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Geological Modeling – User Guide

Datamine Studio
Geological Modeling

User Guide

Edition 2.0

This documentation is confidential and may not be reproduced or shown to third parties
without the written permission of Mineral Industries Computing Limited.

Copyright: Mineral Industries Computing Limited – 2004

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Table of Contents

1 Model Structure within Datamine Studio ............................................................................... 1

1.1 Cell Size .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Filling plane .................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Defining the Model ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 The Model Fields ............................................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 Defining The Model Origin .................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 Defining The Extent Of The Model........................................................................ 5
1.4.3 Other Fields............................................................................................................. 5
2 Modeling Techniques.............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Unconstrained Modeling................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Constrained Modeling..................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Modeling Using Perimeters .................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Modeling Using Wireframes................................................................................. 10
3 Structure Modeling ............................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Surface Topography...................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Seams ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.1 Technique 1; Make DTM...................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Technique 2; String Linking ................................................................................. 13
3.3 Massive Deposits .......................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Intrusive Features.......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Open Surfaces such as Faults and Supergene Horizons. ............................................. 15
4 Combining Models................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Model Requirements ..................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Attribute Fields ............................................................................................................. 17
4.3 Combining Cells ........................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Optimizing a Model ...................................................................................................... 19
5 Grade Estimation .................................................................................................................. 19

Geological Modeling – User Guide

1 Model Structure within Datamine Studio

The purpose of a geological model is to accurately represent not just the grades of a deposit, but
also its boundaries and internal structures.

A Datamine geological model is composed of rectangular blocks, or cells, each of which has
attributes such as grades, rock types, oxidization codes, etc.

Though many cell shapes, such as polygons, distorted cubes, mathematical surfaces and
triangulations are possible none is completely general in application. The simplest form of
three-dimensional model consists of a rectangular grid in which each cell has the same
dimensions. This is also the most commonly used type of model because it lends itself well to
efficient handling in a computer.

For some deposits there can be elegant solutions to the problem of representing grades and
geological boundaries. A comprehensive modeling system such as Datamine Studio however
requires a method that is applicable without modification to the widest possible range of
deposits. The solution is to use a block model that allows rectangular cells of different

Cross section through a geological model

geological No Cells
boundaries (air)

Parent Cells


Geological Modeling – User Guide

1.1 Cell Size

A Parent cell is the largest cell allowed in a model. The size of these cells is defined by the user
and should be based on several factors such as the drillhole spacing, mining method, and the
geological structures hosting the ore. Where the model needs greater definition, such as within
thin seams or at the edges of boundaries, it is possible to subdivide the parent cells into smaller
subcells. The degree of parent cell splitting is controlled by the user.

A significant advantage of Datamine modeling is that it is not necessary to create a cell in every
position within the model. Only regions of interest, such as a mineralized zone, need be






1.2 Filling plane

Cell splitting can be done along any axis in the model. When using a constraining boundary,
such as a perimeter or wireframe, it is necessary to define a filling plane to control the direction
of the cell splitting. For example, if the filling plane is set to 'XY' then the process will create
the specified number of subcells in both the X and Y directions. In the third axis the cell size
will be calculated using seam filling. With seam filling the cell dimension is set automatically
so that it precisely fits the perimeter or wireframe boundary. Careful selection of the filling
plane is therefore important in providing the best possible modeling of geological boundaries.

Geological Modeling – User Guide







Geological Modeling – User Guide
Datamine stores the exact length of each cell in the X, Y and Z directions in 3 separate fields.
This approach allows cells to be created with no cell dimension restrictions.

1.3 Defining the Model

Before creating a model it is necessary to define the region it will represent and the size of the
parent cells it will contain. This information is stored in a model prototype file. This prototype
can be an existing model or a new file created using the process PROTOM (Models | Create
Model | Define Prototype). A model prototype can also be described as an empty model.

