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NEPP requirement:

1. To upload employee data for DPC T-Code: zhr_dpc_data_upload (Program:

a) All input fields will remain same
b) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program
c) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_DPC_LETTER_C’ used for
d) Logic will remain same as for program ‘ZHR_UPLOAD_DPCLETTER_PROM_CPY’
e) A drop down value required to be added as ‘NEPP’ in new program as
‘ZHR_UPLOAD_DPCLETTER_PROM_CPY’ in field ‘Promotion Type’. All input fields will remain
f) Format for uploading data will be same as for existing drop down value as ‘EPP’

DPC Letter No DPC Letter Date Pernr Stream

11-2/BSNLCO/FUNCTIONAL PROMOTION/TEST872 27.12.2018 1002577 01

g) For ‘NEPP’, only ESG ‘03’, ‘04’, ‘05’ are to allowed to upload data through excel sheet. In
case, ESG falls other than ‘03’, ‘04’, ‘05’, then system should generate error file along with
mismatched PERNR number.
h) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_DPC_LETTER_C’ used for
‘EPP’ .

2. To upload employee vigilance data T-Code: zhr_vig_data_upload (Program:

a) All input fields will remain same
b) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program
c) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_VG_DETAILS_C’ used for
d) A drop down value required to be added as ‘NEPP’ in new program as
‘ZHR_UPLOAD_VIGILANCE_DATA_CPY’ in field ‘Vigilance Purpose’. All input fields will
remain same.
e) Output field will remain same. Column text of ‘Effective Due date of EPP’ & ‘VC remarks as
on due date of EPP’ to be changed as ‘Effective Due date of NEPP’ & ‘VC remarks as on due
date of NEPP’ in output screen.
3. Non functional T-Code zhr_dpc_nfunctional (program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’):
a) All input fields will remain same
b) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_DPC_RESU_N_C’ used for
c) In new table, four more columns for designation also required to be stored for DPC
members such as Co-Optee, Member1, Member2 & Chairman.
d) New program required same as copy of program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’
with below changes:
A) Drop down value in field ‘Promotion Type’ as ‘NEPP’
B) Drop down value in field ‘Promotion Level’ as below:
(i) 1st Upgradation
(ii) Other Upgradations
C) Pay Scale:

Output screen will be as below :

Sl. No.
Pernr No.
Date of Eligibility of TBU
Date of Effect of Last TBU(Not Applicable in case of 1st upgradation. This field will reflect
only if ‘Promotion Level’ selected as ‘Other Upgradations’)
Promotion Level : 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Upgradation
Whether absorbed (Yes/No)
Current VC Status
VC Sl No.
VC Date
VC remarks as on due date of NEPP
APAR Grading
Any Adverse entry by Reporting
Any Adverse entry by Reviewing
Integrity is beyond doubt
APAR Remarks
E-DPC Recommendation
PB Verified
APAR Data Display

4. T-Code: ‘Zhr_dpc_assessment’

Below changes required in Input screen:

a) A new drop down value as “NEPP” to be added in field ‘Promotion Type’.

b) All input fields will remain same
c) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program

Below changes required in Output screen:

d) ‘Staff No.’, ‘Date of Training of Last TBU’ field not required. Rest fields will be there as it is.
5. NEPP Order & Minutes development

Below changes required in Input screen:

a) A new drop down value as “NEPP” to be added in field ‘Vigilance Purpose’.

b) All input fields will remain same
c) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program
d) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_EDPC_SEAL_CV’ used for
e) User information ‘Changed by’ & ‘Changed on’ data also to be stored in table.
7. Review vigilance Data T-Code: ZHR_VIG_RDATA_UPLOAD (Program:
f) A new drop down value as “NEPP” to be added in field ‘Vigilance Purpose’.
g) All input fields will remain same
h) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program
i) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_VG_DETAILS_N’ used for
8. Review DPC T-Code: ZHR_RDPC_NFUNCTIONAL (Program:
a) A new drop down value as “NEPP” to be added in field ‘Promotion Type’.
b) All input fields will remain same
c) New program to be developed for NEPP & logic will remain same as for program
d) New table to be used for storing data for ‘NEPP’ same as ‘ZHR_DPC_RESU_N_N’ used for
e) In new table, four more columns designation field also required to be stored for DPC
members such as Co-Optee, Member1, Member2 & Chairman.

9. A) Correction required in existing program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’:

i) Manual offline APAR date is date is not reflecting in output if there is single APAR offline
entry exists in table ‘ZHR_APAR’.
ii) ‘E-DPC Recommendation’ field in program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’ is
disable at present if below entries are missing in system. It will remain disable if below
entries missing & same should get enabled after maintaining missing entries in system even
after execution of program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’ in background:
a) Staff Number
b) Category
c) Date of Effect of Last TBU
d) Date of Training of Last TBU
e) APAR offline/online entries if updated in system
f) Any Adverse entry by Reviewing
g) Integrity is beyond doubt
iii) Four more columns for designation also required to be stored for DPC members such as Co-
Optee, Member1, Member2 & Chairman in table ‘ZHR_DPC_RESU_N_C’ (used for program
iv) Employee Group Text should appear in output under column ‘Whether absorbed (Yes/No)”
of program ‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’ instead ‘Yes’ or’ No’.
v) ‘No Review’ report generated by APAR custodian in case of no review apar is not appearing
along with APAR data attached in pdf format in output of program

B) Correction required in existing program ‘ZHR_UPLOAD_VIGILANCE_DATA_CPY’:

i) “VC Letter Date” field to be mandatory.

ii) System should allow to update VC data till submission of assessment sheet data in program
‘ZHRREP_DPC_NONFUNCTIONAL_CPY_1’. Once data submitted, it should generate error as below while
executing program ‘ZHR_UPLOAD_VIGILANCE_DATA_CPY’:

Error Message: DPC data for above DPC letter number already submitted in system.

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