How Psychic Are You - Julie Soskin (8) 2

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How Psychic Are You?

From auras and

dream interpretation

to clairvoyance and color

76 Techniques to Boost Your Innate Power
energy, how to harness your

intuition and enhance

your life

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in 2015
how ^ .

are you?

JULIE SOSKIN, writer, iiii'dluiii jrul ten hri, hdin .iiid raised in l.iiTidon She
!)(•( ,inie ,i\v,ue of beiin^ psvi liH js ,i ( liikl, .md been dexclopinu. pr.K li( iiii; ,ind

Uwt liiMi; 111 the lield ot psvi hii stiKiies evei sliii e. She spent ni.inv ve.irs lei tilling

iiitei iLilionahv, .md in UIHh she loi nieti The S( lino! ot iiisii^lil .md Inlnitmn m l.diuldll.

As well .IS pr()\ idinu pidtessioiril ps\'( hn ,ind he.ihnt; pi.u litKiilei ( onrses, the sc hool

assists till- stiiileiils 111 tlii'ii in\ II sell-.n\,iieness piiK ess .iiul tiisti'is iiilmtuc lite skills.

She IS I 111 renlK' resiMi i hiii.u .1 I'll I) on psvi hii-spii itiial studies .md then rel.itiiinship

with selt-de\'eliipnient She is the .iiilhiii nl se\i' bunks im ps\'i hism.

how .

. are you?

to Boost Your Innate Power

Julie Soskin


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6 Introduction Psychic Tools Encountering Spirits
10 Keeping a Psyclii( Journal 78 Would You Recognize Tl ue 140 Coidd You be a Shaman?
142 Contact with Depart(;d Spirits
80 Accessing the Wisdom ot the
Discover Your Psychic Potential 1 Ching
144 Getting in Touch with Your
Spirit Guide
14 How Intuitive arc You.' 84 Reading the Tirot
146 Messages from Beyond
Hi What Kind Of Psvohic are You?
90 Developing Clairvoyant Vision
148 How to Communicate with
18 Awaken Your Sensi^s 92 What Can You See in the Tea Angels
22 Opening Up through M(;ditation Leaves?
152 Can You Identify Different Spirits?
28 Tlmuig in to Yoiu' Chakras 94 What Cm a Person's Hands
Tell You?
32 Understanding ^'our Will
96 What C^an You Learn troni the
Psychic Protection
34 Using Positive Thoiighl
Rimes' 156 IIo\s' Strong is Your Aura?
Mi F'^xerting Mind over Matter
98) Using a Divining Rod 158 Amulets and Talismans
40 Shar]ien Yotir Psychic Vision
100 What You Do with a 160 Meeting "^'our Guardian Angel
42 Looking at the Aiua Pendulimi:'

102 Who's Cot Your Number?

Higher Consciousness
Extra-Sensory Perception 164 Fhe Mystic Way
SO Could You be a Mind Reader? Psychic Healing 166 What is Yoiu' Ktirma?

54 C.inYou S(;e a Place You've 106 What lUe Your Healing Powers? 168 Channeling Spiritual Messages
Never Been?
108 Healing Yoinself First
56 What Can an Object T(;ll You?
110 He.iling 'i'our Ccuden 172 Index
5fi (;anYou Sense Things that
112 Healing with Crystals 1 76 Acknowledgments
Others Can't:'
116 Using Soimd to Heal
60 What the Flowcn-s Say
118 Healing Yoiuselt w ith Coloi
62 Do You Know Wiiat's doing to
1 iap]ien
1 22 Dynamic Red
64 Exploring the Collective; 1 24 Joyful Or,mge
Ihiconscious 126 Illuminating Yc'llow
66 What Do Your DrecUiis Tell You? 128 Life-giving Green
68 Dream Me.ming 130 Inspirational Blue
70 (;an You Control Yoiu" Dreams? 132 Visionary Indigo
72 'lYavel to Other Worlds in Your 134 Mystical Violet
136 Purifying White
74 Is Your Pet Psychic?

People often refer to "gut feelings, or instincts." This is a sense of

knowing what cannot easily be rationally expressed or intellectual^

confirmed. People are often heard to say things like, "I knew I should
have done that" and there is usually an overriding feeling of

something being either right or wrong, without having a specific

reason for it. Where does this feeling come from? Is there an innate

psychic or intuitive faculty from which we could all benefit? How do

we access it? And if we do so, why won't we trust this extra sense
which is often referred to as the sixth sense?

Throughout this book we will investigate how much you use your
psychic senses and how you might further train any psychic
potentials. Taking the mystical view that we all possess divinity
within, is it possible for us all to tap into higher awareness, to tune

into information beyond normal means?

Many people regard the very notion of being psychic as something

that belongs at a fairground. But most people, at some time in their

lives, have consulted their horoscopes in the papers, or read some of

the increasing number of articles or books on affiliated subjects, or
even have been to some form of psychic or medium. Over the last
twenty' years, there has been massive interest in psychic and
spiritual topics, so much so that psychism has emerged from the
sc^cular into th(^ main stream. Wlw then is there so much interest in

this age-old subject?

To access psychic information, the seeker needs to be a clear
instrument, which often necessitates some kind of self-development

or transformative process. Psychic refers to an unseen force; it

derives from the word psyche, which means of, or pertaining to, the
soul, mind, or spirit. In the allegorical Greek story of the mortal
princess, Psyche, she had to endure many tests and trials to prove
herself worthy of being the companion of the god of love, Eros. When
at last she is given the cup of immortality, she sprouts butterfly
wings, which are ancient symbols of the soul. This story suggests
that in seeking unconditional love, we, too, might be transformed.

Perhaps one of our greatest attributes is our curiosity, our desire to

learn, to make our existence a life-long learning venture. In this book

we shall explore some interesting questions about who we are and
whether we are psychic aiid, if so, how we can enlarge and possibly
use any psychic talents we may possess.

We will explore avenues of sensitivity, to help you assess how much

you can rely on your inner knowing, to aid you in j^our own voyage
of discovery. What you ultimately do about your gifts only you can
decide. Anyone with ten fingers on his or her hands, with enough
dedication and perseverance could learn how to play a tune on the
piano. Few, however, will become concert pianists. Psychic abilities

could be seen in the same way; anyone with a strong desire to use
these attributes will be able to access his or her intuition, very few
are able, or indeed would want, to work as a professional in the field.
How Psychic Are You^ is laid out for inter-active exchange. It contains
simple questionnaires and exercises that will immediately give you
some feedback about your approach to and potential success in the

various areas of psychism. Often, there are suggestions about

strengthening your "gifts" using the exercises arid practices in the
book. If the process of discovery is successful, yoixshould be able to

use your iiUuition in beneficial ways in your day-to-day life. You will

be able to see for yourself how a new perspective can aid you in not
only being conscious of what's around yo\a now, but also help you
take charge ot your own destiny.

The first chapter of How Psychic Are You? helps .you'd^scover any
latent psychic talents. How intuitive are you? Arg^^ur senses
sufficiently awakened? Do you understand your will and use positive

thought? Can you exert mind over matter? The chapter also provides

you with insight into how meditation, sharpening your psychic

vision, and comprehending the chakras and auras can lead to

proton nd discoveries.

The next chapter tackles Extra-Sensory Perceptions. Is it possible to

read minds? Travel to places without leaving your armchair? Look
into the; hiture? Or decipher dreams that inform you of your needs?

Chapter three considers the psychic aids at your disposal. Astrology,

the 1 Cliing, larot, Scrying, Palm Reading and Divining — all can
provide iiisights that no other form of communication can.
chapter four is concerned with spiritual heahng and with simple
approaches to balancing energies for health and well being. Does the
body speak to us through illness and if so can we do something to

heal ourselves? Can you sufficiently develop your innate powers so

that you can heal not only yourself but others? Readers will be
advised on using particular "tools" such as crystals, music, and color
This section ends with glorious color pages, which not only inform,
but can b(^ used for meditation and healing purposes.

Chapter tlve looks at communication with non-physical beings. Have

you ever encountered a ghost? Are there such things as poltergeists?
And do angels really help us throughout our lives? Could you be a
shaman, someone who allows spirits of nature to talk through you, or
b(;come closer to a spirit guide?

The penultimate section covers psychic protection. If you are looking

at developing your intuitive powers, you need to be discerning and

protected. Some psychic self defense is used in part five to aid you
through your progress. Finally, in the last chapter, I discuss the
implications of beginning to see the world through higher levels of
consciousness. How can you best channel these energies and does
karma really work within our lives? What is the transpersonal self
and can it assist the function of our intuition effectively?

In entering the psychic world, people often lose sight of the joy of

living and the fun of the adventure. In this book, I hope to inject

some enjoyment into the crucial subject of how we manage psychic

forces in our lives, and what we therefore may achieve.
How Intuitive Are You?

Intuitive intelligence is a valuable tool for living. concentrated inner focus that will help you to

Your "sixth sense" gives you access to information recognize messages from your inner self
that seems to come from nowhere, but is often The exercises can also give you more confidence
uncannily accurate. There are various theories about in yourself, and enable you not only to trust your
how this happens. You could see it as your mind intuition but to act on it. This is particularly helpful

drawing together everything that it knows and if you often doubt your perceptions, and explain
coming up with the right answer from your personal, away your intuitive insights with "rational"

instant-access database. explanations. The best way to overcome this barrier

A psychic might regard intuition as the ability to is to take a mental "leap" into the unknown. This
go beyond individual experience, tapping into much means suspending all assumptions, bias and
broader sources, similar to plugging into the world- prejudices, and learning to be open to the

wide web. Like most people, you already have some promptings of your psychic sensitivity. This will
intuitive ability, but there are positive ways to open up a whole new resouice of vision, and make
develop this even further. Many of the exercises in you much more sure in your judgment; you'll be
this book— particularly meditation (see page 22j — are able to see through surface detail, and make fast,

specially designed to help you to achieve the accurate decisions in any situation.

Intuition boosters

Even if you regard yourself as a very analytical when you can't explain something that's
person, you can still enhance your intuition. bothering you, that's when you should listen to
your soft, persistent, intuitive "voice."
Instead of dismissing any insights you have
about people or events that seem to defy logic, If one of your hidden feelings, hunches or
startpaying attention to these, and record them predictions proved right, enjoy the feeling of
in your psychic journal. being "right on" in your judgment, and make a
note whenever this happens.
If you ever get a sudden sense of danger or
threat, never ignore it — trust your intuition. Be playful with your intuition: create harmless
"games" — for instance, imagine what someone is
Learn to identify your sharp, rationalizing
about to say, or what they'll wear tomorrow.
"voice."li yoi! hear yourself saying "nonsense"

Do you have a sixth sense?

If you respond "yes" to a question, check the box next to it. Add up the checl<;s and note your score.

Have you instantly felt that a building was a happy or Q While talking to a person you've never met before, have
threatening place? you ever had a compelling feeling that something
unpleasant would happen to him or her? And have you
of Do you "know" that you can or can't trust someone?
been told later that the person had been in an accident or
Q When the phone rings, do you often know who is calling?
had become ill?

Q Can you "hear" someone's thoughts and verbalize them?

When you close your eyes do you sometimes see eyes or
Q Have you ever had a physical sensation of someone walking human faces?
through you?
Q Do the hairs on the back of your neck sometimes bristle,
When looking for a parking space, have you ever followed
putting you on your guard?
your instinct to turn down an unfamiliar road, and then
I^Have you ever made a decision against the advice of friends
found a space?
and family, just because it felt right?
[J^ When you wake up, do you feel something has been
l^Are you someone who experiences an unusual number of
revealed to you during the night?

How many questions did you check?

1-2 3-5 7-9 10 or over

Even if you ticked just one or Your intuition is quite active, You're already well tuned in Your intuitive abilities are

two boxes, you have some but you have room to to your inner sources of powerfully developed and
access to your intuitive improve. Learn to trust wisdom — and with practice, you have the confidence to
resources — and these can be yourself and let your instinct you can use intuition even trust your innate judgement.
developed. guide you. more precisely.
what Kind of Identifying your skills

Psychic Are You? Give the following questions careful thought, then check only
those to which you have an affirmative response.

^1 Are you generally aware of other people's feelings?

You can be psychic in different ways. For 2 Do you

ever get a sense that you are part of the

instance, intuitive empaths have a great

going on with others but [j/3 Do you often know what other people will say
understanding of what is
before they say it?
may have Httle sensitivity to atmosphere. Those with
4 While walking outdoors have you sensed something
shamanic abihties derive a special energy from
watching you?
communicating with nature spirits and are gifted
5 Out in open country, have you felt something did not
healers— but they may not be drawn to psychic tools want you there?
such as tarot cards or runes. Mediums have the 6 Have you been out in a wild space and felt the place

ability to link with spirits, but unlike channelers, protected you?

may not be able to connect with higher spiritual

forces. Use the questionnaire opposite to discover
your psychic style. Assessment
Look at your final total of "yes" answers. Do all, or most of

them, fit into one of the following groups of numbers? If so,

this will give you a good idea of what kind of psychic you are
most likely to be.

13 7 8 12
You are an EM PATH
The ability to literally feel for someone else is a finely tuned
empathic sense. It gives you the psychic ability to "read" a

person's aura, and interpret the information back to him or

her (see page 42). It can bring you amazingly close to others;
you can sense their true emotional needs with unerring
accuracy, and people may be drawn to you like magnets. But
avoid absorbing other people's problems, as it's easy to get
burned out.

LJ 7 Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you are Q 15 Have you woken up to feel a weight on you when
near sonneone? nothing physical is there?

^8 Do you get the same butterfly feeling in a location? Do you get a sense of wonder and love just by being
When you walk into a place for the first time can you
sense the atmosphere? Do you have vivid dreams that you feel may have
10 Do you really know that the world could be a place of really happened?
peace and love instead of starvation and wars? Q 18 Do you look into the eyes of someone who is hurting

11 Have you walked into a place and felt a shiver or a you and see their pain?

sense of a presence? Q 19 At night do you close your eyes and see eyes, faces or

12 Do you ever "hear" people's thoughts? human-like creatures?

13 Are there people that you do not like to be physically ^ Have you felt your body has been on a journey without

near? you moving?

Q 14 Have you had an encounter with a spirit of any kind?

2 10 16 18 4 5 6 9 13
You are a CHANNELER You are a SHAMAN
Accessing information and/or energy from a higher level of As you are vividly aware of nature and the spirit in animals,
consciousness is often called channeling (see page 168). There plants and trees, your style of psychism is shamanistic (see page
is no sense of contact with an individual entity, rather, a 140). You derive a highly tuned sense of danger from your
connection to higher spiritual forces. Whatever your age, you instinctive link with wild animals; this is a great asset — your
are viewed by others as "an old soul" and will be sought out intuition literally saves lives. You can sense impending danger in

for the spiritual insight that you've built up over many lifetimes. all situations, whether it's on the sidewalk, in traffic situations,

or in the workplace. You may also have natural healing ability

11 14 15 17 19 20 an innate sense of what will harm or help someone who is ill.

You are a MEDIUM

If you've been aware of an unseen presence, or have seen a

ghost, you could be mediumistic (see page 142). You also may
have felt the presence of angelic or earthly spirits, which act as
guardians to you. You can look into other dimensions such as
the astral worlds or the "spirit" world. This vision is a rare gift.
Awaken Your Senses
Psvchic sensitivity is not based on some obscure People who are unusually sensitive can perceive

formula known to a few privileged people; on atmospheres, feel invisible presences, see visions,

the contrarv, you already have every ingredient you hear messages, and experience reality on many
need in your five senses. Every second of the day, different levels. With a little practice, you'll be able
you're absorbing a changing blend of aromas, flavors, to do all this yourself.

sounds, sights, and textures. The process is so

automatic it's easy to take it for granted but withoiu A Day of Vision
your senses you would literally be "dead" to the Ideally, you should t:hoose a day that has a full moon
u'orld. This is the polar opposite of a psychic's on the same evening (see the exercise opposite). As
experience of life, where everything is vivid, soon as you wake up, tell yourself out loud: "Today I

sensuous, and alive with meaning. am going to look closely at everything around me."

Journal notes: Five sensational days CANDLE-GAZING

• Exploring your senses to their limits takes time, space, and imagination. It also
How to enhance your
requires the ability to focus: a simple way to achieve this is to allot an entire day psychic sight.
to discovering a single sense. Then, at the end of that day, write up your
experiences in your psychic journal. 1 choose a quiet, dimly Jit place, and
light a candle. Place it on a table, and
• Note down your reactions to any incident, exercise or experiment that gave you
sit down, facing the candle. Get
positive feedback, and made an active difference to your sensory awareness.
yourself quietly relaxed.
• Pay attention to the exact quality of your reactions; notice whether you felt
2 Gaze into the candle flame, staying
excited, calmed, aroused, amused, inspired; or frightened, uneasy, curious,
relaxed and calm, watching the flame.
or repelled.

3 Now, focus your gaze at the place

• Each day's events may also trigger a special chain of association in your mind:
where the blue color of the flame
for example, a fleeting scent, a fading color, a grain of wood —any of these can meets with the gold— this is the point
release a flood of memories.
where your potential for psychic sight
• You may remember people ar-.d places that you had long forgotten. Again, can be developed. Continue gazing at
write everything dow^^ chese links will lead you toward enhanced this spot until you feel you have
psychic awareness. absorbed enough.

This triggers vour visual awareness and prepares A Day to Follow Your Nose
vour intuition tor action. As you go through yotir The moment you wake up, say out loud: "Today I am
day, look at everything with the candid gazc^ ot a going to (experience as many different smells as

child — try to see things just as they are. Locjk at p(jssible." This message will literally put you on the
objects, buildings, colors, people's laces, animals, and sc{;nt; follow your nose through the day, and notice
plants with new eyes. Don't spend time "evaluating" evcery aroma — starting with the smells of yoiu'
— simplv look. This way, you'll take in more visual morning toast and coffee. Be alert to everything —

messages, as vou won't b(^ censoring or rejecting fumes from trattic; smells from coffee shops and
anything. At some point in the day, try one ot the restaurants; the waft of p(;rfunK; from a passer-by.

"gazing" exercises described below. Snitt your newspaper, and breathe in the smell of a

leatlKtr wallet. This prepares your psychic antennae


See a new vision in tlic full moon.

1 Find a quiet place to relax and look up at the full moon;

allow your gaze to become completely absorbed by the

moon's light.

2 Next, close your eyes, and note the intense blue image
impnnted on your retina. Draw this blue color toward you,
and use it to visualize yourself.

3 If there is no fidl moo)i, you could try gazing briefly into

a 100 watt light bulb; hut you sliould never look into the full

glare of the sun, as this could damage your eyesight.

tor action, as the first hint of an invisible presence the first signs of stress is the inability to cope with a

maybe a certain smeU. A faint, old-fashioned scent constant bombardment of grating and discordant

could be a link with a departed grandmother, and a sounds, and censoring these helps you to stay calm

pungent whiff of tobacco may announce a man who and balanced. You can use a consciously selective

always had a pipe with him when he was alive. approach and focus on different sounds, as if they
were separate notes in a piece of music. TLirn the

A Day to Listen Closely day into your private musical with tunes made up
Your wake-up message for j^our listening day says: from varying notes: automobile horns; ringing
"Today I'll keep my ears open and hear what the telephones; beeping vehicles; hissing coffee

world really sounds like." You may think this is easy; machines; clacking cups and saucers; whirring
but you're probably unaware of how much sound elevators; a slammed door; sudden shrieks; barks;

you automatically block out. This form of "natural and laughter:

selection" is a survival mechanism, helping you to

focus on the important signals around you. One of


This exercise can be very Here's how to follow each
revealing. part of a symphony of bird
1 Ask a close fnend to make up a
"sampler" tray: it could mclude things
1 Find an outdoor space, where there
hh- a lemon; furniture polish; starch;
are plenty of birds— this could be a
stationery; spices; mothballs; a smelly
public park or in your garden.
insole; and an overripe piece of cheese.
2 Sit quietly relaxed, listening to the
2 Keep your eyes closed or
medley of birdsong around you. At
blindfolded, and smell each item
some point you'll distinguish one song
individiiu.lhj. Take time to experience
from the others. Focus on this, and
each scero. - 'ust as important to
spend time listening to it.
identify ivi'a- -/'ns;s are evoked in
you as it i,s ;
source of the 3 Now let the song of this bird take
smell. you to another's, and listen to this for
a while. Again, you'll find that you're
naturally drawn to the next bird in
line. Listen intuitively to each song,
sensing the essence within each.

A Touchy-Feely Day Testing the Day

In the morning, look at yourself in the bathroom If you like eating and drinking, you'll probably enjoy

mirror and announce: "Today I will live each spending an entire day in an extended tasting
moment through my hands." Let your tlngers tingle session. But you should still alert your taste buds
in anticipation and start from home: run your hands first thing in the morning by saying: "Today I'll pay
over the surface of your skin and through your hair; close attention to everything that I taste." This starts

feel your bath towel; touch the cool porcelain of your from themoment the flavor of toothpaste floods your

bathtub; note the slick sensation of a plastic toy; and mouth; you may follov^^ that with a swirl of
feel the bristles of your toothbrush with your mouthwash. What do these flavors evoke? Cool
fingertips. Throughout the day, make a point of mints? Spicy cloves? Cinnamon? Consider the flavor
touching as many different textures as possible — of everything you put in your mouth. And explore
smooth, furry, silken, rough, warm, cold — and notice untamihar things— for example, if you want to give

all the different sensations you experience, both your taste buds a real shock, touch the end of your
positive and negative. tongue with a metal coin.


This journeif starts with a Use method to
this subtle

simple touch. tune your senses and taste

the air around you.
1 Ask someone who knows you well
to pick out a distinctively textured
1 Sit in a quiet, airy place and use the
object for you
breathing method on page 23 to get
2 Close your eyes and ask your friend yourself deeply relaxed.
to place the item ui your hands; as
2 Breathe slowly and regularly, then
you explore it, talk about the places it
open your mouth slightly. Let the air
evokes. It may take you into a garden
around you flow into your mouth.
from childhood; onto a beach; or
somewhere you've never been before. 3 Focus on the taste of the air, and
open yourself completely to whatever
3 Visualize yourself there. Explore
you're sensing. You'll be surprised at
your surroundings thoroughly and
how much information you'll receive
pay attention to everything that you
this way.
see. If there are people or animals,

how do you feel about them? When
you've completely absorbed the feeling
of the place, open your eyes.
22 Opening Up through Meditation
vou want to do any form of psychic work, the stillness, calm, or "the silent place within,"
most important skih to p<n-fect is being able to meditation is certainly not just about mcilting into

contact your inner stiHness. Whatever your bliss. Rather, it is a powerful tool to help you focus
aspirations— to enhance your powers of heahng, clearly on your physical being. Just as important, it

telepathy, or clairvoyance or to learn how you CcUi also puts vou directly in touch with universal energy

view auras or connect with the spirit world— you'll or "prana" — the life force that runs though all things.

first need to know how to mecUtate. This level of consciousness is precisely what you
It vou've never meditated before, you may believe need to achiev(; vour psvchic ambitions; but it

that it is a pleasant way ot escaping from the world improves your lite in other ways, too. Meditation
and its problems. Although it does lead t(j inner sharpens and focuses your mental activity and keeps

Guidelines to meditation

Find a clean, quiet, airy, comfortable, Devote your whole attention to your point of
uncluttered place and dedicate this spot to focus; start with five minutes then gradually
meditation — working in the same area builds up increase the time to twenty, if possible.
a positive energy.
Do not force your mind to concentrate. Keep it
Unplug the phone before starting and lock the focused but without effort. When thoughts
door if you think you might be disturbed. intrude, don't push them away but let them
float by. If your mind wanders, return it to its
Wear comfortable, loose, clean clothing.
focus, no matter how often it escapes.
Bath(! or shower, or at least wash your hands.
It's a good idea to meditate at the same time
You may want something to focus your
to use every day — many people choose first thing in
meditation; this can be an object such as a the morning, as meditation is usually better on
candle, flotver, or picture, a sound such as a an empty stomach. Meditation last thing at
mantra, or ambient music. night can just cause you to fall asleep, so find a

Sit ina ch3.h or on the floor with your back time that suits you to meditate regularly.
supported. Hare youi arms on your legs with
your hands ir aji open position — this puts you
in the right p- ;
j -?-

you alert at work, at hoiiK;, and in vour relationships.

It also enhancxis creativity and self-knowledge.
Most ot the psychic: developmcmt ex(;rcises in this

book start bv asking you to get into a completely

relaxed state, and the; meditation technique below is

one of the most eff(M',tiv(; ways of doing this. Once

voti htiv(; b('com(; completely fanhliar with it, you'll

have the key to opening yotu'self up to a completely

new world of experieni (;s. Tliis wav, UK^ditation will

dramatically change v<hu' life.


This exercise is the key to complete relaxation; it can last as long
or as short a time as ijoii wish.

1 Work ni (I (jiiicl i'()i})u where ijoii feel relaxed. You may 5 Visualize your breathing as npples on a pond, moving
ii'CDit to put o)\ so)ne soothiii'j. mitsie to help you wind outward in increasingly large circles, or as waves of light
doti'ii When you are eoi)i])letely ealm, turn off the }}Uisie radiating from your body.
(Did i:(»iee)itrate
6 Deliberately hold the energy and keep your focus— don't
2 Direei your eotiseious awaretiess orito your breatJung, he tempted to "float away." After a while, as you breathe,
and listen attentwehj. concentrate on the thought that every Innng thing breathes.
Say to yourself "We all breathe in light." Now let yourself
3 Tune uito the el)b a)id flou' of your breath, and gently
become completely open to tlie iinirersal forces of light.
foeus onto this quiet rhiitlnii, so that your entire being is at
Stay witli tins feeling as long as ijint like
one u'lth your breatJung. 'Take your tune while doing this—
you are entering a deep meditative state. 7 Wlien you're ready, gently lead your consciousness back
nito your physical body (payuvj. partini.lir attention to
4 Let your bretitli taki' i/ou to ijoiii inner calm, the. "still
keeping your feet on the ground).
place within," and ennscioiislii hu athe tliat stillness out
from the i mr ni ijnur being 8 Finally, cross your arms and legs, as an act of closing.
Your Inner Quest
To find your real self, you must ask: "Who am I?"

Let your mind confront this. At first you'll think of

yourself in terms of your role in life. Keep asking: Is

this really you? If you persist, you will tlnally arrive

at the core of your true self, which does not change.

If a question is nagging at your mmd, the clarity

you achieve during meditation will assist you. Don't

expect an instant answer— it usually comes when

you least expect it. Meanwhile, meditative energy
will have assessed the question through other

If you have an especially active brain, a "Koan" or

paradoxical statement may help. This is a question

that de-intellectualizes the mind by its lack of logic;

the common Zen example is "What is the sound of

one hand clapping?"

Meditation Pathways
You may need to explore several avenues before
you discover the approach to meditation that works
best for you. Each of the pathways described

opposite offers a slightly different resonance. None

is "better" than the others— they are all simply
alternatives. Whatever route you choose, you'll

intuitively recognize when you've arrived at the

unique, calm center within yourself. This is the
entire point ot tJic lourney.


Light, hreatJi, ::><miras are different points of
focus that you c. ^'t'l;- vrieditation. Choose the one
that hi '
'VI voice within yourself.