1.4 The Model Fields

Datamine requires the following numeric fields in every model file. Note that instead of east,
north and elevation Datamine uses the generic names 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. This is because it is
possible to align models to a local grid instead of the true coordinate grid. These fields are all
created by the PROTOM process.

Field Name Explicit or Implicit Description

XMORIG Implicit Easting coordinate of the model origin
YMORIG Implicit Northing coordinate of the model origin
ZMORIG Implicit RL coordinate of the model origin
NX Implicit Number of parent cells in the X direction
NY Implicit Number of parent cells in the Y direction
NZ Implicit Number of parent cells in the Z direction
XINC Explicit or Implicit X axis cell dimension
YINC Explicit or Implicit Y axis cell dimension
ZINC Explicit or Implicit Z axis cell dimension
XC Explicit X coordinate of the cell centre
YC Explicit Y coordinate of the cell centre
ZC Explicit Z coordinate of the cell centre
IJK Explicit Used by Datamine to position parent cells
within the model. Each Parent cell will have
a unique IJK value. Subcells that lie within
the same parent cell will have the same IJK

Geological Modeling – User Guide

1.4.1 Defining The Model Origin

Datamine sets the origin with respect to the corner of the first parent cell and NOT its centroid.

1.4.2 Defining The Extent Of The Model

The extent of the model in the X, Y, and Z directions is defined by the number of cells allowed
in each direction (NX,NY,NZ) in combination with the parent cell dimensions and the model

As an example, if a model had the following XMORIG, XINC, and NX values:

XMORIG = 45000
XINC = 10
NX = 100

The range of easting (X) values covered would be 45000 (XMORIG) to 46000

1.4.3 Other Fields

In addition to the standard Datamine model fields, the model will contain any extra fields
necessary to define the deposit. These fields are generally made up of a mixture of grade,
lithology, and density fields. Other common field types include dollar fields for polymetalic
deposits and grade estimation fields recording values such as kriging variance.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

2 Modeling Techniques

Several techniques can be used to create models in Datamine. The choice depends on the
complexity of the geology, the degree of precision required and the amount of time and
resources available for the modeling.

2.1 Unconstrained Modeling

The quickest way to build a model is to create the cells using an interpolation process. For
interpolation it is necessary to define an empty model prototype, provide some assay data and a
set of suitable interpolation parameters. As the interpolation process runs, it scans the centroid
of each potential cell to ascertain the number of valid assays occurring within the search radius.
If the assays do not satisfy the interpolation conditions, the process moves on to the next cell
position without creating a cell. When enough assays that satisfy the interpolation constraints
are present the process creates a cell at that position in the model and assigns it the interpolated

The main disadvantage of this technique is that it is not possible to accurately model geological

This approach is typically used when modeling high tonnage, low grade, disseminated deposits
such as Porphyry Copper style mineralization.

2.2 Constrained Modeling

For better control over the shape and position of structures it is necessary to include a geological
interpretation. This interpretation can take the form of perimeters which define various
boundaries of interest, or if more precision is required, a series of wireframed surfaces.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

2.2.1 Modeling Using Perimeters

A geological interpretation consists of section or plan drawings showing structure and mineral
boundaries. These can be created within Datamine using interactive graphics in the Design
Window, or by hand over hardcopy plots which can be digitized at a later date.

As the strings are digitized codes or attributes should be assigned to distinguish the different
zones and or rock types. Datamine can later assign these to the cells created in the block model.
Examples of attribute fields include COLOUR, ROCKTYPE, ZONE, WEATHER and OXIDE.

Using the interactive graphics in the Design Window, perimeter points can be snapped at the
precise three-dimensional coordinates of selected drillhole intervals.

For Datamine to fill the strings with cells they must form closed areas or perimeters. Ensure that
adjacent boundaries abut up against each other with no gaps or overlaps. The string editing
utilities under the Design menu can be used to automatically generate outlines from open
overlapping strings. This means that common boundaries need to be digitized only once.

