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Learning activity 2


A. Conditional sentences are formed by two parts: the condition and the result. In
English we have different types of conditional sentences depending on what we
want to express. Sometimes, we can combine different conditionals.

Condition Result

If she wasn’t that lazy she would have woken up earlier

As you can see in this example, the condition refers to a present situation,
while the result is based in a past situation.

B. Mixed conditionals

These refer to sentences that combine two different types of conditionals. The
most common combinations are present condition / past result, and past
condition / present result.

1. Hypothetical present condition – past result

This mixed conditional has a present condition and a past result. They refer to
an unreal present situation and its probable (but unreal) past result.

We use it to talk about the opposite of what really happened in the past.
Using the second conditional (PAST SIMPLE) we express the opposite of the
true present condition. That is, if something in the present was different,
something would have changed in the past. The result in past is expressed
If I wasn’t poor,
I would have studied
at university

Fuente: SENA

If I was
slimmer, I would
have bought those
nice pants

True condition in the

present: She is not slim
enough to fit into those pants.

Fuente: SENA

I would have
slept until late if I
didn’t have to
work early

True condition in the

present: He has to
work early today.

Fuente: SENA
If I spoke
French, I would
have understood
the waiter at the

True condition in the

present: He does not
speak French.

Fuente: SENA


Condition Result
If + past simple Would / could / might have + past participle

2. Past hypothetical condition – true present result

This type of mixed conditional expresses a result in present due to a

hypothetical condition in the past. We use it to talk about the opposite of what
really happened in the past. Using the third conditional (HAD + PAST
PARTICIPLE) we express the opposite of the true past condition. That is, if
something in the past had been different, there would be a given result in
present. The result in present is expressed using the structure MODAL +
BASE FORM and it is true or factual.

If we hadn’t
broken up, I
wouldn’t be sad

Fuente: SENA

We would be in
Cartagena now
If the flight
hadn’t been

True condition in
the past: The flight
was canceled.

Fuente: SENA

If Marisol hadn’t
drunk all that whisky
last night, she would
remember where she
left her cellphone.
True condition in
the past: She drank
a lot of whisky.

Fuente: SENA

If I hadn’t met
her at university,
we wouldn’t be
married now.

True condition in
the past: They met
at the university
Fuente: SENA


Condition Result

If + past perfect Would / could / might + infinitive


A. Johan and Karen are talking about weekend. Complete the conversation with the
words from the box using correct mixed conditionals. Some sentences can be

Come - listen - play - run - leave

Johan: Hi, dear! Your brother told me you twisted your ankle. Are you OK?

Karen: Yes, mom. I am here at the hospital. I got an emergency

appointment at 10:00 a.m.

J: But it is already 10:20!

K: I arrived late a little bit late because dad’s car ran out of gas. If
dad’s car __________ out of gas, I would be with the doctor now.

J: That is unbelievable. Can I talk to your father?

K: Well, if he __________ with me, he would be here now, but he had

to go find a gas station to fill up the tank
J: Oh my god! So, are you alone?

K: Yes mom. But don’t worry. I am OK. The accident wasn’t that

J: How did you fall anyway?

K: Dad rang the bell and I came running downstairs to open the door.
Then, I bumped into your high heels and fell down.

J: How many times have I told you not to run downstairs? If you
__________ to me, you would be ok now.

K: Well, if you __________ your shoes in the middle of the stairs, I

wouldn’t be at the hospital now.

J I think it was your sister who was wearing my shoes yesterday. If

she __________ with my high heels, they would be in the closet.
Anyway, I am coming to the hospital now. See you in a few

B. Look at the pictures and write a sentence for each situation using mixed
conditionals. One example is done for you.


I am very tired
because I ran for
two hours.

If he hadn’t run for two hours, he

wouldn’t be tired

I forgot the ___________________________
password to
my computer.
I can’t work
I am so sleepy.
I went to a
party last night.
2. ___________________________

I didn’t get
that job because
I don’t have a
degree. 3. ___________________________

I am too short.

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________
My mom is ___________________________
very strict. She
didn’t let me play
We moved away
from the city. We
can now breathe
some fresh air.
6. ___________________________

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

C. Write four results for each of the following conditions. Use mixed conditionals.
One example is done for you.

I could use it now.

I would lend it to If I had bought that I wouldn’t have any

you. smart phone, money now.

I could check my e-mail.


If I were rich,


If I had married my

If we were at the


If they hadn’t

If I had failed that


D. Richard is having a terrible morning. Read about it.

I am having a terrible day today! It all started in the

morning. I overslept and woke up very late. I just
had time to take a quick shower and go out to try
to catch a bus. By the time I left home, all buses
were full. So, it took me a while to catch one. So, I
am already late for the office. I am trying to call my
boss but I don’t have any minutes left. I ran out of
minutes last night while I was talking to my
girlfriend. Fuente: SENA

As I left home in a hurry, I am wearing tennis shoes. My boss is probably going

to be upset when I arrive at the office. Now, I am very hungry because I did not
have time to eat anything for breakfast. I hope things improve in the afternoon.

Write sentences about Richard’s morning using mixed conditionals. One

example is done for you.

If Richard had woken up earlier, he would be in the office now.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________


A. Write a 200-word text describing important decisions you have made in the
past which have affected your present life. Use mixed conditionals in the
description. (6 mixed conditional sentences minimum).

My life now
Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de

Author Juan Carlos Asesor English Dot formación November
Solano Works - Programa profesional. 2014
de bilingüismo Dirección General

Copy editor – Centro

Rachman Bustillo Línea de Agroindustrial. October
Martínez producción Regional Quindío 2015

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