Geotech 8

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SIT 1: The ground water table is at a depth of 4 m below the ground surface.

The average degree of saturation of the capillary fringe is 50%. The soil is saturated due to capillary
action to a height of 2.0 , above the GWT level.
1. Assuming Gs=2.65, calculate the capillary pressure.
A.9.09 kPa B.3.09 kPa C.6.91 kPa D.8.08 kPa

2. Calculate the total effective pressure at depth of 6 m below the ground surface.
A.88.8 kPa B.92.32 kPa C.78.98 kPa D.97 kPa

3. Calculate the total effective pressure at a depth of 3 m below the ground surface.
A.63.75 kPa B.53.23 kPa C. 85.8 kPa D.27.3 kPa
SIT 2: A dry soil is mixed with 17% by mass with water and compacted. Volume of wet soil is 0.001 m3 and has a mass of 1.6 kg. If the specific gravity of soil is 2.70.
4. Compute the dry unit weight of soil, in kN/m3.
A.15.70 B.18.84 C.13.42 D.12.11

5. Compute the void ratio.

A.0.09 B.0.66 C.6.94 D.0.97

6. Compute the degree of saturation.

A.112% B.47.3% C.38.6% D.66.5%
SIT 3: Given the liquid limit of soil equal to 70% and its plastic limit is 38%.
7. What do these percentage represent?
A.Degree of saturation B.Void ratio C.Water Content D.Porosity

8. Determine the plasticity index.

A.32% B.54% C.37% D.27%

9. What is the liquidity index is if w = 14%?

A.+0.75 B.+0.43 C.-0.75 D.-0.43
SIT 4: One footing of the building that support an actual load of 1131 kN is placed 1.22 m. below the ground surface. The soil condition was observed to have the following
Unit weight of soil γ = 20.12 kN/m3
Undrained shear strength C = 48 kPa
Angle of internal friction ϕ = 25°
Nc = 24.1 Nq = 13.1 Ny = 9.1
10. If the factor of safety is 3, what is the required diameter of the circular footing under general shear failure?
A.1.5 m B.1.7 m C. 2 m D. 1.9 m

11. Find the ultimate bearing capacity.

A.1907 kPa B.1929 kPa C.1935 kPa D. 1919 kPa

12. Compute the net allowable bearing capacity.

A.611 kPa B.618 kPa C.620 kPa D.615 kPa
SIT 5: The laboratory compaction test of a certain type of soil gives a maximum dry density of 1.486Mg/m3 with an optimum moisture content of 12.5%. The following are the
results of a field unit weight determination test using sand cone method.
Volume of soil excavated from the hole = 0.001337 m3
Weight of soil from the hole when wet = 2220 g
Weight of dry soil = 1729 g
13. Determine the field unit weight of soil in kN/m3.
A.13.63 B.23.54 C.19.63 D.16.29

14. Determine the water content.

A.22.1% B.28.4% C.23.5& D.13.6%

15. Determine the relative compaction.

A.87% B.91% C.84% D.80%
SIT 6: The following data were tabulated for a tri-axial test of a normally consolidated soil sample.
Normal stress applied = 70 kPa
Angle of internal friction = 28°
16. Compute the shearing stress in kPa.
A.24.87 B.37.22 C.16.54 D.41.07

17. Find the maximum shearing stress in kPa.

A.54.22 B.52.06 C.42.15 D.77.4

18. Determine the maximum principal stress in kPa.

A.120.45 B.208.21 C.166.09 D.131.93
SIT 7: An infinite slope, with vertical height of 8 m, has shear strength parameters at the interface of soil and rock are given: γ = 18.64 kN/m 3 ; C = 18 kPa ; ϕ = 25°; ß = 30°.
19. Determine the factor of safety against sliding on the rock surface.
A.1.866 B.1.086 C.0.861 D.0.661

20. If there were seepage through the soil, what would be the factor of safety against sliding? Use γsat= 18.64 kN/m3.
A.0.616 B.1.066 C.1.669 D.0.661

21. Compute the critical height of the infinite slope neglecting the effect of seepage.
A.11.6 m B.8.33 m C.9.76 m D.13.2 m
SIT 7: An infinite slope, with vertical height of 8 m, has shear strength parameters at the interface of soil and rock are given: γ = 18.64 kN/m 3 ; C = 18 kPa ; ϕ = 25°; ß = 30°.
19. Determine the factor of safety against sliding on the rock surface.
A.1.866 B.1.086 C.0.861 D.0.661

20. If there were seepage through the soil, what would be the factor of safety against sliding? Use γsat= 18.64 kN/m3.
A.0.616 B.1.066 C.1.669 D.0.661

21. Compute the critical height of the infinite slope neglecting the effect of seepage.
A.11.6 m B.8.33 m C.9.76 m D.13.2 m
SIT 8: A 7 m. deep braced cut in sand is shown in figure. In the plan , the struts are placed at a spacing of 2 m center to center. Use Peck’s empirical pressure diagram. For this
problem a=1, b=c=d, ø=30° and γ=16 kN/m3.
22. Compute the strut load at level A.
A.48.53 kN/m2 B. 109.2 kN/m2 C. 123.5 kN/m2 D.23.15 kN/m2

23. Compute the strut load at level C.

A.194.13 kN B.219 kN C.153.20 kN D.109.02 kN
SIT 7: An infinite slope, with vertical height of 8 m, has shear strength parameters at the interface of soil and rock are given: γ = 18.64 kN/m 3 ; C = 18 kPa ; ϕ = 25°; ß = 30°.
19. Determine the factor of safety against sliding on the rock surface.
A.1.866 B.1.086 C.0.861 D.0.661

20. If there were seepage through the soil, what would be the factor of safety against sliding? Use γsat= 18.64 kN/m3.
A.0.616 B.1.066 C.1.669 D.0.661

21. Compute the critical height of the infinite slope neglecting the effect of seepage.
A.11.6 m B.8.33 m C.9.76 m D.13.2 m

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