TEST-Present Simple - CLASS 9C

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TEST- Present Simple – CLASS 9C

Name:______________________________ Date:__________________

1) Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs.

1. Anna____________(get) home at two.

2. The men ____________(want) beer.
3. I _____________(have) peppermint.
4. She ____________(do) her homework.
5. Our teacher ___________(live) in Oxford Street.
6. Eric and Tom ___________(wear) blue shirts.
7. Mr Black ____________ (work) in his office.
9. Jenny sometimes ___________(not meet) Monica.
10. In summer the children ________usually______________(not play)
in the garden.
11. My sister _______________(not have) blue eyes.
12. Bill and Bob_______________(not open) the window.
13. Barbara ____________(not think) school uniforms look great.
14. Fred _____________(not like) football every Saturday.
15. Hannah and Betty ___________________(not eat) pizza.
16. Frank _______________(not have) a headache.
17. He ___________________(study) in the library.
18. Her father _______________(buy) food every day.
19. His mom __________(wash) all the dirty clothes.
20. _______(be) they hungry?
21. Anna and Amy___________(be) from Paris.
22. ____________the parents _______(have) any children?
23. _______ Amy ______(eat) sushi?
24. When_________the train _______leave on Mondays?
25. Why______(be) we here?
26. The lesson _____(not be) Biology.
27. __________the accountant ___________(work) at a bank?
28. What car_________your boyfriend____________(drive)?
TEST- Present Simple – CLASS 9C

Name:____________________________ Date:___________________

2) Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs.

1. They ___________(have) a cold.
2. Peter _____________(go) to school.
3. Kelly ______________(watch)TV.
4. My sisters ___________(sing) a song.
5. My mum and me __________(cook) spaghetti.
6. The women often ___________ (read) a book.
7. Sally __________ often ____________(not clean) the board.
8. Sam __________(not wear) dark blue pullovers.
9. Tom’s cousin _____________(not use) her new notebook.
10. Hannah and Betty ___________________(not eat) pizza.
11. He ___________________(study) in the library.
12. Her father _______________(buy) food every day.
13. When_____(be) the lesson?
14. _________ the cat ________(sleep) in her bed?
15. ___________ the children___________(study) at the same school?
16. What time ___________the film _________(start)?
17. How _________they _________(come) here?
18. ______she and her friend __________(dream)?
19. Tom ___________(not be) new here.
20. Jenny sometimes ___________(not meet) Monica.
21. __________the accountant ___________(work) at a bank?
22. What car_________your boyfriend____________(drive)?
23. Their teacher ___________(live) in Oxford Street.
24. The nurses ___________(work) at the hospital.
25. _______your brother _______(want) a bike?
26. Tim_____________(not come) from Australia.
27. How often __________the students____________(write) tests?
28. Japanese people____________________(not make) Nokia mobiles.
TEST- Present Simple – CLASS 9C

Name:____________________________ Date:___________________

1.)Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs.

1. They ___________(have) a cold.
2. Peter _____________(go) to school.
3. Kelly ______________(watch)TV.
4. My sisters ___________(sing) a song.
5. My mum and me __________(cook) spaghetti.
6. The women often ___________ (read) a book.
7. Sally __________ often ____________(not clean) the board.
8. Sam __________(not wear) dark blue pullovers.
9. She _____________(not use) her new notebook.
10. Hannah and Betty ___________________(not eat) pizza.
11. He ___________________(study) in the library.
12. Her father _______________(buy) food every day.
13. When_____(be) the lesson?
14. _________ the cat ________(sleep) in her bed?
15. ___________ the children___________(study) at the same school?
16. What time ___________the film _________(start)?
17. How _________they _________(come) here?
18. ______she and her friend __________(dream)?
19. Tom ___________(not be) new here.
20. Jenny sometimes ___________(not meet) Monica.

2.) Write the dates. 6p

04/11/2021 4th November, 2021

01/03/2002 __________________________________

02/07/2008 ___________________________________

03/01/1999 ___________________________________
05/05/1988 fifth November, nineteen eighty-eight____

11/06/1965 ____________________________________________

24/12/1834 ____________________________________________

31/02/2006 ____________________________________________

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