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Employee Champion to Increase Employee Productivity in Organization

Employee champion is a term that focuses on the policies which are directed to achieve
employee’s welfare. The needs as well as rights of employees are the central focus of every
activity within a company (Ahmed et al, 2018). The emphasis of workplace champion or
employee champion is dedicated to enhance the performance in certain area and make sure there
are high-performing and engaged employees who actually work with enthusiasm. Employee
champions play a huge supportive role to enhance employee productivity within the
organization. The employees have used the approach and as champions show concern for
training as they have reflected for education. The productivity of employee considers focus on
improved engagement for business and higher degree of productivity. There are cases when
quality work is produced and eventually the success of company is achieved as employee
champion work to enhance employee productivity in the organization.

The emphasis of employee champions focuses on to enhance the workplace quality and make
sure there is effective success achieved in the company. There are impressive benefits associated
with employee champions as they understand and enhance the productivity with workplace
engagement. These are the strategies connected with the cost and collaborate with the greater
impact in organization (Tonkin et al, 2018). The strategies connected with established values
have made it easy for the company to recognize and translate the actions and values which makes
it easier for the business to value the expectations. Similarly, the employee champions enhance
the work environment and productivity which makes assessment based on the cultural fit. These
are different ways to accomplish and determine the candidates within the organization as
members hire and hold similar values in the workplace. Employee champions are able to engage
and maintain the higher degree of productivity which absorbs in the culture as the emphasis is on
to maintain growth in productivity.

Employee champions make it easy to communicate clear organizational goals since the emphasis
is on effective job description for every specific position. It is necessary to offer employees with
clear instructions and make sure there are short and long-term goals achieved which makes it
easy to deal with the challenges and achieve effective understanding in terms of growth and
support the organizational role in workplace (Lines et al, 2017). Similarly, employee champions
are focused on to attain feedback and make sure the employees motivate and continue to work
and offer suggestions and take steps and initiatives that actually makes it easy to know about the
position along with feedback which focuses on to develop employee performance.

The employee champions are actually engaged and make sure they focus on the productive needs
and aspects since employer ensure they can assess the needs well in workplace (Hong et al,
2018). The workforce makes stages and engages with future employee needs and workforces
comprise of employees and prepare a flexible kind of work schedule which enhances the
employee productivity. The emphases of flexible working hours along with schedule make it
easy to remove stress and enhance motivation which causes employee productivity to enhance in
the organization. The employee champions are also effective and responsible to connect with
management since they actually bother with the employee need and bridge the gap with real day-
to-day lives for many employees.
Employee productivity is the basic goal of organization for which HR needs to know about the
way employees have been sharing the knowledge well and spend time to listen to employees.
The employee champions actually play a major role to promote effective communication and
conduct employee surveys along with all-employee meetings and communication that makes
employees feel connected with the customer service and resolve problems regarding the effective
workplace operations as done by the employee champions (Dust et al, 2018). However,
employee champions delegate tasks and offer wider options in the workplace which makes the
benefit evident when there is possibility to participate in the compensation plan and seek modern
and flexible compensation as per the employee’s classification that results in organization

2. Change Agent to Support and Increase Organizational Productivity in the Organization

A change agent is defined as the one with the desired skill as well as power that can facilitate,
stimulate as well as coordinate the efforts of change. Similarly, change agent can have internal or
external stimuli and it is known as a person from inside and outside the organization that assists
to bring change and transform the operation. In organizations, a change agent actually support
and promote the change interactions among people and in the workplace with common
interactions among them. According to Barclay (2009), change agent eventually is the ability to
influence employee and organizational productive outputs. The emphasis of change agent in
companies is basically connected with the collective ideas of people to control and analyze the
organizational change. The employees have the potential ability to create positive work
environment and make sure learning organizational need and enhance the workplace operations
which allows companies to foster and bring change in organization.

