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Prof. Elizângela G. Quintana Gonçalves

Turma: 2 Informática
Aula: 16/09/2021

Exercício sobre Passive Voice

1. As frases dos exercícios abaixo estão na active voice. Passe-as

para a passive voice:

a) Jerry ate the cheese.

b) Mary does the laundry on weekends.
c) Helen is walking the dog.
d)  John has washed the car.
e) Doug was cooking dinner.
f) Brad had visited this museum before.
g) Jean will make my birthday cake.
h) By next month, Bob will have finished the research.
i) The teacher could help the student.
j) Kim is preparing the cookies.

2. Complete the sentences in the passive voice using the correct verb

Active Voice Passive Voice

a) They can take the book. The book ________________by them.

b) You must obey the rules. The rules ________________by you.

c) My friends broke the window. The window ___________________.

d) We will give a lunch here. A lunch __________________here.

e) They was cleaning the room. The room ________________by them.

3. Em relação ao estudo da voz passiva da língua inglesa, assinale a

opção incorreta:

a) É comum a associação do verbo to be com um past participle.

b) O past participle é a forma de um verbo.

c) Verbos regulares possuem a sua forma passada idêntica ao past participle.

d) Todas as alternativas estão incorretas.

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