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16 Reflective Essay

To be successful in a career, you must be able to do a multitude of different activities and

have a wide variety of skills. To be prepared for this is called career Readiness, which has been

the main idea I’ve been focusing on for a few weeks now. The concept of career readiness is to

be properly readied for any career, meaning that career readiness is something that can be applied

to most jobs, and have at least one, nonspecific aspect applying to all jobs, whether you work

around other people or work from home. To be prepared for careers, you need to learn some of

the following:

● How to use effective teamwork skills

● How to manage your time well

● How to act ethically and morally while at your job

● How to plan out emails, letters, and memo’s, and the differences between them.

To learn how to practice these things, we watched a series of videos and took multiple

mini-quizzes. There are other possible ways to learn how to practice the above mentioned, but

this has worked for me decently. The videos we watched explained how to show professionalism

in the workplace, by following the company guidelines, and to keep a good moral compass while

also listening to your superiors. Your company will most likely give you a dress code that you

need to follow, and doing so is another way to show workplace etiquette and professionalism. In

addition to this, a job will require you to use different types of tools to help you do your job. This

may include writing emails using a block-style format, or writing mass memos to your coworker.
5.16 Reflective Essay
You can use word processors to help you with this, such as microsoft word and google docs,

although google docs allows you to share documents with your coworkers, so, in my opinion,

that makes it better. If need be, you can also translate documents from one language to another

using google docs with the press of a button, while also keeping the same format; great for

writing letters. We practiced writing letters and emails in this unit, and also how to correctly

format a Google document. The small assignments I did helped me understand more of the soft

skills (skills that companies tend to look for, such as a team player and someone who follows the

company's moral policies) that are useful, not just for my future career, but also for now, such as

time management and teamwork.

As aforementioned, in this unit I learned how to format many different types of contact

forms that are often used in an office environment (memos, emails, letters), as well as different

skills and practices businesses tend to look for when deciding new candidates for hire. Many of

the aspects they look for are social skills. (Like I’ve said before), these are called soft skills.

They assist people to determine whether or not to hire you based on likability and reliability

when compared to other employees and the work ethic that is wanted in the profession. Most of

this paragraph is in the above section, where I explained many different expectations.

All of this is used in many different types of environments. Every person uses different

skills that are admired in jobs every day, even those who don’t have jobs or even know what jobs

are. Students don’t have jobs, and yet they are expected to follow a lot of the same principles that

adults do, endure the same sorts of repetitive tasks and sometimes even put up with the same

amount of stress as adults (which is one of the leading health concerns in the United States). All

societies have their own sorts of expectations for skills. It’s always important to be Career


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