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How to Guide: Dressing Modern

A manual How to Dress Modern

November 17, 2021
Professor John Fisher
English Professor
San Juan College Blvd.
Farmington, NM 87402

Dear Professor Fisher,

For the project we are doing this semester, I attach my work “How to Guide: Dressing
Modern” for teens and young adults.

In the manual it is about how style clothing for teens and early adults. In the manual it
will go over the basic concepts of color coding, proportion or how it lays on the person,
designs of the clothing, material and even accessories to help the design. This is not for
someone in their late 50’s or later down the road. This is for all that either have no
experience in styling clothing and even those who have an idea for clothing.

Despite the disclaimer for age, there are some take away for the experience. There is
every step for how to style, the things that are needed to help, side notes to help. There
are a great number of photos to help explain and examples for the certain items. This is
for people who need help in the right direction on how to style clothing.

A note to take, I am not promoting any of the merchandise that will be shown. There is
simply my point of view on how to style clothing. There are many other ways to style
and different types of brands, but I will be using for this manual. But do not he
discourage to mix it up for your own style because at the end of the day it’s all about
how you feel.

I believe this is all the requirements for the project.

Brenden A. Denetchee

Dressing Modern
A manual on How to Dress Modern

submitted to

Jonathan Fisher
San Juan College
Farmington, NM

October 20, 2021

Brenden A. Denetchee

This manual is intended for anyone who wants to update their wardrobe and how to add
feature in clothing. In the manual we will cover the importance of designs, color palates,
fitment of the clothing, layering, branding, and the type of material that is used to create
your outfit.

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction……………………………………………………..5
1.1 Purpose…………………………………………………………..
1.2 Background………………………………………………………
1.3 Scope…………………………………………………………….
2.0 Types of style…………………………………………………..6
2.1 Modern Style………………………………………………………
2.2 Color of Modern Style…………………………………………….
2.3 Design of Modern Style…………………………………………..
2.4 Accessories of Modern Style…………………………………….
3.0 Color Coding…………………………………………………….7
3.1 Flow of Color………………………………………………………
3.2 Where are you going?..............................................................
3.3 The Weather……………………………………………………….
4.0 Portions………………………………………………………….8
4.1The way it lays on the body……………………………………….
4.2 The type of style……………………………………………………
4.3 How long?.................................................................................
5.0 Material…………………………………………………………..9
5.1 The material of design…………………………………………….
5.2How long it would last………………………………………………
5.3 Price of the material………………………………………………
6.0 Conclusion……………………………………………………….10

This is the introduction of the Manual on How to Dress Modern.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to learn and even style clothing concept. In the manual
goes over concepts of learning how to color code, fitment, designs, and even
accessories. This could be used to help create your own style or even help improve the
overall style of clothing. Throughout the world many people do not know how to style
clothing, people use the media or even people who we look up to help style. This
manual is gender neutral for male and females as well.

1.2 Background
The manual goes over color coding like ground colors and even many colors from the
color wheeled. The manual will help enhance and even create your own styles. In the
manual we will not go over pricing or even promoting brands. This could help you
or someone you know how to style in 2021 because people do not know where to start
in fashion and this manual is intended to help style certain clothing. Some styles will
come back from the early 90’s and early 2000’s. You may need to know
streetwear style; an example is designer brands or even supreme as a designer brand.
Another is grudge and all types of ascetics for this manual how to style.

1.3 Scope
This manual is designed to help the understanding of styling clothing. It does not go
over the pricing or even branding of which is best. This is internally for people who may
need help styling or even creating outfits for style in 2021.  

This manual is intended for beginners or even people who may want to spice up their
style in clothing a bit. These styles are not recommended if you are in your late 40’s but
can be used to take away certain styles. 

To note this is since it is 2021 fashion style. Even though 2021 has new styles from the
past we may use some examples from the past early 90’s for examples. These styles
may alter in the future or not, this manual is based on 2021. It is not used
to promote brands or even sell merchandise; I am using some brands for educational
purposes. According to copyright I am covered since I am using it for educational
purposes not to promote or even sell certain items. 

2.0 Types of styles
There are many styles over the years. There was a baggy clothes era, skinny clothes
era. But now in 2021 there is a new style. A more modern style and how to achieve it.

2.1 Modern Style

Modern style is a combination of all the style put together. Modern style is skinny and
baggy clothes combined. A modern style is how all the styles add up together nicely.
There are different categories to modern styles:
 Streetwear
 Vintage
 Grunge
 Formal Style
 Business Casual

2.2 Color of modern style

The color for modern style has changed as well. Modern style requires more
understanding of the color pallet. To style clothing it has to be more organized unlike
many people did in the early 2000’s. The colors are no longer neon.

2.3 Design of modern style

The design of modern styles has changed as well. The Design and logos have
changed. Logos are now boxy and can show more of what a person wearing brand. The
designs are more accepting random stuff like a rose or a tie-dye. These designs have
been accepted for a modern style.