Breath Music Mantra Light

Breathing is tine simplest focus, You may find that special The repetition of a single A lit candle placed in front of
and observing its natural meditative music tapes or sound, word, or phrase you can help work as a point
rhythms can help to calm the certain classical pieces can help produces a powerful force that of focus if you prefer to

mind. Let each breath enter to clear the mind of intrusive will block the intrusion of other meditate with your eyes open.
and leave your body at its thoughts. If you've never thoughts. You may wish to First close your eyes, then

normal pace and observe how meditated before, music may focus on a sacred or personally breathe deeply in and out
it moves and reverberates be just the pathway you need meaningful word. You can say through your nose. Slowly
through your body. If you like, to help you. it aloud or repeat it silently. It open your eyes and gaze at
you can count the inhalations can be helpful to synchronize the flame.
and exhalations to assist. your mantra with your
Inhale to the count of 1 to 4, breathing, saying it on every
pause for a few seconds, then out- or in-breath. If your
exhale to the count of 1 to 4. attention wanders, gently bring

it back to your mantra.

To make you fully equipped for effective psychic

action, meditation should become a completely TM

normal activity in your life— as routine as brushing In the 1960s the Mahanshi Mahesh Yogi

your teeth. However, forcing yourself to do it can be popularized Tfcmscendental Meditation (TM),

counter-productive — tvk'o minutes of complete which uses a sound or mantra to help with

connection to inner silence is far better than sitting focusing during meditation. This might be a single

still for 20 minutes without reaching the still voice word such as "love, "
"peace" or "beauty" or the

within. It is quality not quantity that counts. ancient sound "om" (said to be the original sound

Mystics believe that meditation is the path to self- from which the universe was created); the

enlightemnent. Eastern traditions refer to the need primary factor is that it resonates both mentally

to calm the "monkey mind" — the busy, active level of and emotionally. Transcendental Meditation has
thinking. Deep meditation gives you the power to do attracted many followers since, and is still a

this; it enables you to concentrate your thoughts, widely used technique.

rather than chasing after every passing notion.

Thinking with this level of clarity is the essential

ingredient of self-mastery — it is true freedom.

The visual stimulus of a
simple object such as a
leaf shell, eandle, flower,
or pchlilc ccm help to

coiicciilrate your mind

dm ing meditation. So, too,

can a /;/(Y(,Si'ho fragrance

such as incense, or a
manclala as shc'i'n
opposite. Alwai '

works f'.

just a '

28 Tuning in to Your Chakras

A psychic perceives centers of spinning energy,

sometimes seen as radiant
points along your spinal column. These are
colors, at seven
The chakra centers
picture a psychic sees
are an important part of the

when viewing your

act as focal points for a psychic "scan." A
aura; they


chakras, key locations on a pathway of energy psychic can assess your entire physical,
flowing from head to toe. This "pranic" energy emotional, and mental state by "reading" your
derives from the highest planes of chakras and aura. As described opposite, each
consciousness, and acts in different ways at chakra radiates the energy of its color;

each chakra. When your chakras are starting from the top of the body, these are
functioning properly, they allow etheric violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange,

energy to flow through freely, balancing and red. They indicate how you interact

you in mind, body, and spirit and giving you with the world and experience
complete harmony. yourself (see page 44).

Positioned at seven centers on
your body, your chakras
(right) are associated with the

lotus, regarded as a sacred

flower in India. The unfolding
petals correspond to the
opcjiing up of a chakra. Each
chakra is depicted with a
number of petals, starting with
the four petals of the base
center, and moving upward to

the (KHvn, which is called the

thoitsand or manij-petalled
lotus. The functions of the

chakras are described

on the opposite page.

The Crown Center Sahasrara The Brow Center A\na

Key energy: "I know. Key energy: "I see."
Set at the top of the head, this chak^a This chakra is in the middle of the

represents pure thought. It connects you wkh forehead and acts as the window of
infinite consciousness, the highest energy in the the "third eye. " Opening this center

universe. By expanding the crown, you can tap gives you vision beyond ordinary sight.

into the deepest sources of spiritual wisdom It enhances your clairvoyance, enabling
you to see past, present, and future.

The Throat Center

The Heart Center Anahata Key energy: "I speak up.
Key energy: "I love. Positioned in the throat,

Situated at the center of your this center of communi-

body, this chakra acts as the cation connects with

bridge between the physical hearing and speech.

and spiritual worlds. Activating it inspires you

Activating it increases your to speak and listen in the
power of love, compassion, spirit of truth. It also pro-

and empathy with others. motes spiritual communication

and improves psychic hearing
ability, or clairaudience.

The Solar Plexus Center Manipura The Sacral Center Svadhisthana

Key energy: "I can. Key energy: "I feel/want.
Based in the stomach area, this chakra
^ The rocket-like energy of this

represents vitality and will. Opening it center is generated from its

puts you in touch with your personal site at the lower abdomen,
power, and transforms your hopes and between the navel and
aspirations into real possibilities. genitals. Opening it releases

your innate creativity and

fertility. It propels you into
The Base Center Muladhara
action and fuels
Key energy: "I have.
your emotions
This chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is
and sexuality.
always open, linking you to the earth and sheer
physical survival. Energizing it grounds you in a
healthy desire for the basics of life — food,

warmth, and shelter

Your overall sense of well-being depends on the and kicking out. Anything that gets your hips
unimpeded flow of etheric energy through your moving is good for the sacral center, including pelvic

chakras (see preceding pages). If one of these rocking movements. Moving your belly frees up the
centers is blocked, you may not feel entirely at ease solar plexus— have fun with a hula-hoop or enjoy a
with yourself This is why it's important to keep this session of belly dancing. To stimulate your heart

energy moving freely. The breathing exercise (page center, you need to expand your chest— swimming is

) is an excellent balancing routine that you can do effective, also stretching your arms. Ease the throat
regulai'ly, and you can use the visualization (below) center with gentle neck rolls and open your brow
to check for any problems in your chakras. center by rolling your eyes in all directions,

If you f(;el that a specific center needs freeing up, stretching them as tar as they can go. Finally, to

there are simple ways to do this. For instance, to energize your crown center, stand on your head for
invigorate your base centtu; try energetic dancing, few minutes. By keeping all vour ( hakras open,
jumping up and down, stamping your feet, jogging. you'll gain a deeper sense of self

An experiynental journeij

There are no right or wrong answers in this exercise. But it will What does the room look like? ...

help to free up your mind and identify symbols that you may *
i_| What is on the walls?
need in psychic work. It also gives access to your unconscious
and any underlying imbalances. ^ What furniture is in the room?

_J Is there a closet or drawers? If so, what is inside them?

Focus your mind onto each of your chakras, and let yourself be
drawn intuitively toward one of them. Now visualize a door in 1_J Is there a picture on the wall? If so, describe it.

front of you that is the signature color of that chakra. See Q How does the room feel generally?
yourself opening this door, then entering the room beyond. Is anyone else in the room? If so, what is he or she
Now consider these questions:
communicating to you? ,

Q How reluctant are you to leave the room?


The way you feel about this room relates to the energy of the inside drawers or closets relates to what you need to discard.
chakra you chose. So, if you walk into the yellow room of the Also, any picture on the walls is an image of yourself.
solar plexus, you are deali". - ith your sense of power or Psychically, the healthiest state for the room is to be completely
helplessness. If you see ire strong, vibrant and clear, empty. If your room is muddled and cluttered, you have a lot
that's fine; but if they are dai k or muddy, you have problems to of unfinished business connected with the area of yourself that
resolve. Furniture represents encumbrances and anything found you are exploring here.
Hike mi imaginary trip (see left) into
the secret "rooms" of the chakras and
discover what's going on inside you.


1 Focus on your breath cis tlcsciibcd on page then shift
your attention to your base chakra A.s you breathe,
visualize powerful red energy from the earth's core glowing
inside this chakra^

2 Noiv move up to the sacral center; breathe quietly, and

see bright orange flames of fire burning in the chakra

3 Next, breathe bright ijdhnv sunlight into the solar

plexus, wanning you and tilling you with comfort

4 Now absorb the vibrant green of fresh grass into your

heart chakra.

5 Then focus on the throat breathe in the pure blue of a

.summer sky.

6 Breathe the radiant mdigo of the evening sky into your

brow center A crystal clear energy cuts through and gives
you a higher msion.

7 Now breathe violet light into your crown center, letting

in the pure light of divine unisciousness. Acknowledge
yourself as a spiritutd cntitii

Draw pin-e light down into cadi center in a column of

pure energy, keeping the flow of your breathing.

9 Focus into tfour heart center and feel the bah . nid
harmony throughout your centers. Now visualize a circle
of golden light around yourself Finally, concentrate on
your VI ,11 id feci a strong root ofenerg^inking'fhem

to the caul
"" -

I '

Use the color jvigcs 71'J irdili

32 Understanding Your Will

An experienced psychic knows that

to exert one's will by energetically focusing
it is possible

Examine every aspect before following through. And
never activate a thought or action against someone's
or her thoughts (thoughts and emotions are forms of wishes, no matter how loving your intent. You may
energy and energy follows thought). Directed assume that you're innocent of imposing your will

thought is a powerful tool in spiritual and healing on others, but check the questions opposite, then
work, but always remember to use it responsibly. thmk about the kinds of will described below. You'll

When you send out thought energy, you must know realize that subtle forms such as karmic and divine
and mean prccischj what you're implementing. will are just as important as the more direct styles.

The four types of will

Can you recognize your personal style of implementing your will? Do you go
with the flow, or leave nothing to chance? Each has a valuable part to play.

Where there's a will...

Any psychic action needs
careful thought, this means
adopting the right mental
attitude to each situation.

If you're a forceful person,

you may be tempted to
solve a problem using your
Strong will Skillful will I^rmic will Divine will Strong will. But this could
You use this will Tins u'lhj approacli This is the subtle This IS all-powerful, be a mistake— Kannic will
directly, compellcii;^ what you
gets ijou will of cause and and goes beyond may be at work, for
yourself or others id want hy indirect effect— "what goes your personal will example. Or it may be
do your bidding ; ;
means. You may around, comes to the universal better to employ the indirect
this results in fine •'naiiipulate others around." Your past level, connecting Skillful will. Keep an open
achievements, it is h'ij open charm or actions can react on you with your mind and your intuition

a positive force. But .'-! subterfuge, the present with higher or spiritual decide what response is
bullying or igr^onng rlcue.r, you inevitable force, self. It unifies needed. Then adapt your
other people's -i';r ends making you reap heavenly and will to act in an appropriate
needs is hannfuJ what you've sown. personal will. manner

What kind of will do you have?

Read the questions below and check on// those to which you have an affirmative response.

1 Do you often wonder why people are negative Q 8 Are you able to go with the flow of events and find
toward you? some learning experience in everything that happens?

Q 2 Are you able to fulfil your ambitions effectively? 9 Are you able to get other people to do what you want

3 If you want something, do you take time to work out without them realizing it?

how to achieve it? Qj 10 Do you consider very carefully your actions as ones that

Q 4 Do you take other people into account when you are intuitively right?

make decisions? Q 11 Do you ever try to persuade people to do something

5 When you make decisions, do you consider what for
they are unsure of?
Qj is

the highest good irrespective of what you yourself feel? Q 12 Can you keep your mind centered on a question

Q 6 If you want something, do you persist until you get it?

without being distracted?

Q 7 Are you able to accept difficult situations as part of a

greater plan?

Look at your total of "yes" answers. Do all, or most of them, fit If you had an equal distribution of yes answers, you're

into one of the groups of numbers below? If so, this will give well-balanced and exert your will flexibly and positively.

you a good idea of what kind of will you have.

2 6 11 1 4 10

You often implement a STRONG will You're aware of KARMIC will

Make sure this is not at the expense of others: remember that You're a very thoughtful person and respect the natural laws of
what you give out will always return. Exertion of your will over cause and effect. Therefore, you're more likely to receive
others is a form of psychic attack. positive thoughts and actions from others.

3 9 12 5 7 8
Yours is a SKILLFUL will You trust in DIVINE will
You use skill to achieve what you want. Be careful that it is not You're insightful and altruistic. You are the person most likely to

used to manipulate others against their own will, as find happiness and contentment, as you are able to perceive an
ultimately no good will come from it. overview to life and a greater meaning in everything.
Using Positive Thought

Directed tlious^ht is the keynote to psychic

activity— and each tliought has an immensely The golden iiiles

powerful energy. Knowing this, yoti can implement

Get yourself into a relaxed, meditative state (see page
concentrated mental force to free yourself from any and ask for an
23), inspirational statement that you
negative thought patterns. In doing so, you will can affirm each day to promote your well-being. Use
enhance yotu" self-contldence, deepen your psychic the following guidelines to point the way.

powers, and enjoy a much more produt;tive life.

Keep it simple.
At first, simply listen to yourself. Do you often
Be inventive.
start a sentenci^ with a phrase like "I'm afraid," or
Convert it into a memorable rhyme or
"I'm sorry?" Have you ever heard yourself saying
catchphrase — no more than four lines.
"Kno\ving my luck!" If you analyze the thought
Say your affirmation out loud at least three
messages that are being sent out with these; words,
times a day, for at least 28 days.
you'll know exactly why you never do have any luck.
Always refer to the first person in your
Shifting old patterns can be hard work. But don't give
affirmation — say "I" or "Me."
up; you'll be rewarded.

If you "bad-iuouth" someone, that particular

energy will couk; back to you. Everyone has AFFIRMATIONS

something unique to offer, so use your psychic
insight to identify each p(;rson's
Health "Mij body is the temple of niij soid
good qualities.
and looks after me perfectly."
Don't be drawn into negative conversations. If, for
Courage "/ am one with the unii'erse and safe
instance, a friend regularly becomes involved in
at all times."
disastrous relationships, be s\'mpathetic; then ask
Employment "Peifeet work for peifeet pay is
the friend what he or slie can learn from that pattern coming my way."
to prevent the same thing happening in the future.
Love "/ love tlw ii'orld and it loves me."
While positive thougl u has many benefits, it can't
Success "Abundanee and success now eome to
be used as a panacea for ail ills. It should never be a me in endless ways."
way of hiding or denying pain. If you do have a
Happiness "/ am balanced, joyfid, happy and
problem, confront it, then use (-ffective affirmations radiant and detached fiom any fear."
to change any damaging, t\\t\\ patterns of behavior. Prosperity "The universe is an endless source
which pours ivealtli upon me."
Once you've learned to Juiniess the power of positive
tliought, ijoii'U find ijoiirself 0)1 tJie stairwaij to

success. Use this extraordinanj technique to improve

every aspect of your life, to help you get a better job,
to improve your tcdents, or to bring you radiant
good health. ^
Exerting Mind over Matter

You may have used positive thought to change

your emotions and behavior (see preceding
pages), but it is a much greater challenge to accept

that you can use the same energy to affect objects.

This ability is known as psychokinesis or I^K. As yet,

there is no final answer as to why some people can

influence the "heads or tails" fall of coins, stop

clocks, or stop and start computers. But researchers

have identified a specific pattern in the brain waves
of people while they are implementing PK. These
findings may be the key to this ability— and you, too,
can develop the skill. It can give you that vital "edge"
over events, and improve your luck on bets with
cards or dice. Try the experiments featured on the

page opposite and overleaf— they will all help to

enhance your psychokinetic aptitude.

Once you've acquired the knack of applying PK

energy, you can use it in lots of ways. For instance,
during a game of pool or golf, your ball may be
poised on the edge of the hole or the pocket. When
this happens, try "willing" your ball to drop into
place— you'll be amazed how often you will succeed
in doing this. Using the same, concentrated thought
energy, you may also find that you'll be able to stop

or start clocks and computers.



If 11 oil can acquire the 1 Put a candle in a holder, light it, 3 When you're ready, shift your gaze

knack, this exercise ^ then place

dimly lit
it on a table
room. The air in the room
vi a quiet, to a spot about 1 inch above the flame.
Focus there in a relaxed manner until
provides direct feedback to should be as still as possible you feel {jfUlfflame "pulling" upward.

boost your PK abilitij. 2 Sit at the table at least 18 inches in 4 As soon as this happens, direct a
front of the candid Get yourself sudden charge of concentrated energy
Suspend your rational self
completely relaxed (see page 23) Look into the flame; doing this boosts its
believe it is possible and directly into the heart of the flame, upward rn^^ment, raising its level

"know" you can do it. and keep gazing steadily until you fedlHj^
5 Hold theflame there as long as you
completclij attuned to its movement,
can, then relax your gaze and allow
rhythm, coid oiergy.
the flame to drop to its onginal level.


When you throw a playing 1 Make yourself completely relaxed 3 Make a control gxoup of another
(seepage 23) and decide in advcnicc 100 throws by not tryins tu tuvdt't the
card into the air, j^e odds
whether you want the card lo land outcome. Mark down the results— they
are 59^50 that it will land face down or up should he close to the normal 50-50
face down or up. Can you 2 Toss a card into the au; co d, as it
average distnbution.

use your mflf^ to improve^ moi'cs, actively "will" it to full theway 4 Add up your "targeted" score If
you ivant. Ud this 100 tiyyics md mark you've achieved somet}}ing like 65
the cwerage outcome?
down each residt. ••
correct fiits," ^u'reW^L>ing positive
U you got positive results from basic psychokinetic energies. But has your group tried applying its

exercises such as raising a candle flame and making combined thought force to moving inanimate
clocks stop (see preceding pages), you'll have items? Small groups meeting regularly on a relaxed,
experienced the satisfaction of seeing your own informal basis have obtained the best results. It's

thought power at work. But there are even more been shown that these PK experimental sessions

ways to apply focused mental energy; for example, are a challenging way to sharpen psychic teamwork
ycni may have heard of people who can move objects skills.

just by concentrating on them. This is possible, but If you'i'e not a member of a psychic group, you
it's not easy to get results on your own. could simply ask some friends to join you in the

The best way to succeed in moving things with exercise described below. This can be risky, however:

applied mental energy is to work with others, if you even people you know very well might be tcmipted
belong to a psychic development group, you'll to "help" a successful outcome to occur, so stay alert.

already be accustomed to synchronizing your


The combined energies of a psychic group can he
harnessed to make objects move. Try it and see.

1 choose CO} enclosed umt, preferabhj relaxed, meditative state— remember, 6 If materials such as coffee granules
made of glass. A glass box with a too much concentration can be or sugar are being used, the spirit or
fitted lid IS ideal so you can watch, hut cou n ter-productive. "agency" can be asked to leave a trail,

not touch, any object inside. pattern, or a message. Whatever result

4 You can either ask a trusted spirit
the grvup requires, each person should
2 Place the item you wish to move at entity for help, or give a name to the
powerfully visualize this.
the bottom of the container Use things active thought energy of of the group.
like sugar or coffee grounds at first You could call it "the agency" for 7 Focus the group's concentration in
and try moving small, solid objects, instance. short bursts— tiventy minutes at most.
such as a needle, later. Put the box on Don't continue this exercise if anyone
5 The group should now quietly
a table in full view of the whole group.
concentrate on linking with a spirit or
m the gi'oup becomes frightened or
senses a sinister energy.
3 Seat the group around the table. "agency" and ask it to help them move
Everyone should now get into a lightly the object in the box.
40 Sharpen Your Psychic Vision

Have 3^011 sometimes noticed

an odd shadow out of the
corner of your eye, seen a colored
mist around a person or anmial,
or ghmpsed pinpoints of floating

light? These are examples of

psychic sight— the ability to see
energies that are normally
invisible to the naked eye. This is

an extremely useful skill; it not

only adds an extra dimension to

your daily awareness of the world

about you, it also enables you to

focus on someone's aura (see page

42), and enhances clairvoyance

(see page 90). You can develop
your psychic vision by doing the
exercises shown below and on the

opposite page. They give you the

flexibility to switch your visual
focus automatically.

Not all pictures arc what tlicij seem
to he at first glance. What do you see
when ijou look at the picture, shown
right. A well-known person or a
myriad of tiny images with a larger
one in the center? Now try holding
the page much further away from
you and tilting it slighthj. What do
you see now?


Improving ijour abilities to work with observable
A}}cu'iit F.'-^iij)tuii} J}U')'()<ihi])hs

otto I ilrpii 'i the nini",i' nl ilif

phenomena will help yon see what others may not.

"tJind i'lji.', " (III iiirisilil( i tiller

of psijclnc pcrccptio)} located

Ifcliitul the jJituuil '^Uiiitl III the

heiid ilui'd-eiie risioii ts ci

mo'^iecil (ii't used hii j)i'iests,

jjitestesses, (l}ul^(^els, diul

takes ije.ars, ereii Iheiiiitcs, to

Diatiiic It IS (111 iDiiueiisehj

powei lul tool [:irne^ ii

eoiujilete neereieie ol hie, as

it ijoit leeir IodI^iu^ doii'ii at

ei'i'iits oil tlie i^ioiiiul Ivoiu

(III iiiiriiitt
1 CiCt ijoiiiseh tlioroiinhhj relaxed (,scc the ri<^ht or to the left, dej>endiiig upon
IMiL^e (iiid exteinl ijonr arms out which tinker re.ceives the greater part
litllij III trout 1)1 ijoiir hodi] I laid ijoiii of pour atteiUioir
two foreliii>iers iij)rmlit -ahout
4 Do this a'peatedlp until pou can
6 inches apart is jiiie.
visualize a third h>mcr without the
2 C.oueeiitrate on the space hetween lielp ol the other two
ijoiir jiimers, ket^piiii^ a steadi) l^cizc for
5 TVic i)ositioii of this third tmger is
a few iiionients
where pou should look when readiim
li Next, !J,eiitlii draw the liniiers an aura {see page 42) or doing a
toi^ether until iJieij incriic into one I'e pspcluc "scan." Use a relaxed half-
aware oj hoiu ijow jociis moves to tlie locused gaze.
position oj' this image. It could be to
42 Looking at the Aura
have shown that
All living things have a complex electrical field Recent studies using blindfold tests

or "aura" surroimding them. Some people are people can "sense" when someone is staring at them
born with the ability to see this with the naked eye, intently, even if they can't see the person doing it.

and describe luminous, shimmering bands of Researchers believe that this information is picked
rainbow color radiating fi'oni, and encircling, the up within the aura.

body. There are various theories about the source of The human aura is a complete physical,
this radiant energy: it is widely believed to emanate emotional, mtmtal, and spiritual "map" of a person's
from the highest platie of consciousness, entering life and character. It reveals patterns of thought, as

and leaving your body through your chakras (see well as the ebb and How of physical and emotional

page 28). You also can think of an aura as a powerful energy, and will show any areas that need healing or

electromagnetic field, equipping you with stipcM'b energizing. Before you set out to explore the map of

sensitivity to external intluences, and sending your someone else's aura, get to know your own tlrst,

own energy vibrations into the world. using the techniques described opposite.


The Soviet husband and wife team Semyon and
Valentina Kirhan were the first to capture a

photographic image of the aura. Technology has

progressed rapidly since— the British radiologist

Dr Walter Kilner devised special "screens" to view the

ciurci, and, as a result, mcmy psychics have leaiiied how
to diagiose and lu-al illnesses through the dinci You can

obtain a color photograph of your aura at jisiicluc

conventions. Kirhan photography is still widely used. A

famous example is the Kirlian image of a leaf with half
of Its area removed. The leaf appears whole in the
photograph — the energy radiating from it is not affected.


Use this technique to explore the energy field around Your aura reaets to mood,
your body. people, and places. You can
take a quick look at its

main color at cmij time,

using tliis method.

1 It's ditficult to scc ijour own aura in

Its entirctij, hut you can ciisilij check

Its current predominant color

2 Focus closclij on the rainhow

illustrated here, tJien gaze at your face
III a mirror, hacklit unth a soft, dim
light Close your eyes, anil visualize
the rainhow over your head

3 Open your eyes quickly, and look at

the halo of color(s) ahove your head.
1 Work t)i a duuhj lit rooui Sit in point of resistance Feel ijour hands
This IS your key aura color at present.
jroiit of (I clear cnr.a ol WaU Relax attracting each other like magnets, hut
{scc pas,c. 23). don't let ijour palms touch 4 Use the color chart on the next
pages to inteqyret the color or colors
2 Stretch ijour amis out in front of 5 Lightly half-focus your gaze (see
you see. And when you check your
ijoit, one hand facing doii'n, tlie page 41) at the area around your
aura another time, note how the colors
other up hands You maij scc a halo of light
have changed.
around them — even a color. Note tJus,
3 Quickly squeeze ijour hcuids
and feel the cnergij huilt up hetwccn
together After o)ie or two minutes,
ijour hands. You may get a pulsing,
reverse hands, and keep scjueezing
tingling feeling' that is ijour aura
until ijou feel tliem pulling.

4 Drop ijour liands down hij ijour

sides Then, slowlij uuse theni with

the palms facing. Bnng ijour hands
together verij slowlti until ijou sense a
Most of us are aware of color in auras, even though Red Pink
Vibrantly active, red reveals Rose pink is a sign of unselfish
this may be a subhminal insight. Your unconscious
physical energy or anger A love and sensitivity. This is the
vision is reflected in the most casual remarks— for
deep crimson may mean a high color of a practicing healer, or
example, you may note that someone is in a "black sex drive v^hile scarlet denotes may indicate that spiritual

mood," "browned off," "red with anger," "green with ego. A pure, bright red can healing is currently being

restore depleted physical implemented.

envy," "in the pink," or "feeling blue." These intuitive
comments are your response to the predominant
color radiating from someone's aura at any one
time — a rapid psychic snapshot. However, it requires

a finely tuned sensitivity to decipher each different

shade in the rainbow of the aura.
The constant plav of color reflects changing
thoughts, impulses, and emotions, and it is deeply
fascinating to explore the meaning of each shade
(see right). Try not to be obsessed with every tiny
detail, however— it's equally important to note how
the colors make you feel in reaction to the emotional
energy they project. What is your response to a

particular color? Is it flowing easily? Or is it sharp

and spiky? Most important, is it strong and pure?

Dirty, patchy areas are not good news.

Always remember that the colors of your aura are Green Blue
A clear, fresh green shows This can be a deeply healing
directly related to your chakras, and the best way to
balance and growth; a pastel color, and indicates an
get and keep a balanced, healthy, aura is to breathe
shade, spirituality. Dark green independent spirit. Dark blue
color into earh ';:hakra center, as shown on page 31. indicates envy and selfishness. areas in the aura show
!\/luddy, olive green denotes stubbornness or dogmatism —
greed, deceit or depression. but a deep navy blue is highly


Orange Yellow Gold Silver

Bright orange is a sign of Clear, bright yellow signifies This truly spiritual color is When surrounded by this color,

heaitlny sexuality. Muddy intellect, warmth and rarely seen in the aura — it is the person has erratic mental
shades mean self-indulgence. compassion. A muddy or dark the sign of saints or godly energy. He or she lives a life of

Reddish orange suggests shade denotes a fearful, beings, as depicted in haloes. illusion, and may be mentally
slyness. If it is "flaming" off resentful, lazy person who Used in healing, gold is an ill. Silver can also be
the body, it denotes sex thinks the world owes him or excellent overall aid and protective — visualize It

running riot. her something. protection. around your car

Indigo/Violet Cray/Black Brown White

Indigo IS the timeless color A band of black or gray over This points to a materialistic Like gold, this is not a color
signature of the priest or the head shows that a person person with good business that is often seen within the
priestess, and is emanated by suffers depressed thoughts. acumen and organizational human aura. It always
the seeker of truth. A pure Situated on the solar plexus skills. A muddy brown indicates indicates a highly evolved,
violet signifies an intensely and lower body, they indicate the need to get what he or she divinely spiritual being —such
spiritual person. negative emotions. wants immediately. as a saint or holy mystic.
Making a complete summary of everything you see pure, that is a good sign; but muddy, dirty, clashing,

within the aura is a subtle art. You'll certainly need or unharmonious shades indicate problem areas.

to have a clear idea of its structure, and where the If you learn to view the aura clearly, you'll have a
different colors are located. This is a vital key to privil(;ged insight. You may see great contrasts and
understanding the signitlcance of all the shades of extremes of strength and vulnerability. You'll also

color that you see there. gain deep knowledge of someone's inner character,

To focus your thoughts, look at the illustration on feelings, thoughts, and psychic gifts.

the facing page. It shows that the human aura is if you enjoy drawing, try making colored
made up of seven layers that are powered by the sketches of the aura — this sharpens your observation,
chakras (see page 28). These subtle layers radiate and improves your accuracy. If you want to do
outward in bands of color surrounding the body. The healing or energizing work on the aura you can
quality (jt these colors are the major clues to what is consult your sketches to double-check the areas
happening on each level — when they are bright and where you found problems.


