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MONDAY 11/15


Class time: 9:49-10:34 (45 min)

Teacher: Avani Gandhi

Overview: Students will work on finding equations for their lines. They will also contribute to
create a rubric for the project. Domain will also be introduced

Understand that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set of all its solutions plotted in the
coordinate plane, often forming a curve (which could be a line).

Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative relationship it
describes. For example, if the function h(n) gives the number of person-hours it takes to assemble n
engines in a factory, then the positive integers would be an appropriate domain for the function.*

Students will define what the domain of a function is and state why it is important for their graph.
Students will graph linear functions.

Desmos lesson on domain
Feedback worksheet
Exit Ticket Google form
Exit Ticket Document

Desmos competition
Help getting started on Desmos
Polygonal art examples

OPTIONAL: Idea share/critique [8 min]

● Let’s see the examples that you came up with!
● Ask groups to meet up with another group and share their ideas
● SWITCH at 4 minutes

Domain (direct teaching) [15 min]

● If you graph a line on Desmos, are we graphing a line or a line segment?
○ What is the difference between a line and a line segment?
■ Lines go on forever!
● I need to teach you how to limit these values, so I need to teach you a brief overview of
● You will learn about functions later, but for now, let’s say functions have inputs and
○ So in a line, I enter in an “x” value, and I’m getting a “y” value back
○ These together let me plot a point, in a line I’m plotting an infinite number of
○ My inputs are called the domain
○ If I don’t want to graph all of my line, I just want to use a certain number of inputs
and outputs
○ So I need to restrict my domain
● Teacher side of Desmos lesson on domain
● Go over how to do this on Desmos
○ My example:
○ Regular Desmos calculator:
○ Graph line y=2x+4
○ Restrict domain- x is between 0 and 10

Work time [rest of class]

● Check on students
● Pass out exit ticket

Exit ticket [in time with rest of class]

● Exit Ticket
○ What does your design look like?
○ What is a domain?
○ How does domain help us with our drawing?
○ What is the link to your Desmos graph?

Homework: Should have a full outlined graph by Wednesday (Day 4)

Teacher homework: Give feedback on exit tickets. Make sure students have an understanding
of domain.
Day 2

Algebra 1

★ Peer feedback

★ New topic: Domain

★ Work time
What is good critique?

★ What does critique mean?

★ Advice: Telling someone what you think they should do.

★ Evaluation: Telling someone how “good” or “bad” the work is.
★ Feedback: Giving someone information that they can use to achieve their goals.

★ Does this graph look feasible to graph on Desmos?

★ Is the graph pretty?

★ What suggestions do you have for your peers going forward in the project?
New skill alert: Domain!!

★ Miss Gandhi’s example

★ Desmos
Miss G’s kite example

Help getting started on Desmos

Polygonal art
★ Come to class with an
outlined graph
Peer Feedback Name _________________________________

Advice: Telling someone what you think they should do.
Evaluation: Telling someone how “good” or “bad” the work is.
Feedback: Giving someone information that they can use to achieve their goals.

What is a piece of feedback you gave a different group?

What is a piece of feedback a group gave you?

How are you going to revise your project/How will this feedback help you going forward?
Exit Ticket Day #2 Name ______________________________

What design did you choose for your project? Tell me about it!

What is a domain?

How does domain help us with our project?

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