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Re: Company Name & Type of Account
My Account Number: 123456
To Whom It May Concern: Company Name Here / Attn: Credit Reporting Dept./Billing,
First, I would like to say that I apologize for having to write this letter to your company. I also
apologize for the length of this letter but this will show you how important this is to me.
I am writing you today regarding my Company Name, my mortgage account, account # 4004
which I currently have with your company. The purpose of this correspondence is to ask if you
would be willing to make a “goodwill” adjustment on the reporting of my mortgage account to
the 3 credit bureaus of Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. My account # is 123456 and the last
4 of my social security number is 1234 to protect myself.
When I had opened and was approved for this account back in January 2018, I was so happy and
excited back in January 2018. My payments were always on time at the time of this one time, 30
days late payment that had happened and then I had this one 30 day late payment reported for the
month of June 2019 due to what was supposed to be a business trip for 3 weeks or so and ended
up being 54 days at that time. Due to the fact of an unexpected stay for being responsible for a
work-related disaster, when arriving back home, receiving my mail, I then came across a
statement when opened, I knew I was probably late. Knowing my loan payment was going to be
due, I had made a payment immediately and have been good ever since. Your company received
the payment by me making every effort to have this paid, I now suffer and have been crucified
for this one time 30 days late payment. Put yourself in my situation, what would you have done?
Because of my position with my employer because it is my responsibility and duty to be
proactive with certain duties and responsibilities, I am suffering for this late payment as I made
every effort to have this paid on time when arriving back home.
I for one have always taken pride on paying my bills on time when the loan went through at the
time from your company on January 2018. Somehow, things got fouled up with my employer,
and I have now found out because of my arrogance and stupidity, this one 30 days late payment
was reported in June 2019 and I am totally upset with this payment notation reported and with
I have always paid my bills on time because I believe in being responsible at all times, but
because I did not follow up with this, I am writing to you asking for an adjustment and is very
embarrassing and humiliating to myself as always pay my bills on time as money is not an issue.
Please take a look at my payment history that I have enclosed for your convenience that this is
the ONLY time I have been late. I hope that Company Name can be of assistance on removing
this one-time late payment of 30 days that I unfortunately & inadvertently committed in June
I am hoping that you may consider having this corrected because I want to be an outstanding
customer and after all, I have paid my account on time since then and I guarantee this will not
happen again. Even though I have this late payment reported, I am very upset over this untimely
manner as this is the only blemish on my credit report as my credit scores prove that. I am asking
for you to review my circumstances as a loyal customer to your company as I have had this
account for 2 years. I ask for this request because I care about my credit and that I value it as I
have worked very hard to achieve the current credit scores and status I have and I am totally
committed to being a valued customer at Company Name in the very near future and for years to
Please consider removing this negative information associated with this account on all three
credit reports. I am simply asking for a goodwill gesture or commitment in having the credit
bureaus remove this late payment on my account listed above as I do admit that this request
although this may not be in Company Name’s normal policy. I am hoping that this reasonable
explanation for my request to ask your company to have this request concluded as I would be
very grateful & indebted to you forever.
With kind regards,

Jon Doe
1234 Main Street
City, State Zip Code

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