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Winscher 1

Andy Winscher

Practical Writing

Mrs. Gagne

6 December 2021


Imagine a society where it is legal to cut up the so-called “troubled teens'' into millions of

pieces just because their parents think they are going to be trouble in the future. In the book

series Unwind it is referred to as “unwinding” and is a very controversial topic in their society.

There are also people they refer to as tithes who are people that have been selected to be

unwound since birth. When you are unwound every body part and organ is cut up and sold at

auctions to the more fortunate. The storyline follows people from both sides of Unwinding and

how one side is working to eliminate it and the other is trying to make it even more common.

This story follows a few main characters Connor, Risa, and Lev. It also incorporates a

few other characters throughout the story who have a big impact on the final outcome. It starts

with the main character, Connor, who figured out that his parents were going to sign an Unwind

order over a fight he got into with his father. He decides to test his luck and become AWOL and

gain support in his fight against unwinding. Risa, who had lived in a state home had also ran

away once she discovered she was going to be unwound and ended up forming a friendship with

Connor. Finally Lev who was a tithe on his way to be unwound when Connor and Risa caused a

traffic stop and took Lev from the vehicle in order to save him from unwinding. After we are

introduced to the main characters we follow their life and the courageous acts to try and end the

unwinding of innocent teens.

Winscher 2

This book immediately caught my attention because of all the action that was going on in

the story. You could never set the book down without wanting to figure out what was going to

happen next and the steps the main characters were going to take in order to stop the killing of

teens. The author did a great job on moving from character to character and keeping what was

going on with everyone fresh in the readers minds. The author definitely gained my respect and

will have me looking into other books that he has written.

A way this could be brought up in our society is people wanting to do something for

troubled teenagers to try and make the world a better place. This could be a problem because you

wouldn’t give children second chances in life and the ability to change who they are. A lot of

kids are brought up into bad households and don’t know much different than to act up all the

time. However these children can always turn their life around once they are introduced to the

real world.

In conclusion this was a very good book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone

who enjoys books that have a lot of action and always keeps you on your toes and ready to read

more. It was perfect for me after struggling to find a book that I could actually read and enjoy.

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