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Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activity of essential oils

and their components
H. J. Damien Dorman,1 A. Christina Figueiredo,2 Jose G. Barroso2 and Stanley G. Deans1*
Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Group, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, South Ayrshire KA6 5HW, Scotland, UK
2Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Faculdade de CieÃncias de Lisboa, Bloco C2, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal

Received 2 December 1997

Revised 18 May 1999
Accepted 6 July 1999

ABSTRACT: Clove and nutmeg essential oils were analysed by GC and GC±MS. These oils, together with
16±18 components found to be present, were tested for antioxidant properties at ®nal concentrations of 0.05±
2.5  104 ppm in an egg yolk-based thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and also undiluted in
a b-carotene agar di€usion assay. Both the essential oils and the components tested in the TBARS assay
demonstrated some degree of antioxidant activity. Only the clove oil, the nutmeg oil, eugenol and terpinolene
demonstrated any ability to inhibit the oxidative bleaching of the b-carotene agar. The ability of the oil
components to inhibit malondialdehyde formation, and therefore lipid peroxidation, in the TBARS assay, yet
apparently to possess no activity in the b-carotene agar di€usion assay, demonstrates the importance in the
screening of plant material for bioactivity of using a bank of assays in vitro before assigning bioactivities. By
using a number of assays, not only should the number of false positives and negatives be greatly reduced, but
evidence pertaining to the mechanism of action may be obtained. Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: Myristica fragrans Houtt.; nutmeg; Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry; clove; essential
oil; natural antioxidants; thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay; b-carotene agar di€usion assay

Introduction chain, by irradiation, or generated as a product of

cytochrome P450-mediated xenobiotic metabolism.
Lipid peroxidation may be described as the oxidative Plant volatile oils have been recognized since anti-
deterioration of unsaturated fatty acids and the changes quity as possessing biological activities.2 Chief amongst
resulting from this process. It is a paradox of aerobic these are their antibacterial,3±6 antifungal5±11 and
life that aerobic organisms require molecular oxygen antioxidant properties.3,5,12±21 Their ability to protect
for their normal metabolic functions, yet oxygen can be highly unsaturated lipids in animal tissues has been the
toxic to cellular material.1 Detrimental events which subject of much interest.22,23 In addition to protecting
may result from this process include membrane liver polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), these oils
fragmentation, disruption of membrane-bound enzyme have demonstrated a positive e€ect upon docosahex-
activity, disintegration and swelling of mitochondria, ñnoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) levels in ageing rodent
and lysosomal lysis. The primary toxicological event of retinas.24 These studies and others25 have demonstrated
lipid peroxidation, and the subsequent secondary and the bene®cial potential or dietary supplementation with
tertiary events resulting from it, originate from the certain volatile oils upon the PUFAs, in particular the
interaction of free radicals with polyunsaturated fatty C20 and C22 acids.
acids. These reactive species may be endogenously The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)
generated oxygen radicals, produced by the leakage of assay has been used as a technique for measuring the
electrons from the mitochondrial electron transport auto-oxidation of foodstu€s and as an experimental
* Correspondence to: S. G. Deans, Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Group,
method for assessing lipid peroxidation. In order to
Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, South Ayrshire KA6 5HW, e€ect a rapid quanti®able screening process to identify
Scotland, UK. Tel: ‡1292 52 5201; Fax: ‡1292 52 5071; e-mail: S.Deans
the extent of the antioxidative properties of essential
oils and their components in vitro prior to in vivo
Contract grant sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK.
Contract grant sponsor: Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department evaluation, an avian-based modi®ed TBARS assay was
of the Scottish Oce, UK. developed.15 The assay was used to measure the degree
Contract grant sponsor: Centro de Biotecnologia Vegetal, Instituto de
Biotecnologia e Quimica Fina, Portugal. of lipid peroxidation in a lipid-rich substrate, based