Character, thoughts, feelings, pain,
happiness, strength, weakness — they're all
visible in the aura.

1 Assoublc senile sheets of ereaiii paper and a box of

eolored craijons Ask a fneud to sit in front of a white or
Ught-colorcd iraU, tJien get relaxed (see page 23).

2 Liglitly gaze at the area around the edges of your fiiend's

body. Your eyes sliould be half-foeused (see page 41) onto
the wall behind him or her.

3 Wait until you ean see (or sense) the outlines of your
fiend's energy field. When you see colors, ask your fnend
to shift position: the colors should move at the same time.

4 Now draw the aura. Keep looking and ehecking; note

exactly where the colors are situated, and indicate if they
arc light or dark. Use the color references on the preceding
pages as a guide to interpreting the colors, but, in the final
analysis, ahuays trust your own intuition.
Each chakra is associated

with a particular energy

(see page 28) and each

energy type manifests itself

as a color.

Red IS the color of the hose,

or lowest chakra;

Orange the color of the sacral


A lot can be learned by

studying the intensity, clarity
and amount of each color
and relating this back to the
energy's "meaning."

Could You be a Mind Reader?

Have you known what someone was going to statistical probability. You can improve your own
say seconds betore he or she verbahzed it? If telepathic skills by using well-proven techniques,
so, you've experienced a form of telepathy — the such as sending and receiving simple images (see
abihty to read minds. This psychic gift is immensely below) and by following the information set out on
useful; it gives you razor-sharp sensitivity and makes the following pages.

you aware of what others are really thinking. You'll The classic method for testing mind-reading was
be able to interpret their hidden needs with uncanny devised by psychic researcher Karl Zener He created
accuracy. This is useful in all situations — whether a series of five cards with simple symbols— a circle, a

you're trying to work out what your boss really scjuare, a cross, a star, and a set of wavy lines. They
wants from you, or discovering why your friend has have become major tools in psychic research. You
suddenly become very reserved. can buy these, but it's easy to create your own
Telepathic ability has been widely studied by ESP deck— get 25 plain postcards and make five cards of

researchers because the data from controlled "mind each symbol. Draw the symbols clearly, but make
reading" experiments can be measured against sure they are not visible through the card.


1 Working with a fncnd, decide picture he or she "sees" ^generally 4 A quick and easy test can be done
which of you is to be the "sender" and what appears first. A bell, handclap by using the gnd of Zener images
which the "receiver" of the images, or mobile photic can be used to signal shown on the opposite page. Decide in
then sit m separate rooms. Both need the start of a new "transmission." which direction you'll work— sideways
to be familiar with the images. across or top down— then mentally
3 Once the sequence of 25 cards has
send the images in sequence, spending
2 The sender shuffles the 25 cards, been tested, check the results and
thVee minutes concentrating on each.
then, concentrating on one image for record the scores. There is a 20-25%
The receiver takes notes as before.
three minutes at a tune, mentally chance of guessing the correct answer
"beams" the image
How many of the received images
to the receiver The Consistently correct scores of over
were correct?
receiver should make a note of the 25% indicate a high telepathic ability.
The next stage in improving your telepathy skills is RECEIVING UNSEEN IMAGES
to use completely random images that the "receiver"
Ask a trusted friend to beam you a picture
has not seen previously. This is more difficult than
that ijou've never seen before.
working with Zener cards (see preceding pages), as
their simple, graphic images are known to both the
1 Your fnaul sJioiihl chaosc. a random image to send—U
sender and the receiver. could be a postcard or a picture from a hook, for cxamplc^
It will certainly be helpful it you are mentaUy and At first, It IS best to use siuiplc, graj^Juc nnaoes such as au
emotionally close to the person withwhom you are (ouiuaf a tree, or a builduig

collaborating. And if it's someone with whom you'vt; 2 At a mutualhi agreed tune, ijour fnend concentrates on

already (^xperi(;nced "tTash(;s" of telepathic contact, tin: ]ncture imd aetwehj '1n:ains" it to ijou.

somuch the better This often happens with people 3 Prepare yourself to receive the incoming picture bij getting

who are related — for instance, the mental bond compJetehj relaxed— use the breatlung exercise on page 23-

between twins can be extraordinary. 4 Let anij sensahons and unjircssions come into ijoiir

The exercise and guidelines shown here can h(dp mind As tlieij ami'c, sini])hj register tJiem without
ijucstioning, and make a mental note of anij image ijou sec
you to achieve an even more advanced psychic stat(^

of telepathic sending and receiving. Be open to every 5 W]ien ijou're ready, return to your normal state of
co}}sciousness While the pictures are fresh in your niind
sign and impression that vou receive, and use your
citlicr draiv tlie images you saw, or write detailed )iotcs so
imagination to sense; yoiu" way through to the image. that IJOU can cJjcek tin: results with your fnend

Telepathij boosters

Avoid second-guessing what the image might When you make notes, describe what you saw
be. much detail as you can, but do not invent
in as
or exaggerate anything.
Allow your mind to be as free-ranging as
possible. Don't be despondent if you didn't receive any
images, or if they were inaccurate. Keep trying,
Don't try to analyze how the choice may have
you'll eventually get a hit— perhaps much
been made by the sender.
sooner than you imagine.
As soon as images start coming through, don't
Alternate between being the sender and the
dismiss them as ideas from your own mind.
Keep a particular lookout for images and
thoughts that sc<:m to come from nowhere —
those that just suddenly appear.


An image may he of a person, thing, place, or situation. As a picture forms
in your mind, register its main characteristics and zero in on these.

Are you sensing an outdoor

If so, what IS It like- Are you looking
up mto the sky? Seeing a mountani, a
beach, a stretch of ocean — or is it part
of a garden^ What is the key element
m the view? Is it a bird, an aircraft, a Does the image you're getting
balloon, a sculpture? Can suggest a person?
you see a large tree'!' A If so, arc you sensing a
sail boat? Or a man or a woman!'
garden seat? An adult or a child?
Is the person doing
something? Is he
or she sitting or
standing- Holding
something? Playing a
game? Is the person
dressed in any special
clothes^ Or using any
tools or equipment?

Do you feel you are looking at

a particular item or thing?
Are you in an office or part of a
hospital? Or a room m a home? Can
you pick out the central focus of the
scene? Is it an item or furniture such

as a table, chair, fireplace, or couch,

or some other ohjcclsuch as a bowl of
fruit, a vase of flowers, a framed
photogixiph, or a birthday cakc^
54 Can You See a Place You've Never Been?

During the dark days of the Cold War, rumors As for its practical applications, it would be a great
circulated about a new spying technique. help to those in the creative professions. Novelists
Psychic expertise was being used to develop the and writers could use it to give realistic descriptions

ability to "see" things from a distance. American of well-known places in their work. Artists, too,
surveillance experts trained personnel in the art of could use it to make paintings, backdrops, and stage
remote viewing. This is the ability to tune into a sets of places they themselves are too busy to travel

place anywhere on the planet and see what is there to. On a more every day basis, you're more likely to

— it should be possible to look into any room across use it to keep benign track of your loved ones. It's a

the world and take in what is happening inside. great way to "accompany" relatives and friends who
Remote viewing also can be used to see a person or are away from home. Parents of teenagers,
object, which is some distance away. Remote viewing especially, might welcome being kept "informed" of
works similarly to mental telepathy (see page 52) the whereabouts of their youngsters. But always -^^-nj.,...
except that information is not transmitted by another remember to respect an individual's privacy— a -*«-*-«h>-w

but rather, people pick up information without it loving check is acceptable, obsessive snooping is not.

being "sent."

Testing Proficiency
A Rare Gift Professionally, people known to have the gift of
Remote viewing's most exciting aspect is that it remote viewing are often asked to help police find
literally opens up your world, as you can travel far missing persons or remains and to assist with ,^

and wide without leaving home. The psychic Ingo criminal investigations. They can be helpful, for ''•)

Swann was once given a latitude and longitude example, in locating the wreckage of aircraft that
position over the telephone by someone he had crash in mountainous or thickly forested places.
never met. Immediately he identified a rocky Scientists test for remote viewing abilities by ..:.:'-\

island— there were some buildings there, including having an outsider pick one photograph from many
an orange structure. He described the coastline and hundreds. This photograph is subsequently hidden;
other details. These geographical coordinates marked no person involved in the experiment sees it. The
the island of Kerguelen, where the French had a person being assessed is then asked to describe the
research base studying the upper atmosphere. Swann photograph's contents. An independent panel then
had no prior knowledge of this, yet his description assesses the correctness of the description. You can
was eerily accurate. try out your abilities using the exercise opposite.


For your first efforts, 1 Get completehj relaxed and close 3 Once you're satisfied that you've ' ~

your eyes so you achieve a meditative seen enough, take yourself back to
choose a place to "visit"
state. Focus on your breathing, then your familiar body.
that you've never seen imaginatively travel to your ,
4 Check with your fnend that you got
destination, and slowly enter the site.
before, but is known to a the details nglit. Or, if he or she isn't
2 Look around what do you
carefidly, there with you, make sure you record
trusted friend. It could be
seel' Describe to your fnend the colors, some notes to share with him or her
his or her previous home or textures, furniture, walls, doors, later. '

workplace, or somewhere people—and take note of

ceilings, pets,

anything unusual— any odd detail that

that he or she has visited,
catches your attention.
for example.


-i V

} r
56 What Can an Object Tell You?

you remember ever saying something like "this

ring always makes me feel strange when I wear it"

or "I don't like the feel ot this garment," you may

hav(; experienced a form ot psyehometry. This is the

art of sensing energies from inanimates objects. Any

obi(;ct — something small, such as a piece of jewelry

or larg(sr, such an item ot turniture — can be "read."

All ()bj(scts have their own, unique en(;rgy fields cUid

these tields pick up vibrations from the pcHjple cUid

places with which they are associated, liven if an

object has been in someon(Vs possession for a very
short time, it will have absorbtul into its energy field

that person's particular vibration.

One obvious use tor such a gitt would be to

detcrmiiKs the rightful owner ot a found object. It

also would be beneficial tor hf;al(M\s of all types as

clicuits ott(;n withhold intormation that is germane to

their situations or conditions. Reading S(jmeon(s's

possession is oni; way (jf gaining knowledge without
being intrusive.
But as with many psychic abilities, what one gets
from such a gilt may not be immediately apparent to

all — except as a source of w(.)ntl(;r Most psychics

believe that intormati(.)n communicated through a

sixth sense provides yet another layer through which

the world and (-.verything in it can be comprehended.
Knowledge is power alter <ill.


Ask the person for whom ijoii are doing a reading to let

ijou hold something belonging to him or her. A ring or

watch that has been worn for a long time is a good

1 Hold ihc Uan h^hthj m ijour hands 3 Note e.Miclli) what ifoii are reci:ii'nm, that all inforniation has to travel

and direct ijour tlioiii^lits (tuid whether it is an linage, sensation, tlwoie^h ijour mind You maij receive
therefore ijour encri^ii) (djIo the object thought, or anij kind of im])rcssion familiar imuL^tw, Jiitt tins does not
It })iati help ijoii to concentrate il ijoii Discoiinl notliinsj,, ci'Oi the faintest mean theij arc unimportant
close ijour eijes fcelui!^ mail be an indication On the
5 Tell the po'son c.xiictlij what ijou sec;
otJicr hand, psijcliomelrii can be verij
2 Visualize ijourself senduv^ cni iirroic don't omit oi cmlwllisJi amitlium
phijsical and ijou mini experience
of thouiiht to luik with the ohjeet Avoul projcctinij, ijour jiuh^ments and
Liinte distinct sensations such as an
Then and allow
inunediatclii relax experiences onto wJiat ijou arc seeing.
oI)icct tiwnntK hoi or cold
impressions (o float into ijonr mind In
doini^ this, the enermj ijoii are usum is 4 7)7; not to be ilctcn'cil bij the notion
both active and receptive Yon need tJiat these thou,i:hls and imi)ressions
both knids when donvj. psiichic ivork an: "]usl III the mmd "
.S/jh/;/;/ acecj)!

Insider info psychometry

The most immediate perceptions are imai^es of ivJiat How much you can tell about past owners dcjh luls
the owner of the object ijou are readmit has been thinknv^, on tlie object's historij If ijou tune into an object inherited
jeelin,ii, and doiim over tlie last 24-48 flours. bij a dau,ghtei' wliose mother died 20 years prcvioushj, ijou
maij not receive inucli information about her mother
Stronj;ly-held thoughts and leelin,^s or emotioiudlij However, if tlie daie^liler is still vcrij affected bij Jier

cliarged actions will j)crsisl m an object's vihiations for molhei 's deatli, ijou maij lecewe moie of a jnclure of the
years. Those thai are fleet in;^, liowever, proiliice similai OI i,<4inal ownei'
short lived energies.
58 Can You Sense Things that Others Can't?

ome people have an exceptional gift for sensing of living plants (see below). This can imbue you with

things that are out of the range of ordinary a vibrant sense of well-being. Positive energy then
perception. This is known as clairsentience, a form will emanate back from you to the plant, creatmg a

of intuition that deals with infinitely fragile, subtle dynamic, beneficial cycle. By establishing an active
energies, which are accessed in seemingly in(^\pli- psychic relationship with nature, your senses will
cable ways. One way of developing a heightened become alive to everything around you and you will

sensitivity is by connecting with the benign energy acquire information beyond others' knowing.


and trees generate henefieial energy,
All flowers, plants,
which ean he comprehended as their "guardian spirits."
W tune into this positive force, visit a favorite outdoor
spot and let yourself be drawn to a particular tree, plant,
or flower.

1 Sit under or close by your chosen 4 Reeewe the energy from the plant,
jAcmt so you move inside its aura. and quietly ask Us guardian spirit to

communicate with you.

2 Once you're in a serene, meditative
state, spend some time connecting to 5 Your sense of smell is a good route
your breath (see page 23); then, when into the plant's energy, so be aware of
you are centered, focus your breath the scents sunvundmg you. If you
into your licart center make a good link, you may sense the
breath of the spint. It feels as if you
3 Literally open your Jieart and wait.
are being stroked by butterfly wings.
Nature energies are on a different
frequency to yours, so, if you have 6 Be open to any impressions you
never tned this before, you may need receive, and cherish this pnvileged
plenty of time to tune yourself in. contact with nature.


Although connecting with
the "spirit" of a flower may
provide you with insights
that surpass any ordinary
knowing, you also can
learn a great deal about a
person from looking at the
color, shape, and aspect of
his or her favorite flower.

Primary or pastel? The shade of the Flower away from or close to its

bloom can tell you a lot about the person. leaves? If the flower stands apart from
Bright yellow flowers, for example, suit other parts of the plant, this indicates
someone with a keen intellect, while red independence and/or ambition. Proximity
flowers are associated with fiery natures. signals dependence.

Single or multiple blooms? If the Straight, twisted, long, or short Strong and healthy flower?
former, the person may be a bit of a loner stems? Stems show a person's path in life. If so, this should be mirrored in the
Lots of blooms and leaves on the stem Are they straight or twisty, long or short? character of the person who chose it.
points to someone sociable who loves The lower section describes the past or
having people around. youth, the middle the present or
adulthood, the top the future or old age.
60 What the Flowers

Anemone Camomile
For hundreds of j^ears flowers have been used to Estrangement. "Your charms Fortitude. "I admire your
carry hidden messages— particularly between
no longer appeal to me. courage in adversity.
lovers. Traditionally, each bloom is characterized by
Apple Blossom Carnation
a special meaning. Because they can pick up your
Beauty and goodness. "You are An indication of feelings —
own personal energy, you can use flowers to convey
the epitome of loveliness. pink: Encouragement needed.
your thoughts or feelings. Again, by linking with a red: Passionate love.
flower (see page 58), you can infuse it with your white: Pure affection.
love. "You alone I love."

intent so, when the recipient receives your gift of a Aster

Cherry blossom
Increase. "To the ripening of
flower, may communicate a larger vocabulary of
it Afterthoughts. "/ regret my
" our friendship.
coded meanings. Made up into a posy or bouquet, impetuosity.

the message in each flower effectively adds up to a
Warning. "We are being
The state of a relationship —
living document. So, next time you give someone a " bronze: Friendship.
bunch ot flowers or even a single bloom, think about red: Reciprocated love.
the meaning you want to communicate, and see if yellow: Discouragement.
Morning. "Meet me tomorrow
the recipient picks up the special message that your " Cornflower
before noon.
Delicacy. "Your feet barely
gift conveys. To help you choose the most
Bindweed touch the ground.
appropriate flowers, some well-documented Persistence. "You'll never be
" Crocus
meanings are set out opposite. rid of me.
joy of youth. "I delight in
Blackthorn Obstacles. "Some your freshness.
one is coming between us.
Bluebell Indifference. "Your protesta-
Constancy. "I am faithful.
tions leave me unmoved. "
Broom Daffodil
Devotion. "I am your faithful
Refusal. "I do not return your
admirer affections.

Buttercup Daisy
Radiance. "Golden beauty is
Temperance. "I will give you an
answer in a few days — / might
Camellia learn to love you.

Loveliness. "How radiantly

lovely you are.
Absurdity. "Your pretensions

are ridiculous.

Evening Primrose Honeysuckle Magnolia Primrose

Mute devotion. "Humbly I Plighted troth. "You have my Fortitude. "Be not discouraged, Dawning love. "I might learn
" " "
adore you. heart. better days are coming. to love you.

Forget-me-not Hyacinth Marigold Rose

Remembrance. "Think of me Expression of feelings — Unattractiveness — Expression of love —
during my absence. blue: devotion. African: Boorishness. red: Passionate love.

white: admiration. French: jealousy. white: Refusal. "I don't love

Shallowness. "You are not Hydrangea Mimosa
" yellow: Misplaced affection.
really in love. Changeable. "Why are you so Sensitiveness. "You are too
fickle?" brusque. Rosemary
Remembrance. "Please keep
Doubt. "Can I trust you?" Iris Narcissus
Ardor "I am passionate about Self-love. "You love no one
me in your heart.
Warning. "Beware! your lover is
you. better than yourself. Snapdragon
" Refusal. "Please don't trouble
false. Ivy Orange Blossom
Bonds. connected Puhty. "You are my lover
" me anymore.
"I feel to first
Sweetness. "You are agreeable
Renewed attentions. "I find
to the senses. Jasmine Luxury. "You deserve all the
" that I can 't forget you.
Elegance. "You have the most riches I can lay at your feet.
Geranium "
What's happening? — marvelous taste in everything.

pinl<: Doubt. "Explain your Lavender You are in my mind— Ostentation. "You're an
" absolute knock-out!"
actions. Negation. "I like you very purple: Souvenirs.
scarlet: Duplicity "I do not much but it is not love. white: Thoughts of love. Tigerlily
trust you.
yellow: Remembrance. Passion. "My love knows no
white: Indecision. "I have not
Newness — Peony bounds.
made up my mind.
purple: First love. Contrition. "I beg forgiveness. Tulip
Gladiolus white: Innocence. Avowal. "By this token I declare
Pain. "Your words have
Lily of the valley Proximity. "I like to be near
my passion.
wounded me.
Maidenly modesty. "Friendship you. Violet
Hawthorn is sweet. Modesty. "Your lack of
"I shall strive to win your
Lobelia Holding back — pretentiousness is pleasing.

red: Moderation. Wallflower
Honesty blue: Dislike. white: Temporization. "I have Constancy. "I am yours till the
Frankness. "I'm not certain white: Rebuff. not made up my mind. end of time.
about my feelings.
62 Do You Know What's Going to Happen?

Some people have a startling, uncanny ability to your conscious awareness has conie into play. But

predict exactly what is about to occur; the it's not difficult to develop and encourage the gift of
knowledge of future events literally seems to come precognition in yourself. The quiz below should
to them out of the blue. reveal if you have known things in advance— which,
Presentiment, also often known as precognition, if you had, may come as quite a surprise. Check
is this strong sense that something is going to those questions that have been true for you.
happen. This sensation is often non-specific— you

may have an excited tingle of anticipation, or an Enhancing Precognition

uneasy feeling of apprehension. You have these Knowing things in advance gives you that extra
feelings because your intuition is on the alert before "edge" in all kinds of situations— whether it's dealing

A sense of things to come

If you respond "yes" to a question, check the box next to it. Add up the checks and note your score.

Have you been in a situation where you suddenly sensed After taking a test, have you been certain that you had
danger? Did tine hairs on the back of your neck stand up? passed/failed?

Has a letter made you feel happy even before you knew While listening to someone talking about a future date,
what it contained? have you had an overwhelming sense that you would be in

Have you overheard people and had a specific place at that time?
talking a sense of
foreboding without knowing the background to their Q Have you "known" that something would occur that
discussion? actually happened to you later?

Have you ever had a compelling feeling that something was Q When you were a child did your parents or friends suggest
wrong while a friend was telling you about someone he or a possible career? And did you "know" that you would do
she had just met? something completely different?

On your way to an arranged meeting, have you ever had Q Have you ever bought a raffle ticket and been sure that you
an uneasy sense that you should not be going there? were going to win before you did?

with people, or assessing events. So, once you've outcome in graphic detail, as if it has already
learned to trust your hunches and inner signals, happened. Once you've got the full picture, write it

you'll gain a positive boost to your confidence. in your psychic diary — and keep regular notes of
How do you enhance this amazing ability? Firstly, every "hunch" you have about people, or events.
whenever you have a feeling that something will Check later whether these were accurate.
happen, always regard it as a "pay attention" alert. Another good intuition-sharpening technique is to

And in particular, if you ever sense danger or threat, do ESP exercises in telepathy (see page 50).

trust your intuition — never ignore it. Eventually, you'll be able to listen to your inner

It helps a lot if you can put these feelings into voice without devaluing vour ability to reason.

words and say them out loud. Then visualize the

How inanij questions did you check?

If you answered "yes" to even a few questions, you're already
equipped with the basic ability to experience precognition.

Learn to trust your hunches and feelings —you've more than
average sensitivity to useful "out of the blue" information.

Perhaps you should consider taking psychic development
classes, as you are in touch with extra-sensory skills that
could be successfully developed.
Exploring the Collective Unconscious

Tlie psycliologist Carl Jung believed that getting equated with the major arcana cards of the tarot (see

in touch with powerful universal images helps page 84). He suggested that archetypes emerge from
your inner self to function harmoniously with your a vast "data base" of human knowledge and called

conscious mind, whih^ keeping you in tune with the this the "collective unconscious." This is a very

cosmic world. This is a profoundly healthy state for powerful resource as it serves as a connection among
anyone to be in, not only if you want to become; an people of the world.
accomplished psychic but also if you want tcj be Jung's experience of working with such images
happier and more insightful at all times. persuaded him that using archetypes can trigger
Jung found that various mythical and archetypal intuitive insights that surpass reasoned analysis; this

figures appccued in his patients' dreams and waking then allows us to better understand the actions and

fantasies. Hc^ also kiK^w that these feature in myths motives of others. His method of "active imagination"
and legends around the globe. These figures can be decribed below stimulates this creative process.


The imaginary journeij featured here is a 1 Once in a higJthj relaxed, meditative state (see page 23),

imagine that ijou have woken up on a bnght sunny

good example of Jung's technique. Done on
mommg—and that you have the whole day to yourself.

your own, it is a highly effective way of Suddeiily, you find yourself on a road-

boosting your intuitive powers by walking 2 Start walking along the road until you come to a stretch

you through archetypal situations and of meadow. Relax and walk about here, feel the grass under
your feet, the air on your face, the smells, sights, and
encounters. However, if you ask others to sounds around you.
do it as well, you'll be able to compare 3 When you are ready, return to the road and start walking
your "experiences" with theirs. Check your along It again. You gradually become aware that the road is

becoming steeper, and that you are climbing up a

experiences with the interpretation of
mountain. Observe what the journey feels like, and when
images on page 65. It is also a good idea you arrive at the peak, take some time to look down from
record your experiences on your journey the top of the mountain to tlie landscape below.

in your psychic journal.


Images in ijoiir journei)

Pictures in visualizations and dreams are attempts

by your unconscious to speak simply. They are not
intended to mislead — often the obvious meaning is
the most accurate, and a series of archetypal
settings act as a gateway to your mind.

Meadow This represents Mountain ObstaeJes are

iKitiirc 111 lier hoiefuumt ehaUengcs to prove ijoursclf.

tispeets, the jJositive ereative TJie Willi ijoii ehmh sJiows

litisis 1)1 lije and tJie life of ijoii flow to develop ifoiir

tJie nuier eliihl jisijefue freedom

Forest Tlw c roii'dnii: trees Chapel Tins sipiiholizes

sJuiie ijinir chii'k, leai'litl tlie uUiiiUite. ns])eets of ijoiir

sul<' W(ilki)i<j, ni tlie lorest soul, It idso sJiows ijoii

lets ijoii ree(meile tJiese some j>ossiI)iIities for

dilfieidt cisj>eets of ijouiself j)siielue tniiisfoiiiuitu))!

4 When ijou leave, and you walk along the road again, you
realize that the trees seem to he closing in and are becoming
increasingly dense. Now you discover that you are right in
the middle of a forest. Wliat does this look like and how do
you read to it^

5 After a while the light gets stronger and bnghter and the
road leads you out of the forest. Further along you see a
building; as you get nearer, you realize it is some kind of
chapel. You decide to go inside. While you're there, pay
attention to your experiences and impressions. Leave the
chapel when you are ready.

6 Outside, the sun is shining, and you start the joumey

home, back to your own world. What do you see on the
way, and how do you feel about yourself and your
surroundings? And how do you feel when you're finally
back in your own home^
66 What Do Your Dreams Tell You?

Your dreams can bring you an amazing fund of

insights alx)ut your inner thoughts and feehngs. DREAM TEMPLES
Researchers in sleep beliavior now beheve that we People from ancient cultures used sleep and
need to dream in order to maintain equilibrium in dream inteyjiretation for healing. They built

mind and body. Some dreams either replay the temples with sacred sleeping chambers attended

events of the previous day or enact your by priests and pnestesses trained m dream
expectations ot the next. This is your mind's way of interpretation. Each patient was given a purifying
sorting and assimilating data — rather like filing bath, massaged with sacred oils, and taken to the

documents on your computer. Resean.hers know that dream chamber. The following morning, the

the most vivid dreams occur three or tour times a person described his or her dreams to the priest or

night durmg REM sleep (a phase marked by rapid priestess who analyzed and explained them in
eye movement). If you are deprived (jt REM sleep, great detail This process was repeated until the

your body makes up the deficit, as it d(jpends on patient felt restored to health.

regular amounts tor overall health. So, in addition to

what dreams "mean," they also help to reduce stress,

tidy mental clutter, and keep you healthy and calm.