Note that perimeters can be digitized in a clockwise or anticlockwise manner.

Once the strings are loaded into the Design Window they can be easily view and edited.
Verifying the string positions and coding is critical because any incorrect values at this point
may significantly influence the validity of the final model. Some techniques used for
verification include;

ƒ Generating statistics on the strings using the STATS and PROPER processes.
ƒ Plotting the string position and attributes.
ƒ Viewing the data in three-dimensions in the Visualizer Window.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Filling Perimeters with cells

Building block models with strings is completed using the PERFIL command (Models | Create
Model | Fill Perimeters with cells). This process requires that the perimeters be planar and lie in
the 'XY', 'XZ' or 'YZ' plane. If the perimeters do not meet any of these conditions, it will be
necessary to create a wireframe and fill the wireframe with cells.

As well as filling perimeters with cells PERFIL creates cells perpendicular to the perimeters.
The projection distance defined is generally set to half the section spacing. Care must be taken
to ensure that the values used do not create gaps or overlapping cells between the sections.

This method works best when the geological structure lies approximately along the orthogonal
axis and the sections are closely spaced.

Checking the Model

Once the model is created it should be checked to ensure that the cell filling has gone as
expected. This can be done visually by viewing various sections through the model at different
orientations interactively in the Design Window.

The following flowsheet shows the steps for creating a model constrained by perimeters.

Load the drillhole data set into the

Design Window and then view it in
section. Colors or filters can be used to
identify the assay and lithology codes for
each sample interval.

Adjust the view so that the screen lies at

a selected section position. Set the
clipping distances for both sides of the
section plane to remove holes that lie
outside the influence of this section. The
clipping distances are typically halfway
to the next section.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Using the color coded samples digitize

the geological interpretation on the
screen. If the region is to be filled with
model cells the strings must be closed.
Multiple zones on the same section can
be defined by coding them using color or
any other attribute.

Once the section is complete move the

screen position to the next section and
digitize another set of strings. Continue
this procedure until all the sections are

Fill the planar strings with cells using the

PERFIL process. View the model in
plan or section to ensure that the filling
has produced the expected result.

Geological Modeling – User Guide
2.2.2 Modeling Using Wireframes

The most precise way to define a geological boundary in three-dimensions is with a wireframed
surface or wireframed solid. Both are essentially the same except that wireframe solids enclose a
volume while a wireframe surface is open. They may also differ in the techniques employed to
create them. The use of wireframes, while giving more precision than perimeters, will require a
thorough knowledge of how the deposit behaves in three-dimensions.

The starting point for solid wireframe modeling is usually a series of perimeters outlining the
geology. These perimeters need not be planar and may lie at any orientation. They must not
however overlap in three dimensions with themselves (forming a knot or 'twisted bowtie' shape)
or with adjacent perimeters.

Checking The Wireframes

Once the perimeters have been created, the string linking commands available under the
Wireframes menu can be used to create the wireframe. The resulting wireframe must be checked
carefully to ensure that all the links are valid and they represent the desired surface. This can be
done by viewing slices through the wireframe at various orientations or by viewing the complete
wireframe in the Visualizer Window. Another technique is to use the wireframe-intersections
function to find wireframe overlaps. A valid wireframe will not generate any intersection lines.

The wireframe can be filled with cells using the process TRIFIL (Models | Create Model | Fill
Wireframe with Cells). An appropriate filling plane and subcell size based on the shape of the
wireframe should be defined.

The main advantages of this method over perimeters include.

ƒ The resultant models are more precise in that they more accurately reflect geological
structures and zones.
ƒ The wireframe can be sliced at any orientation.
ƒ The wireframe slices can be converted to strings allowing the creation of a new set of
perimeters in a new orientation.
ƒ Wireframe volumes can be calculated quickly and easily.
ƒ Wireframes offer the clearest and most graphic way to display designs.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Use the string linking commands under the

Wireframes menu to create links between sections.

