Kirstan Hawkins Political Party Brochure Template

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The presidential candidate I have

representing my political party is

History of The Office Party
The Office Party was made by Greg The Office Party
Michael Scott. He is 27 years old Daniels in 2005. It was created to
and has his Masters degree in bring awareness of the big and
Political Science. He previously small issues in today’s school
worked as a politician’s assistant.I system.
chose him to be my candidate
because he is a hardworking ,
dedicated, and intelligent - I chose this logo for my political
youngman. party because it shows a lot about
how my party would handle issues.
- My logo symbolizes fighting fire
(our major issues), with ice which
represents our kind yet forceful
actions to resolve the problems.
“I should’ve burned
this place down when I
had the chance”
- Michael Scott
Kirstan Hawkins
5th Period
The Office Party Platform The Office Party Platform The Office Party Platform

Issue: Dress Code

Stance on Issue: The Office Party
believes that students should be able to
wear casual clothes to class. Issue: Homework
Details on Issue: Dress code is a set of Issue: Restroom Stance on Issue: The Office Party thinks
rules that determine what a student can Stance on Issue: The Office Party homework is an unnecessary step in
and cannot wear on campus. The Office believes that students should be able to schools.
Party advocates for no uniforms because go to the bathroom whenever they ask. Details on Issue: Homework is work
casual clothes make children more Details on Issue: The restroom is teachers send home with students to get
comfortable. normally only accessible when students extra practice. The Office Party believes
go between classes.The Office Party homework only puts extra pressure on
believes that between classes isn’t students and effects their performance in
enough time. regular school.

Issue: Bullying Issue: Campus (Open/Closed)

Issue: Cafeteria Stance on Issue: The Office Party thinks Stance on Issue: The Office Party
Stance on Issue: The Office Party students should take bullying more into believes closed campus is better for
believes that the cafeteria food should their own hands. younger students.
taste better and have more variety, and Details on Issue: When someone is Details on Issue: The campus being
choices. bullied they tell an adult, but nothing is open or closed means whether the
Details on Issue: Cafeteria food is the usually done and it normally gets worse. students can leave without someone
food students eat at school. The Office The Office Party believes students should coming to get them or not. The Office
Party believes that since students will be learn how to stick up for themselves Party thinks younger children such as
eating there everyday that there should against another student (I don’t mean middle school should have closed campus
more variety. fighting). because it will keep them safer.

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