The focus of change agent is actually to support organizational change which has constant
improvement and emphasis is on the growing change in globalized and competitive economy.
The change agent emphasizes on techniques and strategies which manage the stability and
change in organizations and deal with emergence and role of change agent towards stability
along with the anticipated need that has been affected by change. The organizational change
agent focuses on the organizational development as the procedure focuses on the practitioner to
bring change and improve ability and achieve the process effectively. The main characteristic is
knowledge and change agent which makes people to focus on the gain by interactions and deal
with employees personally. This has made agent change to show academic concerns with
resource management and emphasis to be on the focus more on the collective organizational

Change is effective for organization and it actually supports to enhance the organizational
productivity and collective adaptability and innovation. The restructured idea as well as power
structure connect with company resources and bring planning with proper change in organization
(Jabri, 2017). A change agent connects with individuals and manages the procedure along with
traditions and handles the thinking and working procedure which has the qualities and
experience to handle direct management and sales. The change agent connects with workplace
ability and communicates the change in effective manner across the different organizations. The
consensus adds the ability and senses which deals with the workplace ability. The productivity
level in organization actually depends on the organizational growth as they support the
employees as managers act as catalyst and they show active concern for improvement of
organizational effectiveness.
Another criterion for implementation of change acts as a catalyst in organization. According to
Alfes et al (2019), the manager actually serves as a change agent and is a catalyst to implement
change for units and manage the organizational change procedure. The emphasis of change
catalysts is to deal with criterion and bring change as it deals with the aspect to implement
change in workplace. There are people to act in an organization while change as a catalyst makes
manager to work as a change process agent. The internal managers consider the possible and
cautious exchange with managers as they cause change in terms of the improved performance in

The focus of change agents begin with the basic goal in mind that is to be focused. Once
organization intends to be capable to assist the company and focus on the anticipated tasks to
finish on time which surpass the organizational performance. The resultant change agents
actually are connected with the best way and actually believe with complex choices which affect
the organizational performance (Iyer et al, 2018). The emphasis of change agents have allowed
the complex choices that require to be communicated and these are the popular changes which
affects the people and the organizational performance. There are many possible changes which
are quite popular and emphasis of the organizational goals is more on to follow the suitable
change program which is flexible and empathetic in order to achieve effective organizational
productivity in the workplace.

3. Composition to Support to the Effectiveness in Creating Team in the Organization

Composition is defined as the idea which has team mix of different characteristics and there are
two or more individuals to act and interact in independent manner and achieve the common
workplace objectives (Wang et al, 2017). This is the key attribute among people that comprises
of the team and supports the effectiveness to create team within organization. The aspect of
composition determines the team and make sure the team size has all individual expectations
among team members which act as finest players in a team and have cohesiveness along with
inter-connectivity which makes sure team performance along with functions ensure the
achievement of effective goals in the organization.
There are strong members in a team and organizational effectiveness and objectives along with
the short and long-term have suitable strategies. The essential goal of effective teamwork
actually benefits the members in a team and set goals which approach daily responsibilities and
tasks (Creasy et al, 2017). The emphasis of the strong and dynamic team actually supports the
mission and business while working collectively makes it easy for the firm to use team approach
and drive the members in effective and productive manner while working in the organization.
The team members have collective goals and team composition actually makes sure that every
individual is able to accomplish expected workplace goals. There are cases when problems take
place in team and also focus on the completion of tasks in regular fashion.

The composition in team has issues connected with diversity which happens in society and the
team members need to take possible actions. There are different compositions of team members
within an organization with different ages, genders, cultural backgrounds, ethnic heritages along
with belief systems with diverse ideas in a team (Bell et al, 2018). The emphasis of
organizational perspective and cultural background experience makes teams to dig deeper and
find a way to foster novel ideas and have focus on the wider set of possible actions. The focus of
the good teams along with outstanding leaders has motivation impact on teamwork and
members. The focus of the team composition is to motivate the staff and have autonomy which
makes regular feedback options to be used for achievement of success by a company.

However, compositions teams have actually set a good example since they support to the
effectiveness and create own teams which eventually enhances the productivity in the
organization (Jin et al, 2017). The emphasis of composition teams have actually been focused
more on to work and offer regular feedback. This makes validity among members in team to
achieve success in the company and have sense of loyalty. The team members in composition
groups act as leaders and value efforts by thanking team members for accomplishments and hard
work and achieve success with cohesive teams and achieve success in the long-run.

Thus, composition teams have been associated to support effectiveness in creating teams as the
members get ability to determine and accomplish tasks well. The success of the composition
teams makes managers able to solve problems, deal with technical expertise and manage the
decision making skills. The focus of composition teams have been an effective balance which
makes reduced team performance and make sure members have effective interpersonal skills.
The team members actually feel accomplishing towards something and they believe composition
allows effective team results as it brings efficacy and success. The team members eventually
gear up for future projects when composition is used. Management also gets the team efficacy
and focuses more on to set the team for achievement of success along with the larger goals and
offer effective training to team members and deal with the growing change in workplace skills.


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