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Propaganda Techniques Advertisement


Kirstan Hawkins
Social Studies
5th period
In this commercial the restaurant
Subway is trying to show a normal
person using and supporting their
product. This is an example of a
Testimonial. This person is claiming their
food worked well for him, and helped him
lose weight. In the company’s eyes since
the person can vouch for their food and
say that it’s good, other people will want
to try it too.
In this Oral-B commercial
the company is using the
bandwagon technique.
Using the pure fact that
dentists and hygienists
use their product they
think others should use it
too. They aren’t really
giving much information
about the product, but just
because someone else
uses it others would want
to as well.

In this newspaper add like many others they

are using hateful terms such as “wimp” and
“insecure” to create a bad name for this man.
Using these terms for persuasion is an
example of name-calling. They are saying just
because they see him as a wimp he shouldn’t
be president and that others should see him
that way too.
Glittering Generalities:

In this Trump campaign

advertisement they are using
slogans to persuade people to
vote for him. They aren’t using
any information at all, making
this an example of a glittering
generality. In the end, leading
this simple slogan/quote to
being all we have to depend on
to make a decision about

In this Charmin advertisement

they are using positive facts
about their product to persuade
people to buy it. They are also
showing the negative side of
the leading brand, making this
an example of card-stacking.
Charmin lastly used a side by
side comparison to really
persuade people to support
their product all the way.
Plain Folks:
In this OxiClean
advertisement they are using
the idea of “monkey see
monkey do” to persuade
people to buy their product.
They emphasized in the
commercial that these were
ordinary people trying out
the product, and that they
like it. These people trying
out OxiClean is in the
company’s mind a way to
make more people want to
try it.
In this Dawn advertisement
they are using this baby duck
to support their product. Since
people tend to support
helping the animals that are
stuck in oil, this company
thought if they were
advertising to help these
animals, people will support
them too. Which is an
example of using somebody’s
feelings about one thing to
persuade them to feel the
same way about another.
Plain Folk & Card-Stacking
In this Edge Slayer 2,000
advertisement they are using the
card- stacking technique by
showing their product in a good Edge Slayer 2,000
light and the other leading brand in
a bad one. They’re also using the Somebody with
plain folk approach by emphasizing hair just like yours
came out with
that it is a person just like us using these sleek results
the product in their add. So, the using the Edge
Slayer 2,000!
company thinks if you can relate to
their add through the model, and Leading Brand
see that it works better than others,
then you will want to buy it for

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