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Jalen Holston


Revision Plan

Part 1: Summary of peer comments

Reflecting on the feedback given to me, I know that I have a lot of work to do in order to
improve my portfolio. Areas that I was informed that needed to be improved were the functionality,
relevance, appearance, and content. From the feedback I received, I was applauded for my navigation as
it was easy to identify with the header bar I placed in my website. For my functionality, I needed to
change my artifacts from downloadable links to an embedded document that will allow others to view
my artifacts easier. The relevance of my portfolio was in question. I didn’t not match all the artifacts I
presented with the task they were designed for. To address my content, some subdomains of artifacts
were not represented. I need to diversify the work that I put on my portfolio and address the areas that
are in need. For the appearance of my website, I need to give a better introduction of myself and how I
plan to apply the skills I’ve learned in the ITMA course. I needed to list the correct content that fit each
definition of the task listed and rearrange my website in an order that would have a better appearance
in presenting my content. The appearance of my website was the biggest thing I wanted to emphasize.
As I was able to evaluate the portfolios of others, I wanted to make my portfolio more consistent to
theirs and the standards that were provided within the rubric. I listed my artifacts within each
component as downloadable links. I realized that this would be a big hassle to anyone viewing my
portfolio and addressed this issue by embedding the file itself on the page for each artifact. Viewers will
be able to scroll through my artifacts without leaving the page they are viewing. I also changed the
content within the task I wanted the artifacts to represent. I was able to find the appropriate artifacts
that matched the definitions, was able to display the content better, and enhanced the descriptions of
the content into more detail. I also need to add artifacts to the reflection page of my website. Overall,
the things I have to work on the most in my portfolio are the formatting issues and making sure my
content is relative to what it is representing.

Part 2: Your Action Plan

While continuing to work on my portfolio I plan to make a lot of changes to make sure it is fit to
the requirements and standards of ITMA. I plan to revise my whole portfolio. I will focus on the
functionality of my portfolio by including an embedded view of my artifacts instead of having views
download the links to them. Taking this action will not only make my portfolio easier for users to
function, it will also make it look more professional. I will continue to work on my portfolio by reviewing
my artifacts and making sure each artifact matches the task it was assigned for. By creating my own
definition of the task, I will make sure that the artifact I want to present matches what I wrote. I will
diversify my portfolio by adding more artifacts that are consistent with task and sub-task. I plan to
change the layout and appearance of my site so all aspects are aligned consistently throughout all pages.
I also plan to edit my home page and add more information about myself that will inform learners why I
am in the ITMA program and how I plan to use my knowledge. My portfolio doesn’t showcase my full
skills in instructional design, but with editing and revision from feedback it will be something greater

Link to Portfolio Reflection Page:

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