Once completed it is important to check the

wireframe. This can be done by viewing it from
several directions with hidden lines deleted or slicing
the wireframe to produce various section profiles.

Fill the wireframe with cells using the TRIFIL

process. Viewed in section the model is checked to
ensure that the filling has produced the expected

Wireframe surfaces can be built and updated far more quickly than wireframe solids and can be
generated from hanging wall and foot wall contacts.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

3 Structure Modeling

Complex geological models often contain separate structures such as different lithology,
intrusives and surface topography. Managing all these and building them into the model
simultaneously can be both difficult and time-consuming. In addition, if a change is made to one
boundary position it may be necessary to repeat the whole modeling process. To overcome this
problem create a separate model for each of the different structures. For example, build separate
models for the dyke and the host rock through which it has intruded. Construct the final model
by adding them so that the dyke is superimposed over the host rock. Should it be necessary to
refine the position of the dyke, build a new dyke model and add it again over the original host
rock model.

3.1 Surface Topography

Topography wireframe surfaces are built using the Wireframes | Interactive DTM creation |
Make DTM (md) command. It is possible to create a DTM from contour strings, point data,
closed boundary perimeters or any combination of the three. Once built the TRIFIL process is
used to fill a model below the surface with cells

3.2 Seams

Modeling of seams is similar to that of the surface topography. A topographic surface can
actually be considered as a seam of air overlying the rock. For this reason the techniques used
for modeling are similar to those given in the previous section. The main difference is that now
there are two or more surfaces to consider.

As with surface topography the technique used for creating the seam model depends primarily on
the nature of the data available and the complexity of the seam. Two techniques and the
conditions for their use are outlined as follows;

3.2.1 Technique 1; Make DTM

Build a surface using the Wireframes | Interactive DTM creation | Make DTM (md) command
and then use TRIFIL (Models | Create Model | Fill Wireframe with Cells) to fill wireframe with

This method should be used when:

ƒ Point and/or string data (drillhole intersections, surface contours)

ƒ Information extends over the full model
ƒ Simple surfaces (no overhangs)

Geological Modeling – User Guide
3.2.2 Technique 2; String Linking
Build a surface using the string linking commands under the Wireframes menu (Wireframes |
Linking) menu and then use TRIFIL to fill wireframe with cells

This technique should be used when:

ƒ String data (interpolated sections)

ƒ Information extends over the full model
ƒ Complex surfaces (any orientation, overhangs)

Whatever technique is used if there are multiple seams each must be modelled separately and
assigned the desired attributes and grades. Add the individual models using ADDMOD (Models
| Manipulate Models | Add Two Block Models) to produce the final combined model.

3.3 Massive Deposits

Massive deposits hosting disseminated mineralization often exhibit few clear contacts or
boundaries defining the extent of the mineralization. Alternatively the boundary i.e. pluton
contact may lie outside the zone of interest. In such cases the model can be considered as
unconstrained. Cells can be created using the interpolation process ESTIMA (Models |
Interpolate Grade | Interpolate Grades into Model). A menu driven version of the process called
ESTIMATE (Models | Interpolate Grade | Interpolate Grades from Menu) can be used as an
alternative to the raw batch command.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Interpolating values into models

Empty prototype model Prototype model with cells

Interpolation Process Interpolation Process

Cells created in search ellipse No new cells created

Geological Modeling – User Guide
There are two approaches for building a model with an interpolation process;

ƒ Fill the model prototype completely with cells using the PERFIL or TRIFIL processes.
Use this model as the prototype for an interpolation process to assign grades to cells.
Cells that do not satisfy the constraints for grade interpolation are left with undefined
ƒ Use ESTIMA or ESTIMATE to interpolate grades into an empty prototype to create cells
(unconstrained estimation).