Journal notes: Discovering your inner vision

• A dream diary will give you great insight into your • As your dream diary builds up, you will begin to notice a
unconscious life. Keep a special notebook and pen by your link between your dreams — the same ones may recur, or
bedside and use it to record your significant dreams. there may be persistent images, colors, and symbols.

• You won't remember every dream you have, but note all • Make regular summaries: group dreams under major
those that are in your waking consciousness. These dreams themes, noting their subjects, story lines, places, colors,

will act as a "database" of your inner world. and images.

• As soon as you wake up, outline your dream in detail in • Your dreams will make sense over time. A friend who was
your diary. Concentrate on the main images; and if there undergoing therapy for fear of flying had terrifying dreams
were people you know in the dream, think about what about air travel. As therapy progressed, the dreams became
they mean to you. more benign; flying became fun rather than a source of fear

Aspects of interpretation

Have you ever had a dream which left you A behaviorist could view
completely puzzled? What did it mean? If you ask the drcain as an aspect of
the experts, you'll find that there are several your personality Drowning
thought — so how do you decide
classic lines of may mean that you don't
which interpretation is right for you? For instance, feel in control—you might
you dream that you are drowning in the sea... be "drowning" under work
demands, for example.

A pragmatist would ask what

you did the mght before. Did
you see a TV program on
disasters at sea? It is likely

that a vivid image is

lodged in your memory.

A Freudian would dream to

luik the

Drowning is
sexual wish fulfilment.
symbolic of being overwhelmed by
sexual passion.

A Jungian regards the sea as an

image of the collective unconscious.
A drowning dream would indicate
that you are in touch with the
world at a spiritual level.

Who is right? Don't dismiss a viewpoint without giving it some

thought. These approaches all have an internal logic, so keep an

open mind. As a final arbiter, use your intuition to discover what
your dream is saying. When you reach the "right" meaning you will
feel an "Aha!" sense of recognition.
Dream Meaning
You probably have experienced various kinds of Accident A confusing
situation requiring tliought and full of birds: Good omen.
predictive symbols in your dreams. Possibly, in
discretion. empty: Loss of opportunity
your family, there are images that have particular
through carelessness.
Aircraft Ambition and
recognized meanings. For example, if a member of Cave Rumors.
the household dreams of a picture falling off the
Anchor Resolution of present
wall, it may be commonly assumed by the relatives
outside: A good omen.

that someone will be leaving home. But the next inside: Impending trouble.
Angels A fortunate omen.
door neighbors may interpret this as the impending Clock Business worries.
death of a family member. Cross Hardwon joy and
domestic: fiappiness.
Some people dream of an event just before triumph.
it wild: Treacliery and cruelty.

occurs— many individuals claimed they had "seen" Ants Increased industry,
Crown Accolades and honors.

President Kennedy's assassination in a dream a day prosperity and expansion of Cut finger Recent damage.
or two befon; it happened. It is as if the shock waves Dagger Strife, enmity.

of a traumatic event reverberate through time giving Baby New beginnings.

Dancing joyful anticipation.

a glimpse of the future. But don't assume that every Bath- Death News of a birth.
bad dream is going to come true.
warm water: Failure through
Devil Approaching danger
Use common sense when interpreting dreams: and temptation.
cold water: Success and
some of the meanings of the dream symbols given prosperity. Dove Peace and prosperity.
here may be unfamiliar to you, but they reflect the empty: Warning against
Dragon Change of residence.
experiences of psychic interpreters. Use them simply decisions made in anger
Eagle Realized ambitions.
as guidelines. For instance, if you dream of a road, Blood Hard but rewarding
work. Eating Strife between friends.
look at what open, free and

is going on. If the road is

Boat Change of residence or a Eggs Innovative ideas.

easy to travel, your life journey will be unimpeded.
journey. Elephant New and influential
But if it is full of obstacles, you will have difficulties.
Book Discoveries.
Also pay attention to the overall atmosphere: clean,
Bridge An indication of Eyes Anticipated true love.
clear, and bright elements suggest positive outcomes
change. Face A reflection of yourself.
while dirty, broken, or decaying features point to
Fire Impending trouble.
negative situations.


Fish Fertility. Knife Illness, loss of money, or Parents joy. Teeth Sign of major changes,
quarrels with relations. particularly if extracted or
Flowers A surprise (see pages Pictures An image of you.
falling out.
80-8 1 for specific flowers). Ladder Success.
Prison Freedom.
Tiger Warning of someone
Forest Shadows and fears. Lake Comfort and freedom.
Pyramid A very lucky omen.
with harmful intent.
Fruits Abundance. Letter A letter or message
Queen Profit and prosperity
Tower Great gains or great
needs sending.
Garden A fiappy marriage. as a result of hard work.
Lightning Inspiration or
Giant Very lucky omen. Rain Domestic trouble.
Uniform A journey full of
spiritual awareness.
Grass Success and fertility. Rainbow Health and wealth. adventure.
Lion Power
Grave Health for the sick. Rat Secret and powerful Valley A meeting with an old
Medal Timidity and weakness
enemies. friend.
Hair Good health.
on your part.
Ring An important new Veil Revelation of a secret.
Head Misfortune.
Money Fortunate omen,
Wall Obstacles and danger
Hill Realization of ambitions. especially for those engaged in

Road Your life's journey.
War Peace and success.
Horse True friendship.
Moon Shield Honor and fame.
Happiness in love. Wasp Envious enemies.
House Domestic comfort.
Mouse Skeleton Comfort from
Interference by others Watch Dependency.
Ice Failure in business or the
unexpected quarters.
in your affairs. Are you a man
end of a romance. Window Reconciliation after
or a ...? Snow Good news and gain.
a quarrel.
journey There will be a
Mouth Expected wealth. Spider A lucky escape from
journey in real life. Zoo Profitable change of
Nest Domestic happiness.
an accident. employment.
Jumping Triumph over
Nut Warning of extravagance.
Stones Visit from a relative.

Key— Oak Very good omen. Calm Sun Advancement and

single key: Love. and untroubled life.

many keys: Prosperity

Ocean Swan Happiness and psychic
without affection. ability.
rough: Disturbance.
King Assistance from a rich calm: Reconciliation between Sword Unhealthy situation
and powerful friend. two friends. that could affect you adversely.

Owl Wisdom. Table Domestic happiness.

Can You Control
Your Dreams?

When you don't know what to do about a

problem, you may decide to "sleep it."

This phrase is a good example of how ancient

wisdom has percolated into common speech. It has

long been known that the answer to a baffling

question may occur during sleep. A variant of this is

known as lucid dreaming: when this happens you

are perfectly aware that you are dreaming, and can
deliberately alter details that occur in your dream.

For instance, if you are dreaming about an aggressive

Rotweiler, you could turn it into a pacific Chihuahua.
Primitive peoples regarded lucid dreams as an

important route into the spirit world. Individuals

who were able to access this dream state were often

chosen to be the shamans of a tribe.

Scientists at Stanford University's sleep laboratory

have offered various clues about how and when lucid

dreaming occurs. The dreamer often becomes lucid

while in the middle of a dream. Perhaps because
something extraordinary happens, the person
suddenly recognizes that he or she is in a dream.
Another common trigger is returning to REM sleep

after being woken up in the middle of an episode

taking place in a vivid dream. Test subjects gave
prearranged signals (such as fist clenching) to signal--
that they were in a lucid dream.


— People vary in how vivicUij theij dream,
Sleep can be a source of dazzling inspiration

many breakthroughs happen during dreams.

and how successfullij they can redirect a
ch'eam's story line. With practice yon can
• Tartini, a violinist in cighteenth-ccnturij Italy,
learn the technique of lucid drcaniing.
ivas reputed to have made a pad with Satan; he

dreamed that he was visited by the devil and 1 /)i (lie moiiivm, stai'l jthDuuim ijour dicctiv di dramatic,

played a piece "more ravishing than anytliing coloi'tul detail.

he had ever heard." The following morning he 2 Return to your dream story at frequent uUcrvals during

wrote out the complex sonata of his dream and the day and go oi>cr its details repeatedly, until the entire

secjuenec is fixed in your consciousness

called It The Devil's Tnll.
3 Just Injure you ,Lio tn sleep relax, the\i replaij yoio dream
• Robert Louis Stevensoji used a lucid dreaming
in your }umd Tell yourse.lf ivUh complete coninetiou thai
technique to literally "dream up" his exciting you intend to he conscious while you are dreaming
adventure stones.
4 // this disturhs your sleep try llic foliowum As soon as
• The poet Colendge claimed that his poem Kutala you wake iij) in tlie vioiiimg and are in a half duzc, "will"
yourself to have a liteul dream, then go back to slecjy
Klian was a "vision in a dream."

Insider info lucid dreaming

Use it to enhance mood and supply the thrill of somewhere or being m a neiv location You will react to
adventure. One of the most popular, playful activities in a tliese vanous situations m your dreams -are you liappy,

lucid dream is that of flying. The sense of release, freedom, frigh teried, i vorned ^
and pleasure this gives is unforgettable. Lucid dreaming
also can help you to dispel nightmares. You redirect the The effects of positive visualization on body and
"plot" of your nightmare so that the horror is confronted mind are well established Lucid dreaming can be used to
and transformed into something harmless. This is a great overcome stress, phobias, and grief, and also to facilitate

way of eonciuering fear and boosting confidence. physical healing. Some enthusiasts have spotted the poten-
tial for helping stroke victims recover neuromuscular func-
If you have trouble making decisions, lucid dreaming tion througli lucid dream imagery m which they "see" them

can help you visualize what a job, vacation, or new home selves moving, ivalkmg, and talking normally
could have in store. It will enable you to experience working
72 Travel to Other Worlds in Your Dreams
Psyr.hics can b(^ liighly aware of the astral body,
the invisible subth; structure that acts as a
Insider info astral travel
bridge between the physical world and the world of
You might encounter other hcings—pc()])lc report
spirit. When you an^ awake the astral body is
)}iecli}}i:s with ii'isc teachers Tliese beings rnaij rei>ecil the
superimposed onto your physical form; however, as deeper (isj)eets of ijour hje, or long-forgotten unsdo))!

you fall asleep, the astral body loosens and separates

Things are experienced differently on the astral
an inch or two away from your physical body.
plane, encrgij follows thought with unusual speed— ijou
During sleep, the astral body of a living person is
(mlij have to think of a place and L)ou're there. And anij
sometimes able to cross into the spirit world — this is image that enters i/our niind will materialize mstandij.

called an astral dn^am and feels so "real" it bcu.omes

It can change your life. The sensation of being outside
super-Rial. Here, you may meet a loved one who has
ijour l)odii gwes ijou a sweeping, ])anoramic perspective—
died; you have a powerful feeling that he or she is
ihis can be liberating and calming, providmg you with a
physically present. You can literally hear, see, smell, wider persjiective Visiting the astral worlds dunng sleep
and even taste during the dream. On waking you will gives ijoii a good idea of what the spirit world is about and
reassures ijoit of the amtinuitij of life.
probably feel profoundly comforted and will
remember this (^xperitmce very clearly.


1 when m a comj)leteli) relaxed state 2 Close your eyes (.Umccntratc on a climbing out of bed You will be aware
(see page 2?,), focus carefuUij <m where sound— a niantra, rhythmic
repetitive that your mind is awake but your
you want to go and what you want to drumming or chanting. You should be l)ody still sleeps.

achieve, and why Make sure you're m relaxed hut mcntalhj alert Visiiali~e a
4 Once you are on the astral plane
a safe place and lock the door You'll trap door some distance away and
]ust let yourself go to ivlwrevcr the
also want to be psijchically protected hurl yourself against it. The door rep-
spirit guides you It will take some
from any negative experiences, and resents the ])ineal door of tlie thiul eye
time to acclimatize yourself, so just
you can do this by c(dling upcm a
3 If you succeed in "escaping," you accept what hap]icns
spirit guide or guardian to assist you
will In: surrounded with golden light
m your astral journey I'roject a 5 You will automatically return to
and, as long as you don't fall into a
positive message asking for the your normal when ready.
deep sleep, you ca)i stc]) out of your
highest, greatest good Make your Immcduitely note down your travel
physical body as easily as if you were
recjuest clear and concise. experiences in your dream dianj.
Is Your Pet Psychic?

Domestic pets often have an uncanny psychic In addition to possible psychic powers, it's now well

abihty to anticipate their owners' thoughts, recognized that pets also have positive health
moods and actions. The most common example is benefits. Domestic animals can make good
the family dog that goes to the front door just before therapists. People who find they can't talk to other

its owner arrives and sits expectantly, tail wagging. humans about their problems, often find it easier to

This even happens wh(m the owner has deliberately confide in a pet. There's great comfort in their
varied his or her arrival time in order to "test" a pet's loving, non-Judgmental attention.
ESP. Cats have similar predictive talents, and many Animal owners generally enjoy better health than
riders say their horses know when they are non-owners. Heart patients are known to live longer
approaching the stable. Cage birds, too, often hop up when they have a pet, and tests have shown that
and down on their perches in excitement Just before high blood pressure drops to a healthy level when a

their owners comes home. Your own pet may have pet is around. Caring tor animals calms stress, and
similar abilities— have a look at the quiz <jn page 75 Just being with them reduces anxiety. That is why
to tind out more. dentists often have fish tanks in their waiting rooms.

Incredible journeys
Nowadays families move home frequently; some practice. Six months after he'd arrived, his cat
people think it is best to find a new liome for a walked in through the door. There was no
pet rather than upsetting it hi) taking it far mistaking the identitij of this paHicular
away from its familiar teriitory. Most pets settle creature; he quickly checked it for a slight
doivn, but others have different ideas, and defonnation on its tail — it was there, as he
travel hundreds of miles in search of their expected. He had treated the injury (the result
owner. of a bite) when the cat was a tiny kitten.
This happened to a New York veterinarian Although no-one really knows how animals
who got a new job 2,000 miles across the USA can track owners with such accuracy some ,

in California. He decided to give his eat to his parapsychologists regard this ability as a fonn
friends and set off to establish his West Coast of "remote viewing" (see page 54).

mm ^

Rate your pet's ESP

_J 1 Does your pet seem to understand your moods and ^ 7 When someone it knows calls, does your pet nuzzle the
feelings? phone?

Q 2 When you have made an appointment to take it to the :_J 8 Just as you think about taking the dog for a walk, does
vet, does it disappear? it get excited?

rj 3 Has it spent hours looking at a wall, seemingly watching

If you answered "yes" to numbers
something that isn't there?
1 6 7
Q 4 Does it howl or hide during a seance or other psychic
Your pet may have healing skills.
2 5 8
5 Is it always at the door to meet you, whatever time you
Telepathy is your pet's speciality.
return home?
6 Does it becomes more affectionate when you're in a
3 4

bad mood? This shows that your pet is sensitive to spirit presences.
Would You Recognize
True Love?

Astrologers believe that the stars have a strong Earth signs

impact on your life. This cori'elates vv^ith the TAURUS
psychic's understanding that all matter is linked by a Tactile, sensual, loyal, relaxed, easygoing, patient, practical

unitying energy. If you'n; looking for true love, you Likes to be minted a)\d feci wanted.

may have explored astrology to find out the star sign VIRGO
Focused, skillful, intelligent, clean, discerning, sincere.
that is most compatible with yours. While there's no
Wishes to be heard, respected, and trusted.
way that complex relationships can be generalized
into twelve categories of attraction and suitability,
Ambitious, wise, understanding, responsible, discipliy^ed.
don't give up on the zodiac completely. It may prove Needs respect and to he allowed to organize.

to be a sLuprisingly good psychic matchmaker

Your birth chart provides the key: as well as
defining your character, it also spotlights the
Fire signs
qualities in others that attract and complement
yours. The saying, "men are from Mars and women ARIES
ActiVi', cisscitu'i'. nultpcndent, leading, expressive, energetu
are from Venus" has true astrological validity; their
Needs sell -cxp)'cssu)n and independence
positions in your birth chart are highly significant to
vour love life.
Plaijjid, ci'ciilivc, fun, hcartij, fntssiu)nite Demands to be
loi'f.d and appreciated
YOUR IDEAL PARTNER Adventurous, linncst, knowledgeable. Recjimcs h()>iesty in
Mars ami Venus will appear in particular zodiac signs i)i nthrrs anil Ih'ihliis Ironi advoUiircs
ijour birth chart. If you're a woman, check where Mars is

located and if you're a man, look for Venus ui your chart.

Refer to the table (right) for the qualities you would expect
to find in a male or female of the particular sign. Each
sign IS affiliated to one of fmr elements: Earth, Fire, Air, or
Water You're mostly at ease around those with the same

energy influences, but opposite elements can be

harnmnious, too. Air and Fi>\- -igns feel comfortable with
each <::her, as do Earih a)ul Water

Air signs

GEMINI Insider info birth charts

IntellectuaUy curious, communicative, light, spontaneous,
playful, untty. Needs to convmmicate and be regarded as Each person's chart is unique and provides
information that no other source can. Although fairly easy
LIBRA to construct, their complex interweaving energies are much
Charming, diplomatic, romantic, polite, considerate. Wants harder to interpret. Charts arc available by mail order or
romance and canng consideration. on the mtemet; you'll need to know the place, date, and
time of your birth.
Exciting, different, rebellious, friendly, compassionate.
lb assess the Venus/Mars influence, you'll need to
Demands the freedom to be him/herself
Mars in your birth chart
find the position of Venus or
(depending on whether you're a man or a woman) then,
refer to the keywords under the relevant sign to discover
Water signs what you should seek in a partner Tliink about
your important relationships. Did partners you were
happiest with exhibit a large number of these qualities^ Did
Caring, affectionate hn-iw sni>.i live, protective. Craves
failed relationships, or difficult ones, lack the qualities
affection and needs lci:u-ai] to In: ))toody.
indicated as necessary for a good relationship^
Passioiiaic. Iri-lui'.:, deep, lovnig. loiuil, cmpathetic. Must be A person's rising sign or ascendant is important.
deeply eni()ti(»iully expressive. way we
It governs the express ourselves. Therefore, if you

PISCES know when your partner was born, check his or her nsing

Trusting, nitiniii'i', .scitsiltri'. }ih:diunustii'. jicm i-\u]. sign, or ascenckint, as it will be a major influence on him
uritrniititivr. Asks for li ust ui return and to or her
be given space.
Attraction not always automatic. Although the sign

occupied by Venus or Mars is a good indicator for happy

relationships, it does not necessarily mean that people born
under that sign will he your best match. It merely says that
the qualities of that sign Will need to be present.
80 Accessing the Wisdom of the I Ching

The I Ching, a profound psychic tool that has The I Ching's messages are relayed through 64
been in use for over 3,000 years, imparts hexagrams, configurations that hold an entire system
celestial wisdom from the ancient spirits of heaven of thotight based on the Chinese concept of yin and

and earth. The more \ ou use the I Ching for your \'ang. It teaches that the aim of life is to achieve and
intuitive development, the more you'll appreciate its keep a balance. Yin and yang represent core male
profound subtlety. You'll tind that it gives you and female principles: the male or active energy of
unusual insights, not just about complex areas of yang inspires you to have an idea, impose your will

self-growth but also practical, and take action; the female receptive energy of yin

-to-day problems. enables you to go with the flow and adapt to events.


se the folJoiriug iiicdiod to construct your six-lincd figure; tluni
you can iiitciyrct its nuxuiiug.

1 Formulate your question clearhj ui ijour 4 Write down each line, staiting from the
mind. If you're not happy in your job, for bottom up Repeat the procedure until you
example, you may want to know if you are have a stack of six lines This is your
in the right one or if another would make hexagram — the I Ching's response to your
you happier Think of it as you su at a question
table or other flat surface ii'ith a notebook
5 Look up your hexagram and its meaning
and pencil ready for use.
from the list on the following pages and

2 Choose three coins of similar size and keep a note of the questions and answers in
shape with clearly defined heads and tails. your psychic journal.
Heads represent the yang or unbroken line
6 If you asked whether you should change
( ) and tails sigmfy a yin or broken line
your job, and you threw 63 Fording Now or
5 Caution, the fonner would be affirmative,
3 Focus on your question and throw the the latter negative. Other answers, like 50
coins onto the table six times m succession. The Vessel may be less immediately
A majority of heads makes a yang line; obvious. Use your intuition to connect the
mostly tails a yin line. given meaning with your own thoughts and

Q Creative action You are confronted with many ^ Obstruction Blocked communications and
obstacles — it is a time to tal<e action. Use persuasion obstacles. Stagnation. A dead-end situation and a
ratlier than force. period of isolation. It is not your fault.

Q Letting go Join with others but don't shirl< ^ Harmony A communal life with common
who combine
responsibilities. Quietly accept, cherish everything and causes or shared interests with those
help it grow. - - ^ -
^ ^ their talents and efforts.

Q Gestation Allow matters to evolve. Chaos Abundance You have great power to achieve
precedes a new venture. New ideas are beginning to success. Concentrate your inner force to create joy.


Q Growth Your understanding is dull and clouded fP Humbling Abandon pride and arrogance. Keep
through youthful folly. Wait and learn. your words and actions simple. Taking lower positions
will bring success. : v; ;

Q Caution A time for waiting —there could be tB Awareness Be ready to respond. Build up your
danger ahead. Go slowly, especially in love. Watch for strength and resources to prepare for whatever the

the right time. future will bring.

Q Arguing This is not a harmonious time, it is full

Q Following Co with the flow. Be guided by the
of contrary people and ideas. Compromise if way life is moving. Everything has its season.

necessary. , _ _

Q Discipline A time to put things in order Seek 10 Corruption Decay and hidden
and weakness must be fought

people of experience and authority. Slovenliness, laziness,

against. Prepare carefully for changes.

Q Alliance Mutual support. Discard old ideas and fB Arrival of the new A situation that is evolving

find new ways to regroup your affairs. Change must and progressing. Possible promotion or advancement.

come now.

Q Gradual accumulation Adapt to whatever 23 Vigilance See other's true motivations

comes along. Take the long view on life. Be flexible show your own. Contemplate let everything come
and adaptable. into view.

05) Treading Find and make your own way. FH Biting through Confront your problems. Be
Persevere in your efforts to create a profound change. tenacious — know you have made the right decision

and stick to it.

Q Pervading Great abundance and harmony. SG race Show your true

ephemeral and
self. External forms are

Stay resolute within and adaptable with others. Peace illusory.

is at hand.
^ Splitting apart Tear up old ideas
An unavoidable period
and eliminate 23 Strength Power must be implemented gently
and with moderation. Renounce
what is unusable. of collapse, violence.

misfortune, and destruction.

2] Returning Renewal, rebirth, and new hope. Stir

03 Prospering Progress in a changing situation.
things up and work with this energy. A new age is Take a new view of yourself.


F3fl innocence Disentangle yourself, be E?3 Hidden brightness Protect yourself and
spontaneous, free from ulterior motives. Trust your accept a difficult task. Conflicts must be faced even if

instinct and follow your conscience. you cannot solve them.

23 I'ower of the great Focus on the highest ^ Family Nourish and support the family — this

ideas — this is a time for great effort and achievement. will bring illumination. Use clear language to connect

Learn through experience. with your relatives.

03 Nourishment Feed both your earthly and ^ Discord Make an effort to eliminate conflict.

spiritual body for complete well being. Avoid people and situations that clash and react
against each other

Excess Hold onto your ideals. A plan will bring Difficulties Confront obstacles — they will point
profit and insight. Do not be afraid to act alone. out the course to take so that you can progress and
be free from troubles.

^ Abyss Unavoidable danger Take the plunge and 23 Loosening Resolve a difficulty by disentangling
face your fear Now is the time to concentrate and problems one by one. This will bring relief or
take risks. deliverance.

^ Radiance Light, warmth, and spreading Diminishing Something will be revealed

awareness. Combine high values, noble principles and showing that sacrifice is needed. Tone things down
intellect, logic, and good sound ideas. and show restraint and moderation.

Q Conjoining Stimulation and excitement. A good

^ Augmenting A rewarding situation overflowing

time to marry. Accept and submit to the female with abundance and possibilities. Increase without
brings birth and renewal. limits.

00 Persevering Endurance
powerful character Act
is the way to acquire a ^ Breakthrough Face disorder with speed and
in the long term to attain resolution, while controlling your passions. Use
objectives. firmness, adaptability, and kindness.

^ Retiring Withdraw and conceal yourself Deal

—the surrounding
Coupling The opening influence of yin. Sexual
with the situation from a distance intercourse and marriage. For true union respect social
circumstances are not favorable. rules and principles.

^ Clustering A large number of people can work

B3 Exile Wandering far away from home. A
may be

together with the same objective motivation, but situation is uncertain, but there also

they must be organized. wonderful potential,

1^ Ascending Lift yourself to a higher level EH Gently penetrating Be supple and flexible. Let

through your own efforts. Amass small things to yourself be shaped by events. Don't impose your will

achieve the great. but never lose sight of your purpose.

^ Oppression You are cut off — this is a moment ^ )oy Good humor and a positive attitude bring
of truth. Turn inward and find a way to open pleasure to life. Be sympathetic to all through
communication. communication and self-expression.

52 The well Interact with others. A situation of C5 Dispersing Clear the decks. Now is the time to

potentially inexhaustible resources and possibilities is start a new project or found an enterprise —but keep
open to all. things fluid.

^ Renewal Another layer or facade is removed as f«?n Limitation Learn to walk the middle path to

part of a natural process. For improvements, give your life a measured form. Play by the rules now.
revolution must occur

Hi] The vessel Discover your inner qualities and ^ The center This is the power of a free heart

the correct way to use them for spiritual and material without prejudice or judgment. Inner truth is always
transformation. Exercise free will. within—just listen.

31 Shake Wake up! Start all over again —spring f»B Small scale A time of subtle transition resulting
has come. It will bring storms but they will dear the in the triumph of the soul. Whatever the moment
air and enable new beginnings. forces you to do is right for now.

Stillness The calm of the mountain. Seek ^ Fording now Everything is ready for you to
and pay
stability by surrendering your desires, fears, proceed. Be vigilant at all times attention to

speculations, and fantasies. detail to avoid mistakes.

^ Gradual advance Progress must be slow, so ^ Not — yet fording Important change is

learn to proceed step by step, without angst. imminent gather your energy for the right moment.
Be objective and don 't be blinded by enthusiasm.

Converting the maiden Realize your hidden

potential for passion or desire. Marriage of a younger

sister or daughter.

^ Plenty A time of affluence, profusion,

advantage sparingly so that

generosity. Use this it

Reading the Tcirot

The tarot pack opens up a miniature, mj'sterious

world, full of portentous symbols with

significant meanings. The reader lays out the cards


in different combinations to explore the past, ISSUES Emotions and luve issues

present, and future. A tarot pack has 78 cards. 56 of TIME Spnng/days

the cards are the minor arcana; these are similar to ELEMENT Water
ordinary playing cards and consist of four suits with
court cards. 22 of the cards are the major arcana; These cards represent a blond, wann-hearted person full of
they feature archetypal images that illustrate various good intentions. It may be the man or woman the inquirer
stages of spiritual growth.

