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What is Pornography
• Addiction to pornography addict to cope with
is not primarily defined by psychological, emotional
The Brain and Porn if, what, how often, or how
long a person is using
or physical stress and
porn, but by their
Treatment Models for motivation for using porn. • Porn addicts depend on
high arousals, stimulated
Pornography Addiction • Porn addicts rarely enjoy by explicit sexual imagery,
their acting out. They do and tend to develop
not want to feel ‘high’. lowered sexual
They want to feel less. desire/libido with their real
Presented by Heide McConkey, Director life partners.
• Watching porn helps the

Trauma Histories Attachment Bond

• Most addicts disclose a • Emotional abuse, • Of the sexually addicted clients I have treated, most
history of childhood neglect or physical shared a childhood history of unsafe or confused
traumata abuse, sexual abuse attachment bond to their primary carer or carers.

• Emotionally rigid and • Absence of age • This gap in safe attachment/love is likely to be filled
detached family of origin appropriate sex with alternative pleasure generating behaviours.
• Development of shame e.g. family or school • Such replacements later in life may include food,
throughout childhood sugar, sex, alcohol, substance, money, possessions,
• Low awareness of one’s gambling, work,
• Early age sexualization own needs success, status.

American Society Institute for Addiction Study

of Addiction Medicine Kevin McCauley MD, Salt Lake City, Utah

• Addiction is a primary chronic • Addiction is characterised by

• ‘Addiction is a stress-induced defect acting on a genetic
disease of brain reward, inability to control and
vulnerability in the reward-learning system of the
motivation, memory and persistently abstain from
midbrain (dopamine system) and the memory choice
related circuitry, and not compulsive behaviours,
system in the prefrontal cortex (glutamate system),
simply a behavioural problem cravings and chronic relapse,
leading to loss of control, cravings and persistent drug
involving too much drugs,
use despite negative consequences.’
alcohol, gambling and sex. • And a diminished ability to
recognising significance of
• The addicted individual problems, dysfunctional
pathologically pursues reward emotional response, and
and/or relief by sexual or dysfunctional interpersonal
substance behaviour. relationship ability.


SA/CSB is Identifiable &

The Brain in Sex Addiction
• fMRI results confirm • Amygdala • The recently (2014) released Cambridge research study is
increased activation in (processing significance of a step forward to universal acceptance of ASAM’s
three significant brain events and emotions) definition
regions in porn addicts of sexual addiction.
• Study samples mirrored
• Ventral Striatum brain responses as seen • The study confirms the three regions of the brain are
(processing rewards) in drug addicts similarly activated in sex addicts, when shown explicit
sexual imagery,
• Dorsal Anterior Cingulate • Research led by Dr. as compared to drug addicts, when exposed to drug
(anticipating rewards) Valerie Voon, University of related imagery.
Cambridge, UK, 2014
• Sex Addiction is currently not included in the DMS 5.

Sexual Health & Risk

Consequences for the Untreated Sex Addict
• Watching Pornography in and delay urges may lead to • Behaviours escalate • Loss of (sexual) control
itself does not include a risk to unsafe sexual practice and to
STI a considerable risk of • Loss of primary • Distorted spirituality and
infecting with, and spreading, relationship/love/family cognitive distortions,
• Many Porn Addicts lose the sexually transmitted diseases increased anxiety
distinction between fantasy, Breaking Through Denial • Loss of workplace
reality and intimacy, and • Increased risk to physical
escalate to explicit sexual • Sex Addicts display a • Loss of money/assets harm, illness, and STIs
uses of e.g. their spouse, tendency to other non-
casual partners, prostitutes, sexual adrenaline/PEA • Loss of friends • Anhedonia
massage parlours, pursuing dependency behaviours,
sex with strangers, and/or e.g living on the edge, • Isolation/depression • Imprisonment
dangerous sex dangerous sports, high
• Loss of self respect, self- • Suicide
• The addict’s inability to control
finances, high success.


Summary References
• Sex Addiction is NOT a • Only about 10–15% of • Voon et al, PLOS, July11, 2014, Volume 9, Issue 7,
Moral Failure. Pornography users e102419
ADDICT to Porn. Less
• Sex Addiction Stigma than 2% receive treatment • Impulse Control Clinic University of Minnesota
delays Treatment.
• The exact causes of ml
• Sex Addiction is a Fully addiction are not known.
Treatable Disorder of Sex addicts share • Institute for Addiction Study, Salt Lake City, Utah,
Brain Rewards and histories of Kevin McCauley, (Vaccaro PhD 2010)
Related Circuity. confused/unsafe
childhood attachment • Pornography Addiction: A Neuroscience Perspective,
• Psychiatric disorders may bonds, emotional Surgical Neurology International 20:2:19 published
be underlying. Dual neglect/withdrawal, and online 2011 February 21. doi: 10.4103/2152-
treatment approach is early childhood 7806.76977
recommended. sexualisation
• American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), 2011,
August 15 Press Release A New Definition of Addiction


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