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Dear Parents/Guardians,

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 1! Me llamo Señorita Mazzio y me alegre que su estudiante ha elegido
estudiar esta lengua maravillosa.

This is just a taste of what your student will learn this year in Spanish 1. My name is Ms. Mazzio and I
am the Spanish 1 teacher this year at Grand Ledge High School. I graduated from Michigan State
University and obtained teaching certifications for Spanish and English as an Additional Language. I
have a great passion for language and culture, and I hope to pass these on to my students.

In order to best prepare each student for real-world applications, this class will have a strong
communicative focus. If you are curious as to how this class will be organized, please refer to the
syllabus that was also distributed in class today. By the end of Spanish 1, students will be able to:
-Greet others and introduce themselves
-Express their feelings
-Talk about the weather, date, and time
-Describe their daily routine
-Order food or go grocery shopping and much more!

In order for students to accomplish these goals, they will have to put in some effort at home. Even if
you do not know one word of Spanish, there are many ways that you can help your student succeed.
Some ideas include:
-Encouraging him/her to do the homework
-Asking your child about what he/she learned in class
-Using the resources I provide to expose your child to Spanish in movies, music, and in the community
We will also have a class website ( which will allow you to see what we
are working on and how your child is doing in the class. I invite you to explore this site.

Your child’s education is my top priority. I will strive everyday to make sure my students are
progressing and receiving the thoughtful instruction they deserve. I would love to hear any comments,
questions, or concerns you may have. My contact information is below.

¡Muchas gracias y espero que el año próximo sea uno provechoso para todos!

Senorita Mazzio
Email: mazzioam@glps.k12.mi
Class Phone Number: (248) 555-3281 Ext: 189

Once you have read this letter, please sign this portion and sent it to school with your student.

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Student’s Name Parent’s Signature Date

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