If you want to get the best from the tarot, take ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS
Cancer, Scoipio, or Pisces
timf; to examine vari(jus decks, and let your intuition
tell you whicli is right for you. There also are many
reference books with "interpretations" of the cards—
again, you'll discover those that resonate with your
own ISSUES Illness or di fficulties
sense of their meanings (not surprising as the
tarot symbols are tied into the collective
TIME Summer /months

unconscious, see page 64). But follow your own ELEMENT Air

hunches even if they contradict received wisdom; KING, QUEEN, KNIGHT, AND PAGE OF SWORDS
this is an example of your intuition at work. These indicate a person until dark broivii coloring who has
power over people-- possibly a manipulator who is not always
Whether ijon're reading for ijoursclf or someone else,
the person asking a question of the tarot is called "the Gemini, Libra, or Aciiuwnis

inquirer." Take plentij of titne to study the cards and their

network of associations. Meditate on each one, and use
them in simple spreads at first (see right). Let the interplat)
hetiveen images inspire your intuition as you build your I
interpretation. But never use the tarot when you are upset
or traumatized —your negative vibrations will almost
certainhj give you an incorrect reading.
— " .jr



Wands 1 Use only the minor arcana cards and pick out a court
card that matches the inquirer For instance, a blond
ISSUES Family and Inisuwss concerns
woman from a water sign would choose the Queen of Cu])s.
TIME Aiitiimn/iveeks
This IS the significator, the center of the spread
2 The incjuirer shuffles the cards for a few minutes then
KING, QUEEN, KNIGHT, AND PAGE OF WANDS cuts them with the left hand. Seven ccnils arc set out left to

If you choose one of these cards, it signifies a fau-haivcd, right, until the fourth card on top of tlie sigiiificator

friendly, sympathetic, family centered person who ccni help

3 The first three caids relate to the pas!, tlic fourth, fiiiiig
on the significator, relates to present circumstances, iind the
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS last three indicate the outcome and future ]}ossibilities.

Anes, Leo, or SagUtanus.

Pentad es
'^ r ^
ISSUES Money or material matters

TIME Winter/years



This may point to someone wealthy with dark hair and eyes
who can matenully help the inquirer.

Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.
The next step in using the tarot is The Fool Q The Emperor
include the 22 major arcana
Listen to all: everything has meaning and The man of authority, strength, courage,
everyone is your guide. and will. Examine your male aspects and
cards in your spreads. These are
beheved to hold a powerful code Q The Magician balance them with your inner female side.

of occult wisdom dating back over

This reminds you that your thoughts have Q The Hierophant or Pope
power Monitor your ideas and think Listen to your inner voice for divine
3,000 years to the sacred rituals of positively inspiration, wisdom, and truth.

ancient Egyptian priests. The

images of the major arcana are
Q The High Priestess Q The Lovers
The nature of life is change: accept this You are connected to the inspirational and

"archetypes" (see page 64), and and trust your own intuition. Do not be spiritual forces of love.

help you to connect with the

afraid of hidden secrets.
Q The Chariot
deeper meaning underlying El The Empress Take the reins of your life and start to

The archetypal woman — let her control its true direction.

events and people in your life.
understanding stabilize and guide you.
El Justice
Look at your female aspects. Are they
The laws of cause and effect are eternal —
happily balanced?
nobody is exempt.

Q The Hermit
After a period of retreat to contemplate
inner illumination, understanding and truth

must be shared with others.

[B The Wheel
Without movement life stagnates. Let go of

the past and look to the future: everything

is part of an endless learning process.


If yon are troubled, shuffle the major
arcana cards, silently asking for the

archetype that will help you. When

the cards feel wanti in your hands,
cut them into tivo piles. Take the card
on the top of the lower pile. Meditate
on this image; let it come alive and
bring you insight, wisdom, and calm.

m Strength EQ The Star ^ Judgment

No one faces anything that they can't Life is exacting and will give you the Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, you
handle. Hardships build up your spiritual lessons you need in no uncertain terms. will emerge triumphant.
muscle. Illumination is the outcome but hope is

always present.
31 The World
[B The Hanged Man When all energies are aligned, everything

Is your sacrifice really necessary, or is it ^ The Moon becomes possible. At the same time, you
simply an excuse not to be responsible for Only a fool would say they are never realize that all your needs are met and you
your life? Be brave and follow your inner wrong. Know and forgive yourself as you want for nothing.

truth. really are and walk on.

EQ Death EE The Sun

In death there is also birth. And on the True success comes with application.

higher levels there is no death, only Everything on the material plane Is

movement and change. transitory —only your inner being is

^ Temperance
Wisdom and restraint are needed. The
flowing healing waters of time will nourish

you, supplementing your deficiencies.

EQ The Devil
Instead of listening to the quiet, still voice

of love you hear the voice of fear Look the

devil directly in the eye. Only then will he


^ The Tower
A bnlliant flash of lightning reveals the

problems that you have ignored. Search for

a more balanced, healthy existence.

Tlie simplest way to read the cards is to pay heed to

th(Mr surface meanings — try asking what the symbols

suggest to you. Or, you can study the arrangement ot
the cards and see how action might develop— what is

going to happen over the course of the next year.

Lastly, in looking at a layout, you begin to become

aware of insights nevf^r before experienced — you
suddenly realize your life has followed a particular
pattern — you've never had a satisfactory relationship
with anyone and now you can sec why.
As your contkhmce builds, you should dc^velop a

sense of dynamic psychic connec.tion with the cards

and begin to try more complex spreads. The Celtic

Cross (see right), is a helpful example. If vou find

that you havt^ a natural empathy with the tarot,

make good use ot it. A psychic tool that resonates in

( lose h.irmony with your intuition and imagination
is immensc^lv h(;lptul in all cueas of your life — from
vour emotional iclationships to professional and

Unsure pursuits.

Improving your tarot reading skills

The "uicjuirer" is the person seeking answers — whether If you feel that the last card does not make
you're reading for yourself or someone else, study each sense, remove it and go through the whole
card and lalk through your responses and impressions. process again, using this card as the significator.

If the majority of the cards are from the major Use the outcome card in your meditations and
arcana, powerfuf outside forces may be at work, thoughts, especially before going to sleep, and
ask for enlightenment about your question.
If several court cards appear, this suggests that
If you draw the major arcana card "the Moon"
many peoph- are involved.
in the first position, put the cards away — you
If the tenth card is a court card, the outcome will not get an effective sjjread now. Try again
will depcnii on someone else's influence. in 24-48 hours.


TJiis is a wonderful method of thinking about and Q This covers the inquirer, relating to the

general situation and influences.

feeling through a puzzling situation such as how should
you react to a crisis arising at work or in a personal Q This crosses the inquirer, warning of
any opposing forces whether they are
relationship. positive or negative.

1 choose a stf^niftcator (card 1) to 2 Shuffle the cards until they feel

Q This is beneath the inquirer; it is the

basis of the matter, showing something

represent you as inquirer (see pages wann in your hands. Cut untJi the left
that may have come to light.
84-85} and positum it as shown helow. hand and set out as shown here.

Q This is behind the inquirer, pointing to

what has just occurred or is beginning to

pass away.


Q This crowns the inquirer, representing

a possible influence that may or may not

come about.

Qj This is before the inquirer, revealing

the influences that will operate in the near


Qj This explores fears and any negative

feelings around the situation.
( ^

Q This uncovers the opinions and

influences of friends and family.

LJ lJ Q This reveals the inquirer's own hopes

and ideas on the subject.

^ This suggests a possible outcome,

drawn from the influences of the other

Developing Clairvoyant Vision

you've ever consulted a traditional clairvoyant, surfaces including dark pools of water or ink, clear
he or she may have described various images seen or colored marbles, pieces of coal, jet or onyx,

while gazing into a crystal ball. This shining object is polished metal — in fact just about anything that helps

th(^, tool of the professional seer or scryer— ancient to focus and attune psychic vision. Pure quartz

names for a clairvoyant —a person who "sees clearly." crystal is known to intensify psychic energies and
The psychic art of seeing images of past, present, makes a particularly good scrying tool.

and future events can be yours, too; learning it gives Scrying requires enormous patience and an exact
you a special insight into what's happening in your level of relaxation. The surface you use acts as a

wcjrld, and a picture of how events will turn out for doorway into time and space, and gazing into it

you and others. produces a light hypnotic trance. This allows you to

If you want to develop your clairvoyant skills, "see" information arriving in the form of pictures,
you don't need go to the trouble and expense of symbols, letters, impressions, and sensations, which
buying a crystal ball. People have been scrying for appear generally in answer to a question that you or
thousands of years, using all sorts of reflective another puts forward.
Guidelines to clarity

The symbol you see may mean different

things depending on circumstance. A cat may
mean good luck in one situation (you'll land
on your feet) and act as a warning in
another (you're thinking about someone who
may or may not be a friend). As you gain in
experience, recording your visions and what
comes to pass, you'll learn to combine \our
intuition with an observant and open mind.

Your character and the issues that interest

you will strongly affect the meaning of any
images. For example, the sj mbol of scales
may appear. This could mean that you are
involved in some kind of legal process. On
the other hand, if you are doing research, it

might refer to your judgment of the data. If

you ask a question about spiritual matters,
the scales may represent divine justice


1 Work in a dimhj lit spot and sit with your back to tin: 5 Tiro kinds of iniagcs appear, and you'll need to use your
li^ht source When ijou're scrying for someone else, he or intmnon to interpret them Those ivitli direct messages
she should sit at least an arm's length away from you. reveal a scene or incident played out m front of you, as if

you were watching a film TJicse leprescnt actual

2 If your scrying tool is transparent, put a small scjuare of
Jiap]}enings, past, present, or juture At first you'll find it
black velvet or other dark fabric imdenieath it, to help focus
difficult to determine m ivhat time scale the images shuu'n
your visum
are happening, hut trust your hunclies. WitJi practice, you'll
3 Make yourself deeply relaxed, stay perfectly silent and gel better at idcniihnng this
concentrate your gaze right into the heart of your scrying
6 Other images are mdii'ect or symlx)lic Tliey are similar
surface. If nothing happens the first time, take a break. Try
to those in dreams, and you can use dream symbols as
again in short bursts of up to 20 minutes.
guidelines (sec page 68). Again, practice and dedication will
4 You'll know when images are starting to fonn — the inner give you the confidence to interpret them accurately
surface stops reflecting external pictures. It turns a milky
color and this will swiftly turn black. At this point, shapes
what Can You See in the Tea Leaves?

vou've never tried divination before, the simple twice a week at most. Some symbols will stand out
act of drinking a cup of tea ma\' bring surprising immediately; the larger the symbol, the more
revelations. You don't have to have any particular important and relevant it will be.

psvchic ability to do it — anyone who has the patience Check to see if any of the symbols are connected.
to study svmbols and their meanings can become If you see a human face, for example, is there an
proficient. But as with any method of divination, you initial letter next to it that may give you a clue as to

shouldn't use it too often — read the leaves once or who it might be?


The cup's "regions" act as a psijchic Opposite the handle
map for the questioner. The pictures This is the site concerning work

created hij the leaves are ijiterprcted and business.

according to where llieij are


The sides and bottom

of the cup These denote time scales: if a
symbol is close to the nm, it refers to

Handle This area something happening soon. Images on

represents you, your the side of the cup are not so
home, and close immediate in their impact and
family. those on the bottom represent
events a long way into the



For a good, clear reading, buy a leaf tea which has large leaves —
China tea is ideal but other Oriental varieties are suitable too.

1 Put a lahlc.sjyu))! aj tc.a o; a jjot cduI antuelockwise motion As ijou do tins, Should I move house now?
cover until ln>ilnm u'atcr So vc. it at a focus ijour mind on ijour (juestion Be Here's how the leaves ansivered the

cup and sctuccv -use ci plam white or verij specific if ijou want ii,ood results cjuestion The bat sJjape at the top of

ligjjt colored cup with a wide mouth the cup over the liandle covers die
4 Invert the cup onto the saucer and
area co)ieerning the liome A bat may
2 Drink Iroui tin: tcti until about inic leave It tor at least a minute, until tin:
seem oirnnous, but it can mean that
tecispooniul is lejt (/; the cup. luiuid has drained aivai]
ijour fears of the unknown will be
3 Hold the cup in ijour left luind and 5 Noiv turn the cup over and examine banislied in die light of day. A female
swirl It three times in a circular It as dcscnhe.d above. figure at the base carries a broom It

could indicate a eompletehj new start.

Positive symbols Negative symbols

Acorn, amulet, anchor, angel, ark, bees, birds, boot, bridge, bull. Alligator, arc, arrow, bat, black flag, coffin,

circle, clover, corn, cow, crown, dove, duck, eagle, elephant, fig, cross, dagger, drum, hour glass, monkey, mouse, rat, scythe,

fish, flowers, horseshoe, ship, swan skeleton, sguare, stake, sword, wreck
what Can a Person's Hands Tell You?

Classically trained palm readers study the lines, and right for someone who is left-lianded) is a

shapes, and marks on hands in remarkable miniature profile of innate character and potential.
detail. You may not be an expert in this sense, but The features of this hand are believed to remain

you can certainly use your psychic skills to "read" constant over the years, while the lines on the
hands. When someone puts his or her hand in yours, dominant hand change and evolve to reveal what has
take plenty of time to psychically tune yourself into been achieved with any inborn aptitudes.

the particular energy you feel. This will be your Modern palm readers say that the lines on both
main source of insight about that person. Any hands change, and that the hands are "cross wired" to

patterns and lines you see act as focal points, triggers the right and left sides of the brain, which affects the

for your intuition rather than a blueprint. changes. The right hand shows reasoning, analytical,

and logical ability, and the left reveals emotional,

Left or Right? intuitive, and creative aspects.

There are two main opinions about the significance Again, your intuition is your best ally here;

of the left and right hands. The traditional view is whichever hand that you're holding, listen to the

that the passive hand (left for a right-handed person psychic messages that you pick up and trust them.

WHAT'S YOUR Square Spatulate or active Conical or temperamental

Fingertips are flat across the Thickish fingers with flat Slender, tapering fingers
HAND SHAPE? top and the palm appears as tops that are short compared slightly shorter than the palm.
high as it is broad. with the palm.
A quick glance at Impetuous and impulsive, your
You're a steady, matter-of-fact You're bold and daring, a mood fluctuates quickly —you
the shape of
person who reaps the benefits courageous pioneer seel<ing to get depressed about trivia.

someone's hands of your own efforts. improve the lot of others.

can tell you a lot.

There are seven

major types— can
you recognize
which one is uours?


Any of the marks hclow
Heart, head, fate, and life may occur along the main
lines. Pay attention to these
lines are the key indicators
though they may relate
Strong, unbroken lines only to one period of time
signify positive aspects. and tend to come and go.

Crosses Shock and worries

Squares Restriction

Triangles Talent

Star Luck with money

Grills and grids Illness

Islands Hardships

Chains A line full of chains

shows confusion

Non-specific dots and

pitting Usually occur at the

end of a line and indicates

illness or weakness —usually


Knotty or philosophical Pointed, or idealistic Elemental Mixed

Shortish, uneven fingers Very long, smooth, tapering Short, wide fingers and palm. Equal-length fingers and
combined with a tall, slender fingers with a tall, thin palm. palm.
You're practical, not
A lover of art and beauty, intellectual. In exceptional Adaptable and versatile, you're
You're an intellectual; you love you're an idealist but rather circumstances you can be a a jack-of-all trades. You may be
analysis using methodical, impractical. great leader a gifted inventor.

what Can You Learn from the Runes?

Those gifted with rune magic are said to get their your goal — when to suggest and how to manage a

powers from Odin, the one-eyed god of the separation in the least painful way, for example.
occult. If you discover that you have psychic affmity Carved stone or wood runes are widely available.

with this Scandinavian oracle, you'll derive great To make your own, collect 25 1-inch diameter round,
benefit from his mysterious powers. A single rune flat pebbles. Use a marker pen, paint or nail polish to

can be meditated upon when thinking about the create the symbols shown below. Take plenty of time
answer to a problem, such as "Is now a good time to meditate on the meaning of each rune as you
to break up with my present partner?" More decorate it; this way you will reinforce the energy
information, however, is gained from drawing several within the stones. Keep runes in a roomy drawstring
runes and judging how they work together. Can they bag. Every time you use the runes, their vibrations

point out the direction you should take in achieving become even more powerful.

* ' .0
The Self Partnership, a gift The Messenger Retreat, inheritance Strength Just as trees

Rectification comes before True union can only Observe what is around You gain through drop their leaves you
progress. A time of occur when both parties you. Everything has abandoning the past. must give up something
cfiange and growth. are strong. meaning for self-growth. Submission is required. to allow new growth.

Initiation, secrets Constraint, pain Fertility You can Defense Delays. Protection Don't let

Surprises. For spiritui <

rears and struggles. You complete what you have Be patient, relax, and emotion prevail. Reason
transformation, set o.'' have restricted yourself begun. Birth is often wait. Quietly put your and action are the only
external matters Pay off debts to progress. painful —persevere. . house in order true protection.


1 Hold bag of nines in your hand
the moving the runes around until one 3 If you need a broader view, follow
and concentrate on a question^ Keep it stone seems to stick to your fingers. the same procedure but choose three
very simple. As yon do this, gently This is the one that will give you the runes and lay them out left to right.

shake the runes in the bag. ' •

answer to your question. See below for
4 The first relates to the situation, the
an interpretation of each rune's
2 When you an answer
feel you'll get second to any action required, and the
open the bag and put one hand inside, third to the outcome or new situation.

Possessions The laws )oy, light New energy, Harvest Be patient — Opening Be free to Warrior energy
of cause and effect are clarity. A realigned self this is no time for speed. receive and let light pour The spintual warrior uses
clues to success. Share brings fulfilment and Know that whatever the into your life. Don 't be will without attachment
with others. renewal. outcome, all is well. afraid. to the outcome.

Growth To accomplish Movement You have Flow Relax when the Disruption Things will Union This is the soul's
the work modesty, made steady progress water is gentle and take not go to plan now. journey, linking spirit and
patience, and kindness and gained security and action when it is choppy. Power comes from inner matter Discard illusions.

are required. self-confidence. strength.

Gateway A time for Breakthrough Standstill A cold Wholeness You realize The Unknowable
reflection. Look at the Darkness is behind you atmosphere. Find what that you already possess A blank. Courage is

past and what you have and everything is keeps you on ice and let it what you seek within needed. Inner change
gained. Now move on. transformed for ever. go to thaw out. yourself. means emancipation.
Using a Divining Rod

We don't really know how a piece of

metal can detect the presence of underground

wood or is that the

field of
dowser psychically tunes
hidden materials, using the divining rod
in to the energy

water, oil, and minerals, but people have been trigger the process. Whatever the explanation, it is an
dowsing for thousands of years. There are various exciting experience for the novice psychic to feel the

theories as to how dowsing works: one view is that reaction of the dowsing tool as it responds— you feel

humans retain some primitive tracking instinct for profoundly close to living energy sources.
water that is normally dormant, but may become Today, dowsing is used as a tool by people
activated. Then there is the possibility that the interested in environmental health; it can help locate
divining rod emits waves of energy that are bounced underground sources of water that may cause
back once the dowser has made a "hit." Another idea degenerative disease in the people living above.


D'aditionaUij the divining
rod is made out of a forked
hazel or iviUoiv twig, but a
shaped piece of metal
works just as u>ell.

1 Find a metal coat hanger, untwist it Wlien you hold these upnght the rods
and make it straight Then split it into should have rooni to move freely.

two pieces.
3 If you want a traditional rod, and
2 Bend each piece into an L shape: have plenty of trees nearby, look for a
these are your divining rods Now get hazel or willow branch that has
two empty disposable ballpoint pen grown into the shape of a wishbone.
tubes and place one rod inside each. This makes a fine divining tool.
Water maij be hidden deep
below a piece of parched
Dowsers arc asked to ulenhfy
earth— can you find it?
many different kinds of

underground materials in 1 Concentrate, hut icmain relaxed,

addition to water. They may walk slowly and purposefully around

the designated area and silently ask
he looking for oil or valuahle
where you can find water
minerals; seams of gold, silver,
2 If you're using metal rods, you'll
platinum, and other precious
know when there is water below the
metals, or rock formations that ground because the rods will mov^
hold diamonds and other together to form a cross

gems. Each of these produces 3 If you are dowsuig with hazel or

a slightly different reaction willow, hold the two wislilMmc sides
li.£ihtly between ijoiir li)igcrtips and
from the rod, so some
walk with the single end pointing up
practitioners use an ingenious
This end will suddenly "pull" and
method to improve their poDit dnwnwai'd witJi a strong force

accuracy. They "pre-tune" when ijou liavc delected underground

their rods to the precise

vibrations of the material they 4 At the spot wJiere the metal rods
crossed or the wooden stick pouited
are seeking. For instance, if a
down, you should make an
dowser is searching for gold,
exploratory dig for the water source.
he or she assesses the rod's

reactions to a sample of gold

ore. If the rod has exactly the

same reaction on site, the

chances of finding gold are

greatly improved.
what Can You Do
with a Pendulum?

svchics and mediums are freqiumtly asked to

i find missing people and objects. Some use a

dowsing tool such as a pendulum to focus their

impressions. You can learn how to use one yourself,

especially it you had success with a divining rod (see

pnxeding pages). It you're lucky, you may discover

that you have a real gitt tor dowsing.
So how do you get a pendulum? It's easy; you can
make one yourself— it's simply a w(;ighted object

susp(;nded on a length ot tliread, string, or a thin

m(;tal chain. Yoli can use almost anything: some

people pi'eter objects they wear all the time such as a

plain wedding band suspend(^d from a favorite; gold

chain. You could even use a small metal k(;y. If

you'n; buying a pendulum, there are beautifully

carved wooden examples, or you might be attracted
to a shaped crystal. Caboose wliat feels light t(.)r you.
Once you've; got your pendulum, put your own
energy vibrations into it; handle it trequently and
keep it with you constantly. You can "charge" it with
healing energy and use it to detect health problems
by dowsing your own or someone else's body.
Explore what's happening by asking the pendulum
detailed questions, then "beam" healing energy from

it onto the affected spot.

You also can use; the pendulum to locate and heal
disturbed spirits or ivgalive energies in sites and
buildings that have a i^'iubled spiritual atmosphere.

Insider info dowsing

It is a great tool for helping you to choose things — It also can be used to identify problems. If you feel

from recommended courses to remedies of different types you may have a food allergy, line up some possible suspects
You will need pictorial representations of ijour choices If, such as dairy or wJieat foods (aid dip a finger into each in

for example, you want to know whether you'd fnid it more turn Ask your pendulum if this particular food is had fir
beneficial to take a scului dwnm or sewing course, put your you Keep checking right through tire hst—tliere may be
finger on the image of each ni turn and ask the pendulum luoi'i' than one food that is causing a problem.
il tins one will be heljilul to you

Using it with a map can help you locate something

or someone. Position tlie pendulum over a map and see
whether it is more active over a particular area Tins niLUj
be where to find nussing j)crs<»is, or ancient sacred sites,

hidden caves, water, or mincial deposits


1 You need to program positive/negative responses into 1 If you've lost something, your pendulum can help to find
your pendulum. Tb do this, hold its cord between your It First check out the general location — ask the pendulum a
thumb cmd fingertip and siis])end the pendulum over a fat scries of questions to confirm whctlier tJie lost object is ui

surface. Wait until it is completely still tlie office, ijour home, in the cai] or tlic garden

2 Gently swing the pendulum diagonallij in front of you. 2 Once you'i'c got a j)ositivc answei', be more sjjccific If tlie

concentrate your thoughts and say out loud: "This is yes." object IS somewhere m ijour home, ask whicJi room it is in

Repeat this several times Is It in the Ix'droom, bathroom, or kitchen^

3 Now swing It gently in the opposite direction and say. 3 When you've, got a "yes" answer to one of tJiese cjuestions,

"This IS no "
Again, do tins repeatedly. take your pendnhon to the specified room and turn around
slowly, asking the pendulum which direction to follow. It
4 Now check the pendulum for accuracy. Say your name
should point you straight there.
out loud cmd ask it: "Is this my nanic^" It should react with
a "yes" response. Then say a completely different name and
ask the same (juestion again This time you should get a
"no" reply.
who's Got Your Number?

can your
name have a hidden meaning?
what way does it define your essential
is more important than any other name
acquire, including your married surname.

character and destiny? The answer is the powerful When you discover your personal numbers of
link between letters and numbers. The ancient destiny (below) and explore their meanings (see
Egyptians attributed magic numbers to particular opposite) you may discover surprising new insights

letters and used them to foretell the future. But the into your character.
science of numbers (numerology) originated in Your birthdate produces your life number, which
Greek and Hebrew cultures. The Hebraic system is fixed and unchanging and represents your special

known as the Cabbala attributed a specific number to characteristics and attributes and innermost nature.
each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. So any Your name number is the way you express yourself
word can be reduced to an arithmetical figure, and outwardly, your personality. Your two numbers can
holds a secret meaning. work in harmony or be antithetical. In the latter

This explains why the original name your parents case, this may explain why you feel that deep-seated
chose for you is so significant. It was created by the needs that j'ou have are not being expressed.
natural laws of universal attraction at your birth, and

Here's how you can calculate your two The first number is based on your date of birth
personal numbers of destiny. 1 W fonvuhite. tins, write out your full birih ciate. for
instance, December 2, 1958 becomes 12/2/1958.

2 Now add up each number-

1 2 3 4 5 8 9
1+2 + 2+1+9 + 5 + 8 = 28,
A B C E H I then add both final digits to achieve a single figure:

K 2 + 8 = which reduces
L Q R 10, to a final figure o/l.

So: 12/2/1958 = 1


Remember, each number has its positive and negative
aspects — how you use them is up to you.

Q Independent, self-reliant, tenacious, Q Adventurous, vivacious, courageous, Q Intelligent, understanding, discreet,

single-minded. Intolerant, conceited, healthy, sympathetic. Rash, irresponsible, artistic, brilliant, lofty. Dreamy, lethargic,

narrow, stubborn. inconstant, unreliable, thoughtless. lacking in concentration, aimless.

Q Placid, just, unselfish, harmonious, Q Idealistic, selfless, honest, charitable, Note: traditionally the numbers 1 1 and
sociable. Irresolute, indifferent, unable to faithful, responsible. Superior, weak, 22 should not be broken down to single

take responsibility, weak-willed. impractical, submissive. figures.

Q Freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, Q Wise, discerning, philosophical, Q This is the number of the super

exuberant, brilliant. Indifferent, impatient, enduring, deep, contemplative. Morbid, intellect or genius, also regarded as a lucky
over-confident, lacking in stamina. hypercritical, inactive, antisocial. person. Transformation.

Q Stolid, loyal, imperturbable, honest, El Practical, powerful, business-like, ^ Because of its great power this number
strong-willed, practical. Clumsy, dull, decisive, controlling, constant. may result in outstanding ascendancy or
conservative, inflexible. Unimaginative, blunt, self-sufficient. disastrous downfall.