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

upon the spectrophotometric measurement of malon- Table 1. Percentage composition of the essential oils
dialdehyde-thiobarbituric acid (MDA)2-TBA coloured isolated from nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and clove
complex. MDA is a secondary product of lipid (Syzygium aromaticum)
peroxidation. Compound RIa Nutmeg Clove
Tricyclene 921 t ±
a-Thujene 924 1.5 ±
Experimental a-Pinene 930 27.9 ±
Camphene 938 0.4 ±
Sabinene 958 16.0 ±
Plant Material b-Pinene 963 27.1 ±
Myrcene 975 2.2 ±
The essential oils used in this study were isolated by a-Phellandrene 995 0.8 ±
D3-Carene 1000 0.9 ±
hydrodistillation using the British Pharmacopoeia a-Terpinene 1002 1.8 ±
essential oil distillation apparatus [`Quick Fit'].26 p-Cymene 1003 1.1 ±
Commercial supplies of the plant material and essential b-Phellandrene 1005 2.2 ±
Limonene 1009 3.8 ±
oil components were used throughout. The individual g-Terpinene 1035 2.6 ±
oil constituents were purchased either from Sigma or trans-Sabinene hydrate 1037 0.2 ±
Fluka Chemicals. Serial dilutions of the oils and their Terpinolene 1064 1.0 ±
cis-Sabinene hydrate 1066 0.1 ±
components were made with either methanol or Linalol 1074 0.4 ±
absolute alcohol, depending upon solubility. trans-p-Menthen-1-ol 1095 0.1 ±
Borneol 1134 0.2 ±
Terpinene-4-ol 1148 3.3 ±
a-Terpineol 1159 0.4 ±
Gas Chromatography (GC) Eugenol 1327 0.3 91.2
a-Terpenyl acetate 1334 0.1 ±
Geranyl acetate 1370 0.1 ±
GC analyses were performed using a Perkin-Elmer a-Copaene 1375 0.1 ±
8700 gas chromatograph equipped with two FIDs, a Methyleugenol 1337 0.3 ±
data-handling system and a vaporizing injector port b-Caryophyllene 1414 0.1 4.1
trans-Isoeugenol 1422 0.2 ±
into which two columns of di€erent polarities were a-Humulene 1447 ± 0.6
installed: a DB-1 fused-silica column (30 m  0.25 mm Eugenyl acetate 1493 ± 2.9
i.d., ®lm thickness 0.25 mm; J & W Scienti®c Inc., Myristicin 1493 3.1 ±
Elemicin 1525 0.1 ±
Rancho Cordova, CA, USA) and a DB-Wax fused- b-Caryophyllene epoxide 1561 ± 0.5
silica column (30 m  0.25 mm i.d., ®lm thickness
% Identi®cation 98.4 99.3
0.25 mm; J & W Scienti®c Inc.). Oven temperature was Monoterpene hydrocarbons 89.4 ±
programmed to 45±1758C at 38C/min, subsequently at Oxygen-containing monoterpenes 4.9 ±
158C/min up to 2408C, and then held isothermal for Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 0.2 4.7
Oxygen-containing sesquiterpenes ± 0.5
10 min. Injector and detector temperatures were 2208C Phenlypropanoids 4.0 94.1
and 2408C, respectively. Hydrogen was used as the a Retention index, relative to C9 ±C16 n-alkanes on the DB-1 column.
carrier gas at a linear velocity of 30 cm/s. The samples
were injected using a split sampling technique, ratio
1:50. The percentage composition of the oils was
computed by the normalization method from the GC energy, 70 eV; ionization current, 60 mA; scan range,
peak areas, calculated as mean values of two injections, 40±300 u; scan time, 1 s. The identity of the com-
without using correction factors. ponents was assigned by comparison of their retention
indices relative to C9 ±C16 n-alkanes, and mass spectra
with corresponding data of components of reference
Gas Chromatography±Mass Spectrometry oils.

The GC±MS unit consisted of a Carlo Erba 6000 Vega Medium for the Antioxidant Assay
gas chromatograph equipped with a DB-1 fused-silica
column (30 m  0.25 mm i.d., ®lm thickness 0.25 mm; Egg yolk was separated from the albumin and the yolk
J & W Scienti®c Inc.) and interfaced with a Finnigan membrane prior to its storage at 48C until use. The
MAT 800 Ion Trap Detector (ITD; software version average lipid composition in the egg yolk was 63%
4.1). Oven temperature was as above; transfer line triacyglycerides, 28% phospholipids, 5% free choles-
temperature was 2808C; ion trap temperature, 2208C. terol and 1% cholesterol ester. For the assay, an aliquot
Helium was used as the carrier gas and was adjusted to of yolk material was made up to a concentration of
a linear velocity of 30 cm/s; split ratio, 1:40; ionization 10% (w/v) in KCl (1.15% w/v). The yolk was then

