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Reflective Essay

This unit, we spent time learning about the computational language of binary code. All

computers use binary code. It has a simple rule set: 1 = on, 0 = off. Each unit represents one
bit. Bits make up bytes, which store data of a computer, from text, to images, to videos.
Binary is grouped into sections of 4 (most times), to make it easier to read.
In this unit, we worked on a series of worksheets, and made a “flippy doo”, which is
an interactive note sheet that allowed us to see the different number that binary represents
(for example, 0101 = 5, because the 3rd digit is 4, and the first digit is 1). On these
worksheets, we completed assignments modeling how pictures are made with pixels, with
9x9 squares. We also used binary to communicate, using the values of the numbers to
represent words. We then put the words together into sentences.
In this unit, we learned how to think computationally. We learned about how to use
binary code and how to convert it into letters and images. We did not yet learn how to use
binary to create soundwaves, but I doubt it would be too much trouble. Along with the
aforementioned skills, we also learned how to effectively read binary up to the 12th bit unit.
We learned that 1024 bits = 1 byte, 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte, 1024 Kilobytes = 1 megabyte,
1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte, and 1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte. 32 wires would make for
over 4 billion bits.
Overall, I really enjoyed this Unit. It was incredibly short, but sweet. The activities
within the lessons were very helpful for teaching me how to use binary. It also showed me
how binary is used, and the counting system that binary code uses. Before, I didn’t
understand the point of binary, but now I do. It seems to be way more efficient than most
other ways of counting as well.

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