The next significant formula is the one derived My family name is:

from analyzing your given name S = l 0 = 6 S = l K = 2 1 = 9 N = 5

3 Tb reduce your name to a final figure, check the g)'aph This adds up to 24, then, hroken down to single figures

opposite for the iuuiibc.r cnrrcsponding to your mme. 2 + 4 = 6

My first name is. So, added together, both mij lunurs julic and Soskin total 9
= 1 U = 3 L = 3 = 9 E = 5

4 Your birthday and name nuiuhers are uiuqiic lo ijou —

77!i.s aikls up to 21, hroken down to smgle figures 2+1=3 check their mea>iniL:s Irum the list iiboi'i
what are Your Healing Powers?

Did you know that you unknowingly implement

some form of healing every day? You give a Guidelines for psychic healing
stranger a smile, take time to listen to a colleague,
If you find that you're a "natural" healer, it can be
send out a kindly thought to a far-away relative, feel flattering to your ego—but don't get earned away.
compassion for someone you read ahout, and call a
Know any "hands-on" work you do is one
friend when you sense that he or she is feeling sad.
part of a much wider
healing process. You are
When you've hurt your own hand, you instinctively simply a channel for healing energies. Healing
rub it to make it feel better. Whenever you make energy (often called prana) comes from a
these ordinary expressions of love and concern, you universal source, not from you.

are sending out healing energies. Remember you are the instrument or channel
for healing energy, therefore self-awareness and
spiritual development will greatly assist you.
Distant Healing
You can make these actions even more effective by Don't diagnose or play doctor and never
contradict medical advice given by a
learning how to enhance your natural healing
professional to another person.
energies. This may take the form of distant healing,
whereby you "send" powerful, beneficial thoughts to

someone in need. For example, when I was very A Channel for Healing
young I joined a psychic development group. We You also can work on getting in touch with your
were asked to think of someone who would benefit inner sources of regenerative energy (see opposite
from absent healing. A friend was going through a page) and use this to promote well-being in others.

difficult emotional patch, so I put her name into the Although all people have the ability to promote
healing energy. I went to visit her the following healing, some can do so more directly (see box on
Sunday; she told us that on the previous Thursday opposite page). If you "test" empathetic, for example,
evening she had suddenly experienced a powerful people may begin to feel better just by being near
wave of feeling sweeping over her. She also had been you. If you are shamanistic, you should have an
swept by a reassuring sense that everything would be innate sense of what will harm or help someone who
fine. This had happened around 7:45pm, the time is ill. If you have true psychic healing ability, others
when our group had met and held the healing will benefit directly from your healing touch. If your
session. My friend had no idea about my psychic healing ability appears more spiritual, then you may
interests and certainly didn't know about the group. serve as a channeler for healing by higher powers.
In order for yourself or others to gain positive benefit,
learn to access your inner sources of regenerative energy.

1 Sit in (I relaxed position and place 4 Let the streams of prana energy
both liands onto ijoiir solar plexus flow into your liead, notice the vivid

sensations this causes.

2 Close your eyes and focus your
entire awareness onto your hands. 5 When the tingling stops, take your
Gradually they will become warmer fingers away and shake your hands
from the prana energy stored in your energetically for a few moments.
solar plexus.
6 Finally, return your hands to

3 Now place your fingers very gendy solar plexus Let them rest there
onto your forehead This will make tew moments Tliey sJiould nou
them tingle and feel alive with energy alive and "glowing" with energy.

What kind of healer are you:

1 Are you a good listener? Q 10 Do you feel other people's

2 Do you make others feel at pain?

ease? 11 After you've visited or phoned

Q 3 Can you feel a connection with do your friends feel better?

the earth and nature? 12 Could you "decide" not to be

Q4 Do people confide in you? unwell?

Q5 Can you "shake off" a

// you answered yes to

Q 6 Do you want to make the

12 4
You are empathetic.
world a better place?

7 Have you ever felt the presence 3 8 10

of an angelic or healing guide? You're shamanistic.

Q8 Do you have an intuitive link 5 11 12

with animals? Your gift is psychic healing.

Q 9 Do you often feel completely at 6 7 9

one with the world? You have spiritual healing ability.

(See opposite page)

Healing Yourself First

you discover that you have an effective heahng never underestimate how much self-healing you can
ahility, it's only natural to feel proud of yourself. achieve simply by not thinking too much about the
But you also would be getting the wrong message. past or the future. Live and enjoy your life as it is

Always remember that the only personal healing skill today; you're the sum total of all your experiences
that you can honestly claim is the ability to heal and whatever is left unresolved from your past will
yourself In all other instances, you merely act as a manifest itself in the here and now. Observe,
channel tor life-force energy or prana. That is what acknowledge, and confront what is in your life, and
promotes healing hi others. you'll activate a vibrant, flowing, energy through
Once you have understood this, you'll also realize which you can prosper and grow.
that, in ord(;r to become an effective healer, you will

need to sort out your own health first. This means Natural Powers
resolving both emotional and physical problems- The exercises on the opposite page are designed to

healing yourself demands great self-awareness and help you emulate and access the abilities of other
acceptance. It also means giving up any long-held common creatures. Butterfly breathing is all about
grudges, resentments, and other negative feelings, becoming "powerful" quickly— just as the butterfly

however Justified they may have seemed until now. gains its beauty and final form in short order, while
You shouldn't he too hard on yourself, though; we all recognize the short, sharp sting of the bee.

Insider info healing or prana energy

Healing energy is present inside all of us. People There are special sources of this energy. Prana flows
cm: boni until tlus prcDUi cncrgij and it links ijoii with through everything, but it seems to be particularly
cverijthinfj in the universe— all forms oj matter, both concentrated in water and earth. Activities such as sailing,
animate and inanimate swimming, and gardening are effective and pleasurable
ways of boosting your prana energy.
The stores of this energy can he increased. You ean
boost your levels of prana by linking with universal eiicrgy
dunng meditation (see page 23), by making positive

af firmations (see page 34), and by balancing your eliakras

(see page 31 ).


Draw powerful healing forces quickly into
your body along with your breath.

1 Place your hands on iiour hrart cdiiI take a rccdhj deep

hreath. As you do this, puslj ijuur luiiis cduI IjcduIs up
straight toward the sky. Mcntalhj luik ynurscH With the
houndless sources of prana or univcrscd energy.

2 As you breathe out, let your amis and hands fall to your

3 Repeat tlus up to ten times, drawing increasing amounts

of prana energy into and around your body.


Use your powers of visualization to zap
cold and flu viruses, and otluu' enemies of
your immune system.

1 Make yourself completely i claxcd (scc jxigc '2?>) and

mentally scan your entire body from loj? to toe, sensing any
areas of your body that are aifected

2 Focus your concentration onto these areas and visualize

arnues of strong "soldiei "
cells maichmg out to search and
destroij the invasive virus

3 Be as graphic and detailed with your imagery as

possible— give your soldier cells incredibly powerful
weapons to make them truly effective.

4 Watch your "troops" destroying the virus — the more

imaginative energy you put into tlus the better it will work
Healing Your Garden

Many psychic healers have flourishing, healthy positive focus onto the aura of living things can

plants in their gardens. This is not at all produce highly beneficial outcomes.
surprising: energy directed into plants through Each plant has its unique spirit counterpart— you
benign human contact can makes a dramatic often see them illustrated as fairies, gnomes, or
difference to their health. Experiments have shown pixies. It is no coincidence that people put statues of

that plants that are regularly touched and stroked do these in their gardens— they are instinctively

noticeably better than their neglected companions. ackno'svledging the hidden world of the earth spirits

These discoveries by plant researchers make and unconsciously asking them to help.

complete sense to a practicing If you want to make your plants blissfully healthy

psychic— loving and happy, focus your psychic energies on your

communication gardening skills. For a start, you should learn to

automatically communicate with the spirits of the plants in your

promotes healing garden (see page 58). By doing so, you will enable
and well-being, and them to grow stronger and live longer.


Eve}i if a plant scons to be on its last legs, yon can give
it a chance to flourish.

1 If parts of the plant are alreadij dead, remove these and clear the soil
around it. Now connect with the plant and ask it what's wrong? Is it is

too dry, waterlogged, or in the wrong soil- Trust your mtiution.

2 Coirect any imbalances you've sensed— repotting the plant may

he necessary if the soil is unsuitable— then focus healing energy
into the plant, fivm the roots upward

3 Visualize a bright life-line of energy going fivm you, down into

the plant's roots, up through its leaves and hack to you again in a
continuous cycle. Do this until you intuitively feel that the plant

has absorbed enough healing.



Make your garden grow
beautifully by using all
your psychic skills. Project
nourishment into the soil,

discourage pests, draw in

nature's helpers, and
generate positive energy
Nourishment Enriched soil means Water Many psychic gardeners like to
for your plants.
healthy plants: feed it with homemade "power" water before using it on their

organic compost (a good gardening book plants. Pour it alternately from one
will tell you how to make it). As you dig in container to another to infuse it with prana
the compost, visualize your garden full of or life energy, or use a crystal (see page
glossy-leaved flourishing plants. 1 12) to beam healing energy into it.

Pest protection Offer a sacrifice to Helpful creatures Give a warm Mood Make everything in your garden
slugs, snails, and bugs. For instance, you welcome to useful creatures such as feel loved and appreciated by walking
can make a bargain with the spirits of ladybugs and frogs by invoking their aid. around regularly and checking that all is

snails. Agree that they can have a certain They will keep down destructive pests and well. If you choose a special place in the

number of your fruit and vegetables, help you to maintain your garden in a garden for your meditation, the positive
leaving the rest free for your own use. dynamic, healthy balance. energies will be greatly enhanced.
112 Healing with Crystals

you've ever had a strong attraction to a crystal or

gemstone, don't ignore that feehng. You may have
found an ideal psychic healing partner. Each stone
carries the energy of its time spent deep in the earth;
it not only acts as a powerful focus for healing work,

but will actively enhance the process.

There are many kinds of crystals available in

specialist mineral, new museum shops, and

age, or

it's easy to feel overwhelmed by so much choice. For

practical purposes, however, an effective psychic
healer needs just one gemstone, programmed and
dedicated for this particular task. A piece of clear,
unblemished rock quartz with one, well-defined,
pointed end, is excellent for most healing work;
choose one that fits comfortably in your hand.
Alternatively, raw amethyst is another wonderfully
effective healing stone.

Once you've chosen your crystal, you can prepare Cleansing guidelines
it for healing work by linking it up with your own
Crystals retain and magmfij energy more than any
energy (see right). Your crystal is then ready for ollici' nuilo'uil, so regular cleansing is crueial. Here are
action; to implement healing, use the simple but a ti'H' sniijile juetJiods:

effective technique described on the page opposite.

Hold the crystal for a few minutes under clear,
This restores energy levels that have been sapped by running water.
pain and illness; at the same time, it triggers the Place the crystal on a clean, non-plastic plate
healing resources that are already present in the (china is best)and put it in direct sunlight for
person you're helping. at least a couple of hours.

Whatever crystal you choose, take good care of Visualize a ray of clear, bright light thoroughly
cleansing the stone.
your stone and keep it in a safe place. You should
cleanse it regularly (see right) to remove any
negative energy it may have absorbed.


Before using your crystal for healing work, you need to activate
its latent energies.

1 Wash your crystal under dear running 3 Look deep into the crystal; at the same
water for a few moments- Dry it, then keep time, invoking the highest good or other
It close to your body for a few days to align spiritual guardian, mentally direct a
Its vibrations as closely as possible with sustained pulse of healing energy into the
your own You might like to keep it under crystal, from the base to its apex.
your pillow at night while you're asleep.
4 You'll fed the crystal "throbbing" in your
2 When you're ready to charge the crystal, hand; when you sense that it is fully
sit in a c}uiet place and relax completely, programmed, wrap it in a dean piece of
holding It gendy in your hands. Focus your white cotton or linen and store it in a safe
concentration onto the crystal place.


This method is excellent for general healing work— it is both safe
and effective.

1 Make sure that tJie person who is several times until you liavc completely
receiving healing is comfortable and surrounded the person's body with a
relaxed— he or ske may prefer to lie down, healing force field.

or lean hack in a reclining chair— and that

4 If you sense that cm area needs specific
the room is calm and quiet.
healing, direct the crystal's pointed end at
2 Take your crystal in your right hand, and that site for a few moments. Target energy
mentally link with its vibrations until you onto It until you fed ready to move on.
feel a "throbbing" sensation in your hand.
5 You will know instinctively when you
3 Angle the point oj the crystal at a spot have done enough. At this point, transfer
about 12 inches over the head of the person the crystal into your left hand, and
you're treating, arid slowly move the crysuil visualize the crystal's energy flowing gently
clockwise around his or her body. As you back into itself There are no guarantees of
do this, a "laser" beam of energy
visualize success, as witJi all liciilm::, but practice
pulsing from your crystal. Repeat this will increase youi iihiiitics

Once you're confident about using a crystal for

healing, you may want to extend your range, and

explore other kinds of gemstones. Again, these are
The Crown Center
widely available from specialist mineral and
A suitable gem for this center could be a
museum shops or by mail order Most new-age
piece of clear quartz, a deep violet
magazines contain advertisements from gemstone amethyst, or a rich purple sugalite. Hold

suppliers. the crystal on the top of the head.

If you feel attracted to gemstone healing, you'll Healing benefits Calms feelings of constant

find it leads you to the chakra centers of the body. anxiety, insecurity, and alienation from

These actively respond to the vibrations from
different gemstones, and, if you choose the right

ones, you can use them to energize and heal, as The Throat Center
Choose from blue gems such as sapphire,
described on the page opposite. The chakras play a
turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and
key part in every aspect of your well-being- blue lace agate. Cradle the crystal in the
physical, mental and spiritual— and have a direct hollow of the throat.

influence on the health of your aura. Each chakra Healing benefits Sore throats, coughs, and

has its own signature color, so it's important to swollen glands can all be eased.

choose the right stone for healing at these centers.

When choosing your chakra crystals, let your

intuition guide you, and spend time exploring, The Solar Plexus Center
Co for golden gems such as citrine, amber,
touching, sensing, and assessing the vibrations from
yellow topaz, and citrine, and place the
all the different kinds on display. At some point, one crystal you chose just above the navel.
stone will feel just right. You'll know this by Healing benefits Helps with food disorders
instinct— it is almost as if it is saying: "Choose me!" such as anorexia and bulimia; and calms
any stress centered in the gut.

The Base Center

Choose the earthy colors of red jasper, or a
red-brown tiger's eye. You can also use a
plain black pebble. Rest your chosen

crystal at the base of the spine.

Healing benefits Use for aching bones,

stress, and irritable bowel syndrome.
The Brow Center
The deep indigo shade of sodalite works well
on this chakra. Balance the crystal on the
spot between the eyes.

Healing benefits Good for "fuzzy"

headaches, blurred vision, disturbed sleep,
and general nervousness.

The Heart Center

Look for green gems such as malachite, moss
agate, or jade. Alternatively, you can use a

pink stone such as rose quartz or rhodonite.

Position your crystal at the center of the

chest area.

Healing benefits Alleviates bronchitis,

asthma, chest infections, heart problems, and
violent emotional reactions.

The Sacral Center

Use stimulating orange from colored gems
such as amber, carnelian, orange agate
and orange pebbles. Put the crystal on the
genital area.

Healing benefits Good for problems with

menstruation, PMT, infertility, and
Using Sound to Heal

A mother cradles her

lullaby, and murmurs
child, singing a familiar

soothing, loving words.

Meet the healing spirits in music through
The baby has already become attuned to her voice in

womb, and responds with cooing, gurgling

this simple meditation.

sounds, completing the loop of intimate harmony. 1 choose a piece of music that ahvays makes you peaceful
This ordinary event is just one aspect of the power of and reflective, and pJaij it as ifoii enter a ccdm, meditative

sound. state {see page 23). Now focus on the music, and let it take
you to the highest spiritual level
This force has been known from the dawn of

tune: "In the beginning was the Word." This single 2 As you go deeper into meditation and contemplation, feel

yourself completely united with the cosmos.

phrase from thr; Bible (St John 1:1) signifies the

release of an astounding energy, through which the 3 Let the sound of the music play into your consciousness,
so that It becomes part of your own rhythm. Attune your
entire world was created.
entire being to the dance of the song, and now connect with
Music, too, has profound psychic power; some the spints within the music.
traditions hold that every musical note represents a
4 At this point, ask the spints of the music to bring you
spirit being. The Indian musician Ravi Shankar healing, and open yourself to them. Do this until you
believes that sound is God; and he regards music as a feel restored and revived, then return to

spiritual path, leading to divine peace and bliss.

your normal state.

When you psychically attune yourself to sound,

vou can direct its healing forces inside yourself.
Using music for meditation can help restore and
revive yourself in mind, while stimulating your

chakras with sound can help to correct any

imbalances that are causing ill-health or disease.
1 Concentrate on your breath as 5 Move on to the gi'een center of the

shown on page 23, then close your heart chakra next; wait for its note,

eyes. Visualize the red, spinning disk then sing it as the open sound "ARE."
of your base chakra, focusing at its
6 Next, focus onto the clear sky blue of
center Listen attentively. You will
the throat chakra. Time into its note,
hear the sonic pitch of the chakra
and sing it as a short clipped "A"
intuitively (the lower centers have deep
sound (as in apple).
notes, which become higher as you
progress up the body) 7 Conjure up the deep indigo depths of
the brow chakra; focus onto its some
2 Sing out the note you hear, pitching
pitch, and sing it to the sound '£' (as
its sound to the e?cact vibration you
in even).
feel at the base chakra. This is a
strong note, with the sound "OO." 8 Now visualize the pure violet color

of your crown chakra. Listen intently

3 Next, focus on the orange disk of the
until you hear its note, then sing it to
sacral chakra; tune mto its sound
the sound "E-OO.
vibration as before, then sing out its

note to the sound "OR." 9 Finally, focus your concentration

back to the heart center, and hum
4 Now imagine the bnlliant yellow
softly to yourself until you feel
core of the solar plexus chakra; listen
completely in tune throughout your
for its special note, then sing it out to
the sound "AH.
Healing Yourself
with Color

Did you know that color is so powerful, it can

influence your breathing rhythms? Exposure to
a red light alerts your mind, raises your blood
pressure, arouses your emotions, and spurs you into

action. Conversely, all these reactions will be

reversed by using the calming effect of blue.
You can use the therapeutic power of color in

various ways— but the best place to start is in your

own home. Whether you have a tiny apartment or a
spacious family dwelling, a sensitive choice of color
can transform your living environment into a
positive healing zone.

When you're planning to decorate a space in your

home, consult the chart (right) to see what psychic
impact each color makes. To help you to sleep better,

for example, you could bring the calming action of

soft green to your bedroom. Conversely, the bright,

joyful energy of red is best for action spots such as

children's play rooms, while inspiring sunshine

yellow is perfect for a study or work room.

Color energy is already active at the very core of

3^our being, at the "grass roots" of your chakra

centers. The best waj' to keep yourself in peak

mental, emotional, and spiritual balance is to

breathe color into your chakras as described on

page 31 . Do this exercise regularly, using the color
pages that follow on pages 122-37, and you'll also
maintain a balanced, healthy aura.
However, at certain times you may want to use
color in a more direct way, to target specific

problems. For instance, you can enclose yourself in

a circle of therapeutic color (right), or channel
colored light into your body, as shown opposite. Each

color has particular healing properties, and these

techniques help you to "zero in" on a range of
ailments, such as arthritis, raised blood pressure,

nervous exhaustion, and anxiety.


Tfie time each color needs to take effect varies. Follow these
guidelines, and don't exceed the recommended times.

Red Orange Yellow

7 minutes 10 minutes 12 minutes

Energizes, improves circulation, Helps digestion and improves Stimulates the nervous system,
raises blood pressure. Use for your metabolism. Good for liver, pancreas and kidneys.
sciatica. Do not use it if you rheumatism, cramps, spasms, Use it to treat constipation and
suffer from hypertension. and asthma. arthritis.


Irround yourself with therapeutic color to relieve a 3 Visualize yourself enclosed in a
"ealth problem. glowing circle of your chosen color,

ayid focus on your heart ceriter.

1 Read the list of colors and their 2 Lie down comfortably, with your Breathe the color into this center and
healing properties (below), and choose arms at your sides, and use the visualise it circulating throughout your
tlie one best suited to your problem. If breathing exercise on page 23 to relax aura for a few minutes.
you're feeling stressed, for instance, completely.
4 If you find this gives relief increase
green may help.
the time spent circulating the color—
10-20 minutes should he enough.


Use colored light to beam healing energy into your body. sti'aight. Your feet should he about 18
inches away from the lump Direct the
1 check the list of colors for their tape a translucent sheet of the light beam onto the center of the sole
healing acticm (below), and choose the appropnatcly colored paper across the of one foot— this is a natural route for
one you need. If you have digestive bottom of the shade. Put the lamp on color energy to flow into your body.
trouble, for example, orange can help. the floor and switch it on.
4 For balanced healing, treat both

2 Fix an appropriately colored light 3 Take off your shoes and socks, and feet; check the colors (below) for advice
bulb into an adjustable desk lamp or sit on the floor with your legs out on how much time you need.

Green Turquoise Blue Violet

15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes

Brings mental and physical Refreshing and restful, it An excellent all-purpose healing Improves mental stab
equilibrium, and is excellent for strengthens both the immune color. Reduces blood pressure, to purify the body •

stress. Use as directed to avoid and nervous systems. Soothes and promotes the healthy self-esteem. It

over-stimulating the heart. inflammation and eczema. growth of cells and body tissue. to tree
namic Red

The warm, life-affirming potency of red influences you at primal

levels. Its energy^ courses through your body in your blood, and
also activates your Base chakra, the psychic center that links to the

inner core of the planet. Deep within the earth is where a fierce,

glowing energy can be found— and this is what gives you your basic
appetite for life. This is why red lifts your spirits and stimulates your
blood; it also can generate great emotional intensity, ranging from a
fierce protective ness, passion and aggression to sudden violence.

Shades of Red
You can absorb red in its brightest, purest form but its color differs
depending on what is happening to you. Your aura will reflect this: a

light red shows your spontaneous, playful side, while deep, rich shades
indicate courage, endurance, and strong emotions. If the color is

noticeably dark or muddy, however, this signals dangerously blocked,

frustrated energy.

Restoring the Balance

An imbalance of red in your system is reflected not only in your aura
but you may be "red in the face" with frustration or anger. Should you
sMiTrr I shock, defeat, or trauma, your core reserves of life energy will

Lisly depleted. Correct these extremes by using the chakra

; iiancing exercise described on page 31. Visualize your Base chakra
' '
'ill a pure red eneigy— and use the image on the facing page
ioi mspu.ition.

Healing with Red

Psychic healcr.s use red to boost blood circulation, stimulate energy, and
to ease achiii:; joints and muscles. If stress has severely overtaxed your
ad] :!ands, .sd tj-iat you're completely exhausted and run down, red
can ^ you back lo life again.
Joyful Orange

The warming glow at the heart of a flame is the perfect

representation of orange's cheerful energy. This is what activates

your Sacral chakra, and is expressed in joyful, instinctive, love of life.

Orange energy stimulates your pleasure in food, music, dance, and sex,

while nourishing a deep sense of well-being, happiness, and abundance.

Shades of Orange
A pure, clear orange in your aura is a positive sign of energy, optimism,
imagination, focus, and purpose, but various shades maj' appear,
depending on what is going on in j^our life. For instance, a light, orange-
yellow tint indicates highly creative mental activity, while at the
opposite end of the scale, a reddish-orange can reflect confusion,
ambivalence, cunning and repressed emotions, A very dark or muddy
shade warns of uncontrolled self-indulgence.

Restoring the Balance

If orange is severely out of balance in your system, this will be reflected
in the shades of the color in your aura, but it will show in your external
behavior also. Too much and you're never satisfied, seeking endless
gratification from food, possessions, sex, or money. Too little, and your
joy in may have been depleted by extreme deprivation of some

kind, and this may result in lack of vitality and depression. To restore
your aura to health, balance your chakras as shown on page 31— and use
th(* image on the facing page to inspire you.

Healing with Orange

'^^ nvjf is a superb tonic for the reproductive system and it recharges
(f;i ies when you are tired, stressed, or ill. In the right

ins, it also acts as a natural corrective agent, enabling you to

(uiough is enough," and restoring you to health and vitality.

Illuminating Yellow

The signature color of the Solar Plexus chakra— the center that

generates your sense of personal power, self-worth, and

achievement— yellow is also the color of the sun, with its positive

qualities of radiance, openness, clarity, and warmth. The power of

yellow in your life is twofold: on the physical level it enables you to be
comfortable with yourself; intellectually, it promotes clear thinking,
open communication, analysis, logic, judgment, and intelligence. Yellow
can give you the supreme self-confidence to realize your ideas, but it

may also overwhelm and confuse you with too many possibilities.

Shades of Yellow
A bright, vibrant yellow in your aura reflects the sunny side of your
personality. A very light yellow shade indicates areas of mystical
thought, while a dull yellow points to confused, ill-defined, or

unimaginative ideas. It could also reveal secretiveness and dishonesty.

Restoring the Balance

If many negative aspects of yellow are reflected in your aura, your self-

esteem is probably at a low ebb. Your confidence, courage, sense of

intrinsic value, and sense of humor may be lost. You can restore
harmony to your system by balancing your chakras as described on
page 31 . Breathe the clean, clear energy of pure yellow into your Solar
Plexus chakra, using the image facing this page for inspiration.

Healing with Yellow

Psychic healers use yellow to improve digestion and to eliminate toxins
from the liver and gall bladder; its gently stimulating effects can also
strengthen and calm an exhausted nervous system, and this helps to
promote clear, effective thinking. On an emotional level, it is used to

restore self-esteem and pleasure in life.

Life-giving Green

The soothing, power of green brings tranquilhty and harmony to the

very core of your being. It is the color energy that radiates from

your Heart chakra, where it governs your abihty to give and receive
love, empathize with others, and find peace within yourself. Nature's
own color, green brings you into a relaxed, healing contact with the
world around you; but, as in nature, it can also stagnate and decay,
leading to festering emotions such as jealousy and resentment.

Shades of Green
A clear, bright, green in the aura is a wholesome sign of fine judgment,

adaptability, and balance, while a very light shade denotes spirituality,

the ability to heal, and an intensely sympathetic nature. On the other

hand, if someone is "green with envy," this would be indicated by a
dark or olive green shade. A muddy or dull green points to cunning,

deceit, emotional deprivation and secretiveness, a yellow-green to

possessiveness, and a gray-green to depression.

Restoring the Balance

If you don't have a healthy balance of green in your aura, you may
literally look "green around the gills." But however stale or sluggish
you're feeling, you can use the power of pure, fresh, green to detoxify

your system. Do this by balancing your chakras as described on page 31,

and use the image on the facing page for inspiration while you breathe
the invigorating energy of green into your Heart chakra.

Healing with Green

Green has a powerful restorative energy that regulates the heart and
blood pressure, heals the lungs and chest and also removes toxins from
the system. As green is the most relaxing of all colors, it soothes your
frazzled nerves when u've been under pressure; it also assists the

circulatory system and aids balance and harmony.

Inspirational Blue

Tiie cool, calm, power of blue connects you with the infinite vistas

of the sky and ocean, evoking spirituality, devotion and a sense of

the sacred. Blue is also the color of your Throat chakra, your center of
communication. When activated, this chakra inspires you to speak in
the spirit of truth. Blue is an immensely far-reaching force that can be
expressed through an independent personality, an aloof idealist, and, at
the other extreme, a deeply emotional person who often feels

overwhelmed by powerful feelings.

