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Actividad de proyecto 4

Learning Activity 12: Manage the inventory of materials, products and/or equipment
according to the organization policies.

Presentado por:
Edinson Omar Ferreira Ortiz

Presentado a:
Jessika Lorena Murcia Pineda,

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Tecnología en Guianza Turística
Ficha 2140539 San Gil Santander
¿Do you want to camp and sleep peacefully?

With our sleeping bags you can get quality and confort; You can also choose the
bag you want to your liking and need because we have several options such as the
type of filling, size and material.

¿What types of fillers do we use?

We use down, sintetic and Cotton.

¿what´s tipe of material do you want for camping?

If you are looking for high quality buy Nylon, if you want to save money we have of
poliéster and Cotton which are good for camping with children and making
sleepovers; As you can see, you have to choose from.

¿Looking for a hot or cold weather sleeping bag?

Don´t worry, for a cold night we offer the mummy bags, their they are wide on the
shoulders and narrow on the feet, they are also light and thanks to the fact that
they are narrow they offer warmth for sleeping, but if you are going to camp in a
warm climate, use a better make it cotton and be rectangular in shape.

As you can see, we offer several options so that you can choose one to your liking,
design and comfort. We hope you decide to choose one and that you do not regret
Thanks for your attention, happy afternoon.
4. Look the next picture. There you will find some camping equipment.
Please, choose 10 items from the picture and arrange them in the next table:

Item (good / Location Owner Instructions
Regular July 21, 2021 Villanueva Edinson turn it on to
observe in the
dark and avoid
use them to
observe birds
binoculars Good July 21,2021 Villanueva Edinson
or exotic
serves to store
your personal
camping backpack Good July 15,2021 Villanueva Natalia
items for
use the cell
phone to call in
Cell phone Good April 04,2021 Villanueva Natalia
case of
use them to
Walkie talkies Regular July 15,2021 Villanueva Edinson with the group
in case of no
Light a fire and
Set of pots Good July 20,2021 Villanueva Edinson put the pot with
the food.
Ideal for hiking
camping boots Good July 15,2021 Villanueva Natalia
and trekking.
it is your space
to sleep, it
frees you from
camping tent Good July 15,2021 Villanueva Natalia bloodsuckers,
and dangerous
canteen good July 21,2021 Villanueva Natalia It serves to
load liquid and
thus hydrate
5. After reading the text and filling the previous chart, write a paragraph
giving instructions to a tourist of how to use the 10 selected equipment
items. Please use the following grammar structures:
Present simple.
Present progressive.

Good morning, my name is Edinson Ferreira, my position is to coordinate this camp, my intention
is that everything goes in the best way.

We are going to start with the delivery of the camping equipment, I am going to give you the
instructions for use to save time and be something pleasant for you.

First we will set up the tent, on a flat ground and with the entrance to the tent in the opposite
direction to the wind.

Then I am going to teach them to use the necessary implements such as cell phones, walkie
talkies, flashlights and binoculars, which will allow us to move with greater confidence, since
thanks to them we will be able to communicate with the group, observe from a distance, call if
necessary emergency and observe in the dark.

To cook we need implements such as pots to put them on a fire or a special kitchen for camping.

I hope you can enjoy the activity and have a good weekend.


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