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Investment Companies in Oman

1.0. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................2
2.0. Content and Analysis............................................................................................................................7
I. Types of investments Offered:.................................................................................................................7
II. Investment Company’s Requirements on how clients can invest with them........................................11
III. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................12
IV. Recommendation.................................................................................................................................12
V. Photo-documentation............................................................................................................................13
VI. Bibliography and References...............................................................................................................16

1.0. Introduction
Investment companies are publicly or privately owned and are involved in the sale,
management and marketing the investment product to the public. Investment companies actually
generate profit and the sales are made when it comes towards selling property, shares and bonds
along with funds and cash and other assets. The investment companies in Oman generate the
funds by making profit by sale of shares and buying shares along with other assets. This makes
the funds to be successful and it is effective strategy applied by management in Oman. The
following are the top 5 investment companies in Oman.

Al-Hosn Investment Company

Al-Hosn Investment Company S.A.O.C is an investment company located in Muscat, Sultanate

of Oman and was formed in 2007. It has partnership with Qatar Holding and also it has
subsidiary with Qatar Investment Authority along with Oman Investment Authority and connects
with the sovereign wealth fund of The Sultanate of Oman (, 2020)


To be one of the leading investment companies in Oman, provide the world-class investment
practices by active approach and use experienced management team.


To contribute towards Oman’s economy diversification by investment and use innovative and
sustainable projects and capitalize on the expertise of the experienced management team.


 Transparency and integrity in different aspects of the business conduct

 To show commitment along with highest standards of ethics and best practices
 To gain respect for the environment.

Oman Investment Corporation

Oman Investment Corporation (OIC) has strong team of management along with investment and
financial expertise since it allows companies to be on successful track and add value in the
companies (, 2020). The company was formed in 2005 and OIC is engaged to develop
new projects and enhances the economic development in Oman.


To be a leading regional private equity investment company with Omani base.


To actually develop successful business and deliver superior quality services with proper risk
assessment and gain returns with investors.


Oman Investment Corporation focuses on the core intrinsic values along with commitment and
integrity with society. The social responsibility indicates and reflects with best practices and
make sure investment is made in several projects (, 2020).

The goals of the company are to make sure there are returns for investors and focus is on the
partnerships. OIC actually strives to achieve high excellence and standards and pursue the
opportunity and make sure the strategy, vision and expertise causes to be a market leader.


OMINVEST is known as the oldest and one of the successful and largest investment companies
in Oman. It was founded in 1983 and emphasis is on the consistent portfolio as the enviable track
record makes the dividend payment is made to shareholders. OMINVEST shows long owned and
has high-quality assets which produce healthy cash flows. OMINVEST actually owns high-
quality assets which produce the successful healthy cash flows. It is listed in Muscat Securities
Market while OMINVEST serve with the thousand shareholders. The company actually shares
visionary board and capable management team with dedicated enhanced value for all

The long-term vision in OMINVEST is actually to transform the premier investment company
and has diverse revenue sources. The concept of OMINVEST connects with business
consolidation in Oman and seize with the impressive growth opportunities which makes sure the
new Strategic and financial investments have growth as per geographies and make sure there is
better regional and economic downturn with the geopolitical risks. The board actually supports
OMINVEST management to emerge as a competitive and top-tier performance achiever and
maintain higher professional as well as ethical standards.

Global Financial Investment Holdings (GFIH)

GFIH is an investment holding company located in Global Building, M.B.D Area, Ruwi, Oman.
The company started its operations in 1997 and also has sub-companies (, 2020).
The company has a strong position in the financial world and business markets as it is among the
largest companies situated with local investment field. As a financial investment company,
Global Financial Investments Holding actually invest and manage the finances in short-term as
well as long-term with diversified portfolios in investment as reported in Muscat Securities stock
exchange. The company has investment in local as well as international markets which includes
Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait and different other
countries which offer investment opportunities that aid in achievement of the company goals.


The mission of GFIH is to strove and offer inclusive high quality investment services.


Global Financial Investment Holding offers improved services of communicating with the clients
and present potential vision and ideas with financial visions which has simple and concise
manner with proper evidence to be provided.

Iskan Oman Investment Company

Iskam Oman Investment Company SAOC (Iskan Investment) is known as a joint stock company
to begin its operations as per Commercial Companies Law of Sultanate of Oman since 2008.
Iskan investment was formed with diversified base and has strong and well-reputed shareholders

in Oman along with the State of Kuwait as our shareholders have a prominent financial position
and engage with government pension funds as the emphasis of well-reputed shareholders in
Oman consider the State of Kuwait along with shareholders to have prominent government
pension funds, financial institutions, high net worth companies and individuals (Iskan Oman,
2020). There are two main shareholders which are UniCap Investment and Finance Company
K.S.C.P along with The Public Institution for Social Security (Kuwait).


The mission of Iskan Investment actually is to serve wealth of experience which is obtained by
the Board of Directors along with the management team. The investment is actually confident
with value-for-money products along with professional and reliable services at different times.