Shades of Blue
A clear sky-blue in your aura indicates self-confidence and mental
clarity; turquoise signifies a tranquil attitude; and a soft, light hue
indicates devotion to an ideal. If the blue is very pale, this points to

superficial thoughts. Deeper shades may mean that you're "feeling blue"

due to a phase of sadness, or a more long-term, serious depression. But

some dark blues are very positive — midnight blue is a sign of enhanced
intuition, while navy blue reflects a protective energy at work.

Restoring the Balance

When your system has been affected by the negative aspects of blue,
your faith in life can be undermined, and you may lose perspective. You
can correct these problems by doing the chakra balancing exercise
described on page 31 . Using the facing page, restore the effectiveness of
your Throat chakra by breathing in the brilliant energy of pure blue.

Healing with Blue

Blue is an excellent pain-reliever. Psychic healers also use it to trigger

the body's own healing resources— its cooling properties are useful in
the treatment of thyroid, mouth and throat problems, and fever Blue is

also used to heal spiritual and emotional trauma, restoring a sense of

peace and calm.


Visionary Indigo

The hypnotic, midnight blue of indigo has a transformative effect on

your body and soul. It is the sign of a true mystic and is also the

color of the Brow chakra. This psychic center enhances clairvoyance,

and expands your psychic vision so that you are able to see past,

present, and future as a unified picture. Because indigo stimulates the

right side of your brain, it triggers your creative imagination, deepens
your intuition, and gives you a serene, inner confidence that you know
the truth. But these same qualities may also make you a remote and
is()lat(^d tlgure, who finds it difficult to communicate with others.

Shades of Indigo
Indigo often shades into purple and violet tones in the aura, and these
colors all connect you with higher levels of consciousness, promoting a
wonderful sense of peace and spiritual harmony. But a pronounced
level of indigo in your aura may also cause you problems. People with
niystical qualities are often misunderstood, and this may result in

exclusion and loneliness.

Restoring the Balance

You may be absorbed in psychic visions, but if this leads to isolation and
remoteness, these are warning signs that should be heeded. By doing
the chakra balancing exercise described on page 31, you can bring
yourself down to earth without losing contact with your highei self.

Using the image on the facing page for inspiration, integrate indigo into
\ nur (entire being, and stay in touch with the joy of ordinary life.

Healing with Indigo

Indigo has a powerful sedative action, and can act as a light anesthetic.
Psychic healers use it to treat mental disturbance, as it helps to clear the

head. If your nerves have been frayed to the point of breakdown, indigo
will come to your rescue, and restore your inner balance.
Mystical Violet

Ihe gem-like radiance of pure violet heralds a transcendent level of

JL consciousness, informed by the desire to know eternal truth. It

signifies enlightened thought, and a profound connection with the

spiritual world. Known as the color of kings, violet is worn b\' royalty,

bishops, or popes to indicate power bej'ond the temporal. It is also the

color of the Crown chakra, the psychic center that links you with
knowledge from the deepest sources of spiritual wisdom.

Shades of Violet
When you see violet in the aura, it is usually bold and bright, and has
no negative aspects. Even when the color is dark, this is not a problem-
on the contra^,^ it signifies a near perfect connection with the divine.
You may feel magnetically attracted to violet, as it has a strong psychic
influence; this is fine, as long as you don't use it to fuel a fantasy of

yourself as a superior spirit, in a bid to escape the demands of daih' life.

Restoring the Balance

It is highly unusual to see a preponderance of violet in the aura— in fact

some people have ver\' little. This may result in a "deadened" feeling

that life has no meaning bej'ond the purely physical. By doing the
chakra balancing exercise described on page 31 ,
you can integrate a

healthy level of violet into your aura. Using the image on the facing
page for inspiration, breathe violet into your Crown center, to help you
stay in harmonious contact with your higher self.

Healing with Violet

Violet calms the brain and nervous system and helps dispel in-ational

obsessions and neuroses. It is used by psychic healers to treat shock

ma, or eniotional distttbance. Violet has a cooling effect on rashes

nineal gland, and the eyes, and balances your

mc .ed also to provide effective psychic protection.
136 Purifying White

The quiet grace of newly fallen snow is the perfect image of both

the beatity and silence of white, the color that Represents the fully

awakened spirit. Its pure, clean, energy expands your mind into a

luminous stream of white light, connecting you to the highest levels of

consciousness through your Crown chakra. This experience brings

profound spiritual relief and release, and im immenseh' peaceful sense
of distance from all emotional confusion <md mental clutter

Shades of White
White is very rarely seen in the cuua, as it signifies a fuhy enhghtened
being. If white ks present, it will usually emanate from the crown of the
head, and is a sign that the person is receiving inspiration from a high

spiritual source. When this happcens, pure light is drawn in from the
cosmos and filters throughout the aura, enhancing its radiance.

Restoring the Balance

Connecting with white is a perfect way to cleanse yourself in mind,
body, and spirit. Focus your breathing as described on page 31, then
imaginatively link yourself with the highest source of spiritual energy.
Using the picture opposite for inspiration, visualize white light tlowing
into your Crown center, and traveling through all your chakras in a

shining beam of energy. With each breath, expand this white light into
everv part of your aura. Finally, seal the energy within yourself by
visuali/iiig <i band of gold around your entire aura.

Healing w ith White

When vou ar(; in complete despair, white can exert a powerful, healing,

force. It purifiers your thoughts, promotes calm reflection, and helps to

restore you to a \\'id(;r, healthier, spiritual perspective. This means that

you can ac(.ept events that you cannot control, and' have taith that they
can't destro\ \ our spirit.

140 Could You be a Shaman?

Great healers and clairvo\'ants, shamans are make you better able to help the people close to you.

found in many cultures, including Native You'll "know" what's good for them and what's bad.
American and Australian aboriginal groups. Most You can strengthen this bond with nature by making
shamans pass through a gateway to the "other world" regular links with plant spirits as shown on page ,58.

of spirits. Here, they can talk to their ancestors and You also can create your own version of a sacred

get help from them. Shamans enter a sacred space space (see below). Going inside this sanctuary may
where they go into a trance, meditate, and plug be 3'our first experience of meeting your "real" self

direcdy into the planet's energy. with anew sense of connection with the world
If you have an unusually close affinity ^vith plants around y^ou. Shamanism is as much about drawing
and animals, you may feel a natural empathy with on the reservoir of ancient wisdom as it is about
shamanism. Being close to the nattn"al world can reaching out to help others.

To experience what it's like being a shaman, create your own
sacred space. From "home base" you can contact the essence

of your secret inner world, using all your senses.

1 Focus 01} ijoiir brcatliuiii as dcscnbcd on page 23. Invoke 4 Using your breath as a focus, breathe in and hold the
tin: image of a)i outdoor space where you feel completely picture steady. Then, on the out breath, let the picture grow
secure and at peace with yourself—it could be a beach, a in intensity and movement, and watch as mists fomi and
woodland, a rwcr hank, or a favorite spot in your garden. billow.

2 As you meditate, visualize yourself right there

in your 5 Wlien you feel completely at one with this vision, hold
ground beneath your feet, and sense the
safe place. Feci the the image, then allow yourself to dissolve into the mist.
air around you. Open all your senses and explore the When you're ready, return to your everyday world.
landscape -there maij be trees, flowers, sand, rocks,
6 Repeat this connection frequently until it becomes as easy
glittering sea spraij. or a river flowing between grassy
as stepping outside your own front door In time, your
sacred place will develop a life ot its own — ijou7l be able to

3 Take time to absorb the spirit of this unique place, letting watch flowers and trees givwing, and see all the natural
Us atmosphere soak through your skin. cycles of life taking place.
A shaman has to walk the "Spiral Path," a psychic
initiation that gives insight into the mysteries of the inner

and outer worlds. Labyrinth walking can he done in a

similar spirit in order to gcdn personal knowledge.

The journey to the center

The inward path, winding toward the
center or heart, is the path of the self. On
the way, the individual tries to conquer and
overcome fears and pain, promotes hope
and joy, and faces the shadow or dark
sides of human nature. Only then is

complete self-acceptance possible.

Going to the outer edge

The corresponding path leads outward into
the world. This is where the shaman or
individual gets in touch with the planet.

The goal is to meet the secret spirits in all

living things, and see the entire "web of

being" linked by a stream of endless ^
energy. * -

Complete union
If you compleLc this psychic journey, you
probably would have met dark aspects of
the self and possibly encountered strange

spirit creatures. The reward for completing

this psychic journey is the experience of
"falling into wonder" —a unity with the
endless, vibrating energies of the universe.
142 Contact with Departed Spirits

When you're fully absorbed in your daily life, A visit to the spirit world is not always a one-way

vou may not have much time and space to journey — a departed spirit may decide to come and
think deeply about other levels of existence. But all visit you. In fact, some psychics believe that it is not
that can change when someone close to you dies; possible to "command" the spirit of a person to

this is moment when you may start to wonder

the return against his or her will, it is the spirit who
what happens to the human spirit after death. Most decides to make contact with you. Many people
psychics believe that the souls of people who have report experiencing visits from loved ones shortly

died enter the astral or spirit worlds. You may after their deaths. If this happens, you might simply
already have visited these realms during an astral accept it as a natural event, without feeling the need
dr(;am, or when astral traveling (see page 72), and to explore the matter further
met the spirit of someone you've loved. Some people On the other hand, may make you very curious

also claim to do so during "near death" experiences. about what happens after death— you may even feel

Insider info mediums

The role of a medium is to contact the spirits of people Mediums link with spirits mainly through spirit guides
u'Jin have died cuid arc now m the astral or spmt ivorld. tliat they know anil trust Tlie guides establish contact— but
The }ucdui}u usttaUij docs lJus on hcIjaljOt pco})Ic wJio only if the spints wish to he in communication.
luiL'c lost soDieojic close to tJion

The spirit of someone who has died may appear

Contact between loved ones ccai he verij conifortoig vividly alive to the medium, as if he or she is in the same
For instance, the person who died maij liane been too ill to room, or the ynediwn may sense the person so completely
express his or her feelings or to saij "goodbije" and the that he/she is able to give a realistic description of the
relatives also maif not have had an opportitnitij for a final person. The medium also can Jiave two-way conversahons
exchange- It is a good chance jor hotJi to tie up loose ends with the sjnrit
and resolve any outstanding questions.


a compelling desire to be in contact with spirits on competent medium or teacher is the place in which

the astral level. In this case, it's most important to to work on any innate abilities.

seek expert guidance. Even it you have an inborn gift Silence and meditational exercises will be used in

for contacting spirits, you can be drawn into subtle, order to make individuals more receptive to the

nebulous areas that can create illusions and currents in the spirit world. The teacher will work
delusions. Do plenty of research first, and consult a with you to help develop your gifts of clairvoyance

highly recommend<^d spiritualist association, a (see page 90), clairaudience (hearing voices), and
trained medium, or a reputable psychic development clairsentience (see page 58) — all of which come into

group. play when you make yourself a channel for spirits to

communicate through.
Steps to Mastering Mediumship
A development group under the supervision of a


Many people Uy to contact departed spuits with the help

of a ouija hoard— this has letters and numbers on it, and

a sliding pointer, which spells out messages in response
to questions. It can he used hy one person or a group.
Tliough It IS generalhi regarded as an entertaining
psychic "game," the ouija is a frightening experience for
some hecause it tends to attract lower spirit entities

These have heen known to tease and scare people hy

spelling out worrying messages— nu iidnig wai iungs of


death or injury. The safest way to use the hoard is to

invoke only the highest and most benevolent spints

before you ask your questions Prayerfid meditation

before beginning can create die best atmosphere.
144 Getting in Touch with Your Spirit Guide

you've ever wondered whether it's possible for the sign of a truly genuine force. Authentic spirit
you to initiate communication with a lieing from mentors never interfere or intervene in anyone's
the spirit world, the answer is "yes"— but it is often daily life. No benevolent being would tell you what
easier to receive help from a spirit guide. to do. Your guide's role is to unconditionally advise
Unfortunately, you can easily be led astray in your you. They can also assist you to make contact with
quest. While Native American chieftains, cosmic the spirit world, directing you wisely and safely.

brothers trom distant galaxies, or famous people You can safely link up with a spirit guide as

trom history have all been hailed as the only true described opposite, as long as you invoke this
spirit guides, the reassuring truth is that a spirit guidance with trust and goodwill. Alternatively, if

guide or mentor does not have to project a distinct vou think you'd feel more comfortable doing this

id(;ntity. In fact, the most effective ones are the least with other pc-ople, always choose a highly reputable
"pcn'sonali/.ed," and don't even have namc^s. psychic develo])ment group.
Essentially, the absence of personality in a guide is

Are your messages real?

A quick ivaij to clwi k ichcAhrv ijou'rc dcidviu, with idi If, 0)1 the oilier hcuul, tlie hsi of statejiiciits below more
"aiithnith "
spirit is to sec wliclhci' ijoii agree with the liccuriitcly reflects i/cnii expe^'ioices, then you shouldn't
foUduntm stcitC))u:)Us. take this source seriously.

There is a distinct feeling of love and wisdom. When messages come through, they refer to
personal matters.
T^ken out of context, the messages have a
general meaning. The guide has an impressive sounding name.

The information you received was inspirational The guide tells you what to do.

and thought-provoking. He or she has told you that you were special.

The guide says that its message is vital to save

the world.
Perform the following exercise to connect
with the spirit world. Ask a reliable friend
to tape the words you receive.

1 Use the exereise on page 23 to become deeply relaxed, and

breatlte steadihi u)itiJ ijou feel fitlhj balcnieed.

2 Powerfiillij invoke ijour desire to be linked to the highest

forces of good through praijerfid meditation. Ask for Jielp to

))uike a clear connectuni with ijour guiding spint

3 Visualise 'he top of ijoiir crown center {see page 29)

opening out like a funnel of pure light, and take your
consciousness as high as you can. Now take it a little

Iiigher, and then laise it even further upward

4 Visualize yourself enveloped from head to toe in a column

of pure light. You niaij be aware that words arc filing iiour
head out of nowhere

5 Speak these words out loud as theij conic to you. If you

notice that your atlention is wandering, you have broken
the link. You can either guide yourself back into
communication, or stop, and try again some other time.

6 Return to your ligular state ofdwareness by msualizing

a taproot of energy leading down into the inner core of the

7 Draw on that energy, feeling deep securitij and pleasure

III your physical existence.
Messages from Beyond

times of acute crisis or trauma, you may have When you're struggling with a dilemma that tests
uttered a desperate but unconscious cry into the you to your limits, every nerve in your body can feel

universe, begging for an answer to your dilemma. wired. Ironically, such tension also may make you
Sometimes, these calls for help trigger a response; it less receptive to the subtle ways in which messages
may arrive in the form of a dream, or through some are delivered. Try and keep part of your mind
event that turns out to be a "heaven-sent" solution. relaxed and open, so you have the mental space to

This is because you have unwittingly achieved a sense the hidden meaning behind odd words or
form of pure communic ation to the higher powers. phrases that arrive "out of the blue." Answers tend to

You don't necessarily require faith to appeal to sneak into your mind when you're involved in

them; the ability to be true to your inner self and mundane tasks such as brushing your teeth or

remain open to all sources of help, is just as driving your car. You can often be more open to

important. Moreover, sheer inspiration can get to the inspiration when you're physically occupied. Once
heart of many difficulties, though it often means you learn to keep an open mind, you'll recognize

changing your perspective. signals promptly, and trust what you receive.

When seeking divine guidance, always make
sure you know exactly what you want.

1 Concentrate on the essence of your question, and 3 If you have a dream that night, and recall it when you

fornndate the simplest way of expressing it. This helps to wake up, write its details in your psychic journal. This
generate a positive result. could be your answer

moon is waxing (lialf

2 If possible, choose a night when the 4 Otherwise, note any unusual insights that anive; they
way between a new and full moon). Look deep into the will certainly come from a higher source of intuition. Accept
night sky, then send your question to the guiding forces of these messages without analyzing them too much, even f i

the heavens. they don't make sense. In time, their meaning will become

Messages arrive from beyond in a variety of ways. The following
are just a few examples.

Key words Images Inspiration Coincidence

You become
gi'adiiaUij As with word messages, You may feel compelled to Sometimes the message
aware that a single word you'll suddenly notice takean intuitive leap in the seems to drop in front of
seems to pop up all the yourself seeing the same dark and reach for a you out of the sky— as
time —in a newspaper image over and over This particular item among you're walking along, you
headline, on a poster, in a may he something as many —a fortune cookie, a see something on the
television ad, on a highway simple as an arrow nme, or a playing or tarot sidewalk. It may be a bird's
sign, even on a food pointing m one direction. card. Whatever you feather, a coin, or a
wrapper As soon as ijou've The moment you discover, there is your discarded flower As soon
realized this, the meaning of acknowledge this, you'll answer as you pick the object up,
that word will he clear know what the message is your mind recoginzes the
saying. message that is being sent.
148 How to Communicate with Angels

help you your way, and restore you

You are surrounded by countless angelic beings will to find to

who act as messengers between earth and your spiritual roots.

heaven, and link you with the highest good. The Angels are known to prefer quiet, spiritual

most familiar of these is your guardian angel, the atmospheres; with this in mind, reserve a special
protective being that presides over your life from the place in your home, and introduce some of the
moment of your birth (see page 160). However, an elements described below. Ideally, this will be also
array of different angels are responsible for the place where you meditate regularly.

delivering the life-changing messages that act as Angels always act in a spirit of unconditional
torch-lights in darkness, and provide higher love— they will unfailingly point you toward your
guidance, healing, and protection. true destination, stimulating your mind and

You may have been living from day to day imagination, sharpening j^our perception of the
without a particular sense of purpose, unaware of world, and supporting your instinct to do good. They
these mighty angels who are particularly concerned also can bring you dazzling insights— and a sense of

about your personal destiny. They can see the path true enlightenment that will enhance your psychic
you need to follow for your ultimate spiritual creativity.

fulfilment; moreover, if ycni know how to "ask," they

The qualities that most appeal to angels include:

Calm"- ..

\, Cleanliness Joy
Regular meditation brings you inner quiet Always keeping your meditation space tidy What makes you happy?
and peace, and this permeates tlie space and dirt free. Is it music, a picture, or an exquisite shell?

around you. Use and enjoy these in your meditation

space—angels love happiness, and are said
Candlelight Keep your space clear and uncluttered.
to dance on the vibrations of your laughter
Ligiit a candle ever ^-iny -
its steady flame win ji tract quiet, gentle
illumination into your life.
Many people have actually seen angels— usually at THE ARCHANGELS
times of great crisis. One of the most famous
Gabriel Raphael
sightings was witnessed by soldiers on the battlefield
The messenger of divine Turn to Raphael when you
at Mons, in France, durmg the 1914-18 war In the comfort, Gabriel represents are feeling ill; he will bring

midst of the slaughter, a huge, radiant being female power Gabriel you a deeply regenerative
announced the coming of energy that can restore you
appeared, giving comfort and love to the wounded
Christ and is thought to be to health.
and dying; it was the legendary Angel of Mons. the messanger who dictated

There are several common factors in eyewitness the Koran. This is the angel Raquel
descriptions of angels: the overwh(;lming impact is to invoke to help with fertility The angel of ethical
problems; the archangel also procedure, Raquel monitors
that of a tall, shining presence that is so bright, it
brings news. all aspects of behavior
dazzles the eye. The streams of light that emanate Invoke him when you are

from these androgenous beings appear to be wing- Metatron seeking justice and the right

like forms, and the emotional projection is one of This heavenly scribe has course of action —he will help
many eyes and records you to make those difficult
great strength, reassurance, and profound love.
everything that happens; his choices in your life.

Angelic forces rarely speak in words, but the key task is to reunite male
messages they bring penetrate directly into human and female pnnciples. His Saraquel

consciousness, and are clearly understood. name means "mentor, " and This is the teacher of

he is the angel to invoke Moses —a fallen angel who

At any time of your life, you can appeal to the
when you seek spiritual then repented. If you feel
archangels for guidance, even though you may never teaching and guidance. that you've done wrong and
see one. You must know how to ask, however, and seek forgiveness, turn to him

this means being clear about what is going wrong in Michael to restore you to your peace
With his mighty sword of of mind.
your lite. You may feel adrift in your career, or in
truth, Michael stands for
your relationships, or you may have no sense of justice, and springs to the Uriel
inner peace, l^ke some time to focus these concerns defense of the weak and The angel of enlightenment

around the different strengths offered by each downtrodden. When you're and the upholder of moral

at your lowest ebb, ask for teaching, Uriel misses

archangel— they are the messengers who will
his courage, fortitude, and nothing, and is a steadfast
respond most direcdy to your problems. Clear your integrity. He will help you to doorkeeper His energy is

mind and compose your thoughts in your psychic defeat any terrifying elements uncompromising, he will
journal; and trust your intuition to lead you to the that haunt your life. always "tell it like it is.

Appeal to him when you feel

angel that can help you most at this point in your
mentally overwhelmed and
life. Then, approach your chosen angel through the confused.
avenues suggested here — those of meditation, and

Let your chosen archangel 1 FocHS on ijour breathing as 3 Allow any form of communication
descnbed on page and let ifoursclf
23, from the angel to enter your
bring you messages in the
become perfccthj serene and still consciousjiess freely: accept, trust, and
stillness of meditation. mside If ijoii wisli, ijun can hold a absorb what you are given in the

picture of the archangel ijou have spint of truth.

chosen, or a card mscnl^ed iiith the
4 Remain m quiet contact witJi the
angel's name
angel until you feel tliat you have
2 Now shift i/oitr attention to your thoroughly absorbed its guidance at
heart center, and opoi ifourself every level of your being; then retwii
conipletehi imd triisttnghj to the to ijour nonnal state of aivareness.
arcl}a}igel's loving j)resencc.


Talk to ijour angel in 1 choose the angel who can Jielp you knowing wliat I'm going tlwough, and
most— for mstiDiee, if you're feeling to)' standing up for people like me who
simple words spoken from
bullied and intunulatcd bi/ more have lost their courage The feeling
the heart. forceful people, Michael can help you that you're alu'ays on my side is a
Think how you would talk to a trusted true comfort.
friend when asking for advice, then
3 At bedtime, calm your thoughts and
imagine that you are addressing
trust that your angel is ready to come
Michael in the same way. Write your
to you.Then either read your prayer
words down iri the fonn of a brief
silently or say it out loud, knowing
that your words are being heard and
2 For example, you could say, "Dear understood.
Michael, I'm so frightened, and
4 A good niglit's sleep, after which
unceriain all the time I let people
you awaken rested and confident,
walk all over me, and I've lost all
may be a sign your prayer was heard.
confidence in myself Please help me
Or you can always "ask" for a more
to find my inner strength, and protect
concrete response (see above).
me from all my fears. Thank you for
152 Can You Identify Different Spirits?

Have vou ever met a ghost? Those v\^ho'v(^ liad A poltergeist, or "noisy spirit," is quite a different

first-hand experience describe remarkably matter It gets up to all sorts of mischief, moving

similar sensations: the sudden feeling of extreme objects around, breaking things and making violent,

cold, an unpleasant odor, and an unsettling sense loud noises. It certainly wants to be noticed, whereas

that something is very amiss. A ghostly form is ghosts are usually shy and elusive.
simply a non-physical manifestation of someone who The latest evidence suggests that, far from being a

is Many old houses claim to have a ghost-in-

dt^ad. spirit presence, a poltergeist may manifest from the
residence. One example might be a spectral presence disturbed energy of a living person. One ofte?i

that walks on the staircase at certain times. Beings appears in the home of a young person who is

such as these are earthbound spirits; they have failed (unotionallj' disturbed; he or she may be completely
to move on to the astral or spirit world because, for unaware of having any connection with the
some reason, they are unable to leave their familiar mysterious noises and activity. Fortunately, once any
home ground. There is some evidence that they can hidden problems are acknowledged and treated, the
be helped to move on (see below). poltergeist usually goes away.

Rescuing an earthbound being demands great love, and
freedom from fear.

1 Usu\<i ijuitr breath as a focus, 3 With each out-breath, share tJus 5 At this point you can communicate
meditate nn the umtij of all life, as warmth with everything around you, with the ghost or spint energy; if you

descrihcd on pai^e 23. Know that, as ivithout exception. feel the time is nght, lovingly suggest
you hreatlie, cueriitJium else breathes. that It moves into the realms of light.
4 Now ask the angelic f)rces of love to

2 Now focus on ijour Jieart center, and come to you, and welcome them mside 6 The spmt will only respond
visualize it openuig out like a giant your heart. Feel them repairing and positively to being liberated when you
blossom, basking ui sunliglu With healing your aura, wrappuig you are completely free of fear yourself If
each in-brcath, take the sun's wariiUh inside a powerful energy field oj you have do not
the smallest doubt,
and healing energij deep into your protection and strength. intervene; you should never approach
cells, to the core of your being a spint alone, and without
strengthening yourself m advance.
what spirit is there?

If you're not certain of the nature of thie spirit you've

encountered, look at the statements below. If you agree with
the first three:

[_| Objects get thrown around or move on their own;

Q There are sudden thuds or other unexplained noises;

[_J The spirit seems to know how to make you angry;

This would indicate poltergeist activity, so you should check

whether someone in the house is suffering from a hidden
psychological disturbance.

If, on the other hand, the following statements are more

indicative of the spirit's behavior:

l_j The presence always appears at the same time;

l_j The activity is always in the same place;

The spirit is apparently unaware of your presence;

[_J You feel that you vaguely recognize the being;

Q The atmosphere suddenly becomes very cold;

Then the presence is most likely to be a ghost. If the ghost is

upsetting your life, and you want it to leave, you might try to

set it free yourself. But this should only be attempted when

you are psychically strong; if you have any doubt, ask for

help from a trained medium recommended by a spiritualist

group, or a priest trained in exorcism.

How Strong is Your Aura?

Wlien you balance your chakras as described on your character— your aura will inevitably revert back
page 31, you strengthen your aura by to its weaker, unhealthier state.

activating levels of pure energy deep inside yourself. Psychic healing and enhanced intuition can
As a result, the harmony restored to your mind, certainly transform your life— but only if you help
body, and spirit is reflected in a strong, clear, shining the process along. Do this by building up your store

aura. This shows that you have the psychic energy to of self-knowledge; keep regular notes in your psychic
live your life to the full, and you radiate an almost Journal, acknowledging and accepting your particular
tangible glovi^ of imier security and confidence. weaknesses and strengths with candor and good
Sadly, however, this strength won't last if you haven't humor. Try to correct your negative habits, but most
corrected the more negative traits and imbalances in important of all, reach out for any opportunities to

How strong are you?

Look at the questions below and tick the ones that relate to you.

When you have a disagreement with anyone, do you drop any When someone compliments you, do you:
negative feelings: a Say "Thank you!" but pay little attention.
a Within minutes. b Feel embarrassed and turn the compliment back.
b 24 hours. C Glow with pleasure and tell everyone.
C Several days or even weeks.
If you someone criticizes you, do you:
When you're talking to someone who is in a bad mood or Q a Acknowledge that there is some truth in it, and try to

distressed, do you: adjust any imbalances to your character accordingly.

a Maintain your own equilibrium. b Fire back some negative words.
b Let that person's pain affect you. c Spend days, or even weeks, brooding about it.

Q c Feel drained afterwards.