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

Figure 1. A dose±response curve of the antioxidant capacity of clove ( ± h ± ) and nutmeg ( ± r ± ) essential oils, as
measured by their ability to inhibit malondialdehyde formation. Each data point is the mean+SEM of three
independent experiments

homogenized for 30 s followed by ultrasonication for a was added. Plates with test samples were incubated at
period of 3 min. 458C overnight until the background colour had
bleached. The zones of yellow colour surrounding the
test sample wells were marked by pen, and the diameter
TBARS Assay of the circle measured using Vernier callipers. Yellow
colour/intensity and/or persistence of colour, on a scale
The TBARS assay was carried out as described pre- of * to *** (see Table 2), around the wells containing
viously.15 The antioxidant index percentage (AI%)+ the test agent were indicative of the antioxidant
SEM was plotted as a dose±response curve against the capacity of the test substances.
concentration (in ppm) of the ®nal reaction volume.
This was used to demonstrate the comparative anti-
oxidative capacities of the essential oils and their Results and Discussion
components. The oils and the oil components were
used at concentrations of 0.05±25 000 ppm. The percentage composition of the essential oils from
nutmeg and clove are shown in Table 1. The mono-
terpene hydrocarbons (89%) constituted the main
b -Carotene Agar Diffusion Assay fraction of nutmeg oil, a-pinene (28%), b-pinene
(27%) and sabinene (16%) being its main components,
The screening for antioxidant capacities of the essential whereas phenylpropanoids were the major fraction
oils using the b-carotene agar di€usion technique was (94%) of clove oil, eugenol being its main constituent
adapted from that of Araujo and Pratt.27 A sample of (91%).
2.0 g of agar (Bacto-agar) was dissolved in 100 ml of The antioxidant capacities of the nutmeg and clove
boiling water. The agar solution was allowed to cool to oils and their main components, as determined by the
ca. 508C, then 2.0 ml of linoleic acid in ethanol (2.0 mg/ modi®ed TBARS assay, are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
ml) and 10 ml of b-carotene in acetone (2.0 mg/ml) Their abilities to prevent the oxidative bleaching of b-
were ¯ushed into the agar. The agar was poured into carotene is shown in Table 2.
Petri dishes and allowed to set for 30 min. As acetone is All the essential oils and components demonstrated
used to solubilize the b-carotene, the agar does not some degree of antioxidant capacity over the concen-
completely set hard but remains jelly-like. Two holes or tration range tested in the TBARS assay. Both total
wells (4 mm diameter) were punched into the agar of essential oils tested (Figure 1) demonstrated clear
each Petri dish, and into each well 15 ml of test sample sigmoidal dose±response curves over the concentration

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

Figure 2. A dose±response curve of the antioxidant capacity of individual components found in clove and nutmeg
essential oils, as measured by their ability to inhibit malondialdehyde formation. Each data point is the mean+SEM of
three independent experiments

range tested. The IC50-values were 20 ppm and others were more linear in their response (e.g. D3-carene
100 ppm for clove and nutmeg oils, respectively. The and a-pinene).
plateau for nutmeg oil was slightly higher than for clove Clove and nutmeg oils were also able to inhibit the
oil. Both, however, gradually declined in measured oxidative bleaching of b-carotene, Table 2. The relative
antioxidant capacity from the same concentration antioxidant capacity of these two oils compared to the
point. The slope of this decline was greatest for clove oils isolated from monarda (Monarda citriodora var.
oil. All oil components tested demonstrated some citriodora Cerv. ex Lag.), geranium (Pelargonium
degree of antioxidant capacity, Figure 2. Two types of graveolens L'HeÂrit.), oregano (Origanum vulgare spp.
response may explain the observed components pro®le: hirtum (Link) (Ietsw.) and black pepper (Piper nigrum
it can be seen from Figure 2 that some components L.) was: black pepper 4 monarda 4 oregano 4
(e.g. eugenol and terpinolene) exhibit a marked geranium 4 clove 4 nutmeg 4 , as tested in the
sigmoidal e€ect across the concentration range, while b-carotene assay.25 In the case of the oil components,