3.4 Intrusive Features

Generally, intrusive features have distinct boundaries that can be interpolated from the drillhole
information. The first step is to digitize a set of sectional outlines then create a wireframe and
fill it with cells.

3.5 Open Surfaces such as Faults and Supergene Horizons.

Open surfaces are best represented using wireframes. As this is another case of surface
modeling the techniques used for creating these wireframes are very similar to those used for
topographic wireframes.

While creating a fault plane wireframe is generally easy, including it in the geological block
model is a more involved procedure. Rather than filling a volume with cells the cells are created
on one side of a wireframe. Use the TRIFIL process and select an east, west, north or south
filling direction. Assign a unique zone code to the cells so that they can be identified later.

Another way in which a fault wireframe can be used is to display it as a slice overlaying it on
geological sections. This shows the precise three-dimensional position of the fault which can be
used in the geological interpretation.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Using wireframe slices to display fault boundaries

Slice through surface

topography wireframe
Slices through fault
surface wireframes

Digitized geological

4 Combining Models

The ability to combine models is a powerful tool. As well as providing the ability to create
complex models in simple stages, it also allows the updating and extension of existing models.

4.1 Model Requirements

To combine two models using the process ADDMOD (Models | Manipulate Models | Add Two
Block Models) both input models must have the same model definition (i.e. the same origin,
parent cell dimensions and number of cells). They must also be sorted on the IJK field.

If the two models do not have the same model definition it is necessary to change the definition
of one of the models. The easiest way to do this is by using the process SLIMOD (Models |
Manipulate Model | Put Model onto a New Prototype). It is necessary to supply this process
with the model to be changed and a model prototype file describing the new model format. The
model prototype is created using the process PROTOM or, more conveniently, use an existing
model as the prototype.

Geological Modeling – User Guide

4.2 Attribute Fields

Any attribute fields such as lithology or grades are handled according to the following rules;

ƒ If the fields are unique to each input model then all these fields are written to the output
model. Those fields that do not get a value from either of the input models are set to
absent data (-).

ƒ If the same fields exist in both input models the 2nd model overwrites the common fields
in the 1st model.

4.3 Combining Cells

When models are added, the cells are first compared to find how they overlap.

ƒ If cells do not overlap, or overlap exactly, then no cell splitting is performed and only the
cell attributes are updated.
ƒ If the cells partially overlap then they are split along each cell boundary before updating
the attribute fields. As the resulting cells must be rectangular the splitting will continue
throughout the full length of a cell.

Adding Cells Using ADDMOD

Parent Cell 1

Combined Cell

Parent Cell 2

Geological Modeling – User Guide

Building a full geological model by combining

individual models

Seam 1 Seam 2




Model A Model B
Final Model
NOTE: the direction of the arrow
denotes the order in which the
models are added (e.g. A is
added on top of B)

Geological Modeling – User Guide

4.4 Optimizing a Model

When adding two models together the new output model may contain more cells than either of
the input models. This is a result of the cells being split along smaller subcell boundaries. If the
new model is becoming too large due to all the new cells the process PROMOD (Models |
Manipulate Model | Optimise Block Model) can be used to combine model cells according to a
set of constraints.

It is also possible to minimize the creation of small cells during modeling. In the PERFIL and
TRIFIL processes set the @RESOL parameter to define the smallest cell size allowed. This in
effect forces the subcelling in the seam filling direction to be completed using subcell splitting
by rounding the cell lengths to a minimum set fraction of the parent cell dimension. As an
example for parent cell length of 10 in the Z direction and a RESOL value of 10, the minimum
cell length in the Z direction allowed will be 1/10 i.e. 1 metre.

5 Grade Estimation

Grade estimation is the process of estimating cell values (eg. block model cells) based on a set of
three-dimensional sample data. This information usually takes the form of drillholes, surface
samples or underground grab samples. There are several mathematical techniques available for
doing the interpolation.

For more information on grade estimation refer to the Grade Estimation User Guide.


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