When you visit a friend who is sick or in the hospital do you:

a Know you can bring a positive atmosphere with you.
b Feel slightly uneasy around anyone who's ill.

c Become unwell yourself.



change your life for the better, rather than

pretending that you don't have any problems. Emei'gency action
However, much as you try to bolster your aura
However rohiist you are normally, situations can
with healing, visualization, and balancing work, any suddenly overwhelm your inner resources. Here are
persistent weak spots will be revealed there. You can three examples of how to get yourself out of trouble:

identify some of these by answering the questions

W hen talking to a distressed friend, you may
below; don't be discouraged— you'll discover your realize that, whilehe or she is obviously
positive qualities there as well. feeling better by the minute, you are
becoming totally exhausted. This is easy to
rectify: simply fold your arms across your
solar ple.xus — this prevents you from
"bleeding" psychic energy.

You may suddenly find yourself in a

threatening situation, for instance, when
you're walking alone at night. If this
If ijou answered... happens, visualize a powerful golden light
all around you. This often has the effect of

_l Mostly a's making \ou invisible to others.

You are very centered in your own energy— this is a good If you're ha\ ing a lot of trouble with
basis for maintaining your psychic health. someone — parent, child or colleague, for
Mostly b's example — visualize yourself in a clear bubble
of white light. Spend several moments just
You respond naturally to the input around you and are
being comfortable and happy inside. Then,
highly sympathetic, but you need to develop a stronger
conjure up an image of the person with
sense of autonomy. Use visualization and meditation to
help with
whom you are having problems. Now
imagine that person in his or her own
Mostly c's separate bubble of light. Draw a figure of
Faced with other people's opinions and moods you are eight between them, then visualise cutting
easily shaken and put off-balance. Seek help and skilled apart th(; two bubbles and watch the other
healing to restore your inner balance. person's bubble gently float away.
Implement this exercise in a detatched
manner. Performed correctly this is a
powerful healing tool.
Amulets and Talismans

Do you have
feel safe
a special

and strong, or always

mascot that makes you
tarings you luck?
"Abracadabra" Used by
magicians all over the world,
Creek cross, or the cross
of St Benedict Both these
this is one of the oldest magic crosses send off evil spirits with
If so, you're part of a psychic tradition that is as old
formulas, and means "Speak the commanding message "Get
as humanity itself; this recognizes that certain the blessing. " Written on a thee behind me Satan!"
otajects either have powerful qualities in themselves, piece of silk, and worn around
Roman cross This was a
endowed the neck, it wards off disease.
or can be for a particular purpose. powerful protective amulet long

These potent items fall into two groups — amulets Beads Class eye-beads before Christianity.

represent the "all seeing" deity St Andrew's cross

and talismans— but they equip you with extra
that averts danger. Traditionally worn as a potent
psychic strength in different ways. An amulet is
amulet against bad influences.
Cat The ancient Egyptians
protective in its action, and diverts evil influences Tau cross Shaped like a "T"
believed cats were sacred, and
from the owner; its traditional purpose is to ward off and worn to protect against
represented the moon. Black
diseases such as epilepsy. It is
the "evil eye," the common phrase used when cats are thought to be lucky,
symbolic of eternal life and is
but some people fear them.
someone is directing negative energy at you.
also used to guard the spirit.
Only you will know whether a
Amulets may repel danger, but they don't
cat mascot will benefit you, so Dragon Usually used to
necessarily attract luck. This is the role of the trust your intuition. enhance peace and felicity,

talisman — a special charm with the power to bring Coin This traditionally
dragons also help the wearer

you good fortune. Charm bracelets remain a popular silver, but


if it's the right coin

to conquer enemies in war —
you must choose how to use its
item today .They enable the wearer to amass a for you, the humble penny will
bring you health and wealth.
collection of tiny objects, some acting as amulets,
Fish The symbol of early
The best way to protect yourself from negative Christianity, fish charms attract
Ankh or key cross This
energies is to keep your aura strong and healthy as abundance and riches, and
originated in Egypt and
described on page 1.56. But if you are intuitively represent creation and fertility.
symbolizes life and immortality.

drawn to an object taecause it makes you feel Four-leafed clover or

shamrock These are very
particularly good, follow your instincts. Keep your
lucky plants, renowned for
mascot close to you at all times; you could wear it on
bringing you luck, whether it's

a chain around your neck, on a key ring, hang it in in money, gambling, or love.

your car, or keep it safely hidden away in your purse

or wallet. Its presence will reassure you, and give
you a sense of extra good fortune and protection.

Frog A talisman for wealth, Key Worn by the Greeks and Peacock The feathers are Spider A talisman of success

fertility, health, and long life, Romans to bnng luck, enhance said to bring bad luck as they in business and money
frog charms should be worn by foresight, and improve are supposed to represent the matters, spiders were placed

lovers to ensure a happy judgement, keys represented evil eye. hlowever, the bird itself inside a nutshell in medieval

relationship, blessed with the god janus, keeper of the is lucky, and represents the times, and worn around the
mutual ardor and constancy. gate of heaven and guardian triumph over death of neck to protect the wearer from
of all doors, janus was two- everlasting life. illness.
Garment Any piece of
headed, and this enabled him
clothing can bring the wearer Rabbit's foot With its Teeth In China a tiger's tooth
luck — especially in competitive
to look into the future as well
associations of fertility and is regarded as a precious
as the past. The japanese use
sports. Football players often speed, this lucky charm boosts talisman for people who
a key charm to bring wealth,
have "lucky" socks, and some your fortunes. gamble or speculate. In Russia
love, and happiness.
tennis players wear the same imitation teeth are used as
Scarab This ancient Egyptian
shirt throughout a tournament. Lamb The Christian emblem
talisman is a symbol of
amulets to protect children
of the Redeemer, a lamb from evil influences and
Hand of Fatima A powerful creation and resurrection, and
carrying a cross and flag is diseases.
amulet, this is very popular in brings physical, spiritual, and
worn as a protection against
the Middle East. It is a hand of mental health. It also acts as a Tortoise The symbol of the
accidents, storms, and diseases.
benediction, and is mainly protection from evil influences earth, this protects against

used on the doors or walls of Lizard Painted on the outside on the journey from the spells and various evil spirits.

the house to protect all within. of houses, a lizard brings good physical to the spirit planes.
White heather This Celtic
luck. It also promotes good
Heart This is usually worn to Seal of Solomon Also talisman has the power to
eyesight and inspires wisdom.
attract love and joy. At one known as the Star of David. It bring true love to the wearer

time, however, a heart amulet Lotus This brings good luck, symbolizes the fire of the male
Wishbone This familiar
was used to prevent evil spells and is also used in India as an and the water of the female
talisman brings you good luck
being used on the wearer amulet to protect against merging in harmony. The
and enables you to realize your
illness and accidents. The crossed triangles also represent
Horseshoe The ancient dreams.
flower represents Lakshmi, the air and earth. The seal has six
Creeks and Romans used these
goddess of beauty and fortune. points, with an invisible
to bring wealth and happiness
The Egyptians saw the lotus as seventh representing spiritual
to the home. To make it

an emblem of the sun, and transformation, reflected within

effective, the horseshoe must
believed that it promoted the inner eye of the magician,
be nailed onto the door of the
clarity of thought and wisdom. seer, priest, or priestess.
house pointing upward.
Meeting Your Guardian Angel

The moment you were born, you automatically You not even be aware that you have a guardian

acquired a powerful source of psychic angel until something happens to trigger you into

protection— your guardian angel. Many psychics psychic contact — usually at a moment of emotional

believe that the same protective being accompanies crisis. When this happens, the experience is

you through many lifetimes, seeing you safely unforgettable; it is the deep, intuitive recognition of

through (;ach stage of your soul's journey toward unconditional love.

spiritual (mlightenment. It could also be the first step in learning how to

On a day-to-day basis, your guardian angel communicate with your guardian angel on a positive

watches over you at all times, and acts as an basis. However, this requires intelligent collaboration

"invisible mender," constantly repairing and healing trom you; your angel will certainly guide, heal, and
subtle areas of damage within your aiu'a. This loving protect you, but that does not mean that you can
spiritual presence also protects you while you sleep, avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.

and wards off negative forces.

Coimnunication guidelines

Acknowledge the presence of your angel by your Remain open to messages from your angel at all
welcoming words and behavior. times, especially if you sense that you are being
warned of danger.
Choose a regular time to communicate with your
guardian angel — many people do this at night Don't be reckless with your personal safety —
before going to sleep. your guardian angel is there to protect you, but
can't override your free will.
Always ask for help in clear, simple terms.

If you are troubled with bad dreams or negative

feelings, ask your guardian angel to protect you.
1 Focus on ijour breathing until you
become fully relaxed, as described on
page 23.

2 Breathing gently into the heart

center, quietly as}: your gnai dian
angel to come close and make itself

known to you.

3 Allow the angel to surround uou

with its healing energy, and lirl

yourself enfolded within gently

caressing wings.

4 Let yourself relax completely into

this wanvth, and ask for any help

that you may need.

5 Quietly absorb the responsive

energy until you are completely
satisfied. Although the angel does not
require thanks, ijou'U led a compelling
need to express your gratitude.

6 Return to your regular state of

physical awareness, and carry the

sense of unconditional love with you
into the rest of your day.
The Mystic Way
Mysticism — whereby the individual aims to

achieve direct intuitive experience of the

divine— exists both within all major religions and
outside in the form of personal spiritual practices. It

is not an easy spiritual pathway; the mystic must

first discover his or her "real" self in order to make
direct contact with the Godhead— the ultimate,

eternal, source of love.

If you want to become a mystic, you have to work

at dissolving all the personality traits that obscure
this true self These are the complicated "veils of

illusion," "masks," or "cloaks" that you use to conceal

your inner identity, and they all can get in the way Are you a natural mystic:
of achieving pure spiritual communication.

The best way to overcome this barrier is through Give the following questions careful thought, then check
those to which you have an affirmative response. At the end,
honesty and regular meditation (see page 23); this
add up how many you checked.
will help you to confront who you really are; a true

knowledge of your real self is often regarded as the 1_J Do you sometimes "know" exactly what to do?
highest form of intuitif)n. Meditation may not bring [_J Are you actively involved in psychic self-development?

you total enlightenment, but it can give you an Do you seek the truth?

authentic inner directive — and offers you a more Have you ever felt that all human beings are connected

way in some way?

fulfilling to focus your existence. Being more
focused helps you to get in touch with the universal Q Even at times of great material success, or after winning a
much sought-after goal, do you sense that this is not all
forces of the cosmos. When this happens, you will
there is to life?

find sublime peace from experiencing the mystical

!J Can you stand up for what you believe in, even if it goes
unity of all life; you'll realize that everything is against everyone else?

inextricably linked, and that you are a single, living

drop in the limitless ocean of creation. This hints at

a wonderful truth shining through all living things,

and inspires a unique sense of love and wonder.


l_j Are you able to take a different direction to the rest of your Assessment
group/family/peers, if it feels right for you?

Q At times of great crisis or chaos, are you able to see beyond 2-3
immediate events to some greater illumination? Even if you only checked 2 or 3 questions, you already have
Do you always carry out what you promise, even when you some mystical traits.

don't feel like doing it?

Q Do you make extra efforts to do tasks that others feel are
You are walking toward a spiritual destination, even if you are
not aware of it at this moment in time.
Q Do you have an inclusive love of other human beings?
Q Do you love yourself?
You are consciously on the road toward mystical union with the
Q Can you pick yourself up after disappointments, whatever
ultimate truth and spiritual illumination.
they are, and carry on regardless?

Q Are you very happy to be in your own company?

Q Can you sense spiritual aspirations in others?
what is Your Karma?

Roughly understood as fete, karma is something

we can affect. The law of karma says that Instant retribution
every thought and feeling that you direct onto One day, after dnviiig around for ages, I

others, at any time, will react on you in equal spotted a vacant parking space and drove
measure. Our karma evolves through many past ahead a little to give myself room to reverse

lives, hut also operates in the here and now — at back into it. Then, out of nowhere, another
every second of your existence. You are the sum total car slipped into my space. I got really mad,
of all your experiences over all lifetime's, and this is and directed a volley of unpleasant thoughts
reflected in your life today. This means that you an; onto the driver with some force. I

completely responsible tor your actions, and that you immediately realized that I had sent out veiy
can choose to change your karma for the bettcu' at destructive energy, and tried to retrieve it as
any moment during your life. best I could.

Your soul is your tru(^ essence, and each The next day, as I was parking in

incarnation gives it a chance to experience, learn, another pan of town, a car drciv up
and grow within a different physical body. In this alongside mc; the driver yelled and shouted,
way, you can perceive the karmic laws of catise and claiming that I had stolen his place. He was
effect (jver several litetim(!S, circumstances, and in a tciiible rage, and even threatened to

situations. Ivuma is all-pervasive and powerful, vet it drive into my car. I was scared and
is also lair and compassionate; you can't escape its pei-]jlcxcd, as I had not seen him waiting.
relentless hissons, but it is a force that attracts People gathered around, and I got out of my
exacdy what you n(;ed tor your soul to progress. car to call his bluff; eventually he drove
So, whatever is happeuiing in your life, good or away, leaving me veiy shaken. Suddenly, I
bad, consider how each event relat(;s to your karmic recognized that this violent energy was the
destiny: from this viewpoint, it is impossible to be in very same one that I had expressed the
the wrong place at the wrong time. previous day.

Use this exploratory

visualization to identify
your kaniiic path.

1 Focus ijnur InvMlhing as described

on pci^c 23, iDitil ijou feel completely
relaxed Now opoi ijourself to any
images and sciisatums that have
alwaijs had a parlicidar meaning for
you. you may have an
Fi»- nisicDicc,

instnu-.tivr. love jor a language, place,

buildnii:, or la)}dscape.

2 Or, ijou ))Hiy have unusually strong

aversions, for no cvulcnt reason, you
may Inul thai you react violently to an
coinual, a uniform, a color, or odor.
This may he. ccmnectcd with the cause
oj your Uisi dead} especially if you're
ahnormalhi terrified of ftre or knives.

3 Allow these ima,^es to float into your

nund without trying to rationalize
them. This will allow tjou to reconnect
with the deej)est areas of your life

naturallij and inluilirely

4 (jradually, you'll make the creative

link with your essential sell — the core
identity thai threads its icaij through
linie. You may suddeiily recognize an
image originating Irom eo)ts j>ast that

iseerily familiar to you at this very

moment. You are seeing yourself
traveling along your karmic path.
channeling Spiritual Messages

People who act as channels for spiritual whereas channelers deliver information from more
information from the highest sources of mipersonal contacts. These more impersonal
knowledge practice a specialized form of contacts include spirits who have completed their

mediumship. Regular mediums (see page 142) round of earthly incarnations, the higher spirit

communicate with discarnate spirits — the souls of guides, and the Ascended Masters, who have
those who have died and inhabit the astral plane — journeyed beyond the soul.


Channeling can bring profound rewards; it is both a sources: this takes intelligence, clarity of thought,

means of access to cosmic information, and a and dedicated work on self-awareness and healing.
gateway that takes you into other dimensions. Before you attempt the channeling exercise
However, to achieve meaningful results, the integrity described on page 171, you should answer the
of your motivation is paramount. Your aim is to align questionnaire below, to discover whether you are
yourself with the most authentic, trusted and benign ready to proceed.

Are you ready to channel?

If you respond "yes" to a question, check the box next to it. Add up the checl<s and note your score.

What is your motive for wanting to How much time are you prepared to Assessment
bring through channeled material? spend on developing yourself as a clear

Q a To obtain inspirational channel? 3-5 c's

knowledge. a When you feel like it. You would be much better suited to

b To expand your own awareness. Qb However many years it may some other form of psychic or healing

c So others will respect you, or take. work.

pay more attention to you. Qj C Maybe once a week for an hour
3-5 a's
or two.
Describe your physical constitution: You seem to have some unrealistic

Q a You are rarely ill.

Are you someone who is:
ideas about yourself, and you need to
Q b You commonly suffer from colds a Fearless. engage in more self discovery and
and other minor illnesses. b Rarely frightened about healing before becoming involved in

Q C You often visit doctors, healers, anything. channeling.

or pharmacies. Q c Always watchful, expecting bad
3-5 b's
things to happen.
What sort of reading material do you You show great promise, and could
favor? develop your channeling abilities very
a Sensational stories. nicely, with dedication and purpose.
Qb Information covering a wide
variety of topics.

C Escapist romantic novels.

In recent yeans channelnig has been widely used, but

the quahty ot the messages varies enormously. Some

warn of alarming changes to our planet, often in

sensationalized, frightening terms. Other revelations

have a core of authentic insight that are encouraging

radical shifts in spiritual awareness. Always retain a

discerning attittide to this information.

If you decide to try channeling, you should

realize that this involves entering a focused state. As

you may not remember the content ot what has been
directed through you, ask a trusted frifmd to tape or

write down the messages that you receive.

Channeled infonnation
when channeling comes into actualitij through the
spoken word, penncates through the mind of all

humanitij, and creates an energy of realisation.

Although this spiritual joiirtieij is never easy, the
rewards are great.

"He may travel sometimes in the dark, and the

illusion of darkness very is travel
real. He may
sometimes in a light so dazzling and
bewildering that he can scarcely see the way
ahead. He may know what it is to falter on the
path and to drop under the fatigue of service
and of strife, be temporarily distracted and
wander down the bypaths of ambition, or self-
interest and of material enchantment. But the
lapse will be but brief. Nothing in heaven or
hell, on earth or elsewhere can prevent the
progress of the man who has awakened to the
illusion, who has glimpsed the reality, beyond
the glamour of the astral plane."
Alice Bailey, A TVeatise on \Vliitc Magic

1 To prepare ijvuiself fur c.lumnelmg, avoid eatins, a heavy
meal lietorehaiid, and alhnv at least two liours before ijou
het^ui tins proeedure

2 Folhiw the ineditation exercise on page 23, and take

plentij oj tune to achieve a deeplij relaxed state.

3 Focus ijour cnergij into ijour heart center Hold it there,

hreatliing regiilarhj and decplii for at least three breaths.

4 Visualize a giant, diamond ci'ijslal poised aliove ijour

head, and invoke the highest sources of divine spintual

5 Watch anil acknowledge jnirc cnergi/ pouring into tlie

crijstiil Feci and heai tin: trcijuinicii of light vibrating

thrnitgh It

6 At this point ijou mail feel a responsive humming sound

building up inside ijou—sing tins sound out into llic space
around ijou

7 Visualize the lighl being s])lit into rainbow colors, and

idduiling from the crijstal directhi into i/oiir higln:r iX.nters

Absorb these I'aijs

8 Lcf ijoui' mind become c.omplctclij open and free — and

don't llinik Allow worils lo come into ifour mind, and
speak them out loud without listening to what ijoii are
saijing This lakes some imictice, but ijou will learn to

assess ivhcthcr it is an authentic message

9 Wlicn ijour channeling link has ended, return to i/oiir

normal state. i\lakc sine that ijou concentrate on ijour feet,

and feel a strong root of energij linking them to the cartfi.

10 Aftci' completing this exercise, go for a walk ami eat a

solid meal ivitb a hoi ilimk
A B Channeler(s)
Channeling exercise
17, 168
will 32

Divining rod 98
Affirmations for Base chakra 29-31, 47,
Chart, color 119 Dowsing 98-101
well-being 34 114
Clairsentience 58 for water 99
Aids to mediation 25-26 Birth chart 79
Clairvoyant 90 Dream(s) 65-66
Air (element) 78 Black aura 45
Collective unconscious diary 11 , 66
Amulets 158 Blue
64 directing 71
Angel(s) 148-151 aura 44
Color(s) interpretation 67, 68
arch- 150 chakra 47
of the aura 43-46 lucid 70
guardian 148, 160-161 healing with 130
of the chakras 28-31, temples 66
Angelic meditation 151 Breathing
44, 47
Animals, psychic 74 butterfly 109
Archetypes 64 in color energy 31
chart 119 E
healing with 118, Earth (element) 78
Ascended Masters 168 in the light 23
120-121, 122-136 Empath(y) 16, 106
Astral in meditation 25
Courage, affirmation for Employment,
body 72 Brow chakra 29-31, 47,
34 affirmation for 34
travel 72 115
Crown chakra 29-31, 47, Energy
world 142 Brown aura 45
114 etheric 30
Astrology 78 Butterfly breathing
Crystal(s) inanimate objects
Aura 28, 42 108-109
charging 112 56-57
check 43
cleansing 112 plants 58
color photograph of 42 c healing 116-117 reading an object's 57
discovering your 43 Cabbala 102
ESP see Ttelepathy
layers of 46
plants 58
Candle-gazing 18
Chakras 28-31, 42, 46,
D Etheric energy 30
Directed thought 32-34 Exercises
portrait 46 114-115
Distant healing 106 angelic meditation 151
strong 156 balancing 31
Divine ask divine guidance
singing to 117
guidance 146 146
visualization of 117

astral travel 72 pendulum 101 Healing

aura check 43 psychic focus 41
F your aura 157
Fate line 95
aura portrait 46 psychic sight 18 with color 118,
Fire (element) 78
balancing chakras 31 pyschokinetic 37 120-121,
Five senses 18
butterfly breathing 109 radiant color therapy 122-136
channeling 171 121 crystals 116-117
language of 59
directing your dreams reading an object's energies 106, 108
meanings of 60
71 energies 57 psychic 106
dowsing for water 99
exploring your aura 43
receiving spirit
messages 145
G self- 108
with sound 116
Gardening, psychic 111
finding lost objects 101 receiving unseen spiritual 103
Ghost, freeing a 152
group force 38 images 52 Health, affirmation for
Gold aura 45
healing circle of color relaxation 23 34
Gray aura 45
121 remote viewing 55 Hearing 20
healing with a crystal sacred space 140 Heart
aura 44
113 sensing energy of chakra 29-31, 47, 115
chakra 47
healing a plant 110 plants 58 line 95
healing with 128
healing powers 107 shamanism 140 Hexagrams 80-83
Group force 38
hearing 20 sight 19
Guardian angel 148,
imaginary journey 64 sing to your chakras I
invoking your 117 1 Ching 80-83
in\()king 161
guardian angel 161 smell 20 Images
a divining rod sting like a bee 109
talk to your angel 151
H in dreams 55
receiving unseen 52
I land shape 94-95
perception shifting 40 taste 21 Imaginary journey 64
Happiness, iiffirmation
powering your crystal thought energy 37 Imaging the aura 42
for 34
113 touch 21 Indigo
Head line 95
program your using a scrying tool 91 aura 45
chakra 47 Mascots 158 Perception shifting tea leaves 92-93
healing with I'M Meditation 22-25, 164 exercise 40 Receiving
Interpretation of dreams angelic 151 Pets, psychic 74 images 52
67. (i8 and music 116 Pink aura 44 spirit messages
Intuition 14 Medium(s) 17, 142, 168 PK see psychokinesis 145-147
Moon-gazing exercise 19 Plants Red
J Moving objects 38 aina 44
Journal, psvchic 10 Music and meditation 25, energy of 58 chiikra 47
Jung, Carl (i4 116 healing yoin 110-111 healing w ith 1 22
Mysticism 164 Poltergeist 152 Relaxation, exercise for
K Myths 64 Positixe thought 34-37 23
Karma Ihd Prana 22, 107, 108 Remote \ iew ing 54-55

Karmic will 32 N Pranic energy 28 Runes, reading 96-97

Kilner, Dr Walter 42 Names, analyzing 103 Precognition 62-63
Kirlian, Semyon and Numbers of destiny 102 P rospe r i t y, a ff i r ma t i on s
Valentina 42 Numerology 102 for 34 Sacral chakia 29-31, 47,
Koan 24 Psychic 115

o focus 41 Sacred space 140

L Objects, energy from 56 healing 106 Scrying 90
Layers ol the aura 4(i Odin 96 Journ.d 10 tool 91

Life line 95 Orange types of 1 Self-healing 108

Light, in meditation 25 aura 45 Psychometry 56-57 Senses 18
Love, affirmation for 34 chakra 47 Pyschokinesis 36 Shaman(s) 17, 106,

Lucid dreaming 70 healing with 124 140-141

Ouija board 43 R Shankar, Riivi 120

REM sleep 66 Sight 18

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi P Reading Silver aura 45

26 Palms, reading 94-95 object's energy 57 Sixth sense 15

Mandala 27 Pendulum, using 100-101 palms 94-95 see also Intuition
Mantra, for mc^ditation runes 96-97 Skillful will 32

Smell 14
(->(> energy

.52- 54
Solar plexus ch.ikta Throat chakra 29-31
aura 45
2M-31, 47, 114 47, 114
chakra 47
Sound, h(!a]in<i with lid Touch 21
healing with 1 26
Spirit Tra ns( en dental
Yin and yang 80
guide 144 Medit.uion 2fi

m(;ssaf;(vs, re( cix ng


V z
Zener telepathy test 50,
Spiritual h(;.iling 105 \'iol(^t
Strong will '52 atir.j 45
Zener, Karl 50
Success, affirmation lor chakra 47
Zodiac, signs 78-79
A4 he.ding w ith 1 54

Swann, 1 ngo 54 \' ision, third-eve 41

X'isualization 65, 71, 72

T of ( hakras 117
TM se(; 'Fr.mst (Midental of Colors 120-121

Meditation e\(!rcis(! ,50

Talismans 158 karmic path \h7

Ta rot sell-healing 109
c.irds h4

Celtic Cross spread iW w

major an an<i Hh-H7 \Vat(n- (element) 78
rciading 84 Water, dowsing for 99
simple spread 85 White
Taste 21 aura 45
Tea leaves, reading 92-9.5 healing with 13(i

T(;l(;p<ithv 50, 52-53 Will, four types of 32

I liird-('\(r \ ision 41

Author acknouiedgnients Picture credits

Many grateful thanks go to: the dedicated team at page 9 Getty Images; page 15 (left) Jules Selmes; page 27
Carroll & Brown; Derek Hawkins for his assistance AUM, digital image by Judith Cornell Ph.D., award-uinning
in the Astrology page; and my husband Rupert, both author oi Mand^da Luminous Symbols for HeaUng,
for assistance wkh the healing section, and for his ww\\; page 32 (left) Telegraph
continuous loving support. Colour Libran.', (second left) Art Wolfe SPL; page 40 Museo
For more mformation on the School of Insight and Dali, Figueras, Spain Index Bridgeman Art Librans*

Intuition see wwnv.

f Salvador Dali, Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation, DACS,
London 2001; page 42 Manfred Kage Science Photo Librar\';

page 75 Sue Baker Science Photo Library; page 86

Carroll & Brou n would like to thank:
The Charles Walker Collection; page 87 The Charles Walker
Additional design assistance Roland Codd, Collection; page 112 Elgin and Hall, customer helpline
Emily Cook, Justin Ford 01677 450100; page 143 Getty Images;
page 147 (second left) Jules Selmes; page 149 Profile by
Additional editorial assistance Tom Brodcr
Odilon Redon 1840-1916, Christies Bridgeman Art Library;
Illustrations fitrgen Ziewc page 170-1 David Parker Science Photo Library
(pages 30-1. 34-5, 73, 140-1. 145, 160-1)

Production Manager Karol Davics Text credit

page 170 A. Baily, A Treatise on White Magic (^Lucius Press)

Production Controller Nigel Read

Computer Management Paul Stradling

Even.' effon has been made to trace the copyright holders of the back cover
Picture Researcher Sandra Schneider image (right), and also pages 162, 167. We apologize in advance for any
omissions and would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgment
Indexer Madeline Weston in any subsequent edition of this publication.
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