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

Table 2. Ability of essential oils isolated from nutmeg Acknowledgements Ð HJDD gratefully acknowledges the award of a
MAFF Studentship. SAC received ®nancial support from the
(Myristica fragrans) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Scottish Oce Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department.
and their components to inhibit the oxidative bleaching The Portuguese team acknowledges the Centro de Biotecnologia
of b-carotene, as measured by the b-carotene agar Vegetal, Instituto de Biotecnologia e Quimica Fina (IBQF), for
diffusion assay. Each value is the mean of two measur- ®nancial support.
Oil/oil component Diameter (mm)+SEM/colour intensity
Clove 15.55+0.55*** References
Nutmeg 12.64+1.64***
a-Pinene 0.00 1. K. J. A. Davies, in Oxidative Stress: The Paradox of Aerobic Life,
Camphene 0.00 Vol. 61, p. 1, ed. C. Rice-Evans, B. Halliwell and G. G. Lunt,
Sabinene 0.00 Portland Press, London (1995).
b-Pinene 0.00 2. S. G. Deans and P. G. Waterman, in Volatile Oil Crops: Their
Myrcene 0.00 Biology, Biochemistry and Production, p. 113, ed. R. K. M. Hay
a-Phellandrene 0.00 and P. G. Waterman, Longman, London (1993).
D3-Carene 0.00 3. R. Piccaglia, M. Marotti, E. Giovanelli, S. G. Deans and E.
a-Terpinene 0.00 Eaglesham, Industrial Crops Products, 2, 47 (1993).
p-Cymene 0.00 4. B. J. Juven, J. Kanner, F. Schved and H. Weisslowicz, J. Appl.
Limonene 0.00 Bact., 76, 626 (1994).
g-Terpinene 0.00 5. R. Tisserand and T. Balacs, Int. J. Aromatherapy, 6, 28 (1994).
Terpinolene 8.10+0.10** 6. J. M. Kim, M. R. Marshall, J. A. Cornell, J. F. Preston and C. I.
Linalol 0.00 Wei, J. Food Sci., 60, 1364 (1995).
Borneol 0.00 7. R. R. Carlton, A. I. Gray, P. G. Waterman and S. G. Deans,
Terpinen-4-ol 0.00 Chemoecology, 3, 55 (1992).
Eugenol 16.20+1.10*** 8. A. Tantouielaraki and A. Erri®, Grasas Aceites, 45, 363 (1994).
b-Caryophyllene 0.00 9. N. Paster, M. Menasherov, U. Ravid and B. Juven, J. Food
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12. K. Miura and N. Nakatani, Agric. Biol. Chem., 53, 3043 (1989).
only terpinolene and eugenol demonstrated any anti- 13. N. Deighton, S. M. Glidewell, S. G. Deans and B. A. Goodman,
oxidant capacity; their order of e€ectiveness being J. Sci. Food Agric., 63, 221 (1993).
eugenol 4 terpinolene. Their e€ectiveness related to 14. A. M. Campos and E. A. Lissi, Boletin Soc. Chilena Quimica, 40,
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carvacrol, an essential oil component with antioxidant 15. H. J. D. Dorman, S. G. Deans, R. C. Noble and P. Surai, J.
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When the composition of the oils is considered and 16. M. A. Ozcan, Acta Aliment., 24, 81 (1995).
17. M. Takacsova, A. Pribela and M. Faktorova, Nahrung-Food, 39,
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the antioxidant capacity of the oils may be due to the 18. N. V. Yanishlieva and E. M. Marinova, Nahrung-Food, 39, 458
di€ering amounts of these two components. Eugenol (1995).
19. S. K. Chung, T. Osawa and S. Kawakishi, Biosci. Biotechnol.
comprises ca. 90% the total clove oil, while only 1.0% Biochem., 61, 118 (1997).
of the total nutmeg oil consists of terpinolene. Perhaps 20. E. M. Marinova and N. V. Yanishlieva, Food Chem., 58, 245
more interesting, however, is the lack of activity (1997).
21. D. A. Pearson, E. N. Frankel, R. Aeschbach and J. B. German, J.
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the data generated from this assay alone, we would 22. S. G. Deans, R. C. Noble, L. G. PeÂnzes and S. G. Imre, Age, 16,
conclude that these components, under these experi- 71 (1993).
23. S. G. Deans, R. C. Noble, A. MacPherson, L. G. PeÂnzes and S. G.
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the mechanism of action may be obtained. 57 (1985).

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Flavour Fragr. J. 2000; 15: 12±16

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