2.4 Accessories of modern Style

Accessories to modern style has changed. Men and woman both can wear earrings,
bracelets, chains and even rings to add up for there styles. The reason why it changed
because many people want to express themselves and a little bit of something can
make an outfit a difference. These little accessories can make a difference in someone

Color coding is color matching or even helping one to make another look good. The
color wheel is a splendid example of reference. Color coding is all about organization.
To color code colors are needed complement one another. Essentially styling clothing is
based on how well you can match certain colors with one another.

3.1 Flow of color

Color coding is a way to help with an outfit. Many colors are adjusted to fit one another.
Many colors can match with the opposite of the color pallet. Natural Colors go hand in
hand with one another. Streetwear is a good modern example of how to style. For
streetwear you must style for the shoes, the shoe color may be purple and white. Wear
purple and the opposite secondary color that you want to, like black. One way to see
which color looks best on you is
 Understand the color that match
 Choose the color that looks best on you
 Don’t try to copy anyone else’s style
 Try opposite color from the one thing you want to stand out

3.2 Where are you going?

Knowing what you are doing today can also help you choose your outfit. For example, if
you are going to the park, you want to wear lighter colors because of the sun. The place
to know what you are doing could help you choose colors. Colors for certain event could
help you think of events. Certain colors will make you be seen more and organization
from the first section will help.
 Find the place you are going to
 Dress to impress
 Don’t overthink it

3.3 The weather

The weather can also help you choose your color of clothing. If it is a hot day, you are
going to want to wear something lighter because the sun will be beaming down. If it’s a
cold day, you may want to wear darker because you can absorb as much sun as
possible. Certain weather may make your outfit stand out more, so for this you may
need to see what’s the weather is like in the morning before choosing your outfit colors.
 Look at the weather throughout the day
 Dress appropriate to the weather
 Layering is a great way to style
Portions of the clothing will make a difference with style. A modern style is slimmer.
While an odder stye was bagger than now. But to slim could ruin the outfit so I will
explain how to portion the outfits correctly for a more modern style.

4.1 The way it lays on the body

The way it lay on the body is the key example. If your more of a slimer person, a skinny
fit may look better because its lays on your body. Knowing how you look will help with
the layout of clothing to wear. Do not go too big or too small were it makes you look
 Not Oversized, no mushroom hoodie
 Not too small
 Know your body size and style to that

4.2 The type of style

Understanding the type of style, you’re going for will help. A great example is
Streetwear. Streetwear is all about the branding and how you can stand out more than
the other guy. The shoes are the most important thing when it comes to streetwear.
Then the fit is slimmer so that the shoes can pop out more.
 Find the style you’re going for
 Adjust to that style
 Experiment to your liking

4.3 How long?

The length of the material will matter as well. Make sure its not to long, or to small. For
example, if you fit a large, don’t get a medium because it could make it look like you are
a child. To long for example you are a large, but you buy an extra-extra-large it would
look to big on you. You may look like you didn’t even try in a bad way.
 Don’t go bigger than you need
 Not to small

*Note: Smaller people should go for their size because it could make you look smaller*

5.0 Material
The material of the design matters. The material is what it is made up of, how long it’s
going to last, and any shortcuts they are doing to make a profit off you. So,
understanding material will help, cotton shrinks fast, suede is hard to clean, and leather
last long but could fade out.

5.1 The material of the design

The material of the design does matter. If the material looks good online, look at the
reviews. The material may look good but when you get it in person it may look badly
places and the actual thing looks bad. In person, you can visually see how it looks but
read up on that.
 Look at reviews
 Read what it made of
 Feel how the material is
5.2 How long would it last?
The life of clothing varies from material to material. So, understanding the materials will
help you understand how long it would last. Because a nice cotton shirt can shrink in 1
wash. So, reading and understanding the material is a big part of the life of you precious
 Read the tag
 Think about how it would look after one wash
 Get a thick material because it last longer
 Understand how to clean the material with the tag provided

5.3 The price of the material

The price of material matters as well as the other things we talked about. Many
companies may claim their life span of their clothing may last long than they do. A way
to check is their reviews and videos on about it online that are not paid by the company.
Companies may only pay 98 cents for a hoodie you’re buying for $65 and shrink after
one wash.
 The price of material
 The branding
 The roughness of the material

*Note: The best way to get a bang for your buck is go for thicker materials*
In conclusion, this is a way to style modern clothing. All these tips will help you be able
to dress and maybe upgrade your style. Many people are afraid to go away from the
normal way of styling, but it is about what you want to wear and how to style it. Many of
these can help someone you may know or even yourself. Fashion is what you want to
wear and what you feel comfortable in. In best regards, Brenden A. Denetchee. This is
the conclusion to the manual on How to Dress Modern.


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