School of Teacher Education & Development (Primary Initial Teacher Education) Intial Needs Analysis and Action Plan

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School of Teacher Education & Development (Primary Initial Teacher Education)


Name __________________________ Year 1 Academic Year 2019

Effective teachers have an understanding of education which is drawn from a combination of their academic work and their experience in the classroom. Over the
time of the degree we expect you to develop as a professional practitioner. As a start, and to indicate your strengths and areas to work on we are asking you to
summarise your experiences to date and begin to consider areas that need prioritising for support and development.


List your work experience with children in school/ nursery to date. Please indicate whether this was as an observer / leader of groups / planner... An example has
been completed below.

Setting (e.g. Nursery / Junior Year Length of As Supporting As planner Activities undertaken
school / Secondary....) Group time (e.g. 1 observer of groups / and leader Skills / knowledge gained
afternoon a individuals
week ...)

List other work experience with children which you feel contribute to your teaching skills (such as cub leader, youth camps, sports coach).

Setting or context (e.g. child Age Length of As Supporting As planner Activities undertaken
minder / youth leader....) Range time (e.g. 1 observer of groups / and leader Skills / knowledge gained
afternoon a individuals
week ...)


a) Qualifications Knowledge skills and competences
Please list your national qualification. Please indicate personal level:
ENGLISH 3 confident, 2 reasonable, 1 I find this difficult
Sentence Construction and Grammar
Subjects Grade
GCSE ‘O’ level or equivalent Spelling
Essay writing
Reading for meaning and note taking
Data Handling
GCSE ‘A² level
Design and Technology
Other ‘A’ level equivalent qualifications (BTEC etc)
Grade your current level of confidence / experience on the following academic skills. Please your grade (e.g. 1) in the column next to the statement
I am confident and well practised in this skill (4) This skill is one I have little experience of and need to develop (2)
I have experience and can use this skill (3) I find this skill difficult and may need support (1)


Academic skills Managing own Learning Communication Skills Working with others
Research Reflection on learning Written materials Group work/Teamwork
Research appropriate information sources such Reflection on experience. Describe, analyse, Present written material in a required Co-operate with others and
as periodicals, websites, databases books and evaluate experiences/activities, and identify style using appropriate research material communicate effectively.
other references to draw together the required learning achieved through written reviews, that is well spelt and grammatically Contribute to help the group achieve
information, making best use of specialist help to journals or other methods. Use reflection to correct. Develop a variety of written its goal. Contribute to establishing an
locate material. Develop strategies for collecting identify future learning needs and to develop styles according to the programme of atmosphere that enables all group
primary data, where appropriate. Operate within a plan for future progress and learning. study. members to share their views.
ethical dimensions of research.
Problem solving □ Personal Development Skills Citation Understanding/Tolerance of others
Define and apply strategies for attaining a Evaluating own strengths, values, Use defined academic conventions to Recognise and accommodate the fact
defined objective and overcoming obstacles. weaknesses, progress and how these might acknowledge the work of others. that others have different needs, belief
Assess the effectiveness of strategies adopted for influence future learning. systems feelings and/or behaviour.
attaining those objectives.
Critical thinking Action planning/Decision making ICT skills Negotiation
Consider issues from a number of perspectives Set, plan and meet own objectives and make Synthesise, and present information in Identify desired outcomes, negotiate
and values and arrive at a considered critical decisions starting from a variety of possible ways appropriate to the task, using a assertively (not aggressively) and reach
judgment stating assumptions and limitations. options. range of ICT applications. a mutually agreed outcome.
Demonstrate flexibility.
Active learning Time management/Self discipline Oral/Visual presentations Peer assessment
Read a variety of texts effectively; extract and Prioritise tasks, manage and achieve results Distil information, present ideas to an Offer constructive feedback to student
use information appropriately. on time and within budget and/or other audience using appropriate visual aids peers and receive/ accept similar from
constraints. Balance the demands of study and answer questions to defend a case them.
and life at University, employment and home. and develop skills to engage in oral
Take active role in learning. Recognise discussion.
responsibility for own lifelong learning.
Creativity/Innovation Proactive approach Numeracy Manage change/Flexibility
Develop original approaches in defining and Able to initiate activities and follow interests Able to use and present relevant Able to make / manage change and
solving problems. with or without supervision or prompting numerical data in appropriate contexts. comfortably face changing
from others. Able to engage in academic analysis of circumstances and new challenges
numerical data. within a team.
Synthesis of data Independence Active listening Leadership
Use numerical data to support an argument or Take responsibility for own contribution or Demonstrate openness to ideas of Take a leading role whilst allowing
offer a solution to a problem. Assess the validity, activities within the constraints or boundaries others, e.g. through discussion. Able to others to make a full contribution,
integrity, appropriateness and reliability of of learning and assessment. Work without hear and understand oral messages accommodating the differences of
retrieved materials for intended purpose. supervision in unfamiliar surroundings. without prejudice or assumptions. others.
Demonstrate appropriate numeracy skills.

Project management Written communication Networking

Able to plan, monitor and evaluate using Use various methods to synthesise and Establish and maintain relationships to
appropriate techniques to provide workable present quality information from a further ones objectives.
solutions within a specific timeframe. variety of sources.

As a result of your initial need analysis, use the template below to identify priority areas for your professional and academic development as you begin your degree
in Primary Education.

Areas identified Origin (E.g. Planned actions to address issues Review, evaluation and evidence
academic /
graduate skills)

Please add additional rows as required

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