Iskan Investment provides open and sustainable investment opportunity in different economy
sectors as the focus is on Real Estate, Education, Infrastructure projects and Utilities. The
investment focuses on the Sultanate of Oman specifically in the GCC region at large.

Nawa Investment

Nawa Investment LLC is known as an Omani investment company and it is licensed by Oman’s
Capital Market Authority. The company started its operations in 2017 and once the careful
analysis is observed with Oman’s investment landscape which is recognized as an individual
opportunity to provide Public-Private along with Real Estate Investment Vehicles that offers the
security with the long term and medium growth as it contributed to the economic growth of
Oman (, 2020).

Vision and Mission

Nawa Investment has the vision to emerge as a leading regional investment company as it works
as a global footprint and largest Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE) player since its
operations in Oman.

The emphasis of Nawa Investment has actually been for a period of 5 years as the portfolio for
US $2 billion focus on disruptive innovation in order to maintain the leading position in the
company by constant innovation with growth plans.

The goal of Nawa Investment is to emerge as a constant market disruptor as well as leader to
make sure the clients have effective investment longevity.


The mission is simple of Nawa Investment as it offers society and clients with safe as well as
stable investment opportunities and allows the clients for growth in society and proper when
there is need to look for short, medium and the long term growth opportunities.


The vision of Nawa Investment is actually the pioneer public-private partnerships in the
Sultanate of Oman when it launched Oman’s first Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).

2.0. Content and Analysis

I. Types of investments Offered:

There are two types of investments offered by companies (Open-end along with closed-end).

Open-end Investment Companies:

The companies which actually raise capital by issuance of shares and it is not traded on the basic
stock exchanges and are handled with specific dealer along with in over-the-counter transactions.
The money gathered by sale of shares is invested directly with company shares (Jamil et al,

Closed-end Investment Companies:

These are the companies that have operation in similar fashion and with any industry. It focuses
on to issue a fixed share numbers and is listed on stock exchange as they are being bought as
well as sold just like any of the company shares (Durrah et al, 2018). The management actually

desires to have connection with the bonds and preferred stocks as they are part of the company
and its capital structure.

There are also mutual funds which are the type of investment on the basis of company policy and
objectives such as:

 Equity funds- the funds which only show investment in equity shares
 Income funds- the investment in securities with idea to have higher income
 Growth funds- the funds focused on growth oriented securities and assure appreciation to
gain value in long run (Singh, 2016)
 Liquid funds- the funds which have investment in short-term money market instruments
 Special funds- these are the funds that invest only in selected channels such as (a) gold
and silver (b) specific country (c) specific company category (Technology Fund)
 Real Estate fund- the funds made for real estate ventures
 Balanced funds- the funds amid equity shares and bonds to meet workplace objectives
and analyse growth, safety and regularity of income
 Hedge funds- the funds engaged with buying of shares and the ones whose prices actually
go up and tend to sell short shares with price which can go down
 Offshore funds- to focus on investment in foreign companies

II. Detailed Description of Investment Products and Services

1. Al-Hosn Investment Company (HIC) S.A.O.C

Venture Capital

HIC is focused on to develop Greenfield investment in region of Oman and offers sustainable
and rewarding returns with shareholders and at the same time it fulfil HIC’s core social
responsibilities that comprise of job creation, transfer knowledge and enhance the local
communities. HIC engages to facilitate investment in joint ventures of Oman (Hussein and
Alam, 2019).

Private Equity

The focus of private equity in GCC makes the development as the company has efforts in capital
efficient assets and engages with development opportunities and diversifies the core business
operations. The capital development enables the companies in Oman to actually expand and
implement suitable strategies.


OMINVEST provides diverse portfolio when analyzing investments as it focuses on the

insurance sector and spread the general, health along with life reinsurance in the region. The
portfolio comprises of:

National Life & General Insurance Company (NLGIC)

National Life & General Insurance Company (NLGIC) is known as the largest subsidiary in
terms of insurance sector. It is reported as total gross and allows premium of $350 million in
2018 and it shows growth in net profits which is impressive at an annual rate of growth by 15%
for past two years. NLGIC engages with the largest company of insurance in Oman and offers
Life and Medical Insurance since it seek the diversification outside the segment of GCC markets.

International General Insurance (IGI)

OMINVEST, by its subsidiary has Jabreen Capital that actually own with 20.0% of the IGI and
also it emerges as an international reinsurance company globally and is registered with the
portfolio of Property, Energy and Ports along with Construction and Financial Institutions.

Al Ahlia Insurance Oman

OMINVEST emerges as a subsidiary with Jabreen Capital and has 24.3% of shares with Al
Ahlia Insurance Oman. The company emerges as a successful oldest and non-life insurance
company in Oman and also to be global. The Ahlia offers are made with insurance products that
are commercial and retail for clients since it involve travel, motor along with marine and home
and specialty lines (Al Matari et al, 2014).

Takaful Oman

OMINVETS also has subsidiary with Jabreen Capital and actually own the 18.0% of Takaful
Oman since it is the initial and full-fledged Islamic insurance providers of Oman. The operations
are basically in two segments known as Family Takaful and General Takaful.

