the call of the worth and value of human life, personality and dignity,
present times for value creation, clarification and regardless of race or creed.

D. MOVEMENT FOR THE UNIVERSAL RECOGNITION o Policy science approach is a jurisprudence of survival of
OF SOCIAL VALUES humanity through the universal identification and
o There can be no law in the completeness of the concept recognition of the social values.
without value content. o But when the universal identification and recognition of
the basic social values shall have been accomplished,
o The policy oriented approach is thus a science of social then the interest of the State in war will have disappeared
values upon which the law must rest. also, just as social slavery was contained when the
thinking of man on its wickedness and impiety had
o This juristic school may be regarded as an extension of become universal or nearly universal.
the functional jurisprudence of Pound. However, they
differ somehow in their respective approaches.

o Policy science is away from isolationism characteristic of

the interests of particular societies.

o How a state control its people, how it manages its

institutions of social and legal controls, how it formulates
its foreign policy for peace and war, and how it regulates
and controls political parties, pressure groups and private
associations, may affect vitally the practice of other states
on these matters and their willingness to provide
adequate measures of cooperation.

o PSJ seeks the universal identification of social values,

their promotion, recognition and enjoyment by all men

This takes into account the recognition of the matters that

divide or tend to divide men and nations, or create
tensions between them. Such, aids in filling in or bridging
over the gap of misunderstanding. NO ROOM FOR



o VALUE CREATION: (problem) legal order is not in
position to recognize or realize all human desires at the
same time.
The issue is whether there are some human desires that
are, always and everywhere, better than others.

o VALUE CLARIFICATION: in case articulation by and

through the structures and instruments of authority may
not agree or correspond with each other. Task of
reassessing the worthfulness of human desires in terms of
their meaning and desires in human society.


involves two aspects:

 The implementation must produce consistent,

compatible and principled results.
 Preparation of options or alternatives especially
when there is variance between strategies and
programs to achieve the social values.


 Power
 Knowledge or enlightenment
 Respect
 Income or wealth
 Safety and health
 Liberty
 Equality

They embrace the whole of our present day democratic

preferences for a peaceful world.

60. THE SOCIAL VALUE “POWER”  Making and changing laws and influencing
such of important decisions whether directly
 Is a political mechanism for the good of society or not
 Expressing its will periodically in free and
 It reflects the will and choice of people as a whole and not genuine elections by means of the secret
just the narrower interests and prejudices of the leader or ballot and not by block voting
some vested and elitist groups.  Criticizing public men, public officials and
public acts in a manner consistent with truth
o Refers to the distribution of the exercise of this social  Holding all officials of the government
value in a politically organized society. responsible for misconduct and inefficiency
in office
o GOVERNMENT: whether national or local  Expressing, formulating, reading and
publishing both orthodox or popular and
PRESSURE ORGANIZATIONS: whether they are unorthodox or unpopular, but not
political parties, religious groups, professional civic conspiratorial matters, ideas and opinions.
organizations or labor unions.


these business enterprise are “in full control of the  ASPECTS:
market” or not.  Capacity to secure and maintain the
fundamental human rights.
CULTURAL ORGANIZATION: like fraternal, - Emphasizes that struggle to secure the
educational and scientific groups. recognition of the primal human rights.

o PSJ points out that the “facts of control” must be true  Competence to share in the making of policy
not only in name, in the formal principles laid down of private groups or organizations
in the constitution, but in fact as well. - Recognizes the reality that at the present
time private groups, such as political,
o Chief among the facts of control power of the people church, business, fraternal and labor
are: organizations, on the basis of their
particular types of patriotism or interest,
 Making and changing the fundamental law have a great deal to do in the formation
of the land whenever there is need for of important policies which affect the
change entire community even though the
majority of the people might be opposed
to it silently.

 Capacity to participate in the making of

important public decisions without any
political or religious interference.
- Highlights the great and inalienable
prerogative of the people over the


 Aristotle observed that “all men by nature desire to PARTICULAR ASPECT:

know”. o Two distinct meanings:
 It signifies the emancipation of the masses
 Man has an inclination for knowledge and through education and the ever increasing
englightenment. training and instruction at all levels according to
talent and ambition.
 One of the basic manifestations of deference to
human beings is to give full weight to the fact that In this sense, the STATE has the right to
they have minds. regulate, supervise and aid in the education of
adults and children for civic duties,
 Ignorance then is nothing more than the result of lack responsibilities of citizenship and human
of enlightenment and skills. relations.

A. PURPOSIVE FORMS But regardless of capability and level of training,

o As a social value, “knowledge” has two basic purposes: due emphasis must be given to character
 to dispel misunderstanding education and the moral needs of the human
 to eradicate ignorance personality.

 Cognition and appreciation of how democratic

GENERAL ASPECT: ways and processes work, and having found how
they work, how they can be continued to work
o “KNOWLEDGE”, means widespread understanding better.
among people of different cultures and backgrounds.

o Comprises the freedom in the pursuit of truth, wherever it

may end or tend.

o This aspect of social value “knowledge” leads to one very

important point, at once social and legal in implications,
and that is the maintenance of the right to think and right
of private judgement.

o Person is allowed or given every opportunity to think and

decide for himself that there is freedom of thought and
freedom from thought control.

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