3. Global Financial Investment Holding

The financial investment company known as Global Financial Investment Holding actually
manages and invests the assets and finances with short-term along with long-term investment
portfolios as reported in Muscat Securities stock exchange. The management of portfolio issues
and trust accounts are created with the company profile management.

4. Iskan Oman Investment Company

A. Real Estate

Iskan Investment is formed and developed by Zahrat Al Khareef in the region of Salalah by
subsidiary Oman LLC and has developed with 218 units which are sold.

B. Education

Al Omania Education Services Company LLC actually has the noted education investment
which focuses on Iskan investment. The present system of education investment has Azzan Bin
Qais International School located at Baushar and it has investment in Iskan Knowledge in the
reputable entity (Shezawi et al, 2018).

Azzan Bin Qais International School Bausher (ABQ)

ABQ is known as an international school and Iskan which serves as high academic results and
quality education for students. The emphasis of Iskan Knowledge is based on the development
program which foster and focusses more on the development of curriculum and infrastructure.

Azzan Bin Qais International School As Seeb (As Seeb School)

This is the business plan expansion and Iskan Knowledge has made the plot and measuring of the
land with offering the quality education and infrastructure in Oman.

Sohar International School (SIS)

Iskan Investment actually need SIS and develops the school campus while Iskan Investment has
exited development in education in 2018 and has provided one of the latest infrastructure
development and best education (Chavali et al, 2019).

C. Healthcare

A. Expansion of Medical Center in Duqm

Iskan Invetsment since 2013 has acquired the land parcen which makes Special Economic Zone
Authority at Duqm and emphasis is more on the scope along with the service which make the
operation done at KIMS Hospitals Oman. The medical complex makes operations along with
facility being enhance which handle the operations such as physiotherapy, CSSD,
gastroenterology, operation theatre and CSSD.

Special Hospital in Muscat

Iskan has investment with active working and connects with established special hospital in

4. Nawa Services

Nawa Investment has a comprehensive approach to manage the investment services

(, 2020). This makes it to have a finer detail and handle the bigger picture
and allows a major diversified portfolio and handles the reduced risk and maximizes income

Private Equity- To expertly select and manage the growth bound company and placement with

Private finance initiatives- to focus more on infrastructure projects

Public-private partnerships- to assure long-term yield assets

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)- diversification done with fractional ownership

Fund Management- calculate with management and structure

Project finance advisory- to find suitable way to finance with major capital projects

II. Investment Company’s Requirements on how clients can invest with them.
The authorities in Oman for the investment companies have started evaluation and have made
approval for setting the 100% foreign owned companies in Oman and have as per new Foreign
Capital Investment Law (FCIL) as per RD 50/2019. The FCIL has made the effective practices
with the following key features:

 There is 100% foreign investment (past 70%) and allows all activities which have been in
specific nature and investigated by negative list with Executive Regulations (ER).
 The ER has made expectations and have been released with July 2020 and have ERs
made with detailed operational aspects with FCIL (Al-Ani, 2015)
 The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has actually made limited activities and
have a negative set created which makes change on the prohibited sectors and have been
made with the small-scale industry such as taxi operation, translation along with fishing
 The emphasis of the understanding of investment minimum share capital is OMR
150,000 and it is approximate to USD 389,000 as per FCIL

The FCIL makes liberalization in Oman and focuses more on to create an attractive which makes
emphasis to be on commitment and there is robust change made with environment and foreign
investors business.

III. Conclusion
Investment companies play a huge role since every individual has connection with lives of
people. The emphasis of the investment option enable the open earning with passive income and
make research on the basis of investment recommendations which uses money. This makes
entire Investment recommendations made with grain of salt and has entire research based on
investment made which deals with completely different sort of risk profile. The
recommendations made with investment of a person comes with fair warning while the emphasis
on the investment companies is more on to make sure the blanket recommendations have been
on right track and serve as perfect solution which fits in the desired criterion of the organization.

IV. Recommendation
Investment companies have the purpose to invest or buy or sell shares with the objective to raise
revenue. The focus of the strategy of investment has actually made modified changes and
applicable with investing as the analytical tools have made different companies and financial
instruments to actually allow investment patterns and deal with selected situation. There should
be regular monitoring of investment decisions and analyze the situation (Abdallah, 2015). This is
because the position has been with respect to company finances while the available information
and details connected with respect to smaller investors. This makes large investors and
successful strategies to actually focus on different investment portfolios and the tools of analysis
that should be used by investors in the market.

The investment companies in the market should actually engage and follow the practices which
connect with global market. In this regard, the fluctuating markets along with unpredictable rates
have been a strategy to make successful changes and perform well with the desired future tasks.
The emphasis of the successful strategies in investment companies should not guarantee the
strategies which emerge to be successful in similar manner (Pauceanu, 2016). However, the
investment field has been focused more on the thorough analysis and implements effective
strategies and tools which have basically made performance to be launched by them and have
been a source of growth. Thus, there should be strategies introduced by investment companies
that allow performing all possible fallacies which emerge because of contingencies and require
proper understanding by different investors in order to implement it in successful and specific

V. Photo-documentation

VI. Bibliography and References

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